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Do you have reading material in the bathroom?

Reading material in the bathroom  

  1. 1. Reading material in the bathroom

    • Yes
    • Yes, but no library or borrowed books
    • No, not ever!
    • Other

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Did you see the Mythbusters episode about poo droplets and the bathroom? They put things all over the bathroom and one in the kitchen and flushed with the lid open. The toothbrush (petri dish? I forget what they used) with most fecal bacteria? The one in the kitchen.

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I can't really explain fully why, but it really grosses me out! Something about knowing that my hubby is sitting in there over his business and casually reading. Ew.


It seems to be a guy thing in my house. I gross out, but my dh and my ds keep bringing in their books and magazines. I refuse to put in the book/mag rack that my MIL does. Ew.

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The item from the kitchen had the most fecal matter on it??? Eww. Our kids have been taught not to flush until the seat is down because of this exact thing, though!! And I keep the toothbrushes in the cabinet or linen closet when guests come over so that if they don't put the seat down our toothbrushes are safe! LOL

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Reminds of the Seinfeld episode when George tried to return a book to the bookstore, but they wouldn't take it back because it had been in the bathroom. :D


What?! I missed that one! I thought I'd seen every episode! How did they know it had been in the bathroom?

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But no reading material. I never did understand why people took so long as to want to read anyway. I am in and out, every time, unless there is something wrong. I think if people are spending 10 minutes on the toilet they have a health issue.


I am really getting a chuckle out of this thread!

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Well, if you're getting "dookie" on your books, then I'd suggest better handling of your bodily functions and sanitizing :D


We have books in the bathroom. My wife and kids haven't been sick in over 9 years, not even a sneeze. I truly believe one of the reasons our family has been so healthy is our avoidence of paranoia and incessant cleanliness. Your toothbrush cover is the exception, most do not have those. Those of us without those "lids" brush our teeth with micro splashes of poop every day. :ack2: That's just a fact of life, and not a big deal.


We survived living in a developing country for four years with only very basic hygiene precautions - including using trench toilets with no washing facilities. We are very healthy - last time I took Hobbes to the doctor, the latter commented on how long it had been since his last appointment.


Yes, we have books and magazines in the toilet. No, we don't cover up our toothbrushes. No we don't close the toilet lid before we flush. Yes, I wipe over the basin and toilet every couple of days, but only because it looks icky otherwise, not in order to create a sterile environment. No, I don't use antibacterial soaps or cleaning products.



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Did you see the Mythbusters episode about poo droplets and the bathroom? They put things all over the bathroom and one in the kitchen and flushed with the lid open. The toothbrush (petri dish? I forget what they used) with most fecal bacteria? The one in the kitchen.


.. but whether it matters. Our bodies developed to deal well with a general level of dirt.



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Do males take longer to poop? I wonder. My dad did. My husband can spend 20 minutes. Now my son does the same thing. None of the girls take more than a 2-3 minutes unless there has been a dietary change or an illness is coming on.


:::Sniff, sniff::: I smell a possible poll.

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Yes. I'm actually excited because the bathroom in my new apartment is large, and there is a little corner area that is nice and far from the toilet and will be perfect for a basket of books.


(FTR: I have toothbrush covers AND they go in the medicine cabinet, and I spent a long time training DD to ALWAYS put the toilet seat down before flushing. :tongue_smilie:)

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For us, the kids aren't allowed to take library books into the bathroom because of how they handle things in there. I don't want open library books left on the bathroom floor. That's an excellent use for magazines and catalogs.


As for why one might read in the bathroom? It's a "question free" zone in our house - if you need a parent and he's in the bathroom, you need to wait. We've had too many rounds of complicated questions thru the door.

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Ew. It reminds me of that story about how when you flush the toilet it sprays everywhere in tiny droplets. I would probably die if I saw library books in someone's bathroom.




I'm way too much of a germaphobe to do that. And the thought that someone would do that with a library book (that I then curl up in bed with) totally squigs me out. Not to mention, I'm never in the bathroom long enough to read!

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Okay, I don't know how you'all use the toilet, but I touch nothing "untoward" until I'm done and have put the book back on the rack. Then I go wash my hands. I can't see how this is any different than picking up a book anywhere else. What am I missing? Do germs leap from the toilet seat and climb up the back to the book rack? Does the miasma freak you out?



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