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Poll: Have you planned school for next session (fall, as the case may be)?

Poll: Have you started planning for next school year?  

  1. 1. Poll: Have you started planning for next school year?

    • Yes, planned, supplies ordered, ready to enjoy the summer!
    • Yes, planned, but need to do more plus ordering
    • No, but I'm working on it.
    • No, it won't happen until much later - maybe Sept.???!
    • Other

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I'm trying out my first poll! Wondering how many of you great teaching parents already have next school year planned for? I need to crack open The WTM and see what the outline is for Gr4. I will copy my older son's format for DD6 who will do Gr2 next year. And of course, the infamous rainbowresource order will happen sometime in the next month or so. But basically, I have not started - just thinking of starting! (Like so many thing on my to do list!)


How about about you guys?

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I've all but Song School Latin & Song School Greek ordered (I'm waiting to order when they are both available).


We actually start on Monday, so we'll be starting without the above. We'll add them in once we get them (we still have a few lessons left in Hey Andrew Level 1 anyway).

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Things are up in the air for us as we sort out whether or not dd will be participating in a cottage school in the fall. We should be able to make a decision on that by July 1st, which is also when our school year starts. If she does go, it will change our summer plans somewhat and I will probably have to order a few extra things. If she doesn't go, then I've got pretty much everything we need for this year.

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I know what we're ordering for Latin (Galore Park), but I haven't yet placed the order.


Other than that, it's all here, and I'm busy writing out my lesson plans.


I've already finished science and history, and I'm about half-way through "literature." Those are the big, messy ones that involve lots of me pulling together and coordinating various resources.


After that come the cleaner subjects, for which it's just a matter of figuring out how many pages or lessons or chunks need to get done each week: math (although that may have some extra stuff next year), Spanish, Latin, Greek, English, some very casual logic.

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...we're starting July 1. (We've already enjoyed our long break).


And I have two new high schoolers. (!)


Most of the stuff is bought.


And, I did something different this year; bought a planner and wrote out weekly plans for each subject (simple "Do this group of pages", etc. directions). Well, actually, I'm not completely done yet, but I have it mostly written out.


I've always been a "Do the next thing", or "Just make sure it will all fit into a school year, and figure out how many pages to do at a whack" person...but with four doing school, and two of them in high school, I want to try it this way, and see if it makes getting through the week any easier.


We'll see, I guess.

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My 4th grader actually started in Feb. We usually school through the summer, but my SIL and her family are living with us temporarily as they move to town and find a place. It's just too nuts to try to school through the summer this year with him. So, most of his stuff is already planned and most of it is already done, some of it halfway.


My kindergartner's stuff I'm working on. I have themes lined out but don't really know what I'll do with each theme just yet. I'm picking books from our home library to go with them all and then I'll figure out a general outline of activities to go with them. My neice will also be a K-er; my SIL is a brand new convert to homeschooling and we'll be co-oping, of sorts, for this year. Looking forward to it! :)

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There are a couple of "optional" things I could use that aren't ordered yet... but I could go with what we already have and not suffer too much ;)


Waiting on one great big Amazon order though -- that's my only watching-for-the-UPS-guy bit for this season! LOL

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Planning almost done. I still need to order my Sonlight core. I spread them out so as not to give myself a cardiac arrest when the credit card bill comes!!


I've been working hard to plan my oldest's high school courses - just so I have a plan. I also am trying to combine as many subjects as I can next year, so I'm now starting to work on a schedule.

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No, this school year was very draining for me. The last thing I could do in the last weeks of school was plan for next year. I don't have all that much research to do, because my oldest will have most of his classes other than Greek, Math, Logic, and English at a co-op this year. (And for those basics that I listed above, he'll just be continuing on in the programs he has already been using.) So I don't need to actually choose anything new for him.


My younger two will be following the same path my oldest did, with some tweaking. So there may be just one or two subjects for each of them that I need to do some research on.


So, that gives me the summer to iron out scheduling, which mostly consists of deciding how many days per week to do each subject. Beyond that, we just take our textbooks and go through them; I don't plan out page numbers or anything in detail.


We start up gently at the start of August, and then full-force at the start of September. So I've still got the rest of June and all of July to relax and recoup, and do that bit of planning I need to do.



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It is the history that takes the absolute longest. I am making a master list of resources from the teaching company, netflix, the library and other online sources as well as a book list for my Mystery of History 3 with Truthquest year.


I had to wait until my BJU homesat got her for Life Science to figure out how to schedule that one. (could still use a little help too, anyone?)


I am exceedingly grateful for the hard work others put into the Runkle's Schedule and the Lightening Literature one. That saves me hours of work, bless you Christine!!


I am holding off on buying any last minute stuff becuase there are 2 big curriculum sales I have coming up to go to. :auto:


I have not even begun to schedule my 2nd grader who is already doing some of her 2nd grade curriculum.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I ordered everything we will need in one fell swoop, with money from the stimulus check. I have yet to sit down and plan out logistics of the next school year though. I'll probably wait till the end of July.

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I order early, always have.

I don't like waiting until the last minute, when things could be on out of stock.


I do wait on school supplies. I let the dc go with me so they can pick out things they like, to make it more exciting...they really look for to using the things they picked out.

Well right now that works, they are going to be 5th and 7th grade..I hope this last a bit longer!!!:001_smile:

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I have everything bought. So, I know what I'm doing next year, but I want to still plan "how" I'm going to get it all done. I need to know what my days will look like. I'm looking to destress next year, and I need to do some kind of planning, not sure how it will all look!

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We're all ready to go! We're still finishing up our regular school year. This summer we will be doing 6 weeks of light school then take 2 weeks off in August before starting again.

Our last box of curriculum arrived on Tuesday. My ds8 discovered it was his new latin for the fall and wanted to start it staight away! Mean mom that I am, I told him he had to wait 10 weeks! :o)

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I have most of the items we'll need to get started, but I haven't begun organizing anything yet. Last week and this week have been spent playing chauffeur, attending rehearsals and performances, hosting guests, sitting through swim practice for 4 dc, and reading Mrs. Pollifax. ;)


Truth be known, my dining room table is still stacked with a few items from last year's school that should be put away.


I'm going to get to it; I really am!

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I thought I had everything ordered until we decided to keep ds/14 home instead of allowing him to try out ps for one year. Long story....Now, dd/12 is asking to stay home next year after one year in ps. So, I guess I will be ordering more and redoing some of my planning. :tongue_smilie:

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But maybe I should've at least said I've gotten started because my forms (I make up my own) are done for next year.


I've been hs'ing for 17 years, so I really have most of my books. Actually, I think I *do* have everything I need for next year. No, no, wait... I need a copy of Apologia's Botany book. Oh, and the Live & Learn Press lapbook files to go with.


But otherwise, I have NO lesson plans done YET. We're still finishing our school year, and life is way, WAY too busy :auto: for me to plan next year while this one is still going on!


Monday is our last day, but I still have to give my dc's IOWAs cause I ordered them so late. (And the ps here isn't done till nearly the end of June -- EEK!)


But we'll start right up the day after Labor Day, and I will be ready! This current year is the first year ever that I planned our entire year start to finish, by the day, and I think it's the best year we've ever had. Well at least from the mom's perspective; maybe my kids didn't like it so much?

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So many of you are done and planning! OMG!!


This has been a hard year for us so far...my niece was in a severe car accident and spent a month in ICU, my husband's mother passed away, my good friend's mom passed, and my other friend just got out of the hospital.


I have bought nothing, no forms, no plans, nothing. We school year round and usually have everything planned out (roughly) before her birthday...uh that was mid May!


Luckily she is still finishing up this year so ....breathe!

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and I'm just finishing up this year and totally ready for a BREAK! And planning doesn't happen quickly....usually a bunch of days of concentrated work, a bunch of ordering, lots of investigating, etc. It will happen all through the summer and we will start school again at the end of August. So I'm in that lower 20% who's sort of working on it, but not even close to being done!



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i'm planned out for all of next year as far as general scope and sequence and basic calendar. i'm specifically planned out in detail for the next 14 weeks (we school year round with 1-2 week breaks spread out over the year) with the materials i need for sure for the next 7 weeks. we are closing on our new house next friday and after that i can place our rainbow resource order and our order for the rest of the science supplies we need. i'll continue to put the detailed plan together about 7 weeks ahead on a rolling basis, but i'll have all the primary materials we need on hand through probably Aug '09 (not including specific art/craft/history/science projects- those i shop for or scrounge on a weekly basis)


around April-ish we do our "what worked, what didn't" analysis and i plan the scope and sequence for our next cycle. it helps keep me ahead of the game.

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I got my last workbook yesterday morning. I think the planing and looking around for new fun things to learn for the next year is one of my favorite parts of homeschooling. I also like supply stores like Staples -- it's fun to get fresh paper ad pens that still work and pencils with their erasers intact. I'm just strange, I guess...

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I have ordered and received my stuff, but I really need to sit down and study some of it, like Henle and CW Homer. So there are miles to go before I sleep ; ). I voted that I'm all set because I have decided what to use and gotten it. But to me, the real planning is how I am going to use it, and I am not yet done with that.

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