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What does your dog do when you're not home?

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My dh took the kids out for the day and left me home, in bed with the baby. BLISS!! :D They were gone for no more than 2 minutes when I hear the dog get up from his usual sleeping spot and hear the crinkling of a garbage bag. :glare:


Poochy, who would never dare go near any garbages when we are home, apparently sits in wait of us to leave so he can go investigate the contents of our garbage cans. :toetap05:


I had no idea! I mean, yes, I've come home to a mess b/c he has gotten into the garbage before, but never realized that he simply waits for us to leave so he can get into it. I thought maybe after a few hours of boredom or looking for a snack or something. Oh, no. It's just a matter of that front door closing and the van taking off. :001_huh:


Needless to say, I crept out of bed and had taken 2 steps on the floor when the crinkling abruptly stopped and I hear him walking towards me. He walks into my room, tail between his legs, with the most embarrassed look on his face. He clearly had no idea I was still home. :lol::lol:


I've also caught this same dog, who is not permitted on our furniture and would never dare try it when we're around, sleeping on our couch in the middle of the night. :glare:


L'il stinker! What gives? Now, our cat gets into everything but at least the cat has the decency to try it at all hours of the day so I know he's just up to no good in general. But oh no- the dog is far too smart and sneaky for that.


Sneaky, sneaky. My dog can't be the only one- what does your dog try to get away with when you're not looking?

Edited by plain jane
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She sleeps. In her younger days (she's 8.5), she'd get into trouble if we left her out and we had to crate her. Her favorite thing to get into was library books. :eek: If there was one anywhere near where she could reach it, she'd pull it down and chew on it. My mom always said she was trying to figure out what we thought was so great about them and that was the best she could come up with. :lol: The only other thing she touched was boxes of Kleenex. She'd tear up the box and shred the Kleenex all over the house.

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I don't know. I've never had him tailed! :lol:


Actually, our dog waits until we go to bed and turn out the lights to sleep on the chair in our room. Now, we can HEAR him get in the chair, and he's even allowed to get in the chair, but i guess he thinks he's outsmarting us this way.

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He walks into my room, tail between his legs, with the most embarrassed look on his face. He clearly had no idea I was still home. :lol::lol:



:lol: This part cracked me up.


I don't currently have a dog, but I'll tell you what I do when nobody else is home ... I sneak into the freezer and eat Thin Mints. I got busted a few months ago when my son came tearing back into the house get his cleats. Now I always wait 15 minutes and then do a quick walk-through of the house before I make my way to the freezer.


Give your dog that memo from me LOL.

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:lol: This part cracked me up.


I don't currently have a dog, but I'll tell you what I do when nobody else is home ... I sneak into the freezer and eat Thin Mints. I got busted a few months ago when my son came tearing back into the house get his cleats. Now I always wait 15 minutes and then do a quick walk-through of the house before I make my way to the freezer.


Give your dog that memo from me LOL.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: That made me laugh so hard I cried!

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Mine sleeps, mostly. I visit dogs during the day as my job (for a walk), and I see all kinds of mischief! Many of the dogs have kongs stuffed with peanut butter and small pieces of food to chew on during the day. One owner has a dog door and a fenced backyard--that dog lives the life of Riley, I'll tell ya! Bones to chew, toys stuffed with food, ability to go in and out at will, etc--must be nice!

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My dog sleeps on the love seat and/or the chair he is not allowed on when he thinks he is alone. Mind you, the couch that has his blanket on it and the view out the window he likes is right across from the love seat. He will also investigate the garbage if the lid is not on right.

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:lol: This part cracked me up.


The look on his face was absolutely priceless!


I don't currently have a dog, but I'll tell you what I do when nobody else is home ... I sneak into the freezer and eat Thin Mints. I got busted a few months ago when my son came tearing back into the house get his cleats. Now I always wait 15 minutes and then do a quick walk-through of the house before I make my way to the freezer.


Give your dog that memo from me LOL.



:lol: Ack. I'm totally cracking up!! :lol:

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Mine just eviscerates dog toys (and any ink pens he can get his paw on, including my good red ones!!! :glare:). I'm sure he would do more, but he is in a fairly contained dog pen when we leave.


What that dog does to dog toys should be a crime :blink:. Speaking of...pardon me while I go pick up duck in'nerds (from a previously stuffed duck).

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Our little Jack/Chihuahua mix, we have always crated when we leave and when we sleep. That dog gets into everything she can reach (which isn't much...she's only 6 pounds) but she'll get into the bathroom trash cans and drag everything out, grab the kids stuffed animals, and use the bathroom in the house if we are not quick enough at letting her out (which, if we are not home, we definitely cannot let her out to the bathroom). So she's always been crated.....she's 18 months old.


Our Jack Russell Terrier has been through phases of being crated and uncrated when we are gone or sleeping. He's getting older (turning 12 this year) and has a more difficult time controlling his bladder when he's out and about the house. If he's in his crate, he can hold it forever. Plus, he's gotten rather rebellious in his older years. Before we began crating him (again) when we left the house, I've forgotten something and come back into the house to find him jumping down from our bed. :glare: He must have immediately went there when we left. :glare: So his rebellion = being crated when we leave the house or go to sleep.


There's been many years where he went uncrated when we were gone and sleeping though....and he was fine. At least I think. :confused: He's pretty sneaky.

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Mine just hang out (10 year old Cocker Spaniel mix and a 3 year old Standard Poodle). I'm pretty sure they bark at things outside, sleep on the bed (because they mess up the covers) but mostly they sleep on the couch.


They don't get into anything and don't have accidents. They are almost perfect. :D

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My current dog is completely outside so she just takes things out of the recycling bin and distributes them about the yard... shredded if possible. She also LOVES to chew on the water sprayer handle. :tongue_smilie:


Now, my last dog.... We had always left her out when we left until one specific day. We came back home to find every.single.potted plant upturned and the dirt ground into the carpet. The trash can was tipped over and every bit of garbage was strewn about the entire house. The sheets on our bed were literally shredded down to the mattress pad (but thankfully the mattress was fine)! Books were off the shelves and chewed. The couch was pulled away from the wall with the front end torn, AND she was running in frantic laps the entire length of the house - it was a single-wide trailer with the hall and all bedroom openings on the same side of the house. She would stop occasionally and bounce around us before bounding off again for more laps with eyes wide and jittery. :confused:


Evidently, the cats had knocked off an unopened bag of Gevalia (sp?) dark premium roast holiday blend coffee beans that had then busted on the floor. The dog ate almost the whole bag! She was wired!!! I have no idea how long it had been since she ate the beans before we came back. Exdh wanted to shoot her, but I went right out and bought a crate. She was crated in the house when not supervised ever after. Oh, she was an almost 1 yr old lab/doberman/shepherd mix.

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We have to crate our dog, because she too is a garbage lover. She used to drink out of the toilets too, but she is now too old to jump up there lol. That was just gross! She is a smarty, and she will only be naughty if we leave her alone, even to go outside. Sleeping has never been an isse.

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My Rottie has obsessive/compulsive problems, so she is either chasing bird shadows or standing over the pond barking at the shadows in the pond... she will do this for hours and hours.


The Golden hunts moles all day then brings them up to the house and puts them in a little pile by the garage. So fun! :glare:

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:lol: This part cracked me up.


I don't currently have a dog, but I'll tell you what I do when nobody else is home ... I sneak into the freezer and eat Thin Mints. I got busted a few months ago when my son came tearing back into the house get his cleats. Now I always wait 15 minutes and then do a quick walk-through of the house before I make my way to the freezer.


Give your dog that memo from me LOL.



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Chewy is typically leashed in the kitchen.


However, you did remind me of my first houserabbit, Calvin. I lived alone in an efficiency apartment, and he was kept in the kitchen with a baby gate. Several evenings I'd come home from work and notice spines chewed on books, but thought he must have been chewing in the evenings while I was watching TV or something, because he was always in the kitchen. One evening I got home in time to see his cute, furry, little cottontail going back over the baby gate into the kitchen. The little bugger had evidently learned he could jump in and out of the kitchen at will, but never did it in front of me :lol:.

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Thing1 and Thing2 are 6 months now and tall enough to eat off the kitchen counter without stretching. They are ALWAYS left outside in their dog yard when we are not home because otherwise they would happily treat the kitchen as an all-you-can-eat buffet. One of them even can open the fridge by herself. When we are home, they are usually in the house with us but still under close supervision because they are constantly on the prowl for goodies.

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I don't currently have a dog, but I'll tell you what I do when nobody else is home ... I sneak into the freezer and eat Thin Mints. I got busted a few months ago when my son came tearing back into the house get his cleats. Now I always wait 15 minutes and then do a quick walk-through of the house before I make my way to the freezer.






My dog surfs the kitchen counter for bread. Takes the whole loaf and buries it under a sofa cushion.


Really? He doesn't eat it?

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our beagle and GSD stay outside and mostly just sleep and patrol the yard. The GSD will mark every post, tree, wheel on a vehicle, you name it. Not that any dog ever comes in our yard, but if one does, they will know that our GSD owns it :glare:.


My mix breed, Sophie, stays inside in her crate when we leave. She used to get into things in the kitchen, then she'd get sick from eating them. not anymore.

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