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What's the Name of Your Homeschool?!

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I made the mistake of letting the kids pick. Ours is The Ding Doodle Academy for Smarty Pants. I think we may need to revisit this sometime in the future.:glare:


:lol: We don't have one yet, but I've tossed out the idea of coming up with one, and my oldest insists it should be Ace Obedience School. :confused: When I gently explained that it sounded like a school for dogs, he STILL thought we should go with it! :001_huh: Needless to say, I'm glad I always maintain veto power around here! ;)

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Wings Academy


At the beginning of last school year, all three of my children were enrolled in a public charter school for homeschooling families. Unlike our previous charter school, where we only had to show one sample from each of four subject areas, the teacher from this school required that I bring ALL schoolwork (which needed to be enough to show work on most subject areas every day) to each meeting, which she only spaced out about every three weeks. At that time, my dyslexic dd was really struggling with most written work, especially while also doing vision therapy. (There was an emotional component to this - because of the dyslexia and the vision problems, she was convinced that she was not smart or capable, which is absolutely false; I strongly believe she shows many signs of giftedness, although she has not been, and will not be, tested to confirm.)


On the morning after the Tooth Fairy visited, she was crushed because she had left a note for the Tooth Fairy to please bring her wings instead of money. The TF, of course, was ill-prepared for such a request, and therefore, was not able to fulfill it. I asked dd why she wanted wings, and she said it was to get away from everything and all the stress (of school, mostly).


So, although giving her real wings was not an option, I withdrew her from that charter and filed a PSA, naming our school, Wings Academy. She made a lot of progress without the pressure to perform, and was a much happier and certainly less stressed-out little girl. I don't plan to enroll her in a public school again. About three months later, I withdrew my other two children from that charter when dh said he was pretty certain that he was going to accept an offer from a company in another state. When he changed his mind a few days later, well...I wasn't going back. All three will be in Wings Academy from the beginning this year. :)

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DD has decided we're "Mount Parnassus Elementary"-Home of the fighting Hydras


She was very frustrated at her cousin's comments on school names and cute mascots, so I suggested she come up with one (Legally, we're "Home Life Academy" because we're under a cover school).


Now, to find a place to make a cute t-shirt ;).

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Ours is The Ding Doodle Academy for Smarty Pants. I think we may need to revisit this sometime in the future.:glare:


:lol::lol::lol: That's great! I'd hate to think what my boys would come up with.....but I'm pretty sure the word 'booger' would fit in somewhere. :001_huh:

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Midvale Academy.






Actually, that would be fitting for us. :001_huh:


We're not required to have a name. I've been trying to come up with one for the past 6 years but everything has sounded contrived to me.


Sigh. I need a mission statement.

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We're not required to have a name and we didn't last year. This year we decided to call ours "Hearts For Him Homeschool."


I really like "Hearts for Him Homeschool!" That kind of says it all, doesn't it?! Did your kids have any say in the matter?

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I really like "Hearts for Him Homeschool!" That kind of says it all, doesn't it?! Did your kids have any say in the matter?


Thanks! Our tag line is "Keeping our hearts and minds focused on God as we grow in faith and knowledge." I just have one daughter at home and she loved it so that is what we decided to use. :001_smile:

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We haven't named our yet. But we're moving into our "Forever Home" the first week of September and it's on a river so Dh wants to call it Riverview Academy. Not the most inventive, but we're rejoicing to FINALLY be in a home without turnsignals or wheels and to FINALLY be homeowners!!! At this point, we're too giddy to be creative!:D:D:D:D:D:D





we are High Plains Elementary School


We'll have to come up with a middle school name when the time comes...and then we'll have children at two different schools...sigh..how will I manage.;)

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Holy Ascension Academy ~ with reasoning similar to yours. When Christ ascended, He opened heaven to earth, fulfilling the purpose of the resurrection. Our priest gave a homily on Holy Ascension soon after we were baptized and afterward I asked for a blessing to name our homeschop this

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I loved your "Wings" story, wow. :001_smile:




I love the "space" homeschooling has allowed my son to progress within.


Aw, thanks, both of you. :)


I began homeschooling because when we moved here, I was dismayed at how awful the schools were here. I continue because I love everything about it, especially how it gives my children the freedom to work at the right level (and pace, sometimes) for them. :001_wub:

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We call our school Kairos Academy! Kairos means "when heaven intersects earth"..."the appointed time in the purposes of God!" That's how we SPEND our TIME--pursuing the purposes of God! What about you? What do you call your homeschool?:001_smile:

We call our School..Kura Youth Development Program.

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