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Anyone started Christmas shopping yet?

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I think I've been body-snatched by aliens because I've never bought Christmas presents this early, but this year I've already purchased some.


I bought the whole series of Harry Potter DVD's and a HP Lego Wii gamefor both kids, plus got DD a cool new tea pot (she's a tea fiend!). Thinking hard about getting them both a $79 Kindle but not sure if I trust them to be careful enough with it yet. Not off to a racing start, but hey, it's still farther along than I've been before so I'm happy!


Anyone else getting an early start?

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Go for the Kindle! My Ds is younger than yours and loves to borrow mine. They are surprisingly durable (regarding drops on carpeting. I doubt it would survive a flat-out stepping-on.)


I haven't purchased anything yet, but I'm making a list and will probably start this week. I learned my lesson last year that any Lego minifigure purchases I want to make HAVE TO be made in October, since everywhere will be sold out by November!

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We're going to do the 4 presents of something you want, need, wear and read. Plus one big gift for both to share. I have put a few things in my Amazon cart but am waiting until payday. I did buy my dd something to wear, and when I go out today I think I might try to find the "need" one. I have more ideas for my son than I do my dd.


I better get crackin' on it!



My elderly mother in law is the one I really need ideas for!

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actually, I know I'm getting dd8 an air chair and some snow shoes.


Dd11 is getting a bedroom make-over for her birthday on 11/30. I'm still up in the air about Christmas.


Boys: Cash. Ds19 will get a canister of cookies to bring to his dorm. I'm discussing gift certificates for a great day trip for he and his girlfriend but haven't made up our minds as to what we'll do yet.


Dh and I got a brand new kitchen with all new appliances. He better not get me anything else! I know he's considering an Ipad. I really want him to hold off. I don't NEED an Ipad. If I had one, what would I do with my Kindle?


Dh needs new clothes. I'll get him some, even though he doesn't think he needs new clothing. I normally get him new clothing annually but last year he insisted he didn't need anymore. I know, boring, but we really don't need anything!


If I didn't have a RADish I'd be buying him a weekend away for the two of us. Oh well.

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I have gifts for all of my kids, but not all of their gifts. I got my oldest a luggage set from Bean, the next one is getting a new messenger bag, plus a clock and some stuff to go with her B-day present (which is in Dec, and she's getting the IPod touch, which I just bought). So far, for the boys, I have Phillies shirts. I got them this summer when I was visiting home.

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Go for the Kindle! My Ds is younger than yours and loves to borrow mine. They are surprisingly durable (regarding drops on carpeting. I doubt it would survive a flat-out stepping-on.)


I haven't purchased anything yet, but I'm making a list and will probably start this week. I learned my lesson last year that any Lego minifigure purchases I want to make HAVE TO be made in October, since everywhere will be sold out by November!


Good to know. DS is obsessed with those things (Lego Mini-figures)! Where are you buying yours?

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So far, only a couple of stocking stuffer toys on clearance. Oh, and they had some movie concession style boxes of candy on sale, too, so I got one of those for each of the boys.

Our Christmas club acct pays out next week, so we're planning on going shopping the following. :) I can't wait!!!! (Usually we go mid-October) I LOVE Christmas shopping! (My love language is gifts, so I really really like the whole giving and receiving of Christmas!)

Can I say what we're getting? Pretty pretty please??? :D

DS7: Spiderman sheets, Lego star wars game for the DS (+ DS and carrying case - actually, DS7 gave DS5 his Leapster, and DH never plays his DS anymore so he's giving it to DS7. I'm going to put it in the carrying case and hopefully the game will fit in the case, too, and wrap it all together. HE WILL BE SO EXCITED!!!!!! :D :D Maybe to some, giving him something we already own but that hasn't been his and he hasn't gotten to play with is cheap and not all that exciting - nor worthy of unwrapping on Christmas morning - but I'm SO happy and excited!!!! He really wanted a DS and has been saving up for one, but I really wanted to buy him one at the same time, but still we don't usually spend that much at Christmas, and I'd rather get him several small things that he wants than one really expensive thing that he wants, if I have to choose between the two. So anyway, it all worked out really really well!! :D ); one of the Lego 'board' games, I'm thinking Minotaurus, and some Legos (probably a Star Wars pack). He'll also get some miscellany, like socks, pjs (every year on Christmas eve), a new ornament (again, every year), a book, a Sudoku book, and whatever else I find.

DS5: his birthday is in November, so he's getting a couple of these things then and the rest at Christmas - not sure which ones when yet: an Ultimatrix (Ben 10), Ben's car (Ben 10 again), a Leapster case, Leapster game, Batman or Superman sheets (both are nearly impossible to find without paying $40+...any suggestions?), a book on Dragons (maybe), Optimus Prime activator (maybe), Chewbacca, and a world map floor puzzle. He'll also get the miscellany - socks, pjs, ornament, book, hot wheels, maybe a word search book, etc.

DD2: Rapunzel sheets, and Idk what else! Maybe a kitchen, but now I'm thinking of having DH build her one instead and giving it to her for her birthday in May. All the nice ones are just too expensive. So with her it is a lot of just going to the store and seeing what they have. But she'll definitely get underwear (hopefully she'll be inspired lol), socks, pjs, ornament, book, jewelry, nail polish, a pinkalicious doll, and I'll probably make her a scarf.

I'm SO excited for CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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We're done with the kids as of yesterday. Since my dh is unemployed, we really took a hard look at what they will really use, and the number of amazon points we had. Those points we've been accumulating sure helped!


The children are allowed to ask Santa for 3 gifts, and the rest are supplied by us, so they know that this year, the gift-giving will be somewhat less. The thing that always amazes me is that our kids always ask for very reasonable things, so their Santa requests most likely won't break the bank. (If the total of their three choices each tops $60, it'll be an unusual year).


DH and I probably won't really get anything for each other, except things like shoes, or a pair of slacks, etc. But even then, we really could go without totally, as we've been very fortunate over the years. We really have more than enough of everything.

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I think I have most of mine bought. I bought a fair amt right after Christmas and then some a month or so back when I came across some clearance. I have the main gift for dd1 and ds- I want to mostly follow the 4 gift rule as well. I will be getting a game for all to share, I've already got one I found at a yard sale this spring. The baby will likely mostly get some needed winter clothes. I'll wait until after her Nov b-day to buy anything though.

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For my children, I've been done for months. My husband is another matter entirely. Sigh. His birthday is New Year's Eve, so we usually get him something awesome.... but then he's hard to figure out as he's pretty particular about most everything.


With our family, we do a name draw among the adults, so I'll have one adult and two children to shop for. Not too bad. :)


Oh, and we do photo calendars for the grandparents, though I'm thinking changing that to photo books.

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I guess I don't know what those are. Would you mind sharing that? TIA!


Absolutely. I've never been one for rewards points. Well, Amazon's Visa card has finally been the one that has proven useful in my life. The really neat thing is that I was accumulating, and ignoring as I always have before. BUT, recently, they integrated the points into the check-out process at Amazon, so I can click a little radio button, and suck the points I've accumulated out of my rewards cache. And the ratio seems pretty decent to me, compared to say, a Disney rewards card.


Sure made a more difficult cash-flow year painless. :)

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I've been buying one present a paycheck the last month or so. It's helping to spread it out. We also have dd's bday in December so that means 2x the presents for her. Luckily amazon sells gift cards now so I don't have to go to the mall for her. I've got most of the kids presents figured out, but no idea on DH's.

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Yes and no. I have bought fabric for projects that I haven't started yet. I usually am very far into this process by now and really love to be all done by Thanksgiving. Just found out today our DD from out of state may be around here Thanksgiving.......so that would definately kick things into gear as I would love to have some things for them to open when Grandma and Grandpa are around.


But this remodeling is just kicking out butts and our pocket book. I may not catch up til next year.

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I have presents in mind for older dd and dh has already figured out what he wants but we are waiting for sales. Younger dd is the problem. She was going to get a bedroom set for birthday/Christmas plus some other stuff but she has decided she doesn't want a bed- She likes sleeping on the floor on a thick mattress. I don't know what to get her or what I want either.

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Yes. The major stores here have big toys sales in July and then they let you put them on layaway right up to Xmas eve so you have 6 months to pay it off and you don't have to hide them at home.:001_smile:


I've already paid my kids stuff off and hid it in a new spot (they found last years :glare:).


We don't buy for anybody but our kids and ourselves as we have no family living close - so that makes it easy. :D

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Yes. The major stores here have big toys sales in July and then they let you put them on layaway right up to Xmas eve so you have 6 months to pay it off and you don't have to hide them at home.:001_smile:


I've already paid my kids stuff off and hid it in a new spot (they found last years :glare:).


We don't buy for anybody but our kids and ourselves as we have no family living close - so that makes it easy. :D


Wish we had that option somewhere!

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Well, this is my first Christmas being a 'couponer' so I've been gathering a few things a little at a time...and I am so excited!


I found some great deals on Hasbro games a few weeks back (w/double $4 coupons!!!), so most of our extended family and teacher/coach gifts will be games (which I got for around $5 each). Yesterday I found some great deals on Amazon for a few Wii games and some DVDs. (NFL training Wii 'game' was almost $100 last year, but is on sale right now for 12.94, if any of you have football playing sons) Today I got free makeup for dd12's stocking. I also found a few Nerf guns and the Nerf Target game on clearance at Walmart for $5 (normally priced almost $20).


We tend to get our kids one "big" thing and then other stuff that they need (clothes, socks, underwear, toothbrushes, etc) with a few little surprises. As it gets closer to Black Friday, I'll get the bigger things (probably a camera or maybe an ipod) but hopefully I will be done with the extra stuff this month.


It is so much fun to get it done early!

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Absolutely. I've never been one for rewards points. Well, Amazon's Visa card has finally been the one that has proven useful in my life. The really neat thing is that I was accumulating, and ignoring as I always have before. BUT, recently, they integrated the points into the check-out process at Amazon, so I can click a little radio button, and suck the points I've accumulated out of my rewards cache. And the ratio seems pretty decent to me, compared to say, a Disney rewards card.
Thanks! We do most of our purchasing on our American Express Blue card since they have a good return, but not every store takes AmEx. So we have another Visa card. Unfortunately, they have cheapened their rewards program every 9 months or so since we got the card. We'll have to check this one out to see if it would work out. It would certainly be easier than anything else since we use Amazon so much. Thanks again!


ETA: At 3% back, it's a no-brainer to use the Amazon card for Amazon purchases! We're going to get it next time we make a purchase. Thanks!

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I'd love to start, but Dh doesn't get his Christmas bonus till December 1st. I do start a list though and hunt down good prices.


We're all set for dd though. A friend was getting rid of her college age daughter's AG doll along with TONS of clothes. I'm trying to find the books for the character, but it's a retired one so I'm going to have to stalk used bookstores!

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