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Hello! I'm not sure how many folks might remember me from the old board format. I'm Jennifer, better known as Niffercoo. I've got 3 children, two of whom are on the autism spectrum. My daughter was diagnosed 2.5 years ago, and my son was diagnosed 2 years ago. We just completed our 6th year of homeschooling. Only Austin ever went to public school, for his first Kindergarten year. My younger daughter went to a church preschool for a year and a half.


We have used WTM off and on for 5 years of our homeschooling, and are currently using a more CM-style of classical education. I am using more of a WTM approach to language arts, and I'm eagerly looking forward to SWB's new writing book. I will update my signature at some point and put our curriculum information in it.


I'm looking forward to plugging back in to the Hive and getting to know everyone again! I will forewarn everyone that I have a tendency to use way too many exclamation points! Please excuse me in advance!

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Hiya! Great to see you again. I thought you were gone for good. So happy to have been mistaken.


Honestly, it was my plan to make a break for good. It's been a difficult couple of years since the children were diagnosed, and it was hard to realize that I wasn't going to be able to do WTM as it is in the book. I used to get very upset when I would read posts on the old board about kids with bad test scores or kids who didn't fit in socially, and I would take it as a personal attack on my homeschooling and parenting. I've come a long way since those times though! I think I'm strong enough now to realize that our homeschool looks the way it needs to look, because of the children I'm teaching. It's sort of hard to explain, but I'm not expecting to have those same problems anymore.

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Hello! I'm not sure how many folks might remember me from the old board format. I'm Jennifer, better known as Niffercoo. I've got 3 children, two of whom are on the autism spectrum. My daughter was diagnosed 2.5 years ago, and my son was diagnosed 2 years ago. We just completed our 6th year of homeschooling. Only Austin ever went to public school, for his first Kindergarten year. My younger daughter went to a church preschool for a year and a half.


We have used WTM off and on for 5 years of our homeschooling, and are currently using a more CM-style of classical education. I am using more of a WTM approach to language arts, and I'm eagerly looking forward to SWB's new writing book. I will update my signature at some point and put our curriculum information in it.


I'm looking forward to plugging back in to the Hive and getting to know everyone again! I will forewarn everyone that I have a tendency to use way too many exclamation points! Please excuse me in advance!



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Welcome back, can't wait to hear how things have been going for your family.


Thanks so much Lizzie!


I have my blog linked in my signature, so if you get bored you could check over there. Things have been going pretty well! My girls just finished their dance recital and choir programs, my son just finished baseball season, and we went to the beach!


I'm going to be redecorating my house this summer, so I'm sure I'll be driving everyone nuts asking for suggestions! :)

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My kiddo #4 was just diagnosed last month (now we have 2 on the autism spectrum). How are you and yours doing now?


I'd say welcome to the club, but I'm not sure that would be the most appropriate response. How about hugs? {{{{{{{Tanya}}}}}}}}


Things are going pretty well. We've been doing RDI (Relationship Development Intervention) for a little over a year now, and I am finally starting to feel like I know what I'm doing. We've seen lots of interesting changes in the children, and in our family in general. It has been a difficult and painful process for me personally though, for a wide variety of reasons. The biggest one is that RDI has required me to change the way I interact with the children, and really just change the way I am overall! I've had to stop talking so much and so fast, and slow my pacing down. I am not even close to the pace I need to be (think Mister Rogers and his pace and timing! LOL), but I'm better than I was before!


Anyway, that's just it in a nutshell! I'm looking forward to getting caught up with everyone's lives again as much as my online time will allow!

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