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Please pray - Jean in Newcastle's Dog

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Libby responded well to the blood transfusion. She is "brighter" according to the vet I talked to this morning.


Libby has significant neurological problems. At this moment her right front leg does not move at all. Her other legs move but cannot bear weight at all. All of this points to a spinal problem in her neck area. There are 5 possible causes of her disability. Two are permanent unless we do very expensive surgery. Three will get better over time.


We are bringing Libby home. We've had a family meeting and the kids know that we are bringing home a disabled dog and will need a lot of care, esp. with regards to going to the bathroom. This care may be just for a month, during which time she will hopefully make some, if not all, recovery. This care might result in the realization that she is permanently disabled in all four legs and will have a very poor quality of life. If that is the case, we will make the very sad choice to have her put down, rather than to make her suffer.


We have rearranged our living room to make Libby's crate a place where she can be part of the family and we can give her the care she needs. My ds14 esp. has been a workhorse this morning in managing heavy furniture that I never could have managed on my own. Dd9 helped by leashing the cat and keeping him out of the way;)


In between all of this we're still doing school because all of us need some "normal" in our life.


After lunch, we're heading out - to Petco to get supplies for Libby's care and then to the vet where I'm sure it will be a many hour process to get Libby ready to come home. Dh was able to be the front man on Tuesday night and all day yesterday (his day off) but today is on my shoulders.

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Libby responded well to the blood transfusion. She is "brighter" according to the vet I talked to this morning.


Libby has significant neurological problems. At this moment her right front leg does not move at all. Her other legs move but cannot bear weight at all. All of this points to a spinal problem in her neck area. There are 5 possible causes of her disability. Two are permanent unless we do very expensive surgery. Three will get better over time.


We are bringing Libby home. We've had a family meeting and the kids know that we are bringing home a disabled dog and will need a lot of care, esp. with regards to going to the bathroom. This care may be just for a month, during which time she will hopefully make some, if not all, recovery. This care might result in the realization that she is permanently disabled in all four legs and will have a very poor quality of life. If that is the case, we will make the very sad choice to have her put down, rather than to make her suffer.


We have rearranged our living room to make Libby's crate a place where she can be part of the family and we can give her the care she needs. My ds14 esp. has been a workhorse this morning in managing heavy furniture that I never could have managed on my own. Dd9 helped by leashing the cat and keeping him out of the way;)


In between all of this we're still doing school because all of us need some "normal" in our life.


After lunch, we're heading out - to Petco to get supplies for Libby's care and then to the vet where I'm sure it will be a many hour process to get Libby ready to come home. Dh was able to be the front man on Tuesday night and all day yesterday (his day off) but today is on my shoulders.


Praying for complete healing for Libby, Jean. My heart is so heavy for your dd; my dog was hit by a car when I was her age :grouphug:.

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Libby responded well to the blood transfusion. She is "brighter" according to the vet I talked to this morning.


Libby has significant neurological problems. At this moment her right front leg does not move at all. Her other legs move but cannot bear weight at all. All of this points to a spinal problem in her neck area. There are 5 possible causes of her disability. Two are permanent unless we do very expensive surgery. Three will get better over time.


We are bringing Libby home. We've had a family meeting and the kids know that we are bringing home a disabled dog and will need a lot of care, esp. with regards to going to the bathroom. This care may be just for a month, during which time she will hopefully make some, if not all, recovery. This care might result in the realization that she is permanently disabled in all four legs and will have a very poor quality of life. If that is the case, we will make the very sad choice to have her put down, rather than to make her suffer.


We have rearranged our living room to make Libby's crate a place where she can be part of the family and we can give her the care she needs. My ds14 esp. has been a workhorse this morning in managing heavy furniture that I never could have managed on my own. Dd9 helped by leashing the cat and keeping him out of the way;)


In between all of this we're still doing school because all of us need some "normal" in our life.


After lunch, we're heading out - to Petco to get supplies for Libby's care and then to the vet where I'm sure it will be a many hour process to get Libby ready to come home. Dh was able to be the front man on Tuesday night and all day yesterday (his day off) but today is on my shoulders.


Oh, my word. :crying: I am so sad for you!

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My mother had a dachshund that was having back trouble once and was totally unresponsive to treatment at the vet's office. The vet gave him a very poor prognosis and sent him home to see if he improved with time(and probably so no one else at his practice would be bitten, the dog was not a happy camper there). My mother brought him home and set him down and he immediately started walking with only a minor limp! I hope coming home is helpful for Libby as well. She will probably feel much more confident in familiar surroundings. Rocky's presence may help as well especially when she is ready for physical therapy.

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Libby is home. As I thought, we were there for 3 hours - emergency rooms even for animals do not move quickly (or rather they were having to move quickly for much more emergent cases that came in).


The amazing news is that just for less than a second, Libby stood on 3 legs for us! She can move herself around a bit, commando style, when she wants something- like to get in one of our laps.


She is on steroids, an antibiotic, pepcid! and a pain killer. I'll take her to our normal vet in 10 days for a check. I talked to them today and filled them in. The emergency vet will then be faxing them all of Libby's records.


Please pray that Libby will start to eat. She has not eaten for 3 days and refused to eat for us today. We did get her to lick about a teaspoon of wet food off of our fingers but even that she did more out of obedience than because she wanted it. We need her to eat some - not only for nourishment but because the medicines are harsh on her tummy without food.


The crate I put in the living room is not going to work. I cannot get her in there without hurting her. Instead, we got the rubber pan from the back of the station wagon and have set up an area for her in that, complete with pee pads in case she goes to the bathroom.


I'll probably not update for a couple of weeks - until we know more about how she's doing.


P.S. - Rocky and Libby got to sniff noses for just a couple of seconds. There was a lot of tail wagging!

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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The things our dogs find most irresistable are those that smell up the house. For instance, crock pot, jerky, homemade stock. When I make chicken stock I give the dogs the vegetables and crumble chicken bones. Normally I don't give chicken bones but these I can crumble with my fingers and I remove the leg and thigh bones if they are not soft enough.

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I'll continue to pray, Jean. I agree with the others about people food...whatever works at this point. I have a feeling her appetite will pick up now that she's back in familiar surroundings. I'm not sure what type of painkiller she's on, but narcotics slow the gut and decrease appetite, so it's quite possible that her meds are suppressing the appetite a bit. Just keep trying.

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I'll continue to pray, Jean. I agree with the others about people food...whatever works at this point. I have a feeling her appetite will pick up now that she's back in familiar surroundings. I'm not sure what type of painkiller she's on, but narcotics slow the gut and decrease appetite, so it's quite possible that her meds are suppressing the appetite a bit. Just keep trying.


Libby has started to drink more - this was a bigger concern than food intake because of the danger of dehydration.


Libby's diet at the moment consists of peanut butter, Frosty Paws (ice cream treats for dogs) and 2 broth soaked pieces of dog kibble! She absolutely refuses to eat anything else - no chicken, no broth by itself - frozen or not, no wet food etc. She is still on an Opiate and that may be a big reason.

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Watch out for constipation. Between dope and immobility, this could be bad. I had to give a collie an enema, once, after she got on the counter and at the T-giving turkey.


Kay, I appreciate you saying this. Libby and I have an appointment with her vet at 1:30 and this is one of the things we will discuss. Of course I'll have to deal with this if it happens, but I prefer to go proactive on these sorts of things to avoid them if at all possible.

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