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Photos of My Christmas Village -- Finally! (finished it today)

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Remember that Christmas Village that I wanted to do.......well, today the kids and I finally finished it. I am having difficulty with the photos that dh took, so I don't know if these are going to be any good.


We did 'two' places -- NYC on the lower part and The North Pole on the upper part. Definitely alot of fun. All of the buildings were great wins on Ebay.


Thanks again to everyone here who shared their photos and suggestions. ETA: It was hard work in the sense that I worked on it at night and I was tired. I don't know why i do things that way, but I do. The most fun, though, was searching and bidding on ebay. The most difficult thing (for me) was figuring out how to manage 'perspective' and constructing/setting everything up so it was not 'flat.' Those kinds of things make me nuts. You all here were so kind and gracious to share your photos and that helped me work it out in my head.



Edited by MariannNOVA
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It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hurray:


Very, very pretty! Worth all the hard work (I'm sayin' that 'cause I didn't do any of it:D)


Wow! Very nice.


It's so lovely! What fun.




Very pretty.


Love it!


Well Done!



It is really beautiful!


Thank you all so much -- it was fun! And, the kids enjoyed it.

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We did a village this year too. All of our pieces are North Pole, most of them from Ebay. I did order 2 from Macy's on Black Friday before I thought of Ebay. I also had one stellar find of the Barbershop on Craigslist.


I went a little overboard and ended up with 15 buildings, most for a very small fraction of the price. Ebay was a little more addictive than I had expected.


Your village looks great. Weren't the cords a pain?

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We did a village this year too. All of our pieces are North Pole, most of them from Ebay. I did order 2 from Macy's on Black Friday before I thought of Ebay. I also had one stellar find of the Barbershop on Craigslist.


I went a little overboard and ended up with 15 buildings, most for a very small fraction of the price. Ebay was a little more addictive than I had expected.


Your village looks great. Weren't the cords a pain?


The cord are a pain, but buffalo snow is the BEST to make sure everything is covered. I LOVE the North Pole pieces -- in fact, I have four of them that we couldn't fit; we'll use them next year -- I got a little carried away bidding and winning. Ho-ho-ho........ebay is my achilles heel! ;) I think I actually won some of the NP buildings for less than $10. That makes them SO difficult to resist. Thanks for your kind words! Post a photo of your village.


Awesome! :D
Awwww, thank you. But, all I did was make a village -- you made a BABY!:001_smile:
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Beautiful! My MIL has officially given word that I am to start taking pieces of her village and begin setting it up in our home. Your village has inspired me :001_smile:.


Unfortunately, I'm certain our village will have a giant cat, or two, sleeping in the middle of it :glare: :D.

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it is even cooler than I thought!


I was inspired by your prior posts to do this, maybe next year. I have had a lot of fun looking at the houses in stores and online.


Maybe this is a separate thread but what are your tips for buying, set up etc.? How did you decide on Department 56?


My kids would love this. My younger son would love a Halloween version.

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I'm impressed! Very nice!
Thank you


Lovely! I especially love the puffy snow.
Thank you -- the puffy snow hides a multitude of sins.


I'm VERY impressed! Ours is just on three different height tables--not near that fancy!
Thank you


Beautiful! I only have 2 buildings, so I haven't started constructing elaborate scenes. But now you've got me all excited to check out Ebay!
We should make certain we are not bidding against each other. ;)


Beautiful! My MIL has officially given word that I am to start taking pieces of her village and begin setting it up in our home. Your village has inspired me :001_smile:. Thank you -- and enjoy!


Unfortunately, I'm certain our village will have a giant cat, or two, sleeping in the middle of it :glare: :D.


I *love* it!


It's absolutely amazing.


How do the kids like it?

Thank you -- the kids are really enamored of it -- dd11 especially -- they are already talking about different tweaks they want to make for next year.


It's so FLUFFY! What is that stuff you used for snow?


I wouldn't want to take it down after Christmas...it's so pretty!

Awww, thanks. Dh said the same thing. I used 'buffalo snow' -- don't know why they call it that, but I used alot of it when I was a classroom teacher.


Your display is so pretty!
Thank you


it is even cooler than I thought!


I was inspired by your prior posts to do this, maybe next year. I have had a lot of fun looking at the houses in stores and online.


Maybe this is a separate thread but what are your tips for buying, set up etc.? How did you decide on Department 56? I did really well price wise on ebay. I didn't so much decide on Dept 56 as it became clear when I won the first building I decided to bid on, that it would be wise to stick with dept 56 for reasons of scale and design. I made that decision b/'c using ebay, I didn't have the benefit of being able to compare side by side each physical piece. I later learned that if I wasn't so reluctant to brave crowds and traffic, I could have picked up tons of stuff in home depot and Michael's. I will say, though, that looking around Michael's right after Thanksgiving when they had all their Lemax stuff at 50% off, I still did better on ebay - as long as I stayed away from exorbitant shipping prices. I splurged on one piece -- I bid it up the wazoo b/c that particular auction was the one that was the most reasonably priced and the piece was a cafe that my dad took me to in NYC when I was a kid. The other pieces were really excellent bargains.


My kids would love this. My younger son would love a Halloween version.

I think I did this more for the kid;)s than for me Or maybe the same amount for all of us -- I wanted us to have something besides the tree to set up, and something that would be easy to divide and give to each of them when I am finished with it.
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It is lovely! I have had lifelong fascination with miniatures. Have you ever had a chance to visit miniatures exhibit at Art Institute of Chicago?


I've never visited that exhibit -- but I will make note of it. I LOVE miniature train exhibits and I think that next year I will somehow have to add a train. I love dollhouses too. Go figure.

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:iagree:. This was hard for me at first also.


Glad to know I am not the only one who has an issue with that. ;)

You did a wonderful job and it turned out beautifully!


Awwww, Thank you.


So pretty! Well done!


Love the backround--is that pretty sky painted as a backdrop, or on your wall, or what?

Thank you. :001_smile: The sky is actually three pieces of cardboard with the scene already on it -- I searched 'background' in ebay and found it.;
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Oohh! Love it!!


I decided to plan for next year so I can take my time and look for what I want.


Are your pieces all the same set/brand? I have only been to two stores to see some pieces (Sears, Kohl's) so I'm still not sure what I'm looking for/what I want to buy. I plan to take my holiday break and wander around a bit.


Thanks for sharing~~ it's great. Are you planning to add to it or is your village finished?

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Oohh! Love it!!


I decided to plan for next year so I can take my time and look for what I want.


Are your pieces all the same set/brand? I have only been to two stores to see some pieces (Sears, Kohl's) so I'm still not sure what I'm looking for/what I want to buy. I plan to take my holiday break and wander around a bit.


Thanks for sharing~~ it's great. Are you planning to add to it or is your village finished?


Yes, pieces are all the same brand -- Department 56 -- two series from that line: The North Pole and Christmas in the City. I tried to buy people from the Lemax houses anbd they were not the right scale for Dept 56. Walmart, though, has some no name brand of holiday people that are small and perfect for Dept 56.

I ended with D56 b/c the first piece I bid on and won from ebay was D56 - for no other reason than it was a piece that I really really liked and I wanted to have it -- I think it was Hollydale's Department Store. That 'married' me to Dept 56 (b/c I am a nut about scale and size). As I continued to look on ebay, I noticed that I had a bit of D56-North Pole Village in my watch list and I decided to do both: Christmas in the City and North Pole Village - just on different levels on the same table -- and that's what I did. It is basically finished as far as buildings go -- there are 4 Christmas in the City buildings that are not displayed - they are in boxes waiting for next year -- just no room. I will likely watch and splurge during the year on certain special pieces with meaning for me and my family (that's how Ferrara's Cafe is in my city) -- like Yankee Stadium and Radio City Music Hall. Those pieces are very $$$, so perhaps I will purchase one a year as I see them -- again on ebay. Cannot beat the prices on ebay -- people around here want tons of $ on Craigslist.


I may end up blogging about how I started and go through the process -- I will put a note in my sig line if I devote some of my blog space to it. FTR, if you are near a JoAnn fabric store, their line of houses and people, trees, etc are all 70% off this week -- I picked up some battery operated street lights that are normally $17. - so that was a huge savings. I also bought landscaping stuff like trees and shrubs on ebay.


So magical and cozy! I want to live there!


Me too -- I want to go into Ferrara's cafe and sit at the window and eat.:) DD11 apparently has that same touch of 'whatever' because she loves looking into the lighted windows and imagining herself there.

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