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Book A Week-ers: A Question

For the Book A Week challenge, I read *mostly* ...  

  1. 1. For the Book A Week challenge, I read *mostly* ...

    • Hard copies of books that I own
    • Hard copies of books that I get from the library
    • E-books that I own
    • E-books that I get from the library
    • An equal number of hard copies and e-books
    • Obligatory other

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I am mostly using e-books from the library. Occasionally, the book I want won't be available as a Kindle download, so I will request it from the library. The book I'm reading now, Skippy Dies, isn't available as an e-book, so I got it from the library. I am also going to read some un-copywrited books like Pride & Prejudice and Moby Dick which I can get for free online. It's unlikely I will buy any books for the challenge.

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I voted Other. Last time I did the 52 Books challenge, I read mostly physical library books. However, this year a couple of significant things have changed: I have a Kindle, my primary library is supposed to be adding an ebook lending option in the next month, and we bought a house that came with hundreds of books. I don't know yet how that will change my reading patterns.


Here's the breakdown on the books I have read (or am in the middle of reading) this year:

* one physical book I own

* one physical book owned by my 12 yo son

* one ebook (bought for a trip but not read on the trip)

* two library books checked out by me

* one library book checked out by my 12 yo son

* one book that came with the house

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Hard copies of books from the library, mostly.


I also have some hard copies at home (borrowed from friends, gifts I've received recently, books from PaperbackSwap).


(And, yes, sometimes I have so many that I end up returning them w/out reading them. I try to keep a list, though, & request those at a future date again.... :tongue_smilie:)


I have the Kindle software on my computer (I don't have an e-reader). So far, the idea of reading a book on a screen does not appeal to me at all. I don't do audio books either. I find I tend to tune them out entirely. :lol:

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Last year it was mostly library books, because I'm a sucker for picking up way too many books and then reading them by order of deadline. I will always pick a book that has to go back to the library soon over a book I own.


This year I joined a 'TBR pile' challenge and am working on reading the books I own that I've never gotten around to. I've read 4 of them so far! (And also a bunch of library books.)

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Almost entirely books that I own, though I'm currently reading War and Peace in both my Dead Tree version (when at home) and on my kindle when away. Dh had gotten me the kindle and I'd thought I'd no need for it, but it turns out to be a lot lighter than a 1500-page novel in your purse.


Page 1076! Only 368 to go! Sacre bleu, the French have taken Moscow! Pierre, don't be a fool, you can't kill Napoleon single-handedly!

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I had to vote "other" because you forgot a category -- audio books!


I'd say I'm split evenly between all the categories. I read old fashioned dead-tree copies from the library and from the stack of unread books I own, I read on my iPad, and I listen to audio books. And yes, audio books count!! I love to listen while driving and while knitting or crocheting. I especially love to re-listen to favorites -- it is how I turn my brain off and fall asleep at night.


I generally have at least 2 or 3 books going at once. For instance, this week I started Great Expectations on audio and I'm reading the paperback of Ahab's Wife I bought a few years ago at Marshall's, of all places!! It was in a sale bin by the register.

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I voted Other. Last time I did the 52 Books challenge, I read mostly physical library books. However, this year a couple of significant things have changed: I have a Kindle, my primary library is supposed to be adding an ebook lending option in the next month, and we bought a house that came with hundreds of books. I don't know yet how that will change my reading patterns.


Here's the breakdown on the books I have read (or am in the middle of reading) this year:

* one physical book I own

* one physical book owned by my 12 yo son

* one ebook (bought for a trip but not read on the trip)

* two library books checked out by me

* one library book checked out by my 12 yo son

* one book that came with the house



Not to hijack, but how did you swing that, lol? Sounds like a dream come true!

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I got a kindle for Xmas so I'm in heaven right now. So far, I am mostly purchasing stuff from amazon for it but I've been reading either classics or authors I love so far and want permanent copies anyway.


I haven't tried lending on my kindle yet from the library.


And I have purchased paper copies of a couple of books from amazon so far too.

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I voted other.


I would have voted equal number of hard copies and e-books but that didn't break down whether they were from the library or owned.


Right now I'm reading a hard copy book from the library. I just finished an e-book I had purchased. Before that I read an e-book I borrowed from the library. I have a hard copy of a book sitting on my nightstand ready to go that I bought with a Christmas gift card.


So, I'm pretty even. I use my library a lot. But I also have unread books on my shelf that I'm determined to read as well as books I buy for my Kindle or in a hard copy.:)

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Not to hijack, but how did you swing that, lol? Sounds like a dream come true!


The previous owners used it as a vacation home for their extended family, and there were many books that no one wanted to move to their homes in other states. It's been very fun to discover what we have, although I keep thinking at some point I should catalog them and remove duplicate copies.

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I hate answering other, but I didn't know how to vote!


I'm sure I will read some ebooks over the course of the year but I'm positive I'll be reading way more hard copy books. And I hate going to the library because of the hassle so I'm more inclined to read books we own. Most of our hard copy books belong to DH and our reading interests do not always coincide. I am challenging myself to read some of them, but I have a feeling I won't be reading as many as I'm hoping.


So.. I'll be reading a mixture of hard copy books we own and some I'll get from the library and some ebooks that I own already and some I will probably buy. I'm all over the place!

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I chose e-books that I own.


As much as I enjoy hard copy books, I cannot read them. Due to my RA, I cannot hold a book for more than a minute, and because my eyes are affected, I cannot read the average print, without constant struggle. With my Kindle, I can enlarge the print (I have a Kindle DX, the biggest one), and it is easier to hold.

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I've been reading a combination this year because I received a Kindle for Christmas. Having ebooks onhand is very convenient, and I've already downloaded many free ones.


I'm also pulling from my current shelf of books since I have many that I've been meaning to read.

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I have hundreds of ebooks that someone gave me (many of which I am interested in reading, many totally random ones) so I am mostly sticking to those. I will download library books as well though am I am about to read a real book and not looking forward to it nearly as much. (it needs to go back to the library soon and all of the kids have read or listened to it and are dying to tell their dad and I all about it - I read books, he listens to them and neither of us have gotten to this one yet) I could not find a free (or very cheap) kindle version of it - I looked :tongue_smilie:and may do so again.

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All the books I read I own, purchased through amazon, barnes and noble or bookstore. I like keeping my books and love the full bookshelves in my house. Last year reads were 50% hard bound and 50% ebooks. Will probably be the same this year. We have lots of unread books including those we inherited years ago when my hubby's mom died. I also listen to audio books in the car.

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I didn't want to vote "Other", but I did . . . I currently read a mix of library books and books I own.


I am in the process of paring down and, much as I love my books, they are being pared, too. So, I have a stack of to-be-reads as well as books I wish to re-read (or re-re-re- read!), then I am parting with them.


I also make regular treks to the library and intermingle reading the library books with my own books.


Unusually so, I have gotten off to a rather slow start this year; so far, of the four books I've read (in process with the fourth), two are owned, two are library.


eBooks - no way!

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I decided to give audio books a try so that I could multi-task. I have not liked audio books in the past but I got out the knitting and have fallen in love and am actually surpassing my goal. This is truly amazing as I never feel like I have time to sit down and read. But I can do laundry and read, clean the kitchen or cook and read. Of course, knitting is my favorite. I figured out the cable stitch last week. It was just a satisfying feeling. :thumbup:


I borrow CD's from the library and play them on my laptop or DVD because I do not even have a CD player, except in the van. :glare: Our library has downloable audio but I haven't tried that yet.

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I no longer buy a book I haven't read, unless there are exceptional circumstances (I am fascinated by the topic and cannot get the book within the state's entire library system).


If a book is so good that I know that I will read it again and I would like dh or dd to read it eventually, then I buy it.


I seldom select books randomly off the library shelf, as I work mostly on recommendations. I make an effort not to reserve too many books at the same time. Since I started the Book-a-week challenge last year I've only returned a handful of books to the library unread. That's actually been one of the big successes of the challenge, for me.



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I voted Other. All the books I read are hard copies, even though I own a Nook - I just haven't been able to make that switch to e-books. Of the books I've read so far this year, 7 came from the library, 3 were loaned to me by my sister, 1 was a Christmas gift, 1 came from paperbackswap, and 2 were from the thrift store, so to sum up: 7 were library, 3 were borrowed, and 4 are owned by me (but 3 of those will be re-swapped).

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