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Slate Article: Why Liberals Shouldn't Home School

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I submit that articles about homeschooling should be introduced with this poll, to be answered by the author.


I believe homeschooling is like:


1. Groovy. Now kids let's take of our shoes and walk in the grass and smell the flowers. We'll do this all day.


2. Praise Jesus! Now kids let's get out your bibles and we'll pray and do our entire day with the word of the Lord.


At least then we'd know which stereotype they believe. :tongue_smilie:


Love this. LOL. :lol:

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I don't even bother responding to articles like this anymore. Last time another commenter refused to even acknowledge me as a homeschooler because I don't do everything from scratch. Even worse, we reserve the right to use resources outside of the home. :ohmy: He simply couldn't comprehend the difference between handpicking outside resources and sending a child to school outright, while (of course) simultaneously arguing that it was impossible for homeschooling parents to manage to "teach" everything themselves. :001_rolleyes:


Everyone is an expert. It does get tiresome, doesn't it?

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So, you should be able to slander liberals without being slammed yourself? I would write a comment that I found vastly amusing, but I wouldn't want to "slam" you.


I don't think hubby was slandering liberals. I think he was suggesting that the schools tend toward more liberal content. Not so much a concern of mine. He has never gotten completely past the year our daughter spent on various units devoted to An Incovenient Truth without covering any other science objectives.


As for myself, I do recognize validity to the suggestion that students/families with the means to leave the public system doing so may hurt those left behind. When we left the system we took with us two adults volunteering a large number of hours, plus grandma doing so often and a lot of monetary contributions. I see schools in our area where the brain and bucks drain is creating some real problems.


However, I found what others here have said. Parental input is not wanted and the choice between the greater good and doing what was right for our child became too much.

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I probably shouldn't share this at risk of being slammed but I couldn't help but laugh.


Hubby walked by and casually asked what I was doing. I respond, "Oh, just looking at an article titled Why Liberals Shouldn't Home School."


His response = "Because they would have to pay for an education and materials they already can access for free?"


He is not progressive....


I don't think hubby was slandering liberals. I think he was suggesting that the schools tend toward more liberal content. Not so much a concern of mine. He has never gotten completely past the year our daughter spent on various units devoted to An Incovenient Truth without covering any other science objectives.


I think people today are often misled as to what it means to be a liberal. Being a *real* liberal has more to do with one's approach to how to solve problems versus subscribing to a certain dogmatic set of criteria. I can see how this would be confusing to conservatives.

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I think people today are often misled as to what it means to be a liberal. Being a *real* liberal has more to do with one's approach to how to solve problems versus subscribing to a certain dogmatic set of criteria. I can see how this would be confusing to conservatives.


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And gosh I don't know anyone in either of those categories.


I do! There are tons of both around me. Especially the groovy types.


I tried out a groovy, AP-type doctors' office for my kids once. I couldn't take it. Also why I couldn't join the local homeschooling co-op.

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I think people today are often misled as to what it means to be a liberal. Being a *real* liberal has more to do with one's approach to how to solve problems versus subscribing to a certain dogmatic set of criteria. I can see how this would be confusing to conservatives.


I think this could also be said of many conservatives, really.

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You know, the ironic thing is my husband and I consider ps' to be the domain of The Establishment. It's our opinion that ps is increasingly "right-leaning" in many areas, from U.S. history perspectives, to economic education.


I pity the author--it's apparent he's entered into early senility, if he believes ps is anything less than antagonistic towards liberal parents and their children.


If I could talk to him I'd say, here's how it works. The system is rigged, and its aim is to run public schools like a corporation, where teachers are reduced to mid-level managers, and the "workers" are expected to produce, produce, produce (in the form of standardized test scores), in order to assure a steady stream of income (in the form of state and local funding). Creativity is squelched, the liberal domain of arts and music is systematically slashed as "fluff," not to mention that science education is on life support, stripped of it objectivity, thanks to initiatives and propositions meant to curb "liberal propaganda."


I have no desire to have my son to become just educated enough to take his place among the semi-literate workforce, competing against overseas outsourcing, and feeling lucky if he's one of the dwindling numbers who can still access the health care system.


And you think I should send my child, with my liberal values, into that?


Mister, hell-to-the-no.

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I don't even bother responding to articles like this anymore. Last time another commenter refused to even acknowledge me as a homeschooler because I don't do everything from scratch. Even worse, we reserve the right to use resources outside of the home. :ohmy: He simply couldn't comprehend the difference between handpicking outside resources and sending a child to school outright, while (of course) simultaneously arguing that it was impossible for homeschooling parents to manage to "teach" everything themselves. :001_rolleyes:


Isn't it amazing when people who have no connection with homeschooling know more about what homeschooling really is than you do? :001_rolleyes:


It's like the woman on my Facebook who explained to me that pure homeschooling means the child has no contact with people outside of the family, and that my kids' friends and outside activities mean that we have modified homeschooling in a special way.

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You know what irritates me? The idea that whatever a liberal is, involves having loads of money and being white, unreligious, and well educated.


As the mother of a school aged boy, I am quite worried about how boys fare in school.


Secondly I want to recommend Tavis Smiley's show Too Important To Fail. While it focusses on black high school aged boys, it was really good to see people working towards something as well as examples of the effect of collosal failure, such as by interviewing young men in juvy. I found it really thoughtful. One of the interviewees believes black boys are basically the canary in the coalmine foretelling the future for all kids.



You can watch it here



It's got nothing to do with homeschooling per se.


It's not just totally depressing, by the way!

Edited by stripe
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Wait, don't liberals have an obligation to homeschool so that not everyone who homeschools is conservative?




Homeschooling makes strange bedfellows.


There's so much loopy logic in this article i don't even know where to start, other than to say we were poor as dirt when we started HSing and the HSing family I knew as a child, that inspired me to HS my own kids, was very poor. In fact I never met affluent homeschoolers until I moved to a major city.

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I refuse to read this article as it will make my brain bleed. ;)


I think that anyone who would equate political affiliation to educational/homeschool style/philosophy is a flat out idiot.


I am an individual, my family is a unique unit and my choices about all sorts of things are all over the map. Don't paint me into a little box, A-h*le.:glare:

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I submit that articles about homeschooling should be introduced with this poll, to be answered by the author.


I believe homeschooling is like:


1. Groovy. Now kids let's take of our shoes and walk in the grass and smell the flowers. We'll do this all day.


2. Praise Jesus! Now kids let's get out your bibles and we'll pray and do our entire day with the word of the Lord.


At least then we'd know which stereotype they believe. :tongue_smilie:


See, but I would make their head explode with our old morning routine of Bible study then Nature walk! LOL

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I refuse to read this article as it will make my brain bleed. ;)


I think that anyone who would equate political affiliation to educational/homeschool style/philosophy is a flat out idiot.


I am an individual, my family is a unique unit and my choices about all sorts of things are all over the map. Don't paint me into a little box, A-h*le.:glare:


Preach it!

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I refuse to read this article as it will make my brain bleed. ;)


I think that anyone who would equate political affiliation to educational/homeschool style/philosophy is a flat out idiot.


I am an individual, my family is a unique unit and my choices about all sorts of things are all over the map. Don't paint me into a little box, A-h*le.:glare:


Amen, and or religious affiliation/ preference. :D

See, but I would make their head explode with our old morning routine of Bible study then Nature walk! LOL


Obviously they have never heard of Charlotte Mason. :rolleyes:

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Real liberals don't care about fixing broken systems. Real liberals believe in finding a new way, a way that *works* and doing that.


This "real conservative" believes in finding a new way or a way that *works* and doing that too.


The difference (as I see it) is whether the individual(s) should be finding the way(s) or the government(s). I prefer the individual(s) most of the time.


Whether one chooses to homeschool, private school or public school should be up to them. I break from the true conservative view in that I'm ok with the government trying to ensure all students get an education.

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That's not necessarily correct. I live in a diverse and progressive state with many diverse and progressive school districts who have some pretty terrible educational outcomes. Unless progressive is becoming a dog whistle for wealthy, because we have many relatively progressive school districts with terrific educational outcomes, but, then they aren't diverse.


Also, apparently because some parents can't homeschool, no one should. I happen to agree that homeschooling isn't the best choice for every family...but it also isn't the wrong choice for every family.




How many kids actually live in one of the most diverse and progressive school districts in the United States? Just like not every parent has the option to homeschool, not every parent has the option of awesome public schools. Even if they did, the fact that some people have benefited from awesome schools doesn't mean everyone must attend them...

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I have so been feeling this way lately!


Private schools probably do insult some people.


I was complimented on my children last week until the person learned I homeschool. Then he said I should consider putting them in school...it's not that bad. Whatever....:glare:



It's not that bad?? Wow, that's a ringing endorsement. Sign me up!

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That has been 100% true in my experience. All of my dd17's schools (she has been in three; one closed, and then she moved from middle school to high school) have been all rah-rah about parental involvement, but as soon as we have criticized anything they do or made suggestions for different ways of doing things, we have been tuned out.


Teachers know best, remember. They have college degrees in teaching! And besides, with the large numbers of kids with which schools are dealing, crowd control is a big issue.




and apparently Nutrition too as they now can inspect and reject a child's lunch!! :glare:

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I made the mistake of reading some of the comments on the Slate website. I wonder why so many people care so much how we educate our children? I'm not a fan of schools but I don't go around writing articles or making nasty comments about why people shouldn't send their kids to school. I think people should make whatever choice they think is best, and it's really none of my business.





Because they are not secure in their own decision to send their kids to public school. Because there are a lot of people in the USA that think every kid should have the exact same opportunities. Everything should be fair and equal.

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Because they are not secure in their own decision to send their kids to public school. Because there are a lot of people in the USA that think every kid should have the exact same opportunities. Everything should be fair and equal.


I think the schools should be relatively fair and equal. The fact that they aren't the least bit fair or equal is one of my biggest problems with the system.

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Does anyone else think of Auntie Mame when you hear the term progressive school?


:lol: I suppose that means we have not been progressively schooling since we convinced the (then) 3yo to keep his clothes on! :lol:

Edited by BLA5
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This "real conservative" believes in finding a new way or a way that *works* and doing that too.


The difference (as I see it) is whether the individual(s) should be finding the way(s) or the government(s). I prefer the individual(s) most of the time..


This is me, too.

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This "real conservative" believes in finding a new way or a way that *works* and doing that too.


The difference (as I see it) is whether the individual(s) should be finding the way(s) or the government(s). I prefer the individual(s) most of the time.


Whether one chooses to homeschool, private school or public school should be up to them. I break from the true conservative view in that I'm ok with the government trying to ensure all students get an education.


This has nothing to do with being a conservative. Maybe a small-government Republican or a mostly-Libertarian, but it doesn't fit the generally accepted meaning of conservative.

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Real liberals don't care about fixing broken systems. Real liberals believe in finding a new way, a way that *works* and doing that.


article, but as a general truism, it's not accurate.


Modern American liberalism is very much about trying to fix, or in my opinion, prop up failing institutions. That might not be your idea of liberalism, though. I'm not attacking liberals or liberalism here, just trying to be accurate.



Here's a great article written by Walter Russel Mead that discusses this:


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Stacy, democrats are not liberals. Liberals are not socialists. The media has muddled this to an extreme degree. It is understandable that people are confused.


I am referring to the actual definition of what it means to be a liberal, "Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values." Instead of values you could insert ideas or institutions. This is not merely my opinion.

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Stacy, democrats are not liberals. Liberals are not socialists. The media has muddled this to an extreme degree. It is understandable that people are confused.


I am referring to the actual definition of what it means to be a liberal, "Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values." Instead of values you could insert ideas or institutions. This is not merely my opinion.


muddle. People who call themselves liberal but than espouse illiberal ideas, or vice versa for conservatism can be said. And, those people who do not call them out for doing so are also responsible.


Classical liberalism is closer to libertarianism. Modern American liberalism/Democrats is/are rightly "Progressivism" which is NOT liberal.


The OP and article references progressivism, and while you may make the distinction between liberalism and progressivism, many other do not.

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It does in my circle of [mostly] academia and white collar workers. It might not where you are.


Then you are using it in some way that means other than the traditional definition.


Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve") is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society.

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Then you are using it in some way that means other than the traditional definition.


Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve") is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society.


I guess it's akin to Spycar not being pleased with Mythbusters. Times change meanings of words. ;)

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