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spin off: When you were young what did you want to name your future children?

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I used to tell my friends that I would have 3 girls and call them Jessica, Jennifer, and Jacqueline. :lol:


I had 1 girl and 4 boys. Strangely enough, my daughter went through a stage when she insisted on being called Jennifer.

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I always wanted a Patrick. I almost got one - was planning to name our twin boys Joseph and Patrick when, five days overdue, hubby said he did not care for Patrick after all. So we ended up with John. Then the next two single births were girls....now I have told my kids one of them has to have a Patrick for me!!!!

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A boy would have been Christian Andrew, and for a while I also liked the names Darren, and Allen.


A girl would have been Jessica (when I was very young)


And when I was a little older it would have been Elisa Ryanne. (I tryed to get DH to agree to Elisa for our DD, but he didn't like it. ;) )




Strange when it actually came time to name a *real* person instead of an imaginary "someday" child, my opinions changed dramatically. The whole thinking process became quite different. ;)

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I wanted a Laura (from Little House on the Prairie) and an Amy (my first best friend) and a Sarah... didn't get any of those!


For boys I liked Paul and Matthew...didn't get those either!



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Through a bizaar twist of fate, my foster dd, who we are in the process of adopting....her middle name is Jade.


My dh hates the name, and I have lost interest in it so we are not going to keep it. When we rename her, she will get a new first name, move her bio-first name to her middle name, and give her our last name.


Of the millions of names available, I was very surprised to find out that she had the one name I thought I would use.

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I didn't want children, just dogs. However my ds went through a period where he had an imaginary wife and 4 kids, he was about 4 years old. His wife was Nothing. His children were Pillow, Twiggy, and a girl Sarah. I forget the 4th childs name.


He would die if he knew I shared this with anyone, but it was so cute.

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My mom really, really like the name Allison Rae (she claims my dad named me), so I named my Cabbage Patch doll Allison Rae. I never had a girl, but Allison Rae did not make our list of possible girl names (just in case we were surprised).


I don't recall thinking about life with children as a teenager. I never had a list of possible names until I was married and actually pregnant.

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I liked Samantha and Alyssa for girls.

In high school I came up with a boys name that I liked. Just a name that I liked for the first name and the middle name was after a dear family friend who had passed entirely too early :(


Surprisingly I got that boy name...

A LOT changed in my life between those times..but due to those changes I wanted my kids' names to have Biblical significance..the boy name fell into that category. And the middle name I originally chose in honor of the family friend...well...it just so happened to be my husbands middle name ;) It all worked out perfectly. And yeah, I still actually LIKED the name by the time a child rolled around hehe


Oh, the name..that would be Levi Thomas

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I wanted my first boy to be Stephen James. In one kid I could honor 2 best friends, and uncle and a boyfriend. I also wanted an Alexander (as in the Great and The Black Stallion). I believe in getting a lot of milage from a name :)


For a girl, Kathleen was so much better than Katherine. I was really into the Irish at the time.

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From sixth grade on, I wanted an Anna Kate, called both. And I was thisclose to getting one. But when I was pg with DD, friends were due a few months before us and they were going to use Annaliese (Anna).


We wound up with a Savannah Rose instead (called both) and they wound up with a boy. :D And honestly, I can't imagine her as anything except a Savannah Rose now.


Never really thought about boys' names, always just assumed I'd have a junior. Didn't.

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At one time I loved the names Penelope and Priscilla. Those names would be at the bottom of my list now. I liked the name Forest for a boy (one "r" and not after Nathan Bedford), but after Forrest Gump, I am just SO glad I never did that. When I was a teen, I thought the name River Phoenix was very cool, but I was sure I could never come up with anything so unique of my own--and I didn't:)

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I didn't want children, just dogs. However my ds went through a period where he had an imaginary wife and 4 kids, he was about 4 years old. His wife was Nothing. His children were Pillow, Twiggy, and a girl Sarah. I forget the 4th childs name.


He would die if he knew I shared this with anyone, but it was so cute.



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DD would have been Carmah (after g.g.ma), but dh didn't like it at all. :glare: or Rhiannon again dh didn't like it.


DS would have been Christian, except I had and ex whose name was Christian and well you know how dh's can be about naming their children after the wives exes.


You know, now that I think about it, I'm lucky my kids have names at all.

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Sam for a boy and Ella for a girl. I have also always really liked Charlotte, Amelia, Astrid, Anastasia, Aliyea, and Iris for a girl. Oh, and Dimitri, Donovan, Micah, and Jacob for a boy. Tragically, my husband didn't agree on any of those...lol

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Austin Michael for a boy and Aurora Michelle for a girl. Our last name is very common in our area so I go for different first names and by the time ds #1 was born Austin was such a popular name it was automatically disqualified. Funny thing is we had neighbors that named their son that 1st and middle and I didn't meet them until after they named him!!! My dd#1 almost was Aurora, however, they had come out with the car and there is a cabinet place called that, a friend kept teasing me about that and so I just couldn't do it after that. I still like the name, it's unusual, but he's ruined it forever! And now both my girls start with K's so I would feel the need to continue that trend if we have any more!

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Taylor and Tyler. They are such common names now, but back in the day, I thought they would be perfect. Also, for some reason, I thought the name Solange would be wonderful for a little girl.


I ended up with Hunter. :)


If I ever have a little girl, if I can't talk my dh into Scarlett, I'll name her Shelby Christine. (After Shelby in Steel Magnolias, and my Aunt Christine)

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Dh and I picked the names of our children on our first date. It was sort of a "hypothetical" conversation, but we talked about it for over an hour. The names were:


Kieran Danger (check! This is our oldest son!)

Allyn Jane (never used the name... no girls)

Rhiannon Kay (ummm... we didn't have girls)


When our second was born it was hard to pick a name because we'd planned on 2 girls and a boy, not more than one boy. We eventually settled on Corwin Drew, but it was so much harder than just using one of our "first date" names.

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so many of you were thinking about this as children.


I'm not sure as a child that I ever thought about having children myself and being a mother. I know I played with dolls (and LOVED my Barbies) so that's sort of "Mom play" in a way, but I don't think I ever envisioned my future as being a mother. That all seemed like a wonderful cosmic surprise to me, even though it's really not in the least surprising in retrospect.

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When I was young and people asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" My answer was "A missionary in Africa, and a wife and a mommy!" I've done all those things now! :D (Married 1988, jad 3 kids, Kenya-2006)


I was going to have twins: Kelsee Rose and Kailee Dawn


OR Sylvia Marie after my mom and grandma.


I don't remember even thinking about boy names!


I ended up with two boys and a girl. Our dd is not any of the names above. :)

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Believe it or not, when I was in seventh grade I was writing two kids names constantly all over notebooks. Girl and boy name. Boy name havent got chance to use. But, the girl name is the name of my first born. Named after Russian princess.



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