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You are killing the polar bears by having so many children.......

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A friend of mine posted this link on facebook earlier today, and I thought it was hilarious! All the stereotypic cliches in one convenient conversation! Although I have not actually heard all of the lines said to me personally, I am sure some people have been thinking them! "Don't you LIKE polar bears?!" Sooo funny!!

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Thankfully, no one in public has ever talked to me like that, but a few relatives have told me it's too much and not to have more (after my third). While I HATE for people to comment on family size, I know those relatives were probably just concerned for my sanity and well being! (but to just stick it to 'em I went ahead and had a fourth!).

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That was creepy. Like...reeeeally creepy. Sims freak me out.


It wasn't complete though--it should have had a sequel. Only this time, with the blond chick rattling off to the brunette all the ways in which an only child is doomed. Selfish, bratty, etc. They could have titled it, "You are killing the economy by having so few children."


Family size comments are rude, period.

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That was creepy. Like...reeeeally creepy. Sims freak me out.


It wasn't complete though--it should have had a sequel. Only this time, with the blond chick rattling off to the brunette all the ways in which an only child is doomed. Selfish, bratty, etc. They could have titled it, "You are killing the economy by having so few children."


Family size comments are rude, period.


I thought the same thing about having an only child.

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