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s/o Circ - and courtship When to discuss?

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I just asked DS his reaction, the girl would be gone-burger.


Anyway, if I had to make a guess as to why this girl has chosen this criteria, I would guess it is that she believes the intact penis to be a/unclean and b/likely to harbour HPV that could infect her. Also, she may be concerned that he may be more susceptible to penile cancer and die prematurely (even though the rates of penile cancer are one in a bazillion, circed or no... Yeah, I'm exaggerating slightly)


I'd ask my DS but all girls are rather gross to him right now anyway so there's no point. But I'm so glad your DS feels that way!! I cannot emphasize enough how much I would discourage my kids from even hanging out with anyone like this!! I would not want their mindset rubbing off on my kids.

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Personally, if it's that big a deal to her, she's not ready to marry anyone. (Wouldn't she think it was shallow if the guy said he wouldn't marry her because although he loved her, her b**bs were the wrong size?)



Yes... this. :glare:


How gentle would we be with the OP if she was asking how to weed out potential daughters-in-law who were not perfect C cups, for example.


How would we react to suggestions that "well, if she really wanted to be with your son, I suppose she could just get a breast augmentation/reduction (depending on her current size)?"


What a degrading requirement to have of future spouse. I posit that the person/s demanding such specifications are unfit for marriage entirely, as they are immature and quite detestable in their shallowness.

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very mature answer. thank you


as an older woman that's doable.


I meant for a young lady. This is something a Father would address when the discussion of marriage came up with a young man. Meaning the guy initiates the convo. I know many do not court and could care less about having a Father's blessing and even less so about the covenant of circ - so I appreciate those who chose to respond to the question asked.

Nooo, you can not wait until the young man is talking to the father about proposing marriage, that is extremely unfair on both parties. You need to get those cards on the table much earlier than that to protect the hearts of both your DD and the young man. Your DH needs to speak to the young man about this issue within the first few weeks/months of the relationship. Forgetting the young man, can you imagine the heartbreak your DD will go through when she discovers the man she has fallen in love with is in eligible because of this, AND I wouldn't be so certain that at that point she would be willing to walk away, such statements are easy to make before the fact, not so easy when hearts and minds are entwined.


And if your young lady is mature enough to have an opinion on this topic, then she is mature enough to discuss it.

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This is the first time I've been stumped by a thread.


It looks like a religious issue. I keep thinking, well, if she's Christian the New Testament makes it clear that Christians don't need to be circumcised. So it's not a Christianity issue. Maybe she's Jewish, but in that case a she'd already know that the guy is circumcised. Same with Islam, right? So I'm scratching my head trying to figure out in which religion it would be important and a person wouldn't already know the answer without needing to ask.

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Look, at the end of the day, if it is a bonafide, accept-no-substitues, dealbreaker it needs to be clarified AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Definitely before the 3rd date.


And I'm still confused about the father's involvement. If he needs to give his blessing before anything happens, then he needs to get the important stuff out of the way before they ever go on their first date. Otherwise, it would be unfair to everyone involved to pursue a relationship that could potentially be trash.

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very mature answer. thank you


as an older woman that's doable.


I meant for a young lady. This is something a Father would address when the discussion of marriage came up with a young man. Meaning the guy initiates the convo. I know many do not court and could care less about having a Father's blessing and even less so about the covenant of circ - so I appreciate those who chose to respond to the question asked.


If this is a religious thing, then I would think the girl should stick to courting only men who belong to her congregation. Because, really, asking if he is circumcised is not going to tell her whether he thinks circumcision is a covenant. In fact, I would hazard a guess that the vast, vast majority of Christian men do not see circumcision as having anything to do with a covenant.

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Karis, I don't mean to sound rude, but it honestly isn't that simple for many of us.


If you could give us a few more details about the relationship/courtship, it might make more sense to us, but from what you've told us so far, this seems just plain odd. (I'm not saying that it is; I'm saying that's how it appears.)

Right. It is completely incomprehensible EXCEPT if she is Jewish where it is a religious matter. And if she is, that would be pretty well resolved by looking for another Jew, who WILL have a circumcized penis.


If it isn't a religious matter, but just a preference, she ought to just ask early on. But I can't imagine rejecting someone wonderful for this reason. Great guys are too hard to find. To impose artificial prejudices onto them is just making it harder.


I'm a good example. I had my list of 25 things - really! I'd been single a long, long time. I met my husband and he had 24 of those things. He was an inch shorter than me (but has really thick hair so he looks the same size).


So I threw him away because he didn't meet that single criterion (sarcasm)


Seriously now. We've been married for 23 years. Happily. That inch of height was completely irrelevant in the scheme of things.

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Look, at the end of the day, if it is a bonafide, accept-no-substitues, dealbreaker it needs to be clarified AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Definitely before the 3rd date.


And I'm still confused about the father's involvement. If he needs to give his blessing before anything happens, then he needs to get the important stuff out of the way before they ever go on their first date. Otherwise, it would be unfair to everyone involved to pursue a relationship that could potentially be trash.



:iagree::iagree::iagree: And you need to give the boy's PARENTS ample opportunity to put a stop to any relationship that may develop. The boy's parents may not want someone who thinks like this in their son's life. I sure as heck wouldn't!!

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Look, at the end of the day, if it is a bonafide, accept-no-substitues, dealbreaker it needs to be clarified AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Definitely before the 3rd date.


And I'm still confused about the father's involvement. If he needs to give his blessing before anything happens, then he needs to get the important stuff out of the way before they ever go on their first date. Otherwise, it would be unfair to everyone involved to pursue a relationship that could potentially be trash.


Right, since it's such an unusual request and one that most people would find bizarre and unsettling, you need to bring it up immediately, as awkward as that would be.


As in, "Are you circumcised, and if yes, would you like to come over for dinner on Sunday?"

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:eek: :eek: :eek:


I was thinking the same thing. Why would it possibly matter? (I'm assuming we're not talking about any kind of religious reasons here.)


I'm sorry -- I know you specifically said you weren't here to debate why, but this just boggles my mind.


I can't think of a single graceful way to mention something like that, especially when it's a "non-negotiable" issue. It's not like the poor guy is going to do anything about it if he's not trimmed to her specifications, and I can't comprehend why anyone would consider not marrying a man she loved because of the status of his foreskin.


Personally, if it's that big a deal to her, she's not ready to marry anyone. (Wouldn't she think it was shallow if the guy said he wouldn't marry her because although he loved her, her b**bs were the wrong size?)

Sadly there are guys like this.

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Look, at the end of the day, if it is a bonafide, accept-no-substitues, dealbreaker it needs to be clarified AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Definitely before the 3rd date.


And I'm still confused about the father's involvement. If he needs to give his blessing before anything happens, then he needs to get the important stuff out of the way before they ever go on their first date. Otherwise, it would be unfair to everyone involved to pursue a relationship that could potentially be trash.


I'm confused too. How is the father involved, except if the young man wishes to go to the father and ask his blessing to marry the daughter.


And even if he does, which I think would be sweet, is he going to be interrogated on the state of his PENIS? Really? As if he had anything to do with it. :lol:

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If this is a religious thing, then I would think the girl should stick to courting only men who belong to her congregation. Because, really, asking if he is circumcised is not going to tell her whether he thinks circumcision is a covenant. In fact, I would hazard a guess that the vast, vast majority of Christian men do not see circumcision as having anything to do with a covenant.


:iagree: I've never heard of a Christian bris or any other Christian religious ceremony for circumcision. I guess there might be Chrisians who have one....

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I'm confused too. How is the father involved, except if the young man wishes to go to the father and ask his blessing to marry the daughter.


And even if he does, which I think would be sweet, is he going to be interrogated on the state of his PENIS? Really? As if he had anything to do with it. :lol:


Can you imagine being that boy's parent/s and finding out that some older guy was asking about his PENIS and what it looks like for his daughter? Holy cow!!! My son would NEVER go to that house or see that girl again unless it was over my dead body.


That conversation sounds like the opening scene of the worst porn movie ever to be made.

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Serious answer:


If this is non-negotiable, I am sure there are other religious requirements as well. I would make a list of religious requirements and couch it as "I couldn't court someone who doesn't share my beliefs on the following important religious matters." Somewhere on the list should be "circumcision as a covenant -- uncircumcised men are not members of the church."

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This is the first time I've been stumped by a thread.


It looks like a religious issue. I keep thinking, well, if she's Christian the New Testament makes it clear that Christians don't need to be circumcised. So it's not a Christianity issue. Maybe she's Jewish, but in that case a she'd already know that the guy is circumcised. Same with Islam, right? So I'm scratching my head trying to figure out in which religion it would be important and a person wouldn't already know the answer without needing to ask.

Unless you follow Gothard...:auto:

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I find this a truly bizarre reason for rejecting a future mate. It never would have occurred to me to screen a future mate this way.


I suppose one could have multiple sexual partners and develop a preference. I hope that my dd does not choose to have so many partners that she has a "representative" sample of experience to develop such a preference. :ohmy: I hope I've influenced her to have other values.


Besides persons who are marrying within their faith, are there really woman who old consider this an issue?

Edited by betty
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keptwoman: Nooo, you can not wait until the young man is talking to the father about proposing marriage, that is extremely unfair on both parties. You need to get those cards on the table much earlier than that to protect the hearts of both your DD and the young man.


No kidding! Can you imagine how horrible that would be?


Father: You know, Joe, I realize you love my daughter after this year together and she loves you too. But she (was too immature to ask herself) needs to know if your penis is circumsized?


Joe: Huh? What? Well, actually, I had those hippie type, WTM home birther parents, so no, they didn't circumsize me. I was born in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere so I am intact.


Father: Well, it's been nice knowing you, Son. My little girl can only marry a man with a circumsized penis.


Joe: Huh? WHAT??? You are telling me this NOW AFTER A WHOLE YEAR? AND WTH - What difference does that make? I LOVE HER. WE GET ALONG GREAT. SHE LOVES ME.




Your DH needs to speak to the young man about this issue within the first few weeks/months of the relationship.


Don't you think that's weird? Unless he can just manage conversationally, as in commenting that he's glad he's circumsized because he just read X and waiting to see if the kid agrees that he's glad too. Still a weird convo to have with potential FIL, though.

This one is ON HER. If it is that important to her, she needs to ask him herself.



And if your young lady is mature enough to have an opinion on this topic, then she is mature enough to discuss it.




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Can you imagine being that boy's parent/s and finding out that some older guy was asking about his PENIS and what it looks like for his daughter? Holy cow!!! My son would NEVER go to that house or see that girl again unless it was over my dead body.


That conversation sounds like the opening scene of the worst porn movie ever to be made.


I afraid I'd have to agree.


Yet another sign of the apocalypse.


(Is someone keeping track of these?) :D


Two in two days, I think the end may be near.

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I'm a good example. I had my list of 25 things - really! I'd been single a long, long time. I met my husband and he had 24 of those things. He was an inch shorter than me (but has really thick hair so he looks the same size).



But if he ever loses his hair, you're going to toss him to the curb, right? :tongue_smilie:


I mean, hey, this is about The List! ;)

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Unless you follow Gothard...:auto:


In that case, the girl would probably be dating...I mean courting within that crowd and it shouldn't be an issue. I agree with letting the dad ask. But, we are Christian, ds is intact and my son would have nothing to do with a dad who asked such a question.


I guess the real question is: can you ask this without offending some people? Probably not.

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Sure there are! And we sure as heck don't get together as a forum and say, "Here! Here! Great parenting!!"

Is it a parenting issue?


I think it might be more of a personal preference issue. Some people don't like blonds. Some girls don't want a guy with a hairy chest. Some guys prefer large breasted women. I'm not sure how this issue is different.


I have seen many people who had a preference end up with someone with different physical characteristics than what they thought they wanted.

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I suppose one could have multiple sexual partners and develop a preference. I hope that my dd does choose to have so many partners that she has a "representative" sample of experience to develop such a preference.



Hijacking, but I know a very conservative Christian family who encourages their son to prolifically sow his oats before he even considers marriage. I thought the boy was teasing my dd, but the fact was verified with his father who told me that he wants his son to be faithful to his wife and not think about other women constantly.

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Unless you follow Gothard...:auto:


Wow. Had to look that up to see if it's true!


He definitely pushes the idea on his site, but he has a disclaimer at the bottom of the article I found.


"Circumcision is not required of believers for salvation. To make this profoundly clear, Paul—who circumcised Timothy—refused to circumcise Titus because to do so would be to confirm the claims of false teachers that circumcision was necessary for salvation.


Neither is circumcision required for achieving the righteousness of the Law or the sanctification of the believer. Cleansing from sin is accomplished through the blood of Christ, daily confession, and the cleansing of the Word of God. (See I John 1:7, 9; John 15:3, 17:17.) "


I was about to be mad because the Bible does make it quite clear. LOL At least he has a disclaimer. Why would someone in his position push circumcision though? Strange. He sure does like the practice though. :001_huh:http://billgothard.com/news/circumcision

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Hijacking, but I know a very conservative Christian family who encourages their son to prolifically sow his oats before he even considers marriage. I thought the boy was teasing my dd, but the fact was verified with his father who told me that he wants his son to be faithful to his wife and not think about other women constantly.


But now his mind is going to be full of other women.

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Everyone else is assuming that you're talking about the question of whether or not your potential future husband is circumcised, but I immediately assumed you were talking about whether your potential future husband would be okay with not circumcising any children you may one day have. That seems like it would come up sort of naturally, though, I guess, during the daydreaming aloud together stage of young love.


ETA: You really DO mean you only date circumcised men? Golly.

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Its my understanding that in a true courtship the young man asks the father to court his daughter before they even begin to spend any serious amounts of time together. Its at this point that the young lady's father would have to find a way to address this. Also, the people I've known who have truley "courted" there has been a chaperone present at most times so this conversation would NEVER come up.


I'm assuming this is for religious reasons because I can't see any other reason why it would matter.

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That would depend on your version of courtship. If you allow a relationship to develop (group meetings, time spent talking with supervision) for a while before the boy asks if he can date the girl, then yes, you have the potential for an attachment to be formed. I guess that is just the risk she is going to have to take.



If your faith only allows a courtship to occur, after the boy asks the father if they can date, then I guess as others have said, have the father ask the boy. I know a lot of men would not be comfortable with this though, so it may not be the best plan.


I suppose if it is faith based (I am making an assumption here based on your comment of 'covenant of circ'), when they are talking about thier faith, it could be asked. If she wants to date someone from outside the faith, and bring them into the faith, I would want to let the boy know that it would be a requirement ahead of time anyways.



Since she prefers/requires a circ male, then I suppose if they still wanted to date.... he could decide to consent to a circ prior to/after they got married. It is not a common procedure and will not be covered by insurance, but it could be done. It is known to be a painful procedure on an adult, but if he did it because he chose to, I wouldn't think anything about it. I know women who go through a lot of pain getting their nether regions and legs waxed, month after month, because of a man, so I don't see it as much different. I have freinds who have had tubes tied because the husband wouldn't wear a condom. I have one friend who chose to have a breast aumentation for her husband (he didn't require it, but prefered a larger size than she was naturally) due soley on his preference. It may be an uncommon request to most of us, but not really that different that what others do for a spouse.

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Hijacking, but I know a very conservative Christian family who encourages their son to prolifically sow his oats before he even considers marriage. I thought the boy was teasing my dd, but the fact was verified with his father who told me that he wants his son to be faithful to his wife and not think about other women constantly.

Well, that would be something I would want to know about a potential husband and potential father-in-law...because I'd be telling my daughter to RUN!


DH didn't "sow his wild oats" and has had no problem being faithful. My dad and stepdad sowed theirs and still couldn't be faithful. Granted, this doesn't mean that this is the way it is for every person, but someone with that kind of thinking (boy, go sow your oats so you won't cheat!) is not someone I would want to be around let alone have my daughter marry into their family. :glare:

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Two in two days, I think the end may be near.


Well, on the bright side, it looks like the End will come while both of our sons are still young enough that there's no chance any girl's dad is going to absolutely mortify them by asking them if they've been circumcised. ;)


Glass. Half. Full. :D


And if I ever had a dd and my dh had to sit down and ask her potential suitors if they were circumcised, he's probably pray every night that she'd end up a lesbian.


He would not want to go there. Ever.

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Is it a parenting issue?


I think it might be more of a personal preference issue. Some people don't like blonds. Some girls don't want a guy with a hairy chest. Some guys prefer large breasted women. I'm not sure how this issue is different.


I have seen many people who had a preference end up with someone with different physical characteristics than what they thought they wanted.


It seems like a character AND a parenting issue to me. If my son ONLY brought home girls who had a DD chest or only seemed attracted to girls who had a DD chest, you can bet your socks that I'd be talking to him. I love having discussions with the kids about deep issues like how we judge people and circumsion is a cosmetic issue.

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And if I ever had a dd and my dh had to sit down and ask her potential suitors if they were circumcised, he's probably pray every night that she'd end up a lesbian.


Gosh, I think it'd be worse to ask her young female suitors :P

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I wouldn't initiate that conversation right at the beginning. No need to scare off the guys. When it becomes clear that a relationship is learning towards being serious, it's time to talk about it.

But honestly, if a guy really wants to marry her, perhaps he'll agree to undergo the procedure. Give him some time to fall madly in love with her and see how things shake out. Perhaps something she thought was a deal breaker might not turn out to be so important. Or he'll agree to make that sacrifice for her.

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Quick question: Is the "young single lady" in question, Karis' daughter?


I don't think she specified, but I can see that many of us are assuming that this is about her own dd.


That's one of the reasons why I don't understand the lack of detail about why this is important. I would be far less likely to joke about it if I knew where she was coming from on the issue, because maybe it would all make more sense to me than it does now.


Right now, I'm utterly confused about the motivation here.

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Well, on the bright side, it looks like the End will come while both of our sons are still young enough that there's no chance any girl's dad is going to absolutely mortify them by asking them if they've been circumcised. ;)


Glass. Half. Full. :D


And if I ever had a dd and my dh had to sit down and ask her potential suitors if they were circumcised, he's probably pray every night that she'd end up a lesbian.


He would not want to go there. Ever.


"Now I lay me down to sleep... Please for the love of God and all that's holy - make my daughter gay so I never have to ask a old boy 20 years younger than I about the state of grace his penis is in And please help me especially God, if he doesn't know what I mean our first time through the discussion!!"


That's how that prayer goes, right??


I guess anyone from Europe would be out so make sure the daughter doesn't like accents too.

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