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FB: People who wanna be friends; makes no sense.

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Have you had people want to friend you, that wouldn't even want to get together with you?


Funny.... I have this person who said I caused her to have a panic attack, wasn't there when we showed up for a scheduled playdate, and didn't contact me for.... 4 years.


She now wants to be FB friends. We live in the same town of 8000 people, and run into each other a couple times each summer. (we have 2 kids the same age)


I wrote her back a note to ask her "Why" and if she wishes she had changed the way she "ended" our friendship.


Seriously?? I just think it's kinda crazy, that supposedly I stress her out, and this is the SECOND time she's asked to be FB friends.


Makes... NO.... sense!! (Does it??)

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Sometimes people click the option to have FB automatically send the invites out to everyone in their e-mail list. If she had you in her contacts at some point, FB would send an invite.


When I get those kinds of requests, that's what I assume has happened.


Maybe, but I have 2 accts and the 1st one where she requested, she never had that email. She had to have seen me because I'm FB friends with some of hers.... (So, I thought maybe she was just checking that one out and somehow pushed "send" on the FB friend request :))


BUT, this new one.. is my older acct and it's been.... maybe 3 years since I had it... and she just asked now. So....


This time I asked her what was up....

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I just got another note from her saying she thought that after these years, we could be friendly with each other. I wrote her back to say that I really couldn't trust her to be friendly, but that of course... I would never choose to be rude or mean to her when we see each other in town. But... FB friends... no!

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Makes... NO.... sense!! (Does it??)


Sure it does, at least to me. You see each other around town and you are friendly, I assume. FB is not the same thing as BFF to me. I'm friends with lots of people that I don't really spend time with. Just so you know, it is considered rude in FB etiquette to vocally refuse to be someone's friend on FB. You can ignore a request or even decline without comment, but to actively say no may have other repercussions among your other friends. IOW, she may not keep your vocal refusal to herself.

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When I first got my account I added so many people and accepted so many invites. Then I really started thinking... Why did I do that? Some of them I really didn't care for. So I have a new rule... Unless we "talk" often (via fb), or IRL, or you're family, you don't need to be a fb friend


I have friends though that love that their fb friends number in the upper hundreds or have to be friends with everyone they ever met or had contact with

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Well, now that it's done, it's done. You've asked, she told, you're denying the request.


For me, I ignore friend requests for people I barely know. I will check the number of friends that they have, and if it's over 300 I most certainly will ignore their request! I figure they're just trying to gather numbers.


My friend list is under 90 and I cull it once every 3 months or so. I routinely ignore friend requests.

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My evil step-mother planned an elaborate scheme to steal money and land from my grandfather, which included a divorce in which she took everything that was in my Dad's name (and he was in on the whole thing) and THEN they got back together after she had stolen everything.. She took $100's of $1000's of $$$ worth of assets and money (mostly land) and sold it all off, built a mansion, lived off the money from selling the land and the oil money that was coming from the land, then crashed and burned when the money ran out because she couldn't pay her luxury lifestyle bills.. All of these assets and the money was supposed to be passed down to my brother and me after our grandparents passed. My grandparents were livid and disowned my Dad after that. We haven't spoken in over 12 years.. since they did this.


She actually had the nerve to friend me and my brother both on FB!!!! :glare:

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I am thinking she was truly just wanting to be nosy. A few people tried to befriend me on fb after I moved from the last place I lived. Those folks would have nothing to do with me while I lived there, but as soon as I left wanted to befriend me. I giggled and hit "ignore".


I have 300 friends on fb, but I have lived in many places. I am obviously not close to most of them anymore, but I do like to keep some type of contact with most of them. Plus, my dh and I are in ministry, so many of our contacts are from previous churches, Bible studies, etc.


I have thought about culling my friend list. It is so hard to "unfriend" them after you made them a friend. Some people wouldn't notice, but a few will and will have their feelings hurt. It is best to friend wisely first.

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Maybe she's nosy and wants to check our your pix/life. Regardless, I would have just ignored the requests. No need to "go there."




I've seen a lot of this with both facebook and blogs. Some people don't want to be friends with you in real life, but they want to be able to peek into your life . . . keep up on the juicy gossip about you . . . check if you've put on any weight . . . make sure your children aren't doing more amazing things than their children . . . etc.

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I think some people are Facebook-ignorant. They don't realize that you do not have to send a friend request to every person who is suggested. My MIL is this way. I have had to work really hard at not saying anything to her after she went and sent friend requests to everyone of my friends (or at least a lot of them!). While she has met these people, they are hardly her friends. Granted, it was not aimed at me. In my status updates, it said "MIL is now friends with "X" and 92 other people". She just went nuts sending requests.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

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I think a lot of people just want lots of friends I know several people with over 300. My husband uses his for sales he has never turned down a request and has over 200. I have 33 only friends with family and friends I would call to hangout with. I also think that some people just want to see what everyone is up too. Even if they don't want to actually talk to you. I personally hate when people send a friend request but not a personal message with it. Come on you can least say hi!

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I just got another note from her saying she thought that after these years, we could be friendly with each other. I wrote her back to say that I really couldn't trust her to be friendly, but that of course... I would never choose to be rude or mean to her when we see each other in town. But... FB friends... no!


It seems to me that she should have sent this information with the friend request. Maybe that would have gone over better. Or maybe not. :tongue_smilie:

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About 10 years ago I dated this guy. When he wanted to break up with someone, he'd just stop calling and move on to the next victim. He went between another girl and me for the longest time. I finally moved on.


Not that long ago, he contacted me and we got back together for a while. He had married the other girl, but said they were divorced about 6 months. While he was with me, she knew he was with me, and she obviously knew that they were not divorced.


About 2 weeks after he stopped calling, his wife requests me on FB! Knowing he had been here not too long ago.


(I truly didn't know they were still together, and stupidly assumed he may have changed after 10 years of growing up!)

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Facebook is funny


-some of the people who are nicest to me on Facebook are people who wouldn't have given me time of day back in high school. There has been a few that I have gotten together with for a lunch and we have a wonderful time.


-Some of my closest friends (and a few family) from long ago have defriended me or have it so that I can't post on their wall, see their posts, etc or never accepted my friend request. (NOTE: there has never been an issue or anything more losing touch over time)


Then again, people in my real life act strange too. I often wonder what the heck is wrong with me that generates such strange behaviors.

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