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Rupert Murdoch...Are Americans Paying Attention???

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Because, you are making a sweeping generalization about a HUGE number of people you don't know. That makes me angry. You don't know me, and I'd wager to say you know fewer than 1% of all Americans. I don't appreciate being lumped into any preconceived stereotype you may have about what Americans are, or are not paying attention to in the media.


Please. You ahve few posts. Please learn people's personalities on the forum before you go jumping down people's throats with galoshes on.

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All I know about RM is that he owns Fox. None of this is surprising at all. Last year I read a book called "So D**n Much Money" about lobbyists and their effect on our gov't. It's all-encompassing. Did you know that a foreign ruler hired lobbyists to get a visa to the US and was successful? We have hardly any real representation anymore.


I wanted to start a thread here, but hesitated because of the political thing, about how to teach history and explain to my son that I don't believe we are truly a democracy anymore. DS is 7 and loves his country. He is still on a high from the 4th of July. I played along, but inside I'm completely disillusioned and fed up with what's going on here. So sad.

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IMO, Rupert Murdoch controls a lot of the discussion and thought in America that I believe have had detrimental effects on the lives of many, mine included. When a media mogul gains control of government officials at the highest levels, for decades, and circumstances occur that potentially shed light on those relationships, I consider it one of the biggest stories of our era.



[bolding mine] Not just in America. Murdoch was just about to receive permission (Parliamentary? Competition Commission? I can't remember who gives permission in UK) to buy the rest of Sky TV which would have given him enormous control over Britain's media -- much more than he currently has.

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Please. You ahve few posts. Please learn people's personalities on the forum before you go jumping down people's throats with galoshes on.


It usually takes people a little while before they realize I should only VERY RARELY ever be taken seriously.;)

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[bolding mine] Not just in America. Murdoch was just about to receive permission (Parliamentary? Competition Commission? I can't remember who gives permission in UK) to buy the rest of Sky TV which would have given him enormous control over Britain's media -- much more than he currently has.


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I wanted to start a thread here, but hesitated because of the political thing, about how to teach history and explain to my son that I don't believe we are truly a democracy anymore. DS is 7 and loves his country. He is still on a high from the 4th of July. I played along, but inside I'm completely disillusioned and fed up with what's going on here. So sad.


We're not quite at the same point here in Canada but you can see the same kind of media consolidation happen.


I used to think voters and government were at the heart of a democracy. The more I feel the lack of an independent press the more I'm convinced that's really at the heart. :(

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We're not quite at the same point here in Canada but you can see the same kind of media consolidation happen.


I used to think voters and government were at the heart of a democracy. The more I feel the lack of an independent press the more I'm convinced that's really at the heart. :(




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That's what I thought, too! I was as surprised as you are!


Carol from IL, we can't seem to have it both ways. Methinks that if these charges would have been made toward the EVIL LIBERAL NEWS MEDIA then the right-wingers would be all, "You have to take responsibility. You can't just say, 'I didn't know'. If you are making money off of it/own it, then you own the guilt as well", but since he IS the head of the fundie media it is okay all because he printed an apology? :confused:


And I would think more then a few Liberals would deny the charges and bring up "witch hunt". I think you're right but I've lost faith in the last few years that liberal are any more thoughtful and any less reactionary then conservatives.


I think thoughtfulness about these matters is a quality that's independent of political affiliation.

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That's what I thought, too! I was as surprised as you are!


Carol from IL, we can't seem to have it both ways. Methinks that if these charges would have been made toward the EVIL LIBERAL NEWS MEDIA then the right-wingers would be all, "You have to take responsibility. You can't just say, 'I didn't know'. If you are making money off of it/own it, then you own the guilt as well", but since he IS the head of the fundie media it is okay all because he printed an apology? :confused:



Yes, and let's remember RM is a fomenter of that mentality.

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I think it's horrible that the whistle blower was found dead a few days ago. That makes me sick to my stomach.


Me too. It makes me wonder how far this is going to go. Kind of reminds me of Watergate. I have a feeling many Americans are going to be surprised by who is involved here, because there WILL be Americans involved. The question will be, will the media properly report it, or will they all hide it for fear of being investigated themselves.

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And I would think more then a few Liberals would deny the charges and bring up "witch hunt". I think you're right but I've lost faith in the last few years that liberal are any more thoughtful and any less reactionary then conservatives.


I think thoughtfulness about these matters is a quality that's independent of political affiliation.


:iagree: Especially with the bolded. Of course the news outlets that Murdoch owns or partially owns will be sympathetic to him. That sorta goes without sayin', I'd think.

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Me too. It makes me wonder how far this is going to go. Kind of reminds me of Watergate. I have a feeling many Americans are going to be surprised by who is involved here, because there WILL be Americans involved. The question will be, will the media properly report it, or will they all hide it for fear of being investigated themselves.


I guess I would be surprised if only NewsCorps would be involved. NewsCorps is one of the biggest Media conglomerates, I can't imagine they are the only ones doing it.

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"Entirely peopled with criminals."


I'm just sayin'. ;)

You'd think they'd be ashamed of this, but those directly descended from the convicts are as proud as the direct descendents of the Mayflower people.


Aussies are weird.


Socialist commie troublemakers too! :D

Exactly, hang your head in shame. :D

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It's all the Canadian and British press seem to say. They keep wondering when the American public will sit up and get alarmed about what Murdoch's been up too.



I've been alarmed about what he's up to for decades. The man has no integrity what-so-ever and the News Corp scandal proves the point.



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You'd think they'd be ashamed of this, but those directly descended from the convicts are as proud as the direct descendents of the Mayflower people.


Aussies are weird.



Exactly, hang your head in shame. :D



Please don't say 'penal colony'.....please don't say 'penal colony'. It makes me giggle everytime. :smilielol5:

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Ok. Channel 9 news (DC) will have Murdoch being hit with the pie. And they'd like to know who the viewers would like to see hit with a pie... Also coming up IN THE SAME SEGMENT... a scandal involving a feminine hygiene product. Oooooooooh and guess which on came on first?


Sometimes, it's just horribly embarrassing being an American.


(I was just told by the newscaster that I should let "the V" cleanse itself... Any questions about why I listen to actual news NPR?)

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That's what I thought, too! I was as surprised as you are!


Carol from IL, we can't seem to have it both ways. Methinks that if these charges would have been made toward the EVIL LIBERAL NEWS MEDIA then the right-wingers would be all, "You have to take responsibility. You can't just say, 'I didn't know'. If you are making money off of it/own it, then you own the guilt as well", but since he IS the head of the fundie media it is okay all because he printed an apology? :confused:


Well...look at the NPR situation.


I think the differences in their attitude and the severity is staggering.

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I have a little Murdoch is an idiot story. My dad used to work for a Murdoch owned TV station. Murdoch came to town and they cleaned up the station and all that stuff you do to impress the big boss. So he's back at his hotel and turns on the station number, it's not on the TV. He calls up the station and reams them out for not being on the air, what is wrong, and goes on and on. Turns out the hotel had cable and that company didn't put the station on the same channel number. :lol: There was nothing wrong at the station. :lol:

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I'm bordering giddy.


I admit to doing a secret happy dance.


It was that day that I realized that there are elderly liberals. :lol:


Hey, those elderly liberals were the hippies, the flower children, the Woodstock Generation. Some of them turned into grumpy old folks, but a lot of them still remember that they were going to change the world.

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I heard a bit on NPR today that One of NewsCorps subsidiaries, who owns the little machines that give you coupons in the grocery store, had paid out 20% of its revenue just to settle lawsuits which alleged strikingly similar phone and email hacking. The reporter said that this was a trend across several different media outlets owned by Murdoch in the US.

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Dawn, it is all over the news here--so long as the news you're watching isn't FOX, lol.


I've been checking their programs over the last few days to see how they were going to report on it. If I had to describe the vibe I get from FOX, it's "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! No, no!"



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It's all the Canadian and British press seem to say. They keep wondering when the American public will sit up and get alarmed about what Murdoch's been up too.


It's less that I assume you're not watching and more that I have trouble believing their assertions that you're not are true.


America IS watching---but us Americans only seem to be able to watch captively while these scandals unfold: Murdoch, Wall Street, the Big Banks buying off our country for their own selfish gain and to hell with the Proletariat. Yes, of course America is watching---but I think American Idol and Jersey Shore are more entertaining or something. Because we just don't seem to DO anything about anything anymore....:confused: JAILED journalists in the UK, Iceland actually ousting the criminal Banksters and Politicians that wrecked their economy....and in America.........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :glare:

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I have not been following it closely at all. I know what's going on but it doesn't interest me. I am glad that people are being held accountable, but I don't have the mental energy to expend on following it now. I am not surprised or shocked and I do not think this is an isolated event. They just got caught. I am more interested in what the outcome will be, if whistle blowers will out the other news organizations, if there will be any changes to how or what is reported, and how the public will interpret what is reported in the future.

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I had some margaritas (with cuervo, I am out of Patron), but some of you have been hitting the crazysauce.


I am paying attention, but not by watching Fox News.


:grouphug: A gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do...way to take one for the team.


As to the crazy sauce - maybe they were out of Patron as well.


I am on duty today and am hitting the water with lime. <sigh>

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Hey, those elderly liberals were the hippies, the flower children, the Woodstock Generation. Some of them turned into grumpy old folks, but a lot of them still remember that they were going to change the world.


Yeah, as soon as I came away saying,"Wow, there are elderly liberals!" I realized how silly that was.....they are my predecessors! They tried to change the world many, many years before I did! :tongue_smilie:

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Moderate-micro manager then?:D



Certainly in former times Murdoch was extremely involved in the content of his newspapers. There was a profile of him on the BBC this week which had interviews with several of his former editors. Phone calls from him in the middle of the night complaining about editorial decisions seem to have been common.


There's a lot of schadenfreude going on at the BBC, so I'm a bit wary of their output. The individual interviews seemed convincing, however.



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Also, reading this thread backwards (in bed on your tiny phone screen) will make you see spots. Although...that could be the margaritas.


Ha! and here I thought everything played backwards says "Paul is dead".


And yeah - at first, I read the title as another thread insinuating that Americans are all a bunch of lazy people who don't care about what's going on around them. Got my hackles up a bit. Sorry.


We've been following it pretty closely. While I think the bigger scandal *IS* in the UK, I'm SURE that it's going on here in America.


I'm appalled that the whistle blower is now dead and that it hasn't been ruled as a murder. A crime scene unit evidentally didn't arrive for almost 10 hours after police first arrived at the flat. This was after the flat being left unattended for about 5 hrs. with relatives. The coincidence, alone, of who the man is should've made this suspicious before being ruled non-suspicious.


And like others...it comes to the point where nothing is surprising any longer. I'm conservative, but don't follow FoxNews any more closely than I follow any outlet. I don't trust their coverage any more than CNN. I don't trust journalism any longer. And so, I watch a lot of BBC LOL (Murdoch doesn't own them, yet, right? <snicker>)

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And yeah - at first, I read the title as another thread insinuating that Americans are all a bunch of lazy people who don't care about what's going on around them. Got my hackles up a bit. Sorry.



Well...Naw. That's not what I meant. :) Bad wording on my part.

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In that BBC World News is the only television channel that I watch at all -- (have it on in bursts several times a day) -- I definitely have kept somewhat up on this. The man displayed astonishing gall yesterday to allege that he, himself, has absolutely zero personal responsibility for anything.

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I'm sad to say that I'm not shocked. I honestly believe that most "news" organizations are run this way. News of the World got caught. Murdoch is not the only media tycoon, and he is not the only one who pushes for sensational in order to sell the news.




Yup. I don't think it's that Americans aren't paying attention (it's impossible to turn on the television or radio without hearing about it), I think it's that we are just jaded. No way is this limited to Murdoch and his companies - I feel pretty confident it's across the board in main stream media worldwide. He and his just got caught. I'm going to guess it's just a matter of time before the the conservatives media find something icky in the liberal media and that will be the next big news story. Eye for an eye and all that fun stuff. Great game :glare:.

Edited by LauraGB
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I heard a bit on NPR today that One of NewsCorps subsidiaries, who owns the little machines that give you coupons in the grocery store, had paid out 20% of its revenue just to settle lawsuits which alleged strikingly similar phone and email hacking. The reporter said that this was a trend across several different media outlets owned by Murdoch in the US.


So, do you trust NPR? It was caught in a huge ethical scandal, too. The individuals responsible were forced out. Isn't that similar to what happened in the Murdoch case? I guess I don't understand the difference.

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So, do you trust NPR? It was caught in a huge ethical scandal, too. The individuals responsible were forced out. Isn't that similar to what happened in the Murdoch case? I guess I don't understand the difference.


NPR wrestled with an ethical issue. News Corp has allegedly performed illegal activities as well as a variety of unethical acts on what strikes me as a much grander scale. Police commissioners did not resign in the NPR as they are in the News Corp case. I'd say that there is quite a difference.

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