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Botox: Have you done it? Would you do it?


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Yes, If I could afford it I would.


I have scowl lines between my eyes that I would love to go away. I often wonder if I did botox a few times, if they would soften in the long run or just come right back after it wore off.


I know they won't go away, but just softened would be nice.


I do worry that it is a very slippery slope though and once started, I wonder if I could stop. LOL

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I haven't done it but I think I will in the future (ie. after I have this baby.) I have the typical number 11 between my eyebrows and it tends to make me look mad even when I'm not... I also think that it is better to have it done sooner as opposed to later so that they don't get too deep.


BTW: I just turned 36.

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No, but I've been looking forward to getting wrinkles for most of my life. It's sort of weird anyway. It's like opening a novel and then taking whiteout to some of the sentences. Wrinkles tell your story. Let them be.



I agree to a point. I work in a pharmacy under unforgiving lights. I have people tell me that I look mad all the time. Unless I have a smile on my face, I don't have a nice 'relaxed' look about me...just pissed. LOL It is the lines between my eyes that do it. :angry: <---- yep those ones. LOL

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I've done it and I would/will do it again.


When I had it done, 'something' was different but folks couldn't put their finger on it -- the most heard comment was: 'Wow, did you just get back from a vacation. You look so well rested.' Which I guess means that I typically look tired and haggard, right? ;) But, that's what I heard constantly.


I had that little crease between my eyebrows at the top of my nose done and the tiny creases around my eyes done. I am thinking about having the 'parentheses' around my mouth done.


ETA: I am an 'older' mom -- much older than most of you here -- When I first had it done, I was in my late 40s - I am now in my late 50s. I don't think I would ever have had anything done before I was 45 -- I just didn't need it.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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I agree to a point. I work in a pharmacy under unforgiving lights. I have people tell me that I look mad all the time. Unless I have a smile on my face, I don't have a nice 'relaxed' look about me...just pissed. LOL It is the lines between my eyes that do it. :angry: <---- yep those ones. LOL


This is me too...even my kids will ask me why i'm mad when I'm concentrating on something.

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I'm considering it for the same reason. The angry 11 ! LOL What's worse is that I have a couple chicken pox scars from when I was just *12* that run along those two lines and make it even more pronounced! I hate it. I get so tired of saying, "I'm FINE!" when people ask what's wrong because I look cranky.


However, with my scar issue, I'm wondering if there is a surgical procedure that could help or if a filler--permanent or temporary--might be a better fix. When we can afford it, I'm going to get a consult.

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No. If I won't stoop to dying my hair to look younger, I certainly will not be injecting botulism toxin into my face.


Quite honestly, the quest for eternal youth is not something I want to teach my children and I cannot imagine trying to explain to them why it's perfectly reasonable for me to have a deadly toxin injected into my body to paralyze my face so I can look better.


And I have deep forehead lines that actually do bother me every time I see them.

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Yes, If I could afford it I would.


I have scowl lines between my eyes that I would love to go away. I often wonder if I did botox a few times, if they would soften in the long run or just come right back after it wore off.


I know they won't go away, but just softened would be nice.


I do worry that it is a very slippery slope though and once started, I wonder if I could stop. LOL



I agree to a point. I work in a pharmacy under unforgiving lights. I have people tell me that I look mad all the time. Unless I have a smile on my face, I don't have a nice 'relaxed' look about me...just pissed. LOL It is the lines between my eyes that do it. :angry: <---- yep those ones. LOL

:iagree: I have them too, have had since my teens and people say such horrible things because they think I'm grumpy or mad.

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Guest submarines
Wow, I'm really surprised there are so many "No ways."


And I'm really surprised that there are so many who would consider it. :001_huh: Not that I think it is anything bad, I just had no idea so many people were thinking about it.

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I'm on the fence about it. I will have a mini within the next couple of years. I'm considering the botox to get rid of the 111 between my eyes. But I'll never stop squinting. I do it and don't even realize it. So I can't consciously not do it.


But I'm not sure if I'd be happy about the botulism thing.

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I will not have myself injected with paralyzing toxins. Period.

I won't even dye my hair - if there are white hairs, so be it.


My great-grandmother was completely wrinkled and had snow white hair; she was a beautiful 95 year old woman and her face told you that she had lived that long and seen much.

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I can't picture myself getting botox for wrinkles - those don't really bother me... but I have an aunt who has it done to help a facial tic. I would do it for that.


I do dye my hair - not to look younger, but because I grey in a ridiculous skunk stripe. If it was any other kind of pattern I'd let it go, but it just looks stupid.

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I have a friend who got a face lift due to being told she looked 'angry' all the time. It was effecting her professional life and her social life. I really didn't blame her. That said, I didn't notice much difference.


I have two friends who have had face lifts and for both of them I can't really see much difference. I think all that money would be much better spent on things like botox and fillers etc than going to surgery. Both of the friends are older and neither of them had heard of botox. One even came to me and said that she still had the lines between her brows and did I know a way to get rid of them. I sent her to a dermatologist.


I would do botox if I could afford it, lol. I just can't. I do love my Retinin-A, lol.


My mom has the upper eyelid droop that interferes with her vision. She refuses to get anything done about it. She also doesn't dye her hair etc. I cannot understand how she deals with it. It would drive me batty! I told DH that I am going to have my eyes 'done' in my mid 50s to avoid it. It is partially vanity, yes. But really, sometimes she holds the skin back so she can read! Why put up with something like that?

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I won't stick botulism in my body deliberately because that just seems stupid to me but I do have a nice stash of Retin A and I have had laser work done and will do more of that in the future.


But that's probably it for me. I cannot imagine hacking into my body for cosmetic stuff. I might dream about but I'd probably never actually do it. Probably... (Spoken like a just turned 40 year old)

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Well, I will admit that I did it today. I am 43. I've been losing weight. I'm very active. I feel great, but I was starting to get crow's feet. I had some skin tags removed today, and I talked to my dr. about botox, too. It was only $250, and this is a great dermatologist.


I understand people saying no way to Botox. I cannot imagine someone cutting off my face for a face lift. That terrifies me.


I am so not a vain person, but I want to age gracefully. My mom didn't age gracefully, and it scares the bejeebus out of me. She was a major tanner, and I'm not, but still I'm worried it is genetic. So I did it, and I am probably the last person people would suspect of doing this.

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I would probably not have it injected into my face; however, I probably will have it injected into other parts of my body for the purpose of reducing perspiration.


ETA: After I typed my response, I had to LOL at my current crunchiness regarding hygiene, eating, and most other things. I won't dare eat preservatives, yet I'll inject botulism into my armpits. D'oh.

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Good for you OP. Is this something you will have to keep doing? If so, how often? Maybe I will rethink my facelift idea - in reality I would probably be too chicken anyways! :lol:


Every 3-4 months, but my dr. said that staying up on it will likely make a face lift not necessary, especially because I just want to age gracefully and look natural. Part of me can't believe I am at this point. I've never been vain, but my mom looks very haggard at 61, and I don't want that for myself.

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I have enough medical problems without risking any more, no matter how small a risk it might be.


Now, I do know that botox has been used for pain management (migraines, I think?) so I could see considering that if it were being used for RSD, but not for any other purpose.

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My son has had botox. He has Cerebral Palsy and botox can help alleviate the spasticity in limbs. It didn't help very much and it was extremely painful. I doubt he will have it done again.


My mom had botox injections in her forehead. I couldn't tell a difference.


I think I would if it made me feel better about myself.


Elise in NC

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My DH works at a plastic surgeons office (they're business partners), so he's around this all day everyday. My DH actually consults people on all the procedures done. He's also had it done twice and really liked it. There are so many non invasive procedures that can be done now vs. surgical procedures. It's just amazing, really. :)


Also, as most of us know with the economy, it's a VERY tough market and you really need to "market" yourself if you're out in the job force. If there are two people that are completely equally qualified for a position, but one has a better appearance, who do you think will get the job??? Not saying it's right, just saying that's the way it is. I'm so far removed from how tough it is out there since I've been a SAHM for almost 9 years.


Dh has seen how some of the procedures done really change people's lives. They do better in their careers and just feel better as a person without even having surgery. :)

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My DH works at a plastic surgeons office (they're business partners), so he's around this all day everyday. My DH actually consults people on all the procedures done. He's also had it done twice and really liked it. There are so many non invasive procedures that can be done now vs. surgical procedures. It's just amazing, really. :)


Also, as most of us know with the economy, it's a VERY tough market and you really need to "market" yourself if you're out in the job force. If there are two people that are completely equally qualified for a position, but one has a better appearance, who do you think will get the job??? Not saying it's right, just saying that's the way it is. I'm so far removed from how tough it is out there since I've been a SAHM for almost 9 years.


Dh has seen how some of the procedures done really change people's lives. They do better in their careers and just feel better as a person without even having surgery. :)


That is good to know. Thanks.

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I didn't come out about it to encourage anyone else to do it, and it doesn't bother me that so many wouldn't. As usual, I don't fit into any box about how I do things or the choices I make. LOL I was just curious how how other hs moms felt about it, and now I know. :)

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