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How to become a better Christian?

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I as a Christian take my faith very seriously, and I would love to spread the love of God all over, but I am lacking in some areas. I read my bible, am very devoted to God, follow a great Christian blog that posts directly to young women of my age and older, but I want more. I understand my bible, but I want more in depth because at time I feel I don't always understand what God is trying to tell me. I don't attend church (for various reasons, but the main reason is that all the churches around here "push" too much) so I would love a great selction of books that go more in depth about God. I want to know more about Him, but I don't know which books I should buy/borrow, there are so many! I want books that are engaging and not ones that take forever to get through, I want to feel like I've learned something and have grown in my relationship with the Lord.


Any book reccommendations?:bigear:

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Well, I personally believe the best way to learn about God and become a better Christian is to love and serve His Children. Perhaps you could start looking for service opportunities in your community? Having a firm grip on your theology is all well and good, but putting it into practice is where the "depth" comes from, IMNSHO. :)

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Not sure if this is what you are looking for but "Future Grace" by John Piper has a lot to mull over (for me anyway).


It looks good, thank you for the book suggestion!:)


Well, I personally believe the best way to learn about God and become a better Christian is to love and serve His Children. Perhaps you could start looking for service opportunities in your community? Having a firm grip on your theology is all well and good, but putting it into practice is where the "depth" comes from, IMNSHO. :)


hmm... Good point, I like the idea of that and will be looking for more opportunities to get involved. Thank you!

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What a sweet girl you are! My dd is an only child and I'd LOVE to adopt you! :001_smile:


DD and I have attended CBS (Community Bible Study) for about 6 years. As you grow, marry and have child/ren (if that's GOD's plan for you) it would be a Bible study you, dh and kids could grow with. It's not perfect (rules: political discussion is prohibited, discussing church name is prohibited, etc). However, they have those "rules" (as man made as they are) to focus on the reason for assembling and that is to study God's Word. There is homework and it can be time consuming, but the what you glean is so rich and meaty.


Author: Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis and there are many others.


Lastly, our pastor spoke on this subject today. Sometimes in our quest to draw closer to GOD it becomes counter productive. We run here and there to every Bible Study, church event, etc that we actually miss hearing from Him.


My advice would be this: sit, pray, ponder (as Mary did) and LISTEN! Take a passage of Bible and delve into it. That is how you will best come into a deeper relationship with Him.


When I write this to you, I'm also cc: this to myself, b/c my desire is to grow more spiritually mature as well. I know that I must first do what I'm suggesting to you.



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I know you aren't Catholic and probably not much interested in converting. But when I want some inspiration I read about the saints. When they were here on this earth they (for the most part) lead awesome Christian lives. If you are interested I can recommend some young women saints to read about.


Also how much prayer do you make time for? That is always something I think helps keep us on the walk.


Something else you may consider to help you grow closer to God is to practice Lectio Divina. Again, this is traditionally a Catholic practice but could easily be something adopted by other Christians. As the linked article explains it treats the Bible as the Living Word instead of just texts to be studied. If you are interested you can google a more in depth how to. And of course, feel free to adapt it as you need for your faith tradition.

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Also how much prayer do you make time for? That is always something I think helps keep us on the walk.



I was thinking along the same lines as Chucki. There comes a time when you know a lot about God, but to go deeper you have to actually commune with him. I was never very good at prayer and a good prayer book that contains ancient prayers written by fathers of the faith can be amazing. Not only do you pray to the Lord, but you become united with Christians through the ages who have prayed the same prayers. This is what has taken my "personal time" the furthest in recent years.


ETA - Forgot to include a book recommendation like you'd asked: Here are some prayer book options: here and here and here.

Edited by milovaný
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It's actually a Bible study, but it isn't typical--just serves as a guide and impetus. I thought of this in regards to you saying you didn't always understand what God what trying to tell you. The format of this book really helped me learn to sit, ponder, and LEARN.


If you haven't yet, read Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis).


If you're into poetry:), read John Donne's Holy Sonnets. How's that for a weird recommendation? :D

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Hi Cheyenne,


What a wonderful post!


I was thinking back to when I was 17 and what I found useful.


I have always LOVED the Word of God and reading it, it really comes alive and fills my spirit with joy. As a result I have always enjoyed really digging deep into verses and finding out more about what they really mean and the background and context. I recommend the Matthew Henry Commentary. I read through a passage and then read over Matthew Henry's commentrary on that. It is older english and I sometimes have to re-read BUT the rewards of reading the commentary are incredible. Such a wonderful godly man!


Another resources that has been useful to me is downloading John Macarthur sermons. He is one of the most godly bible teachers we have at the moment. His insights into the Word are completely a gift from the Lord.


Good luck.

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I as a Christian take my faith very seriously, and I would love to spread the love of God all over, but I am lacking in some areas. I read my bible, am very devoted to God, follow a great Christian blog that posts directly to young women of my age and older, but I want more. I understand my bible, but I want more in depth because at time I feel I don't always understand what God is trying to tell me. I don't attend church (for various reasons, but the main reason is that all the churches around here "push" too much) so I would love a great selction of books that go more in depth about God. I want to know more about Him, but I don't know which books I should buy/borrow, there are so many! I want books that are engaging and not ones that take forever to get through, I want to feel like I've learned something and have grown in my relationship with the Lord.


Any book reccommendations?:bigear:


Not understanding, and not *feeling*- what God is trying to tell you is, in my current understanding- are the open spaces in life that we practice the discipline and growing in faith.


Believing in the unseen, the unknown.


Not always easy as a lesson, to trust with faith what is alive but cannot be touched or known.


If I were to recommend any particular part of study, it would be on that topic.


"What is faith?"

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I understand my bible, but I want more in depth because at time I feel I don't always understand what God is trying to tell me.


Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby is a great book that addresses this.


A new book that I'm reading right now is Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman. From the back cover it states: "Not a Fan challenges you to consider what it really means to call yourself a Christian." It covers some of the other aspects of your post. Even though I bought it, my local library has copies so you could check yours as well.

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Thank you all so very much for your very kind words and book recommendations, and video recommendations, it all looks so amazing. And I will be honest here, I have not put much time into communicating with God lately, I always put it off thinking I can find time later but I never do. So now you all have my brain working in the right direction with these fabulous book suggestions that I cannot wait to delve into!


Your kind words of encouragement and suggestions are so sweet and they make me all like you so much more!! Thank you again, and I cannot wait to grow in my walk with God. :)

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It's not what you asked for--but my advice is to go to church.


:001_smile: I wouldn't want you to go to a church you hate, but IME church attendance is really great stuff. You hear new ideas, meet other Christians with wonderful witnesses and awful trials, and when you're frustrated you get to practice the virtues of patience, forgiveness, and loving your fellow man even though you don't like him very much. ;)


I second the suggestion of C. S. Lewis. He's my favorite.


And Xuxi's service idea.

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The early church has an entire tradition of Monasticism and hermits. If you are in an "alone" season I might read up a bit on that.


This one is interesting http://www.amazon.com/Praying-Desert-Mothers-Mary-Forman/dp/0814615228/ref=pd_sim_b_4


I am presently reading this one http://www.amazon.com/Forgotten-Desert-Mothers-Sayings-Christian/dp/0809140160/ref=pd_sim_b_1 it is good, but dry.


...and this looks interesting http://www.amazon.com/Artists-Rule-Nurturing-Creative-Monastic/dp/1933495294/ref=pd_sim_b_19 oooooh, I really want to read the last one. :)

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It's not about being a "better Christian". It's about continually growing in the knowledge & grace of Jesus. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord & Savior, then His blood has perfected you. From there, it's about growth - which I see is what you're asking about. Commentaries can be helpful. But, really, you can be at home reading all you can, however you cannot fully grow until you are part of a body of believers. If you read the entire new testament, I don't think you could come away with that NOT understand that Jesus calls us to assemble together with other believers.

So keep looking for a church.

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I would keep looking for a church. Try different denominations. You never know what will feel like home till you try it.


Get involved in service activities- the local food bank or homeless shelter would be a good starting place.


All of the reading in the world can not make up for acts of service.

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Any book reccommendations?:bigear:


Someone here on the boards recently recommended a book called "Fix Me, Love Them: Christianity as it Should Be" by Matt Wells. It's short and easy to read, but really has me thinking. Like you, I'm not much for church-going, but this book spoke to me about what the Lord really calls us to do: LOVE.




Pray, read the bible, love others (in tangible ways). You are a sweet girl!

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I think church or a Bible study would be of great help to you -- other people to lift you up, walk with you through life, encourage you, etc.


I think you might also find it helpful to talk directly to God. Tell Him that you're looking for a new direction, that you want to serve His people, etc., and see what He opens up. I'm a big believer in laying whatever's on your mind at His feet, and even though He already knows your needs and desires, there's something productive about coming right out and saying it.


Also, books and commentaries can be helpful, but be sure you keep going back to the Source, directly. Everything else is a human's interpretation; the Bible itself is the Word of God.

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I as a Christian take my faith very seriously, and I would love to spread the love of God all over, but I am lacking in some areas. I read my bible, am very devoted to God, follow a great Christian blog that posts directly to young women of my age and older, but I want more. I understand my bible, but I want more in depth because at time I feel I don't always understand what God is trying to tell me. I don't attend church (for various reasons, but the main reason is that all the churches around here "push" too much) so I would love a great selction of books that go more in depth about God. I want to know more about Him, but I don't know which books I should buy/borrow, there are so many! I want books that are engaging and not ones that take forever to get through, I want to feel like I've learned something and have grown in my relationship with the Lord.


Any book reccommendations?:bigear:


How do you become a better Christian? Minister to those in your community in a meaningful way -- volunteer at a soup kitchen, mentor, teach kids to read, etc. Treat family, friends, and loved ones as Jesus would treat them. Be loving and compassionate. Don't waste your time worrying about what type of Christian you are, or whether you're the right type, or whether you ought not to wear pants or listen to X type of music, etc. Don't worry about reading Christian self-help types of books that tell you how to be a Godly woman, partner, parent. If there is a part of the Bible that interests you particularly then do a little research on it yourself. Enjoy that research. Just don't ever lose sight of the overarching message of the Bible, which to me seems to be: God loves us. Be kind to one another. The rest is just not that important, IMO. :grouphug:

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I agree with suggestions to pray the time tested prayers of the first Christians, read about the faithful Christians who ran the race "to win," the Saints, and go to church. May I suggest a new thread asking for church recommendations for the "non pushy" type? Maybe you could also give some examples of what you see in church typically that repels you, if it can be explained in a respectful way. Many on this board, including me, have made some major church shifts to the benefit of our becoming better Christians as you put it. :)

Edited by JenniferB
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There's a nice sermon by Thomas Chalmers called "The expulsive power of a new affection". Really nice read - do a google search and you'll find a pdf of it online.


The Valley of Vision has really given me some insight on prayer. ( http://www.amazon.com/Valley-Vision-Collection-Puritan-Devotions/dp/0851518214 )


The Cross-Centered Life is a short and easy, but very thought-provoking book. ( http://www.amazon.com/Cross-Centered-Life-Keeping-Gospel/dp/1590520459/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1328569477&sr=1-1 )

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Sorry it took me forever to reply, I have had time to read, but now time to reply to any of your responses. All of your recommendations and input are absolutely fabulous and let me say, they all look good. I cannot wait to start purchasing/borrowing some of these books to get a better understanding of God. And I will be trying to find ways to minister to others in my community, although my community is not very acceptable of my Faith, they prefer to leave God out of things. But I will try to show that I don't want to push Faith in them, but show them how strong God is and how He loves even those who turn from Him.


Thank you all so much!:)

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