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WARNING: Another IRENE Thread: What will u do to pass the time while being pelted..

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with rain and wind while holed up in your house?




I am going to decorate homemade organic doggy milkbones that I baked the other night images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZOvbTLagKvNC2Nz2V5oCTasilYBodTKvaoeeBd8iJWVI3i5oQPj0cJw; work on the blanket I am knitting for my grand-daughtersmiley-knitting.gif , Allison; I bought a new book to read last night at B&N (bought books for everyone) Reading_emoticon_by_Sokkoponzan.gif; and assemble the stuff the kids need (timeline cards, etc) for Classical Conversations images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQk7MpzqfozXByoopSKJE1kf1-mqzdo4nqzSmWojzzpactFYz2ttlE-uw.




What about you?:confused:

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Well, we're in a two bedroom apt. (for now, I keep saying) and I thought creating a schedule for the day would help all of us cope w/ the long stretch of time.


So I scheduled the meals, family game time, free reading time, chore time, read aloud time etc. etc.


And, so far, it's worked. Dh is reading aloud to the boys right now!


We also went to the library yesterday and stocked up on books, dvds, magazines and audio books.


It's cozy and going really well. Dh is planning on making the hurricane (cinnamon) rolls that another mom on here recommended tomorrow a.m.


The rain is coming down, but right now it just looks like a typical rain storm. Nothing dramatic.



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Well, between all the doling out of medications(!), Dh and the kids are playing Monopoly, I've been finishing up the laundry, one of my girls is baking cookies. We still have power, but if/when it goes out, I'll probably read aloud to the kids. We're reading A Wrinkle in Time, which, incidentally, starts out with a hurricane.


My favorite thing to do is sit by the window and watch the trees sway.

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Can you share a recipe and pictures of your doggie bones? That sounds like a fun project.



Certainly --:001_smile:


I will get the recipe up in a couple of minutes -- there are milk bones that I am going to decorate and there are Bad Breath Banishers that I am going to make this afternoon (if we have power) and those don't get decorated -- I will put up both recipes and I will post photos of decorated doggy milkbones.

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We'll be watching movies and I'll be working on a shawl I've started and ripped out 5 times already. I'm also going to work on the school schedules. I was thinking about starting a batch of apple/pear butter (got our CSA box on Thursday) but I don't want to be stuck with a pot full of half-cooked fruit if the power goes out.

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Since I have freed myself of BFSU I need to redo all of our science for the next few weeks:001_huh:. I am right now coordinating Apologia Zoology 1 with some stuff from RS4K and the Core books so I can run all 3 kids basically in the same area at one time.


Watch The Count of Monte Cristo

All in between neb treatments for the little guy

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I've got knitting and a movie on the plan. Right now, I'm printing math.


Anyone have any suggestions for Netflix streaming on a rainy afternoon with kids? (I'm happy to vet any title - I am currently thinkig of putting in Rear Window or Monty Python: In the Beginning... My only concern with either is that they might be bored)


Never thought to make doggie cookies... Our "survivalist" Walmart trip yesterday was for the sole purpose of getting Dingo Dental Sticks. We a) are not very adept at survivalist shopping and b) have a very spoiled dog. :lol:

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Since we still have power, husband and son are playing the Wii. I'm surfing the web.


Laundry is caught up, house is clean, made scrambled eggs and toast this morning, made hard-boiled eggs, keeping the house cool, etc.


Keeping iphone and such plugged in and charged in case/when power goes out.


When power goes out, I will read aloud to the boys.

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I think it's wonderful that everyone here is so industrious! Truly!


Here is the recipe for the Bad Breath Banishers: (link: http://www.bestbullysticks.com/blog/101-dog-care-tips/homemade-good-bye-doggy-bad-breath-mint-parsley-dog-biscuit-recipe-101-dog-care-tips-tip-38/


Activated charcoal is about $6. at GNC


2 cups whole-wheat or brown rice flour

1 tbsp. activated charcoal

3 tbsp. canola or vegetable oil

1 egg

2/3 cup milk (low fat or regular)

1/2 cup chopped fresh mint

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley


1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.

2. Grease the baking sheet.

3. Combine flour and charcoal in the bowl.

NOTE: Charcoal powder, capsules or tablets can be found at most health food stores, as your local pet store. Charcoal helps absorb toxins that can cause chronic bad breath.

4.Stir in the egg and oil. Mix well.

5. Add the milk. Mix well.

6. Stir in the mint and parsley.

7. Drop tablespoonfuls approximately 1 inch apart on the baking sheet.

8. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.

9. Cool thoroughly and refrigerate in airtight container for freshness.

So humans rejoice and breath a sigh of relief, finally! Pups enjoy the yummy recipe!


Will post milk bones when dh and I get back from lunch!:001_smile:

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my Kindle will be fully charged, the girls both have books from the library. Dh will either play chess online until his battery dies, or he'll read some of his books.


We always play games we make up during storms. :tongue_smilie: They're REALLY stupid games and we laugh like idiots. :D


We will be renting movies today, will watch tomorrow. We won't probably do that long, I'm assuming we'll lose power.


I'm trying to save the life of a chick. I'm tube or syringe feeding every 2 hours. I'm also trying to bless a sweet little ferret who only has days left. They will get a TON of attention.


I'm hoping to get the animals stocked up well in the barn and so we won't have to go out there during the worst of the storm.


I want to knit. I've tried a few times. I can crochet, and hope to learn to make cuter things like Justamouse does.:001_smile: I won't be doing either during the storm but found it VERY important to mention this nonetheless.:tongue_smilie:


I'm sick of carb and sugar free. I have a bag of peanut M&M's. :ohmy: Haven't had to deal with a hurricane in 20 years. I'll need them for comfort as my greyhound goes CRAZY during storms.


I miss you, Mariann!:grouphug: I think you and I haven't been around here at the same time in a LONG time!


I *SHOULD* finish organizing my bookshelves and prepare for the start of school. Naaaaaah. Kitchen remodel should start anyday now.


Am I stupid to be marinading steak tips, making twice baked potatoes, salad and cheese cake today so I can have a friend over for lunch on MONDAY? Probably.:glare: I live in the middle of the woods and I highly doubt our road will be free to travel after this storm passes. I only hope the two large trees in our hard don't come down on our house! They're saying in New England the ground is saturated and they're expecting lots of trees to come down!

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Right now here it's just a rainy day.


So far I've:

Painted my toenails

Started working on cleaning out last year's school stuff

Made mashed potatoes for dh who had dental surgery

Folded some laundry

Read the paper

Read to the 2 yr old

Helped the 2 yr old change her clothes upmteen times (she is a fashionista in training)

Worked on potty-training with the 2 yr old

Supervised the boys cleaning their room.

Read some of The Return of the Native


Dh, the boys and our French exchange student just went to the cheap movie theater to see either Kung Fu Panda 2 or Cars 2. I'm about to work on school planning while the 2 yr old naps.


A Monopoly game was put on hold for the movie but will likely resume later.


If power goes out...lots more games and lots more reading in various combinations. If we have power, dh and I will likely watch a movie from Netflix tonight.


Maybe we'll bake cookies later.

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I want to knit. I've tried a few times. I can crochet, and hope to learn to make cuter things like Justamouse does.:001_smile: I won't be doing either during the storm but found it VERY important to mention this nonetheless.:tongue_smilie:




I had my first actual hurricane emergency when I discovered we don't have the paper to make those stars! That was my Big Plan. :tongue_smilie:

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While we still have power, the girls are watching Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.


I'm online with my fellow Doctor Who friends obsessing over tonight's Season 6 Part II premiere, even though I probably won't be able to download it from iTunes as I assume the power will go out sometime overnight. We have already had several flickers, and it is barely raining. I think the electrical vaults are saturated already.


DH is at the gym exercising.


I am going to roast a chicken for dinner (we have a gas range, so I turned on the oven to keep it going for the duration of the day. The kitchen will be hot, but we'll be able to cook. I'm also going to make a pot of turkey lentil stew.


I plan on doing some crocheting later.


We have a generator, but we're only going to keep lights and fridge hooked up. Not sure if we'll attach the TV and DVD player or not. Might try to keep the computer hooked up. We'll see.

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Well, I think we will be getting it mostly at during the night so we will be sleeping, hopefully. Right now I finished getting boxes put up on shelves in the basement, surfing the net, going to watch movies, and work on school stuff.


I cooked a turkey breast last night so we will be having sandwiches and chips for dinner. Oh, and birthday cake. :)

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If we lose power, we are going to play board games, read books and eat "non-perishables" like donuts and chips :lol:! I am kind of excited to have a hurricane party, it will be a nice excuse to just hang out and have some non-electronic fun! (It doesn't look like it will hit us too too badly...if it was a stronger storm hitting us it would not be amusing at all. :grouphug: to all of you getting pummeled!)

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We're inland, but are expecting power outages, possibly downed limbs or trees, and a flooded basement. My Kindle is fully charged, as well as my phone, iPod, and netbook. We have a ton of Lego games, chess, and board games ready to go, plus some snacks and drinks. Our flashlights work on AA batteries, so we are all set there. I always have a ton of AA batteries for the Wiimotes and other remotes and controllers. We are probably going to bring my mom here because she has some really large older trees on her property and they are making us nervous. If my sister and niece show up it will feel like a party!


Where we are, it is impossible to find water or batteries at all! The lines at the supermarket are incredible, and most staples are sold out. I guess our regular shopping will have to wait, but we always have extra food on hand.:001_smile:


Keep safe everyone!

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DH and I just got back from lunch and errands -- it was so easy getting around without any traffic.


I was able to get the page protectors that are just the right size for the Timeline Cards for CC; dh was able to find the weights he wanted and they were on sale; I was able to get my nails done; picked up last minute items at Giant.


I was talking to a young woman in line at GIANT. She had just arrived from Norfolk, Va where her campus had been evacuated. A gentleman asked her if the wx was bad there b/c it didn't seem bad here (and right now, no, it doesn't). She responded that the storm isn't even here (northern virginia - fairfax county) yet. 'Just wait,' she said. :001_huh:


So, next thing is to decorate milkbone dog cookies and try to get pix online for all to see.


Everyone: Stay safe and dry.:grouphug:

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Watching the news guys get blown away on NBC--

Just ate dinner and will now make ch chip cookies.

Went to library much earlier and got magazines--I never get magazines! Can't wait to read them.

FBing with ds in Richmond--he's getting horizontal rain an dis worried about an essay assignment! lol


Trees are swaying here--I'd post a video if i could. :001_smile:

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Here are the decorated doggy milkbone treats that I baked Wednesday night and just finished decorating.


I've personalized one for our dog and for some of our co-op friends' dogs -- and the rest are to wrap and ship to family.


Here is the recipe for the milkbone treats (here is the link: http://www.organic-pet-digest.com/dog-bone-recipes.html#milk) -- a few pages earlier in this thread, I provided the recipe for Bad Breath Banishers - which do not require decorating.


Milk Bone Dog BiscuitsIngredients


  • 3/4 cup hot water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 3 cups whole wheat flour



Stir in hot water, powdered milk, salt, and egg.

Add flour, 1/2 cup at a time. Knead for a few minutes to form stiff dough. Pat or roll to 1/2 inch thickness. Cut into bone shapes.

Bake at 325 degrees for 50 minutes. Cool. They will dry out quite hard. Makes about 1 1/4 pounds of biscuits. Costs around 30 cents per pound.



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We are all drying out after standing in the rain for 5 hours while the boys played football. We were soaked to the bone! One might think that with MD in a state of emergency the football games might have been cancelled, but one would be wrong :glare:. No lightning, no cancellations!


So, our plans are to continue our family game of 10,000 rummy that we started when summer began and possibly watch Yogi Bear if the power holds. The boys are tired, Mom needs to relax with some coffee and not worry about the beach condo, DH is working on DD's computer and we are expecting a long windy, wet night. I have already declared tomorrow a sleep late, play game hang around day.


They are all begging to eat the peach pie I have on the counter, but I am too lazy to get up and cut it right now.

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We usually have a "hurricane party" - we listen to Jimmy Buffett and drink hurricanes and try to find a sheltered place to cook on the grill. Y'all are much more industrious than me. :D


I think I'm going to be making dog treats soon though. Those are so cute!

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