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Which Star Wars movie is the best?

Your favorite?  

  1. 1. Your favorite?

    • The Phantom Menace
    • Attack of the Clones
    • Revenge of the Sith
    • A New Hope
    • The Empire Strikes Back
    • Return of the Jedi
    • Obligatory other

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If anyone votes for The Phantom Menace, put your name here so I can Ignore you. Just sayin'. There are standards, people.






ETA: Empire Strikes Back, or as I always think of it, the second one!! :p Back in the day it was the second one... before the madness... and before I worried about Roman numerals....

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4 of course. It was the first and I was 7 ans saw it in the theater. 3 is the worst. I knew what was going to happen (duh) but watching it happen was just horrifying. No need to see that part of the backstory for me.


But without it, we would never have heard James Earl Jones bellowing, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," (making my friend & I break theater etiquette by bursting into giggles).

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I must confess. I voted Return of the Jedi because I am not a sci-fi fan and thought, "Oh, goody, it's the last one!" and the ewoks were cute.


As for the new three, I have a visceral reaction to Jar Jar Binks and that painted thingy on the Queen's lip! Seriously, he couldn't come p with anything more creative to do with her lipstick than have a tick sitting there????



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I'm not even gonna refer to them by "episodes" or the original movies' names. I think that was a bad idea on the part of TPTB. :glare:


Star Wars really knocked our socks off when it came out, but when The Empire Strikes Back was released...wow. It was downhill from there.

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If anyone votes for The Phantom Menace, put your name here so I can Ignore you. Just sayin'. There are standards, people.





ROFL! Totally with you on that. :lol:


I agree w/5,4,6,3,2,1. And that Harrison Ford and Ewan McGregor should have definitely worn a kilt!

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:iagree: Except that Ewan McGregor & Liam Neeson rock. But the actual movies... :ack2:


Empire Strikes Back is the best. Ds's first movie in the theater was episode 1, I think he under age two.


Shortly afterward ds reached the age of understanding. That is the ability to discern the reasons for episodes 4,5,6, being older, why episodes 1,2,3 had to be made (even if they are bad), and the difference in movie making technology between 1977 and 1997.


If you liked Ewan MacGregor in Star Wars you should watch Men who Stare at Goats simply for the Jedi jokes.

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In order :









Pretty close :D








Neither of you know how to count backwards. It's









Oh....wait...you aren't just counting down to a blastoff. OK.....my favorite is the one where the bring the whales up into the spaceship and.....


Oh, no....wait...wrong movie. :blush:


Star Wars movies...my favorite is 1V A New Hope. So many great lines you can quote:



But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters! (said in a most whining voice)

You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done.



Let me see your identification.

You don't need to see his identification.

We don't need to see his identification.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

These aren't the droids we're looking for.

He can go about his business.

You can go about your business.

Move along.

Move along... move along.



Will somebody get this walking carpet out of my way?



Well, somebody has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, flyboy!

Garbage chute. Really wonderful idea. What an incredible smell you've discovered! Let's get out of here! Get away from there...


Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal.

What happened?

Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

We're sending a squad up.

Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.

Who is this? What's your operating number?

Uh... [shoots the intercom] Boring conversation, anyway. LUKE, WE'RE GONNA HAVE COMPANY!


I could go on.....:D

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Of the three (and there are only three :glare:) Star Wars movies, Empire is the best, but Star Wars is my sentimental favourite. And Han shot first.

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I voted "obligatory other," since Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is my favorite.




Heh. :D




The Wrath of Khan was much better than any of the Star Wars movies, but there were some Star Trek movies that stunk up the joint too.



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The Wrath of Khan was much better than any of the Star Wars movies, but there were some Star Trek movies that stunk up the joint too.




Like I said in my previous post in this thread....the one where they bring the whales up into the ship. I can't remember which one that was. I did like it. Surely you must like the whale one Bill??? I mean...come on...look at your huge siggy pic. :001_smile:


ETA: I just googled it: Star Trek IV The Voyage Home.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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Like I said in my previous post in this thread....the one where they bring the whales up into the ship. I can't remember which one that was. I did like it. Surely you must like the whale one Bill??? I mean...come on...look at your huge siggy pic. :001_smile:


"He gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney!!!"


I think that's a reasonably accurate quote. I had a ball watching that one.

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Pretty much:


A New Hope/Empire/Return all tie for first

and the others tie for last. :D


How is that for decision making ability? :lol: You should see me shop for shoes. :001_smile:




Oh, and I vote Bill is a troll. :glare: (I don't care how many posts he has)

Edited by jewellsmommy
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I'm afraid I have to agree with Bill about the poor acting in Star Wars. I mean, Star Trek had William Shatner.





The problem with Star Wars wasn't the actors, it was director George Lucas. The only half-way decent Star Wars films (Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) where directed by others.


Lucas (famously) had no interest or rapport with actors and it shows in the films.



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I must confess. I voted Return of the Jedi because I am not a sci-fi fan and thought, "Oh, goody, it's the last one!" and the ewoks were cute.


As for the new three, I have a visceral reaction to Jar Jar Binks and that painted thingy on the Queen's lip! Seriously, he couldn't come p with anything more creative to do with her lipstick than have a tick sitting there????




The ewoks got my vote, too.

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The problem with Star Wars wasn't the actors, it was director George Lucas. The only half-way decent Star Wars films (Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) where directed by others.


Lucas (famously) had no interest or rapport with actors and it shows in the films.





I will agree with you that Lucas was a problem. A serious problem.


However, I cannot support your first post at all and must immediately forget its existence, in order to remain your friend. :tongue_smilie:

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