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Mythbusters Ooops...Show put on hold

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Maybe they are just referring to the one episode is on hold. What I can't understand is how close would those houses have to be to the firing range to get hit? I would assume firing ranges wouldn't be anywhere near a house.


The story I read said the cannonball hit the hill, glanced off it and flew over 700 yards. A firing range *is not* the same thing as an artillery range. There is a reason for that. A hill will not absorb a cannonball shot the way that it will a bullet.

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Maybe they are just referring to the one episode is on hold. What I can't understand is how close would those houses have to be to the firing range to get hit? I would assume firing ranges wouldn't be anywhere near a house.


it was a military firing range. CA zoning laws (of whatever town/couinty) allowed houses to be built near it.

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it was a military firing range. CA zoning laws (of whatever town/couinty) allowed houses to be built near it.


I know in KS there are houses relatively near the range at Ft. Riley. When BIL was moving up there they decided AGAINST the house that had had shells land in the back yard. :lol:

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As long as the show has been on the air, I'm surprised this is their first "oops". They take safety very seriously.


:iagree: And I couldn't help but laugh at the description of the oops. Definitely do not try this at home :lol:


My kids have tried a couple mythbusters experiments at home, including 1 that had that warning. I have to say scrubbing tuna off your ceiling sucks but it beats fixing cannonball holes in the wall. :lol:

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DH used this as a teachable moment -- he sat DS down and showed him that even the experts make dangerous mistakes, which is why he should absolutely never try the things he sees on that show. DS was pretty impressed -- not by the lesson, by the size of the holes the cannonball made.:lol:

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Well, if a person's home is their castle, apparently the myth is confirmed. :lol:


I hope they still show the episode... and the oops!


No doubt! The castle, the castle a few blocks over, a chariot across the street. Wow. That path map is incredible!


I feel bad for them. They're better than that when it comes to safety.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I'm really glad no one got hurt and it sure is amazing as to what a cannonball can do.


I also have to say it annoys me that the owners of the house are "hinting at a lawsuit" (as per the article). This was an accident pure and simple. It took everyone off guard, not just the three mythbusters. No one was hurt. Their house will be repaired - probably better than it was (new floors, paint, etc). Now it just seems they want to get super rich off of it all too. Why else would they "hint at a lawsuit?" If something had been done on purpose (publicity stunt or whatever), then I'd understand, but not for a true accident.


America... the land of "get rich quick" if your house happens to be at the right spot at the wrong time (or other similar issues).

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No doubt! The castle, the castle a few blocks over, a chariot across the street. Wow. That path map is incredible!


I feel bad for them. They're better than that when it comes to safety.


In the article I read, it mentioned MythBusters has used that test site 50 times without incident. How crazy that something escaped this badly after so many successful uses?

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I have not liked Mythbusters for a long time now. They used to do a variety of scientific topics, and they were great at it. However, in recent years, it has been nothing but "let's see what we can blow up or shoot." The endless gun lust gets kind of disgusting after a while.


I'm not surprised that something finally went this far astray, but am very glad no one was hurt. Frankly, I wouldn't care one bit if they cancelled it.

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Frankly, I wouldn't care one bit if they cancelled it.


Wow. I'd care. No show should get canceled over an accident.


There are plenty of shows I choose not to watch because I don't care for them, but whether they are canceled or not ought to depend on viewership, not whether they had an accident of some sort.


My guess is this will end up boosting their ratings even if they don't end up showing this particular myth (this myth appears to be confirmed).

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