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Can you imagine?? - Forum rules (not here)

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Another forum I'm a member of just posted this:


"Threads have been going "off topic" way too much. Warnings will be given immediately through the infraction manager when someone goes off the topic of the thread."


Say what??? Isn't that just the nature of the beast? Just thought you all might get a kick out of that :)

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Yes, this forum does that too.


And apparently locks or closes threads that go OT?!?


ETA: That happened to me on there recently. The thread was only kinda OT - related subject, but not exactly what I started it about. It got locked & has since been deleted. Nobody was being disrespectful or breaking rules. Weird.

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Yes, this forum does that too.


And apparently locks or closes threads that go OT?!?


ETA: That happened to me on there recently. The thread was only kinda OT - related subject, but not exactly what I started it about. It got locked & has since been deleted. Nobody was being disrespectful or breaking rules. Weird.


I was on a forum where there were threads of over 100 pages on some topics because they were discussed so frequently. But, who wants to wade through that? It was annoying.

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One forum I get on for dance does not allow posts made just to up your post count and earn more stars (we earn stars rather than titles like "amateur beekeeper" etc. I am still not used to being able to put a hug or smile in a post and leave it. They also have rules about staying on topic amd cross-posting and many other crazy rules. I have been on that forum for 10 years, it has been an adjustment to the more relaxed rules.;) It makes things a lot more fun :)

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Oh I know how totally frustrating that can be! This reminds me of crepes. You know how some think that it's okay to stuff them with just anything? Well I disagree. Does anyone have any good crepe recipes? Ooooh ... how about a photo of someone in a kilt eating a crepe?


Speaking of which, does anyone have a pet salamander? :001_smile:





:D Yeah that wouldn't work here. :lol:

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I do visit another forum in which each thread is strictly limited to a specific topic. It is a debate forum and I like that rule, because there are always members who like to completely way lay the main topic of the debate. It helps keeps the discussion focused.

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Oh I know how totally frustrating that can be! This reminds me of crepes. You know how some think that it's okay to stuff them with just anything? Well I disagree. Does anyone have any good crepe recipes? Ooooh ... how about a photo of someone in a kilt eating a crepe?


Speaking of which' date=' does anyone have a pet salamander? :001_smile:



Hey! That's how MY mind works!! :smilielol5:

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speaking of kilts, i want to go on record as saying that men in kilts are never off topic. neither are crepes, particularly with strawberries and chocolate. always on topic ;)




I tried to find a picture of a man in a kilt eating crepes, but nothing. I did see a blurb about nutella crepes, those might be handy. Is it Friday yet? Is this on topic? Should I be thinking about dinner?

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That would be one huge game of whack-a-mole if they tried that here!


Thankfully, TPTB here are much too wise to even think about it! ;)


I love the visual that gave me. I haven't played whack-a-mole in forever now I want to go to the arcade that has it. It's at the big mall, and if I am heading there I am totally taking pictures of the kids at the Santa Maria to add to our explorers lapbook. Did you guys read my post about printing off lapbook pieces today? took me hours to get them done. Good grief. speaking of words with 'ie' in them. do you ever have to recite teh little rhyme to remember whether it is the i first or the e first? I always have to. Rather annoying to have to stop my train of thought to go through the little rhyme to get it right. I have to do the right hand left hand thing often too. Not good if you are carrying anything and suddenly have a brain fart and can't remember your right from your left and at that exact moment your kid asks which side is left. Everything smashes to the floor and then it is like a big game of whack-a-toe, which reminds me I have not played whack-a-mole in forever.






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I love the visual that gave me. I haven't played whack-a-mole in forever now I want to go to the arcade that has it. It's at the big mall, and if I am heading there I am totally taking pictures of the kids at the Santa Maria to add to our explorers lapbook. Did you guys read my post about printing off lapbook pieces today? took me hours to get them done. Good grief. speaking of words with 'ie' in them. do you ever have to recite teh little rhyme to remember whether it is the i first or the e first? I always have to. Rather annoying to have to stop my train of thought to go through the little rhyme to get it right. I have to do the right hand left hand thing often too. Not good if you are carrying anything and suddenly have a brain fart and can't remember your right from your left and at that exact moment your kid asks which side is left. Everything smashes to the floor and then it is like a big game of whack-a-toe, which reminds me I have not played whack-a-mole in forever.







:svengo: *exhausted from running after rabbits*



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What is your favorite brand of root beer?

The kind that someone else is drinking on the far other side of the world. That stuff is n.a.s.t.y. :ack2:


Thunder storms in Central Texas...but only in parts of Central Texas. I can see the rain from my house and am getting none of it. Someone 'splain that to me. Please. :glare:

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I frequent a board like that pretty regularly. It's a local community board so there are not many other options for the same info. I guess I am addicted because even though I can't go off topic, I do and then my posts get deleted. Many people have been banned for regularly going off topic and there is this one poster who complains if he feels his threads are straying. I've tried to explain that conversations naturally drift but he says the internet shouldn't be that way. Honestly it's a crazy board, and very old, using old technology and most of the posters are in their 60's. Not that age matters but sometimes I think they lack an understanding of the world today. Plus they start talking about youngins and their horrible taste in music and fashion and it just makes me feel like I don't belong there. But hey I want to talk about the town allowing chickens in the city and stuff like that.


Anyhow I need to invest in a crepe maker. We went over to a friend's house for dinner once and they had this awesome crepe maker, I want it.

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One forum I get on for dance does not allow posts made just to up your post count and earn more stars (we earn stars rather than titles like "amateur beekeeper" etc. I am still not used to being able to put a hug or smile in a post and leave it. They also have rules about staying on topic amd cross-posting and many other crazy rules. I have been on that forum for 10 years, it has been an adjustment to the more relaxed rules.;) It makes things a lot more fun :)


I want stars!:D

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I love the visual that gave me. I haven't played whack-a-mole in forever now I want to go to the arcade that has it. It's at the big mall, and if I am heading there I am totally taking pictures of the kids at the Santa Maria to add to our explorers lapbook. Did you guys read my post about printing off lapbook pieces today? took me hours to get them done. Good grief. speaking of words with 'ie' in them. do you ever have to recite teh little rhyme to remember whether it is the i first or the e first? I always have to. Rather annoying to have to stop my train of thought to go through the little rhyme to get it right. I have to do the right hand left hand thing often too. Not good if you are carrying anything and suddenly have a brain fart and can't remember your right from your left and at that exact moment your kid asks which side is left. Everything smashes to the floor and then it is like a big game of whack-a-toe, which reminds me I have not played whack-a-mole in forever.






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speaking of kilts, i want to go on record as saying that men in kilts are never off topic. .


Just wanted to say that we recently visited Dublin and there were all these Scots in kilts. We started counting them and I offered extra points to the kids if they could verify if they were worn the traditional way. :D Nobody did, to dh's relief, his humour doesn't always match mine:lol:


P.S.: For those of you who are more conservative, I would have stopped them before they would have gone down on the ground!!:D

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