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So If Your DH Comes Home and Tells You This......

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They were talking about this on my local radio station today. The hosts said that Johnson ran on a platform being a Christian opposed to gay marriage, yet the women he donated sperm to were lesbian couples. They also said he claimed he did it because his (twice Miss America contestant) wife couldn't have any kids with him and he wanted biological kids. He also supposedly wants his family to move to New Zealand so he can be around these kids.


Yuck! What a hypocrite. And then there's the possibility that he could wind up providing child support for some of these kids.

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They were talking about this on my local radio station today. The hosts said that Johnson ran on a platform being a Christian opposed to gay marriage, yet the women he donated sperm to were lesbian couples. They also said he claimed he did it because his (twice Miss America contestant) wife couldn't have any kids with him and he wanted biological kids. He also supposedly wants his family to move to New Zealand so he can be around these kids.


Yuck! What a hypocrite. And then there's the possibility that he could wind up providing child support for some of these kids.

I thought one only had to provide support if one's donation was made the old fashioned way, not with a turkey baster.

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I thought one only had to provide support if one's donation was made the old fashioned way, not with a turkey baster.


The laws are not at all clear on known-donor issues like that one. The only way to be completely legally free of responsibility to the children is to donate through a sperm bank anonymously, or have someone else adopt the baby after birth.


My children are donor-conceived. But we used a sperm bank, not Craigslist.

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My children are donor-conceived. But we used a sperm bank, not Craigslist.


There's something you don't hear every day! :lol:


Eta: I mainly laugh because I honest to God cannot figure out how such a transaction would play out over Craigslist. I mean "Seeking dodgy cup of sperm for insemination"? Are there pictures? Would it be mailed or for local pickup only? Clearly, I am getting bogged down in the details so I can just block the rest.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Wait. Wait. Waaaaaaaait....


What, exactly, is the "nature" of the donation? I mean... :blink:


I'm very confused. I think "donation" is a delusional euphemism, but it seems to be used without quotes, so...?


Thanks for asking, because I'm confused too. Did he donate the "old-fashioned" way?

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There's something you don't hear every day! :lol:


Eta: I mainly laugh because I honest to God cannot figure out how such a transaction would play out over Craigslist. I mean "Seeking dodgy cup of sperm for insemination"? Are there pictures? Would it be mailed or for local pickup only? Clearly, I am getting bogged down in the details so I can just block the rest.

What happens if the sperm are not good swimmers? Does one file a Paypal dispute?

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So, I couldn't help but post. I was on my local Craigslist today (trying to figure out housekeeper prices) and happened across a lesbian couple advertising for a sperm donor. I just about died. My morning tea is all over my keyboard...


FWIW, they were requesting an interview, a physical, and bloodwork to test for STD's. The couple was going to pay for all that, of course, and play the donor for his "time". Then they said it would be anonymous. I'm not really sure how you do an anonymous interview, but, ok...

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Johnson ran on a platform being a Christian opposed to gay marriage, yet the women he donated sperm to were lesbian couples.


:ack2: Yeah. THat's a wee bit ridiculous.


One more for the chronicles of "Absurd and certain ways to implode a political career." I can't believe the stories about politicians' private lives this year.

So. True.


And of course, Craigslist doesn't screen "stud services" for STDs the way I assume a sperm bank would.

Also So. True.


Eta: I mainly laugh because I honest to God cannot figure out how such a transaction would play out over Craigslist. I mean "Seeking dodgy cup of sperm for insemination"? Are there pictures? Would it be mailed or for local pickup only? Clearly, I am getting bogged down in the details so I can just block the rest.

Uhhhh... am I the only one wondering if they.... used a turkey baster or something???:blink:


Thanks for asking, because I'm confused too. Did he donate the "old-fashioned" way?


I have known people who go that route. I'll clarify some details, but first I need to say that I DO NOT AGREE with the Craigslist donation route. I think it's not such a good decision for anyone, for the obvious reasons. If you don't want to know the details of how sperm donation works, now would be a good time to stop reading.


That said, normally, the couple would post that they are looking for a donor and what traits they wanted (ethnicity, hair and eye color, whatever), then if someone responds who doesn't sound like a complete creep, they'd meet him for an interview, and probably request that he get a physical workup including bloodwork for STD's from a doctor (at the expense of the couple). Then when the time comes, the man uses a cup, and the woman uses a needleless syringe.


It can be mailed. You can buy special mailers for the purpose. Usually that is reserved for a couple who already knows a man who lives far away. Usually the Craigslist thing is done local-only, because the sperm survives better that way.


Most couples in the US either use a man they actually know and are close to, or use a sperm bank. A sperm bank is the safest choice legally and in terms of STD screening. Sperm banks are not available everywhere though (outside the US the laws differ, and even in Canada it is very, very hard to get anonymous sperm), and "fresh" sperm does improve your odds of getting pregnant. Both of those things drive women to do things like the Craigslist thing. As to what drives the men who respond to such ads...well, that's what would concern me!




"Don't cry, honey, it may not be hereditary..."
What happens if the sperm are not good swimmers? Does one file a Paypal dispute?


:lol::lol::lol:to both of these...

Edited by AdventureMoms
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Believe it or not, I've seen this play out IRL. One of dh's cousins sent an interesting Christmas letter a couple years ago, suddenly mentioning J's oldest son, whom no one had heard about before. It turns out J traveled to Europe to visit his mom, ran into an old friend who had a request, made a "direct deposit" and suddenly 16 years later this is affecting his life. J's wife was not happy: they were married at the time of the deposit, and still are, but it was a rough couple of years when the news broke. I'm really :001_huh: that this is not a unique situation! Interesting times we live in....

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