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School room, kitchen table, or none of the above?

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The recent "school room photos" thread is making me think about where everyone here "does school". At our house, it a combination of kitchen table and living room couch. All our books and supplies are housed in a nearby closet. I'd love to have a school room on the main floor near the kitchen, but that room just doesn't exist. We have a playroom in the basement that's a nice size and could easily be used for school too. It's sunny and bright, and it has a nice comfy couch for reading and a table/chairs for writing. But my kids are young (will be 6, 4 and almost 2 when we start school again in the fall), and I'm wondering if it would be too distracting for the girls to be working on schoolwork while the toddler plays (and they're looking at all their toys, which are on open shelves on one wall of the room). And it's pretty separate from the rest of the house, so I couldn't multi-task at all. (Maybe I shouldn't be trying to do that anyway!)


I guess my question is this: Where do you "do school" at your house? (And if anyone has any thoughts on our situation--that is, bring all the school stuff to the playroom and do school there or keep it in the kitchen--I'd love to hear your feedback on that too!)


Thanks for sharing!


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Our bonus room or family room is our school room. This last year is the first year that we designated it as the school room. Before that we did school in the kitchen/living room and it was just too much constant shuffling. Drove me nuts. I hated having to clear it all off for lunch and then for dinner, etc... I like having a special room for it.

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We were going to do school in our bonus room, with the idea that Schmooey would be able to play and we could do our work and life would be perfect.


It hasn't quite worked out that way. :D


We don't have a good way to set up the bonus room with a desk and whatnot. It just wasn't working. So, we're back at the kitchen table. We try to do school when the baby is sleeping, because he likes to chuckle and flirt and generally be a huge distraction when we're trying to get our work done. He's far more interesting than copywork, LOL!


If I had my druthers, I'd have a school room, but that can't happen in this house so kitchen it is.

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family room (sofa), outside (when it is warm), bedrooms (to read independently somewhere quietly).


Books are in the kitchen pantry, office bookshelf, family room floor, bedroom floor and dresser, kitchen counter, dining room table......ok, books are everywhere! :001_smile:

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All reading is done on the couch, anything that involves writing is done at the table. I have a wonderful, old wooden cabinet from India where I keep all our books and supplies. It has doors, so when school is done for the day, I put the books away, shut the doors, and everything is neat and tidy again.

Michelle T

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The recent "school room photos" thread is making me think about where everyone here "does school". At our house, it a combination of kitchen table and living room couch.


I would say that my biggest area of covetousness (aside from yearning to be thin and fit) is having my own homeschool room.


I long to have a huge room divided into sections:


section 1:

shelf with picture books and literature

audio books

headphones/cd player/tape player

cozy chairs and a couch


section 2:

shelf with history and geography books

table with globe and atlases (shelves underneath would hold related games and puzzles)

maps and posters on wall around area


section 3:

shelves with science books

shelf with science kits and games

a science experiment/lab table

table with terrariums/aquariums/live nature study -- shelf with field guides above

table with microscopes (compound and stereo) and slides / slide prep stuff

posters surrounding area


section 4:

math books

math lab area with manipulatives, posters


section 5:

an art table

cabinet to hold arts & crafts supplies

shelf with plastic drawer bins to hold markers, colored pencils, etc.


section 6:

shelf with language arts materials (books, games, etc)

table for seat work


section 7:




But for now, we homeschool in the kitchen and living room and our stuff is stored throughout the house.

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I currently have a map of Minnesota under a clear shower curtain on my kitchen table as we are studying state history and Latin this summer. Otherwise we have a playroom in the basement that doubles as a schoolroom. I picked up a couple of older round tables at garage sales and they serve as very large work tables so the kids can spread out their stuff and not get in eachother's way! But I have a third starting school with us this year and I don't have room for another table:001_smile:!

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We partitioned an extra room off the kitchen; half is now a bedroom, the other half we call our "schoolroom", although that only means that our school stuff is stored there on the shelves.


This past school year, we had use of our guest apartment, which was great for getting away from distractions. We often do school in the family room or in our bedroom -- wherever we're comfortable. It's very rare that we actually sit at a table or desk.

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I here you about schooling in the playroom, but it has worked out fairly well for us this past year. Our playroom is still mostly a playroom with a couple of shelves for school supplies and books, and we have a table (our old kitchen table) in there where we can all sit and work. It's off of the kitchen (and would be the formal dining room if I wanted one) and works well to work with one while the other 2 are crafting or playing or building, etc. When my oldest needed some quiet time to work on math or something alone she would go to my bedroom where she can close the door and use my sewing table for her work, but she doesn't like to be alone very often. Mostly we are all together in the playroom or the living room for all of our projects/freeplay. HTH

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I tried to do the designated school room. We had always been kitchen table schoolers. Then we moved and had room..an extra room..*perfect* for a school room. But it never happened. We schooled in the living room. Someone going to the kitchen table as needed (attitude, needed solitude). But mostly all were scattered about the living room. On the couch, in the chair, at the coffee table, in the floor. I finally decided to completely let go of the school room idea. To just let it die. It wasn't us, not at this time anyway. So...I let it go, brought the books downstairs. The unmatched school pantry now sits in the 'library' just off the living room. We're much happier now :D


I thought about individual totes for the kids, but then decided that was still just 'too much'. Moving the pantry downstairs would work just fine. I'd just ignore the fact that it was white and our other bookshelves were black and the desk was cherry LMHO


We still have an extra table though, upstairs, so we have that available for projects, which is nice.


But we pretty well just lounge around the living room for school.


Nope, no nifty educational posters and bulletin boards here ;)

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We do our 'paperwork' at the dining room table -- we picked up a huge pine dining table at an antique store years ago, with a matching hutch and that's where they do their math, English, art, etc., and the hutch is wonderful for storing all of their books and supplies.


The only exceptions are for science and reading.


We do science in the kitchen, as it's close to sink and stove, and they do their reading on the couch in the den.

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We put our huge dining room table in the family room, and added wall to wall bookshelves flanking the fireplace. Most of our school work is done here at the table. This room is attached to the kitchen; we sometime use the breakfast bar to do work, and the white board is there in the kitchen too.


History, science, and literature reading is done on our reclining loveseat. Latin DVDs are viewed from there, too.


I've never wanted a school room, just more room in general. And more bookshelves. :D

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We typically work at the kitchen table BUT there have been times the kids have done their work on the livingroom floor usually when they have a project drying etc on the table or if me leaving the room to tend to other needed things in the livingroom means they stop working, I make them come with me. I really really want a schoolroom but honestly it would jsut be for show, I love the amount of natural light we get on the mainfloor so I will always end up working there even if I had a school room to hold our stuff (unless of course I built a solarium to do school in)

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Our school area is in our finished basement. It is an open room that includes a TV viewing area, the school area, a laundry/sewing area, and a play area. There's plenty of room to accommodate everyone.


A folding screen separates the "teaching table" from the student desks.


A whiteboard (with a "privacy panel" under the marker tray) and a bookshelf divide the school area and the play area.


There are a couple of "kid-height" work tables in the area, for projects, art, displays, etc. The walls are lined with bookshelves. For some subjects, we sit on the couch, and for others we sit at the tables/desks. All in all, it's a wonderful setup. I'm very blessed!


ETA: I'd really like more light in our school area. The outside/window wall is west-facing, which means we don't get a lot of sunlight there in the mornings. Any lighting tips for me?


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Wow Julie- your set up looks great- so neat and organized!

LOL--Those pics were taken at the beginning of this past school year, when everything was "just so." The bookshelves are a lot fuller now, due to my obsessive collecting habit. I try to keep the area neat, but you should see it when the school day is in full swing! I call it a "happy mess!"
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We use the kitchen table for school. I like it because I can unload the dishwasher while the kids are doing workbook pages and stuff like that. It is also sunny in the morning at our kitchen table.


I have a wicker shelf nearby that holds some of our books. I also have a desk, file cabinet, and small bookshelf very close to the kitchen. I really like that. I do my planning there and just "feel organized" with a place for me.



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in our master bedroom. Except it's not really our master bedroom anymore. We have a main floor master right off the kitchen and 3 bedrooms upstairs, so we sleep upstairs and use the master for our schoolroom/playroom (or "schlayroom") Before that we used the dining room. Now the dining room is the office/music room/reading room. Musical rooms!

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My boys each have two desks. One in their bedroom, and one in the family room. Still, they choose to do most of their work at the bar in the kitchen (closer to the food, maybe? ;))


Nearly all of their reading is done on someone's bed. During the day the can be found reading in their own rooms, but in the evening they choose my bed.

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Kitchen--we have a large country kitchen in an otherwise small house. We do have a dedicated "school table", but often times work at the dinner table, which is slightly larger. Also a desk, computer, and 4 full bookshelves with books... so it's pretty schooly.

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We mainly use our school room now. We have a huge table for 6 we work on and do activities. A futon for reading. Bookshelves for our books, and we have a lot of them. Two computers that kids alternate on when they are doing that kind of work while I help another. I work with my kids a lot and when I'm not I have to redirect and keep 2 of them on task.


Sometimes it cramps my style when I have to switch laundry or do something in the kitchen. But we also have a sliding glass door that goes directly into the backyard and I can see them swing or jump on the trampoline when they need a break while I work/supervise another.


My oldest can school anywhere he wants and he prefers being with us the whole time even though he complains we make too much noise. Can't please everyone.

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Our school area is in our finished basement. It is an open room that includes a TV viewing area, the school area, a laundry/sewing area, and a play area. There's plenty of room to accommodate everyone.



That's it! I'm leaving these boards forever. I cannot handle the lust!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Mostly dining room, sometimes living room, reading out loud on the bed in my room. :-)


Our dining room is lined on one wall with tall book shelves. On the other wall is an antique china cabinet filled with books and school supplies, there is also a desk in there, so it would be our main school room, but it doesn't look like a "school."

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That's it! I'm leaving these boards forever. I cannot handle the lust!!!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: I know how you feel; that used to be me! We did school in a small kitchen corner for a few years before our basement was finished. I liked being in the kitchen because it was light and cheery, and it was the center of the home. But it was hard to contain the mess. Now that I'm adding more kids, I'm so thankful for the basement area. Dh was going to make it a rec area (ping pong table, etc.), but I begged for a school area and got it. I figure that the play area will morph into the "rec area" someday. For now, I'm in homseschooling heaven!
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The recent "school room photos" thread is making me think about where everyone here "does school". At our house, it a combination of kitchen table and living room couch. All our books and supplies are housed in a nearby closet. I'd love to have a school room on the main floor near the kitchen, but that room just doesn't exist. We have a playroom in the basement that's a nice size and could easily be used for school too. It's sunny and bright, and it has a nice comfy couch for reading and a table/chairs for writing. But my kids are young (will be 6, 4 and almost 2 when we start school again in the fall), and I'm wondering if it would be too distracting for the girls to be working on schoolwork while the toddler plays (and they're looking at all their toys, which are on open shelves on one wall of the room). And it's pretty separate from the rest of the house, so I couldn't multi-task at all. (Maybe I shouldn't be trying to do that anyway!)

I guess my question is this: Where do you "do school" at your house? (And if anyone has any thoughts on our situation--that is, bring all the school stuff to the playroom and do school there or keep it in the kitchen--I'd love to hear your feedback on that too!)


Thanks for sharing!



I think your play room sounds ideal! I've done it all ways (kitchen table, bonus room, dining room, etc. as we've had different houses). I much perfer having a room that is the designated school room. In this house, I started out in the dining room since I didn't have a bonus room or anything, but I hated staring at that mess all the time and I hated how it looked when company walked through our front door. So, I moved it all into a tiny room that was technically the utility room off of our gargage. It has heating and air and a window. It's tight, but cozy and we all love it. My 3 year old is usually out there with us and I have him a low shelve with puzzles and books. He also loves to play with teddy bear counters and linking cubes. For us, homeschooling is a way of life now and even my youngest knows to be quiet during our lessons. He has to be reminded some times, but it works. So, I say go for it! You can set up your little school/play room, yet, you can be like us and still move around the house as your mood fits! We often come into the living room for story time.

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We have a school/craft room in the sense that that's where all of our stuff is stored. We have desks in there and we use them for "seat work" (usually meaning math, spelling, grammar) many mornings. The work we do together (science, history, etc) or that involve projects we do in various parts of the house. Sometimes the kids do their "seat work" in the house too. It just depends on what's going on.

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we were in the kitchen when my Ds started at 4.5 years old. I had cabinets with books and the kitchen table was it for us. I would send the 3 year old off to play. but she always distracted us both.


this year we have a room off of the kitchen. we actually kept the kitchen table in the school room and got a new kitchen table that was smaller for eating. It is still distracting when the younger one wants to color and it's in the school room. and suddenly her favorite toys are in the room. but even on the rare days she is doing some school the older one suddenly wants to do a puzzle in the school room as well.


For us location would still have distractions...they just want to be all together, lol!


I don't have any real solutions for you. Maybe try to do school in a variety of places and see what works for you. We tried to do some things on the couch but it didn't work for us. they do great at the table. even with distractions when one is playing in the room.

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We do have a school room, but get tired of being in there all the time, so tend to gravitate around the house, from the den to the kitchen table, to my big bed during the winter months and beyond, sometimes....


My older son once took over my dining room for two years, but that's the first room one sees upon entering the house, so I wasn't ever too thrilled with that! Even though he's back in private school now, he often uses the school room to do his work.

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Hi Everyone,


We just moved into new house, and one of my requirements was school room and art room. It took a lot of fighting and had to really fight for art studio. That one was tough. For they last 11 yrs, we didnt have any room, so like books everywhere, I had to use every room, mostly bedrooms and family room.


Finally, we have setup school room, with shelves and computers. Art studio just got finished last week with easels and drawing desks.


Just thought, one kid almost done, and one is only has four more yrs. Oh well, hopefully it will be more comfortable. They do like the space and everything stays clean and organized. Books stay on shelves and more work gets done.


God willing it will stay this way,


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