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Going Gluten Free in 2012, who's with me?

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I've gone gluten free off and on for the last few years. I feel much better when I do. Mostly it's joint pain and bloating that hit when I'm indulging. So starting tomorrow I'm going to go cold turkey. No more, oh well it's pizza night, two slices won't hurt.


So who is with me?


My family is supportive, but not very helpful. If dh goes to store he comes home with mostly grain products. We can't afford to all go gluten free, so I'll be cooking more. Dh loves pasta, I have GF pasta, so I end up cooking two pots. Did I mention I don't like to cook. Many times I'll cook the guys what they want and eat something I don't have to cook.


Pizza is my downfall, so I bought some baking mix to make my own crust. I'm making a list today of GF snacks and meals that I usually keep on hand. I probably will continue eating oats (I know it's not completely GF), but it doesn't seem to bother me.


Anyone else changing their eating as of tomorrow?

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We are. The target is my son ds11. He likely has celiac disease. The blood test said likely so gluten free we go. Everyone is going along, though. I couldn't deal with making two sets of food for every meal.


Today I am going to get the last of the gluten products out of the house and bake some gluten free bread mixes that I bought. I am sure we are going to have some cross contamination issues for a little while and then hopefully the house will be gluten free and not a problem.

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I'm seriously considering it. I've flirted with going GF in the past, off and on like you. What stuns me is the effect it has on my respiratory system- I go GF for a while, and then when I go back I notice how congested and clogged and wheezy I am when I eat it. :(


Honestly, the one thing keeping my from going GF is the cost. I try to eat as organically as possible and organic grains (even whole grains) are CHEAP and filling, especially compared to clean meats and CERTAINLY compared to the GF "products" out there (mixes, breads, etc).

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Our grocery recently started carrying GF bisquick and I love bisquick pancakes. Maybe I will make those in the morning. I did also buy another brand of GF baking mix, which I think replaces regular flour one-to-one.


I stocked up on almonds and some cranberries. I'm almost excited about this. I've overindulged the last few days and I'm having joint pain in my hips, I'm too young for that.

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I would like to do that eventually. I read Primal Blueprint and it really resonated with me, but I'd have a hard time with all the products dh likes to eat.


The kids are all mad at me, :lol: I suggested it to DH since I think it will help with his diabetes. He LOVES bread, I mean loves it, probably more than he loves me ;) but he is starting to see some really undesirable effects from his diabetes.


I told the family that we will do it for 90 days and see how it goes. I am excited.

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The kids are all mad at me, :lol: I suggested it to DH since I think it will help with his diabetes. He LOVES bread, I mean loves it, probably more than he loves me ;) but he is starting to see some really undesirable effects from his diabetes.


I told the family that we will do it for 90 days and see how it goes. I am excited.


:hurray: Good for you. My mom bakes, she does the best homemade bread. Keep us updated on how it goes.

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We are. Dd has some issues, and I have been suspecting wheat allergies for a couple of years. I don't know that we are starting tomorrow, but w/ in the next month. We have stopped buying things w/ gluten, and making notes of things our store carries. Unfortunately, they don't have the gf bisquick, which really surprises me.


Can you share your list of snacks? I need things ds can throw in his athletic bag for game days too.

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we've been trying for a few months but it's hard when some are willing and others aren't. It would be nice to find some good recipes. There's no way my husband would do it and he doesn't really have issues. I've been LCing for years, so I can easily cut out grains. But I have 2-3 kids who would benefit from a GF diet.

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Tomorrow I go sugar free for January.


February 1 I'm taking the whole family gluten free for the month. If it helps, we'll stay gluten free. If I get my act together sooner, we'll start sooner, but I want to make sure I'm prepared.


Dh, ds9, and I all have autoimmune issues. I'm hopeful this will help.

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Give spaghetti squash a try if you hate gf pastas. I don't like it by itself, but with a hearty sauce, it beats any gf pasta for my tastes. My girls prefer a quinoa and corn gf pasta to rice. Pamela's pancake mix is terrific - we use it instead of bisquick for everything around here now. And we had some wonderful pumpkin chocolate chip muffins made with coconut flour for Christmas. We found a great local restaurant that serves a yummy gf pizza - it is definitely something worth searching out. It feels very normal to go out for pizza even if you are gluten free. Good Luck.

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Tomorrow I go sugar free for January.


February 1 I'm taking the whole family gluten free for the month. If it helps, we'll stay gluten free. If I get my act together sooner, we'll start sooner, but I want to make sure I'm prepared.


Dh, ds9, and I all have autoimmune issues. I'm hopeful this will help.



:party: You can do it! You can do it! Okay - that's my best imitation of a cheerleader :lol:

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I've gone gluten free off and on for the last few years. I feel much better when I do. Mostly it's joint pain and bloating that hit when I'm indulging. So starting tomorrow I'm going to go cold turkey. No more, oh well it's pizza night, two slices won't hurt.


So who is with me?


My family is supportive, but not very helpful. If dh goes to store he comes home with mostly grain products. We can't afford to all go gluten free, so I'll be cooking more. Dh loves pasta, I have GF pasta, so I end up cooking two pots. Did I mention I don't like to cook. Many times I'll cook the guys what they want and eat something I don't have to cook.


Pizza is my downfall, so I bought some baking mix to make my own crust. I'm making a list today of GF snacks and meals that I usually keep on hand. I probably will continue eating oats (I know it's not completely GF), but it doesn't seem to bother me.


Anyone else changing their eating as of tomorrow?


Paula, pm me your addy or email me... I'm going to have so much fun sending you a New Year's gift basket! Trader Joe's has a corn pasta that is so close to the real deal, my dh even likes it. Gluten Free Mama makes the best pizza mix, followed by Bob's Red Mill. F resources, so unless it's frozen I can get hard to find goodies for you.


I'm so excited to you! I'm drinking most of my meals... Green smoothies and green juices. :tongue_smilie:

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Paula, pm me your addy or email me... I'm going to have so much fun sending you a New Year's gift basket! Trader Joe's has a corn pasta that is so close to the real deal, my dh even likes it. Gluten Free Mama makes the best pizza mix, followed by Bob's Red Mill. F resources, so unless it's frozen I can get hard to find goodies for you.


I'm so excited to you! I'm drinking most of my meals... Green smoothies and green juices. :tongue_smilie:

Is there a green smoothie or green something I can add to my diet that I can make without a juicer? I think I probably have a blender, and I have a food processor.

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:party: You can do it! You can do it! Okay - that's my best imitation of a cheerleader :lol:




Lynn's doing it, too. We're supposed to be accountable to each other. It's only a month. I can do anything for a month. At least that's what I tell myself.

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We are GF for our middle daughter. But the whole house participates. I cook ONE meal. It was tough at first but so much easier now. It has been so worth it! Here's to another GF year!

And my Hives blog in siggie has GF and allergy free recipes. Let me know if you try one or have suggestions.

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I'm hoping to go gluten-free as of Jan. 15 [my family is here for our belated Christmas celebration that weekend]. I'd like to take my whole family gf for at least 2 weeks to see what if any improvements we see. My dh is almost convinced but my elder ds is adamant that he can't give up his carbs. *sigh*


We'll see. If gf doesn't help, we may have to try dairy-free, which WILL be hard.


Ultimately, I'd like to seriously curtail ALL grains, though I don't know if I'm ready to go completely grain-free.

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Is there a green smoothie or green something I can add to my diet that I can make without a juicer? I think I probably have a blender, and I have a food processor.


A blender works great. I blend a number of greens (trying not to eat the same greens day-after-day). I use kale, spinach, arugula, fennel, collards, parsley, cilantro, endive, and any other seasonal ones that either Trader Joe's or Whole Foods gets in. I juice beet tops and beets, but I bet you could blend them. I add whey or veggie protein (hemp) to my smoothies, also berries or half a banana. If I want to be bad, I add a date. :D

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I'm on day 5 of gluten free.


I notice how UNcongested I am. I'm actually planning to try going off my beloved claritin-D at some point.


I am trying it due to some unrelenting stomach pain- a very annoying pain just behind my belly button for several months. It seems to be helping somewhat, hopefully it will continue to get better.

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We are!


I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. We are already egg/peanut and mostly dairy free so I felt like going gluten free was a big hurdle (I don't have enough energy for big hurdles, lol)


But 4yo has rheumatoid arthritis, and 14yo has alopecia areata (another auto-immune disease) ...the rest of us have allergies, and aches and pains too much for our ages. I'm really hoping going gluten free helps us ALL feel better, but especially the 4yo before they have to put him on stronger meds.


I would love, love if some of you would be willing to keep posting about how your January is going with this, I need the support! :001_smile:

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I'm in. I really need a push to do what I know is better in the long run. Primal/Paleo for me, but probably just cut grains for everyone else. I need to sit down and make a menu WITH a shopping list so I'm not standing there trying to think of a good meal in the heat of the moment. Because that's when I cave just to get something on the table.


For spaghetti, DH is trying GF pasta. But he makes me zuchinni pasta. Use a peeler to make strips out of the zuchinni, then cook it (similar to cooking stir fry - DH uses butter). Top with spaghetti sauce. I think it's better than 'the real thing'. I have eaten the spaghetti squash too, but zuchinni tastes better to me, it's faster and it's easier to find here.

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I'm in! We start tomorrow!


Another Mom with a child who has Juvenile Arthritis, two children with adhd and aspie tendancies, and another one with tummy issues. Lol! I am hoping we see some improvements at the very least with my kiddos...and will be keeping a journal daily of any changes, negative or positive that we see.


I have reactive hyporglycemia/insulin resistance and need to be completely grain free...but GF is where my focus is at for now.

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I've been GF and very low grain for just over 2 years. Being low grain makes GF a little cheaper, as I don't buy a lot of GF subs. However, my veggie bill is not small.


For some New Year's inspiration, I just used some birthday money to order this new cookbook (expensive, but also available for less as an ebook), and I've requested this one and this one from interlibrary loan.

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Me too! Can u get gf soy sauce?

Yes, but you have to check the label every time you buy, as companies sometimes change their recipes.


La Choy brand soy sauce was GF the last time I checked.


Tamari (a type of soy sauce) is usually GF, though you still have to check the label. A couple years ago I picked up a Whole Foods brand low-sodium tamari and only noticed it wasn't GF after I'd gotten home. The WF regular tamari was GF though. Eden Organic makes a tamari soy sauce too. Look in the natural food section of your grocery store if you don't find tamari with the Asian food.

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Well, can't say I'll be joining up as of tomorrow, because I've been gluten and soy free for the past three weeks. Fifteen plus years of GI turmoil are a thing of the past since going gluten free. For all that time I blamed lactose, can now I know it was never the fault of the cheese or the yogurt.


I'm not making my kids do it. YET.:D


The sad thing about it: I LOVED to bake bread. So anybody who can put me on to a great gluten free baking site will be my new best friend. I can't eat the soy flours (and garbanzo bean flour scares me because of the soy issues)

but I love working with nut flours. Top on my list: a nut flour based shortbread style crust for my New York Cheesecake which I now know won't hurt me.


Gluten free has not been particularly more expensive for me as I already cook a great deal from scratch.

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Did I mention that I've lost 7 lbs in the last three weeks?:001_smile: Just going gluten free.

But I attribute that more to less fast food. It's hard to go to a place when you think you might get glutened.


Another thing, and the long timers might be able to explain this one to me, because I honestly did not expect this: my inhalant allergies are greatly, greatly reduced.

I've been allergic to cats as long as I can remember, and I live with nine of them, and at least one cat has slept on my pillow (always the most senior animal.) Since going gluten free I'm not waking up as congested as I usually would be. All I can figure is that in some way a lower histamine level is occurring, or what seems more likely is that I've got less of an inflammatory cascade going on. My joints, always painful in the mornings are not hurting anymore. I've gone from having to take a pain medication multiple times a week to taking Ibuprofen ONCE in the last three weeks--for a mild headache.

I told my mother the other day that I feel so much better than I'd never go back to eating gluten again because the response has been so impressive.

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Another thing, and the long timers might be able to explain this one to me, because I honestly did not expect this: my inhalant allergies are greatly, greatly reduced.

Yes! My seasonal allergies are hardly noticeable now, and I don't react to our cats as much either. I used to have itchy bloodshot eyes for weeks every year (lovely picture, isn't it?). I only had a couple days of itching since going GF, and it was only because I went overboard on those days petting one of my kitties. :lol:

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We have been gluten free and dairy and soy and peanut and chocolate (yes, chocolate) free for a few years now. We do better at times than others. We cheat on the wheat and chocolate but the goal is to be totally off. I love this book and website.





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I've been GF for 4 years this coming Valentine's Day. I was diagnosed with Celiac then and b/c I was pregnant at the time, I went cold turkey. I think it was raiser that way (though rough!).


At first, before I added gluten substitutes back in, I just ate whole foods. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. Check ALL ingredients! Y'all can do it! :)

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I would love to join you. I REALLY want to go GF but don't know how to start. :confused: Right now we are dye free and preservative free. (Because of this, some of the products we buy have been GF too.) This has been expensive as it is. My head just spins when I think about adding in GF. Any helpful pointers on how to get started? Any great books or great websites that spell out what to eat and what not to eat? :bigear:

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I'm not sure how well I'd do if I had to be lactose free but gluten free has not been all that terribly expensive. But then I do as a previous poster suggested: shop the edges.

Fruits are wonderful, and yes, they are more expensive than boxed snacks, but then, we eat less that way. I try to get things when they are in season. During the summer we can pick blueberries at the blueberry farm down the road, and peaches at the peach farm which is cheaper than buying them at the market. I freeze a lot of it. Some years the garden is pretty good to us. Not last year, but nothing went to waste, as the chickens enjoyed everything that wasn't fit for the table. I have my three hens who keep me supplied with eggs: and as long as one can eat eggs the world is open to all kinds of cookery.

On the bread end, I find that if you are trying to replicate a bread-style life it gets expensive. So far I've only splurged for the gluten free cornmeal and rice-flour. (Nut flours I can just make with my food processor.) I like a batch of cornbread with maple syrup for my sweet tooth. And the rice flour makes a great dumpling for chicken and dumpling stew, so good in fact that my son thinks they are better than the "old dumplings you used to make, Mom."

Potatoes are another favorite food that work great for us as a "fast food."

And we eat meat, so I've actually taken the money I would have spent on fast food to splurge for a pan-seared steak now and then.


Any helpful pointers on how to get started? Any great books or great websites that spell out what to eat and what not to eat?
My sister's SIL is gluten and lactose free, and she said that there is a blog--Gluten Free Girl I think, that she says is helpful when she is menu planning for her SIL. I haven't had time to check it out yet.


Yes! My seasonal allergies are hardly noticeable now, and I don't react to our cats as much either. I used to have itchy bloodshot eyes for weeks every year (lovely picture, isn't it?). I only had a couple days of itching since going GF, and it was only because I went overboard on those days petting one of my kitties.


I'm glad someone else is having the same experience. When it happened with me I couldn't believe it was related to the gluten issues. But it did seem to make sense from an inflammatory cycle standpoint.

Edited by Critterfixer
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