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Need legal advice - justifiable homicide or not? :)

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Today Little Librarian invited a friend over to play. This is kind of a big deal because we've had lots of friends over with their parents and lots of cousins but this is the first friend that's just here by herself. Twenty mintutes into the visit the friend manages to hit her head on our bookcase and has a bleeding head wound. I get blood all over my pants and am worried that the mom is going to be really angry with us. I get her mostly cleaned up and get them started on a painting project to distract from the bleeding head wound. They're working on paintings now and happily chatting. DH's only comment/help so far in this ordeal has been to ask me to shut the door to the room where the girls are painting and chatting because the noise is bothering him.


Is it justifiable homicide?


His defense will be that he's on the last fifty pages of LoTR and can't be interrupted. He figures he's got a good jury with the WTM. They know how it is when you get to the end of a good book.


Normally he's a big help but right now I'm feeling like not giving him any dinner. :glare:

Edited by aggieamy
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I agree about calling the mom. Especially if the wound is on the forehead, she might want to glue it or get it stitched as soon as possible to avoid scarring. Either way, she should be notified.


ETA: Forgot to answer the question. Definitely justifiable homicide if he didn't immediately jump up to distract the other kids while you dealt with the wound, changed your clothes, called the mom, etc. And I don't think his excuse is any good because as I recall, by the last 40 pages the action is done and it's just wrap-up.

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Unless you asked him to help with the bandaging and he refused, that's not an excuse for homicide.


Wanting the door closed on giggly girl noise is also not going to get you off the hook for murder.


He certainly could have closed the door himself - or you could have responded that he should close it himself when he asked if you didn't want to do it.


Nope..... in my opinion you won't beat the rap on this one.

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Today Little Librarian invited a friend over to play. This is kind of a big deal because we've had lots of friends over with their parents and lots of cousins but this is the first friend that's just here by herself. Twenty mintutes into the visit the friend manages to hit her head on our bookcase and has a bleeding head wound. I get blood all over my pants and am worried that the mom is going to be really angry with us. I get her mostly cleaned up and get them started on a painting project to distract from the bleeding head wound. They're working on paintings now and happily chatting. DH's only comment/help so far in this ordeal has been to ask me to shut the door to the room where the girls are painting and chatting because the noise is bothering him.


Is it justifiable homicide?


His defense will be that he's on the last fifty pages of LoTR and can't be interrupted. He figures he's got a good jury with the WTM. They know how it is when you get to the end of a good book.


Normally he's a big help but right now I'm feeling like not giving him any dinner. :glare:


Like he doesn't know how the story goes? There is still time for him to draw yo a nice bath and put the kids to bed.


I vote for denial of service.

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While I have glue and steri strips at my house for head wounds. When we had a friend over with his mom for easter he fell and cut his head so she took him to the er. It was in the back and he got a staple. Really I would have just taken care of it at home but mom should know. Of course I also had a toddler cut his head just right with a tiny nick and I thought pain was poured over his face. It was a scary mom moment where I was very calm.

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I would definitely call the child's mom.


If you seriously need help from your DH, you may want to introduce him to the bookmark (amazing little invention). He can finish the book later.


Or alternatively, you might want to introduce your dh's head to the corner of the bookcase. You know, for "re-enactment purposes." :glare:


I also agree with the advice to call the mom, even if it's only a little cut.

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Normally he's a big help but right now I'm feeling like not giving him any dinner. :glare:


Don't forget to hold the dessert and "teA" while you're at it. :tongue_smilie:


Well... maybe you don't have to get that extreme... ;)

Edited by Catwoman
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I totally understand. Blood with children sends me over the edge. DD woke up with a bloody nose and I called DH. In my defense, I thought he was downstairs. He had already left for work, but I was sounding so panicked that he turned around and came back home. Again, in my defense, even DH says it was a really bad bloody nose. But I was totally freaked out.

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I'll be the dissenter and side with your husband. Even if you know the ending, the wrapping up is important and if you put the book down, picking it up again just loses something if you're wrapped up in the book.


Hope everything went well with the other child & letting the mother know. Glad everyone is okay.

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Unless you were truly concerned that stitches might be needed, I don't see why dh has to have a part? You were handling everything competently, I take it.


On the other hand, should you consider calling the other mother to let her know what happened? How bad is it?


Who cares about the dh's participation at this point?


I am more concerned if the little kid needs a trip to the ER and why the parent of that child was not contacted. If it were my kid, I'd be really miffed. :glare:

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Mother needs to be called. Head wounds often need to be stitched, and if it's someplace visible, it can leave a scar if it's not done properly....and promptly.


Might leave a scar anyway. I know several people who have facial scars despite having good care even by a plastic surgeon. I think the injury is the major point here.

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I don't know the mothers feelings on such things but, if it were my kid I would have expected you to call right away as soon as it was under control or had your husband call me. I know some parents are not as protective of their kids as I am. But if she is anything like me, my kid most likely will not be able to come over again.


Not because she got hurt because those things happen. Because you took the time to clean her up, talk to your husband, start a project and then post on a board. Scraped knees are one thing but she busted her head and from what you said their was alot of blood. I would have felt so disrespected as a parent.

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He survived through the night and is back to his normal helpful self today so I can't complain. :001_smile:


I wasn't too worried about the it leaving a scar because unless the little girl decides to shave her head it won't be noticeable. I didn't think about calling the mom because I always figure if they trusted me with their kid for an hour then they probably trusted me to to take care of any problems. It might be that my kid is pretty rough and tumble and I don't think about those things. Interesting. I think I'll post a poll and get the hive's opinion.

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