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What is it with kids...

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...and butter? DD2 just snuck into the kitchen and ate half a stick of butter while I was helping DD5 practice her karate. Gross! My other kids and most of my nieces and nephews also went through a butter stage, along with at least one of my brothers and my dad.

I mean, I love butter, but just eating it by the handful? :ack2:

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My DD will eat butter if it's within reach.


My oldest was never into butter, but his thing was sour cream. He'll still, if you let him, eat sour cream right out of the container with a spoon. Yuck!


Oh yes. We have a sour cream loving child in this house. He eats sour cream with a dollop of chili.

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I think their brains are craving the good fats in butter. I would start serving organic butter, fish oil, and coconut oil.


When my son was about 2 he was a super picky eater, but he loved butter and went crazy for unflavored cod liver oil. (yuck!) He was missing the healthy fats in his self-imposed picky diet. Thankfully he eats much better now!

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I think it has to do with the need for fat in the diet. Maybe their needs occasionally increase with different stages. (I am from the camp that natural fats are good for you and that sugar/carbs is what makes one fat, so feel free to ignore me. :D)


Well, little brains *need* fat. I'd rather have a child craving butter than craving white flour or sugar. :)


I would start serving organic butter, fish oil, and coconut oil.



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I have the same problem with dogs and butter.


Look on the bright side, at least she doesn't do what my DD did when she was 2 ... and 3... and 4: Pour catsup into a cup and drink it. There is nothing more disgusting -- okay, pertaining to eating food only -- than seeing a messy little girl with catsup smeared on her mouth and dripped onto her shirt. Yes, the first time it happened, I checked to see whether she had fangs.

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I'm so grossed out by this thread :lol:!


We didn't use dairy products in my childhood home, and while not against it per se I just don't really buy it for my home now. Every once inawhile when cooking for a guest, maybe, but we don't just keep butter on hand. I don't like butter. I can't even begin to fathom eating it .... straight! Ack! I'm laughing and gagging all at once!


(I certainly do believe kids crave fats, though. My kids go through avocados like nobody's business, but I shudder to think of mouthfuls of butter! I had no idea this was a 'normal' thing!)

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:iagree: Also, because of our sedintary socitey, many peds recommend having kids drink lowfat/skim milk. So good dairy fat is missing from the diet.



I think their brains are craving the good fats in butter. I would start serving organic butter, fish oil, and coconut oil.


When my son was about 2 he was a super picky eater, but he loved butter and went crazy for unflavored cod liver oil. (yuck!) He was missing the healthy fats in his self-imposed picky diet. Thankfully he eats much better now!

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I think their brains are craving the good fats in butter. I would start serving organic butter, fish oil, and coconut oil.


When my son was about 2 he was a super picky eater, but he loved butter and went crazy for unflavored cod liver oil. (yuck!) He was missing the healthy fats in his self-imposed picky diet. Thankfully he eats much better now!


Dd came home from college this past summer craving fats: butter, salmon, cheese, and sour cream. I started her on unflavored cod liver oil. Her cravings stopped, and she feels better, too.

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Oh my littlest goes crazy for it at the moment. I simply cannot leave it unattended on the kitchen bench, he climbs up and demolishes it! My older two would still do it in a heartbeat - if they thought they'd get away with it! (I remember loving butter as a kid too...)

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I think their brains are craving the good fats in butter. I would start serving organic butter, fish oil, and coconut oil.


When my son was about 2 he was a super picky eater, but he loved butter and went crazy for unflavored cod liver oil. (yuck!) He was missing the healthy fats in his self-imposed picky diet. Thankfully he eats much better now!


Dd12 ate butter when she was little and for the life of me I could not understand why but it never dawned on me that butter was giving her something she was missing in her diet. DD5 loves (flavored) cod liver oil and/or flax seed oil or omega 3 and will tell me that's good :ack2:.So I give her pedia-sure daily and that seems to have curved her appetite for the stuff.

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