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What other boards do you frequent?

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A few old school Advanced Dungeons & Dragons boards.

RolePlay Online, where I host a game and play in another half-dozen.


Memoria Press & Latin-Centered Forum, but both are pretty inactive.


Otherwise, I follow the things that interest me through blogs.

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Aussie Homeschool Classifieds


Cairnfell (our local SCA group)

BendigoHEALS (local homeschoolers)

Chooz (Aussie Classical homeschoolers)











sig (Slavic Interest Group)

The_Common (our state's SCA list)


I usually lurk on about half those, and learn from people who know stuff. The other half I do post on.


Rosie- addict...

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MotheringDotCom. I used to go to the Denim Jumper, but I sort of forgot I belonged and wandered off. And I was big on visiting Ravelry forums for a while, but haven't checked in for a while there, either. And I belong to a sewing forum which shall remain nameless mostly because I don't remember the name because it's been so long since I've visited.


I'm so flighty, sigh.

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I'd never even heard of a message board before I called PHP one afternoon, and Charlie Park suggested I visit the old WTM boards :001_smile:


That was 3 years ago, and I've been here ever since.

The only other message board I have ever visited was a board called Gentle Christian Mothers.

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Raising Godly Tomatoes, a pastor's wives board, a parenting after infant loss board, and one current offshoot of what was, many moons ago, an expecting board for Nov '99 babies.


(Once upon a time on my pastor's wives board, I posted a question along the lines of "who do you know here that you also know on another board?" -- I thought it would be a fun question. It was a complete flop and only got responses like, "I don't get what you're asking".:glare:)

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Can I ask where you guys find the Christian moms boards at? I would love to try one out! Are they active? The boards I frequent have to be very active LOL!


Right now I just began posting here....and I post on a board of mommies that all have April 04 babies. We formed a private board and we've known each other for over four years now.


I also lurk and sometimes post on the disboards (Disney) and ILP (I love photography). Plus a digital scrapbooking board....digishoptalk.

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This board's the best!


But I look at Homeschoolreviews.com


and an amazing personal webpage: retiredwaif.com



I've joined a few yahoo groups, but dropped out bec. they were boring or weird. Lots a strangies out there.


I used to participate on babycenter.com's daily name poll, but the atmosphere got so ugly and demeaning, Who'da thought?

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