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I hate feeling like I do at the moment...

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RainbowSprinkles, if this is about something you've discussed fairly recently, please don't beat yourself up. Think of your great kids and remember that if you did something important in a different way 11 years ago, so many other things in your life would have been different, as well.


Who knows -- you might not even be here right now. You could have been run over by a bus 5 years ago or something. (I know that sounds horrible and morbid, but every time I think of all the things I should have done differently, I try to remind myself that when one thing changes, so do a lot of others -- and not necessarily for the best.)


I hope you feel better soon!

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I'm so mad at myself that I didn't know any better 11 years ago... Supportive/loving/guiding parents would have come in handy... Maybe.



Probably not. The heart wants what the heart wants.


The thing to do now is move past it or through it.



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If you had known better 11 yrs ago, you wouldn't have your 4 little blessings! Focus on the joy they bring you, and you will find the strength you need to do what you have to do. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Remember that there are plenty of people here to offer hugs/support/encouragement when you need them!

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11 years ago you made the best decision you could make at the time.


If you had made a different decision, who is to say how things would have turned out? You don't have a crystal ball. It could be that you would have ended up in a worse position than you are in now.


Other people in your life could have made different choices, both before and after that 11 year mark, which would have impacted your life positively. They didn't and that has zero to do with whether you deserved it or not. Those people would have treated anyone in your position negatively.


The point is that there is nothing to gain by beating yourself up. You did the best you could at the time. You are doing the best you can now, and you are hurting -- don't make it harder on yourself than it already is.


I have noticed that people like to think they are in control of their destiny, of what happens in their lives. That is not true. The fact is, a person can think they are doing everything right, and lose it all no matter how well they planned their lives, due to circumstances beyond their control. It makes people feel good to think they are in control; in reality, they have much less control than they think they do.


There is no shortage of people who gloat about how they have managed their lives. These people are living in a bubble. If you are around people like this, who gloat about their great foresight and wisdom, and say if you were like them, your problems would not have occurred -- get a long hatpin and prick their bubble for me, would you?


Meanwhile, stay brave and strong even through despair. Look forward and figure out what you can do today, each day. Try not to ruminate about the past and every little point in it at which you could have made different decisions.


Not ruminating is very difficult, but you have to force your mind to think of something else, because it is not productive and can hurt you by keeping you stuck instead of moving forward. Playing happy music with songs you know the words to can help with this -- sing along and those thoughts will go right out of your head. You have to do something that engages your brain in a different direction.


Get all the help you can. Do not let guilt or despair or other people's attitudes stop you. If you are overwhelmed by a decision, try to find someone you trust who is intelligent and clear-thinking to discuss it with. If you need food stamps, apply for them. If you need help, ask -- the worst that can happen is that someone says no, which does not change anything for you.


Be your own best cheerleader. Tell yourself positive things all the time. I got through a dark period in my life by doing this. Rah! Rah! Rah! I am not kidding about being a cheerleader. Be peppy about it. Don't just repeat affirmations by rote.


See other people. The hardest thing about going through discouraging times is that many of us want to isolate ourselves. Don't do it! Get out and do something - go to the library, visit a friend. If you don't have a car, ask someone to visit you or to take you somewhere.


Get some exercise. You can do that at home, or go for a walk if you can. It will improve your mood and dissipate some of the stress.


Being locked in despair and shame is like living in h*ll. You have to force yourself out of it. You don't have to do everything at once (I find that impossible). Instead, take baby steps, but keep moving forward a little bit every day.

Edited by RoughCollie
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