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Book a week in 2012 - We're doing is all over again!

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We are set to do it all over again in 2012 - read 52 books in 52 weeks. If you didn't join in last year, now's your chance. There will be some mini challenges within the challenge: 12 in 2012, Reading all things Jane Austen, Well Educated Mind Classics read, A to Z challenge and whatever else comes to mind during the year.


The rules are simple:


The challenge run as follows




  1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.
  2. Our book weeks will begin on Sunday.
  3. Participants may join at any time.
  4. All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.
  5. Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2012.
  6. Books may overlap other challenges.
  7. Link your review on the 52 books blog
  8. I'm participating Mr. Linky is now up.
  9. Participate here and/or on the blog.




Fun, easy, enjoyable, casual - Come join in.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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I'm in (of course)! :D


You already know this is my absolute favorite thread on these boards.


Many thanks, Robin.

:iagree: on all 3 counts. :D


As you probably know, due to mainly cost (no library here :glare:) and time limitations, mine will be 26 books per year. Hope that's okay. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm not sure how I'll go for the 52 next year, since I'm joining the Shakespeare challenge. Maybe I'll fill the gaps with a lot of fluffy Sarah Addison Allen novels and reread Tamora Pierce's teen fiction. :lol:


Anyway, you asked evaluation questions last year, so I made a point of noting down some of the info. I forgot to count how many books I read, but:


Best books 2011

~The Queen of Fats: Why Omega-3s Were Removed From the Western Diet and What We Can Do To Replace Them, by Susan Allport.

~Bearing Witness: The Lives of War Correspondents and Photojournalists, by Denise Leith

~Piano Lessons by Anna Goldsworthy

~Richard Rutt's History of Handknitting.

~Sarah Addison Allen's


Worst books 2011

~St Teresa of Avila (gave up a third of the way through. I'd have liked her if she'd stopped after chapter three!)





~Sophacles' Theban Plays

~Arabian Nights (both volumes)

~All of Jane Austen's audiobooks

~Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott audiobook


So Negin, your post homeschooling plans are to start a library? :P




Edited by Rosie_0801
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I met the challenge this year! Thank you for doing this every week, Robin. I love seeing what others are reading. I am definitely in for next year but I am going to be having my own personal challenge within the 52 Books one. I noticed this year that I read more contemporary 'fluff' fiction than I would have liked so that I could meet the challenge. This year I want to read more non-fiction and classics. I am looking forward to this next year of reading. :001_smile:

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I did this last year and loved it. I planned to do it this year, but was too sick to do it so I'm really looking forward to doing it in 2012. DD overheard me talking to DH about doing it again and wants going to participate too! And I'm going to do a book a day challenge with DS since he's still in the picture book phase right now, but wants to get to do a book challenge since DD is. :) We're going to be doing a lot of reading next year!!

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We are set to do it all over again in 2012 - read 52 books in 52 weeks. If you didn't join in last year, now's your chance. There will be some mini challenges within the challenge: 12 in 2012, Reading all things Jane Austen, Well Educated Mind Classics read, A to Z challenge and whatever else comes to mind during the year.


The rules are simple:


The challenge run as follows




  1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.

  2. Our book weeks will begin on Sunday.

  3. Participants may join at any time.

  4. All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.

  5. Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2012.

  6. Books may overlap other challenges.

  7. Link your review on the 52 books blog

  8. I'm participating Mr. Linky is now up.

  9. Participate here and/or on the blog.



Fun, easy, enjoyable, casual - Come join in.


Thank you, Robin. I'll do it again. I haven't accomplished my book-a-week goal for the past few years, but I've read a lot more than I would have if I hadn't joined the challenge, and I've enjoyed reading books recommended in these threads. Thank you for keeping it going, and thanks to everyone who faithfully posts.

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Oh dear. I didn't this past year, but I've really been feeling the loss of the reading I used to do :( Maybe this will light a fire under my rear :willy_nilly: I already have a huge list of books I plan to read, so I'll just slot them in for the 52 in 52.


Thanks for doing this!

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I need to do this.


I'm ashamed at how many books I read last year. :ohmy:


Too many, or not enough? :bigear:


Robin, you are the BEST for doing this again.


I am so all over the Jane Austen challenge!


Need to get back to the WEM challenge as well. I let that one slide.


There's a Jane Austen challenge?! And a WEM challenge??!! Where are these threads? :bigear::bigear:

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I'm in, to some extent at least. I would like to focus on more "quality" books next year and not fret about getting one done every week. I might go the "12 in '12" route and try to get a classic read each month. But I'll definitely be checking in whenever I've finished a book.

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I want to try this year.


Love, love the Blog:001_smile:.


We are set to do it all over again in 2012 - read 52 books in 52 weeks. If you didn't join in last year, now's your chance. There will be some mini challenges within the challenge: 12 in 2012, Reading all things Jane Austen, Well Educated Mind Classics read, A to Z challenge and whatever else comes to mind during the year.


The rules are simple:


The challenge run as follows



  1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.
  2. Our book weeks will begin on Sunday.
  3. Participants may join at any time.
  4. All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.
  5. Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2012.
  6. Books may overlap other challenges.
  7. Link your review on the 52 books blog
  8. I'm participating Mr. Linky is now up.
  9. Participate here and/or on the blog.



Fun, easy, enjoyable, casual - Come join in.

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I'm going to give this a go in 2012. My biggest challenges are 1) I want to knit, too, but I'd much rather read a book myself than listen to an audiobook and 2) dh doesn't read, so if I'm reading, he sits and stares at me, occasionally asking, "What are you doing?" :banghead:


If I can get those two things figured out, I'm good to go!

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I'm going to give this a go in 2012. My biggest challenges are 1) I want to knit, too, but I'd much rather read a book myself than listen to an audiobook and 2) dh doesn't read, so if I'm reading, he sits and stares at me, occasionally asking, "What are you doing?" :banghead:


If I can get those two things figured out, I'm good to go!


How about -- you read, he knits. :D

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Got it, thank you! I saw the notes on the blog but wasn't sure if there were separate threads too. I'm bizarrely excited about this--as if I couldn't read on my own or something :lol:


The weekly thread is great motivation.



I don't blame you.








I seem to remember that you let it slide as well. ;)

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Bring it on! I too, would like to expand out of the usual fluff fiction I read. Is there a good list somewhere to check out? Maybe a top book list? I looked at the 1000 books to read, but that was very overwhelming!

ETA I checked out the 52 books blog and I liked the WEM list. I might start there!

Edited by southernm
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So happy to see so many happy readers!!!


:iagree: on all 3 counts. :D


As you probably know, due to mainly cost (no library here :glare:) and time limitations, mine will be 26 books per year. Hope that's okay. :tongue_smilie:


Perfectly absolutely. Whatever works for you.


I'm in....


Maybe this year I'll make my goal....maybe not. Dh is already complaining I read too long....




Lol! My hubby just lays down on the couch and sticks his feet in my lap. The more I read, the longer he gets a foot rub.


Robin, you are the BEST for doing this again.


I am so all over the Jane Austen challenge!


Need to get back to the WEM challenge as well. I let that one slide.


I let the WEM challenge slide as well. Going to work on that this year.


I'm going to give this a go in 2012. My biggest challenges are 1) I want to knit, too, but I'd much rather read a book myself than listen to an audiobook and 2) dh doesn't read, so if I'm reading, he sits and stares at me, occasionally asking, "What are you doing?" :banghead:


If I can get those two things figured out, I'm good to go!


Tell him you are taking your union break!



I was a drop-out last year, at least in terms of participating in the thread/blog. I'd like to give it a try again next year. I often lurked on the thread and always enjoyed it.


Welcome back.


This sounds like so much fun! I want to try, though I'm somewhat doubtful I'll succeed..


As long as you are reading, you are succeeding.


I want to join in on the fun! Will we be posting to this thread, or will another be started?


New thread every week!



Bring it on! I too, would like to expand out of the usual fluff fiction I read. Is there a good list somewhere to check out? Maybe a top book list? I looked at the 1000 books to read, but that was very overwhelming!

ETA I checked out the 52 books blog and I liked the WEM list. I might start there!


Most of the online book stores have top 10 books lists. Should be posting them soon since it's the end of the year. I'll see if I can find some links.

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I'm new to the board (having lurked for a few months) and would love to give this a shot. Though really, where do you all find so much time to read?? I currently consider myself to be doing well when I read 2 books in a month!

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I'm new to the board (having lurked for a few months) and would love to give this a shot. Though really, where do you all find so much time to read?? I currently consider myself to be doing well when I read 2 books in a month!


Tearing myself away from this board is one way to find time. :tongue_smilie:


Audio books count so some people listen to audio while cleaning, exercising, driving, etc.


I try to read each night before I go to sleep.


I keep a book in the bathroom and escape there a few minutes each day.


I carry a book with me when I leave the house, and sometimes I can catch a few minutes to read a bit.


We don't have any "live" TV. We only have Netflix and DVDs so watching TV is not done often.

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