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What do your dh's do on the weekends?

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My husband will:


fix the dryer


fix the car--changing oil, working on brakes, fixing the fan assembly, winterizing, replacing tie rods, etc. ...whatever needs done short of bodywork


wash his clothes


restore or clean guns for friends (he had his own gun shop before going into the military)


computer maintenance (he's our resident expert)


help my mother with whatever she needs (this week it's pick out a generator and get it set up and ready for her)


haul things to or from storage (we're still cramming two households into one)


play Battlefield 3 on PlayStation


call his mother in PA every Sunday morning :001_smile:


small welding/repair jobs for work (chairs, tables, etc.)


take me shopping (he doesn't like for me to go alone, and he LOVES to shop hungry!) :tongue_smilie:


He has very little time to himself on the weekends, but I don't think he'd have it any other way...there's always too much to work on at the house, and there's always someone who wants him to tell them how to fix their computer over the phone (which is quite a frustrating task!)

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My poor DH doesn't have time on the weekends to be bored! He's got hobbies and interests of his own, plus house/yard/vehicle maintenance, plus he spends a lot of the weekend time with the children, especially since he has limited time with them during the week because of his work schedule. This weekend, he spent almost the entire weekend gathering firewood and working on the yard (and doing a small repair on my van); the children did work alongside him, so they got a lot of good quality time with him too. He also took the three older children to a movie last night.


Typically, my DH gets up with the kids on the weekends, or at least on Saturday, to let me sleep in a bit. (Less helpful when we have an infant who tends to prefer me anyway, but it's still something.) So doing breakfast, dressing, etc. takes up some time.

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OK, that's not ALL he does. He likes to goof off on the computer, watch movies, Aikido practice, go on looooong walks in any weather, go to the coffee shop or out to eat. Sometimes we end up in DC or Baltimore for a festival or event of some sort. Occasionally we go to the symphony, but we're cheap and usually go on a Thursday.


Lately he's spent a LOT of down time flying solo with the kids because I've had a ton of rehearsals. Next week I'm in two shows, so it'll be just him and the kids again. Once these shows are over, we're looking forward to having nothing to do on the weekends for a while.


Our kids are 11 and 14, so sometimes they prefer not to go with us and we can actually date :)


ETA: We don't care for home improvement projects or yard work, so we only do it when we can't hire it out or put it off any longer.

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We do date night in on Friday night, a busy Saturday, and a day of rest on Sunday. We try and do all of our in town errands during the week, so we don't have to waste our weekend in town.


Saturday is farm workday and dh stays busy. This weekend he moved a steer to the front pasture, moved a roundbale to the front pasture. trimmed tree branches near the milking area, moved a water trough and filled it, went to the feedstore, fixed the antenna for amateur radio he and the children talk on, ground 100# of goat and pork and made it into sausage, got two tires for the Suburban, moved the portable buck pen, dropped off a book at the library, and mailed some bills.


Sunday is our day of rest, but that doesn't mean we don't do anything. Dh takes the children to his office for a few hours in the afternoon to work on science projects. They talk about amateur radio and see who they can pick up on the radio. They are getting ready for a test for a different license and were discussing that. No real work, just whatever everyone is interested in doing.

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Niiiiiiice :D



My DH works on projects (yard work, hot tub, garage etc- we just moved 4 months ago so our to-do list is, ahem, staggering) but is also a techie and enjoys down time reading articles, watching movies etc.


As a family we go hiking/to the mountains, out to dinner (usually) and to church. :)

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Come late fall, mine fishes any moment the wind isn't blowing and there isn't a very pressing repair needed at home. That lasts until late spring. I don't mind because I enjoy my own hobbies and I really like a quiet home... he takes the boys. :) The past two weekends he has had to repair pipes under the sink, repair the dryer and he volunteered to cook breakfast and grilled a large dinner for lots of company. But, as said, if nothing is pressing and the wind isn't blowing, he is headed to the boat to fish...

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We have a couple of acres and an old house, plus animals. ;) He builds things; chicken pens and such. Mucks out stuff, flips compost, loves to use the power wash. ;) He plants things, has the kids work with him. When it's winter, we do more "outings' and I make him play. (He does say, however, that the most relaxing thing he does is plant.) He loves to dig in the dirt. If he doesn't have newer pants, he moves old ones to different places. he has a good eye for that sort of thing. lol) We've been to Boston and NYC in the past 3 weeks for family outings. He travel a lot for work, so I don't push. He loves to putter and is great at organizing & fixing things.


Eta: lol How could I forget. He's also 'musician'. Uke, bass, fools around wight the kids at the piano & does a lot of work for a local music organization with one of our sons. He like to go listen to music in town as we know quite a few local musicians. When he is not traveling, he works from home and does a lot of the math work with the kids, and is excellent at editing papers.


He also watches Casablanca about twice a month to unwind. I love watching him enjoy that. Its so sweet. Lol

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This weekend:

He made a few of the weekend meals, made a grocery run for me, graded one of the kid's work from last week, hung up the towel bars/tp and new toilet seat in the bathroom I painted, watched a family movie with us, at various times played either mafia wars on FB, Star legends, words w friends (usually with me and the teens for a few minutes between doing other things), watched football sporaticly, played with little ones while I went over some school work with older kids and painted that bathroom, went with us to buy some needed clothes for the girls, played a round of trivial pursuit with myself and the teens after reading some bedtime stories to the toddler and preschooler. He likes to home brew beer, play discus golf, wii and Xbox, watch sports or Netflix shows (usually after kids are in bed)

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Mine, like yours, does virtually nothing. Pretty much all screen time between the tv and the computer. We actually did rake leaves yesterday and cleaned up some in the garage, but that's kind of rare for him. It really bothers me. I think it's more depression than anything, but he loves to golf, though, and has motivation for that anywhere, anytime.

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Well he takes care of things around here as necessary, but the main thing he does is take over primary care for the children. I mean, I still care for them some and interact with them, but I often take one at a time running errands like grocery shopping, have one help me with cooking, do projects with one. I switch out kids as we go. He fixes half or more immediate meals and plays a lot with them outside.


He does take a nap at least one weekend day so we work around that. He simply doesn't get enough sleep during the week.


Currently, he is sleeping in livingroom with our 3year old. Not sure the story there as I was sleeping by 7 due to being sick. His alarm will go off in 15 min.


ETA: last night, just before I went to bed, 3yo started complaining about his ear. He actually went from nothing to really upset about it within no time. Anyway, that never got better. Hubby put onion juice in his ear (which I've fussed at him about as this isn't something we could really do yet) and kiddo is doing better, sleeping in livingroom floor. So hopefully he'll wake up soon to potty and I can put him back to bed. Hubby is certain that with all my coughing, he'll wake up (sorry kiddo).

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Dh and I have a pretty good weekend routine. Saturday we do all the heavy stuff around the house: the extra laundry, yard work, etc. and he takes care of my honey-do list of things I can't do on my own, like setting up the baby gates. Then we go get mail, do grocery shopping, and browse around the BX if there's no festivals going on or parties to go to.


Sunday he makes us a big breakfast, we go to the library as a family and then the rest of the day is for vegging out. He cooks dinner in the evening but in between there's a good 6 hours of video games, sports, and hanging out doing nothing.

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My dh rarely even sits down and almost never watches TV. This weekend he read the newspaper, went to church, picked up and sorted popcorn for our Cub Scouts to pick up, stripped metal for scrapping, read to the kids, cleaned some of the garage, raked leaves, did grocery shopping, took both the cars for tire rotation, took kids to activities and probably a few other things I don't remember. My husband always has a long list of things he wants or needs to do and doesn't have time to be bored!

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This weekend he washed our cars, went to the grocery store, church, watched football, played with our kids and many neighborhood kids, chatted with his friends, etc. He also loves to cook but usually only has time on the weekends so Sunday has turned into his day to make dinner while I can get my teacher planning ready for the week. HTH

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Cleans up the yard

changes the oil in the cars

pays bills

runs errands

plays football/baseball with the kids

watches football if he can catch the game. He won't think of putting in front of family

vacuums the pool in summer, cleans leaves off the cover in winter.

He's another that loves to read the paper


as a family we:

go to church

swim in the summer


this weekend we went kite flying

go to antique stores, flea markets, garage sales


take walks with the dog

he reads up on antiques and finds new places for us to visit


we hike a LOT. I have many beautiful state parks by me.

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I work on the weekends, so DH is home with the kids Friday evening and all day Saturday by himself. He usually does some chores around the house or yard and then tries to find something fun to do with the kids (park, movie, library, minigolf, etc.) He's getting a lot better at managing....there used to be a time when, if the kids were clothed, fed, and clean, he had had a good weekend. He's a lot more productive now. :tongue_smilie:


I am home on Sundays, we all go to church and usually spend the rest of the day with extended family.

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My dh will:


Play Legos with the kids (He loves, loves, loves Legos. We recently sorted a 30lb. tub, he has had since he was a kid, by color. He asks for Legos for gifts all the time.)


Play the Wii or board games with the kids.


Mix records with his dj set up.


Take the family out in the Ranger (family quad) to a spot by the river or to a great hiking trail. When the weather is warm this is the main thing we do on the weekends.


He doesn't really like tv, but if he does turn it on it is usually to watch Modern Marvels with the kids.

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It varies, depending on what is on the calendar for the family.


Two weekends ago, we had tickets to a bunch of readings of new plays during a weekend festival. So, our weekend was spent going to the theatre and figuring out how to squeeze in some meals.


This past weekend, he did some errands on Saturday morning and then went car shopping. On Sunday, we took some friends into the Magic Kingdom and spent time with them. Then, I took our daughter a a friend to a local event, so my husband was on duty to pick up our son from his volunteer shift at the science museum.


Other weekends, we might go to the farmer's market or go out for lunch.


We've been going to church on Sunday mornings, but that is in flux at the moment.


When he's not running around with us, he usually enjoys relaxing with a TV show or playing computer games.

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