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Seattle: Home of the 78 minute summer.

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Interesting article here.



Apparently, UW keeps logs of the temperatures by the minute. This guy set out to find out how long our weather has been above 80 degrees this year. Then answer: a whopping 78 minutes.


Think that's too high of a goal for the area. How about above 75 degrees? Well, then we can boast just over 3/4th of a day: 18 hours and 48 minutes.


So, while you all are melting in the heat, us here in the Seattle area are crossing our fingers and hoping that we'll at least get a couple of days of summer before school starts in the Fall.

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Jealous, sooooo jealous!!! :tongue_smilie:


The last few years we may have gotten 5 days total a summer where it got over 90. This summer it's more like 5 days a week over 90. We are melting. I know it's cyclical. The summer I was pregnant with DD6 was one of the hottest summers on record so we've just gotten lucky that it wasn't nearly so hot the last 5 years.


How about we trade--you can move to MI and I'll move to Seattle.:tongue_smilie::D;):lol:

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The hard thing that the article pointed out is that the summer temps are only happening for a few minutes at the end of the day. We don't get our high temps until around 5-6pm, and they are only staying high for a few minutes to an hour when they do get up that high.


We're all getting tired of being stuck in the house, and my kids would really like to have some time playing outside with other kids. We even showed up for a park day in the rain, hoping someone would show up. We were the only ones there, of course. We've been here 9 months and haven't really met local friends. We were really hoping to meet some at the park days for a group we just joined, but that's not going to happen if they all get rained out.


My husband has taken each boy camping, separately. Both times, it rained the entire weekend. For my oldest, they had a 3-hour kayaking tour that got cut an hour short by lightening on the water. Fortunately, the owner offered them a free tour to make up for it (but that's not typical).


We don't have air conditioning here, but we'd be fine with temps in the 90s. It's when it gets over 100 that it is really unbearable. It was that high the week my youngest was born. We survived by wearing moist baby blankets, water play (the kids, not me as I was recovering from birth), and eating dinner out.

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I think Portland is right there with you.


I'm still waiting.


I would like to visit the beach without needing a raincoat and sweatshirt at some point this summer (using that term loosely).


The other day, my husband said, "This spring stinks."


I had to remind him, "Babe, technically it's summer."



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I have never seen so many slugs in all my born days. This must be perfect slug weather. Ugh.


I have to admit, I'm pining for some sun.


No kidding!


But that means my 2 year old is happy. She really loves worms and slugs. Picture a cute little 2 year old girl wearing a pink frilly dress and adorable little sandals carrying a slug into the house to show you.

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Interesting article here.



Apparently, UW keeps logs of the temperatures by the minute. This guy set out to find out how long our weather has been above 80 degrees this year. Then answer: a whopping 78 minutes.


Think that's too high of a goal for the area. How about above 75 degrees? Well, then we can boast just over 3/4th of a day: 18 hours and 48 minutes.


So, while you all are melting in the heat, us here in the Seattle area are crossing our fingers and hoping that we'll at least get a couple of days of summer before school starts in the Fall.


Yep, I'm in Seattle and it's crazy. I like sun and a bit of warmth, but I don't want what the rest of the country is dealing with! It can get rough here when hot because hardly anyone has A/C. My house gets sooo hot.

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No kidding!


But that means my 2 year old is happy. She really loves worms and slugs. Picture a cute little 2 year old girl wearing a pink frilly dress and adorable little sandals carrying a slug into the house to show you.



Well, if you run out at your place, please feel free to get all of mine for her to play with! I chucked about 30 of them out of my garden the other day, and there were many, many more creeping their way toward my nice veggies.

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The other day, my husband said, "This spring stinks."


I had to remind him, "Babe, technically it's summer."






Um, the birch tree in my backyard thinks it is fall. The leaves are turning brown. The heavy fog this morning confirmed it.

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So, while you all are melting in the heat, us here in the Seattle area are crossing our fingers and hoping that we'll at least get a couple of days of summer before school starts in the Fall.


Speak for yourself! :) I think the lack of prolonged hot spells is the best part of having moved out here, especially since fewer places have a/c than they did in the NYC area where I grew up and lived until 2.5 years ago.

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Heck--I'll just take some sun regardless of the temperature!



That would be nice too. I never got my summer high. I waited and waited for the feel-good energy I usually look forward to after a winter of SAD. I've improved a bit but not by much.

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Speak for yourself! :) I think the lack of prolonged hot spells is the best part of having moved out here, especially since fewer places have a/c than they did in the NYC area where I grew up and lived until 2.5 years ago.




I grew up in Southern California and appreciate being here and not sweating, ew! lol


That said, I do like to see some sun, 70 to 75 with some sun is my ideal. Not too hot and not too cold!

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Yes, it is a lovely Julytober day today. Cool and cloudy, but at least it isn't raining like it was yesterday. It is supposed to rain for the rest of the week though. And then after that it's supposed to be nice, but it won't break 75 for the foreseeable future.


It's my fault--I unpacked the kids' summer clothes at the end of May. I should have snuck them out one tank top at a time.


What you all non-WA people need to understand is that we put up with 10 months of rain to get 2 months of perfection. Last year was crummy and this year has been so far as well. It's not that cool and cloudy bothers us, it's that we've been waiting for nice weather for two years and still don't have it.

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Yes, it is a lovely Julytober day today. Cool and cloudy, but at least it isn't raining like it was yesterday. It is supposed to rain for the rest of the week though. And then after that it's supposed to be nice, but it won't break 75 for the foreseeable future.


It's my fault--I unpacked the kids' summer clothes at the end of May. I should have snuck them out one tank top at a time.


What you all non-WA people need to understand is that we put up with 10 months of rain to get 2 months of perfection. Last year was crummy and this year has been so far as well. It's not that cool and cloudy bothers us, it's that we've been waiting for nice weather for two years and still don't have it.


I will still take this over the summer before last. It got up to 100 degrees here for days and it was 107 in my house with no AC, and I work from home! lol


I'd like some sun but man, that was a brutal few weeks.


I'm hopeful that August will be okay and that we will have a bit of an indian summer. That tends to happen when it's not so sunny during June and July

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Yes, it is a lovely Julytober day today. Cool and cloudy, but at least it isn't raining like it was yesterday. It is supposed to rain for the rest of the week though. And then after that it's supposed to be nice, but it won't break 75 for the foreseeable future.


It's my fault--I unpacked the kids' summer clothes at the end of May. I should have snuck them out one tank top at a time.


What you all non-WA people need to understand is that we put up with 10 months of rain to get 2 months of perfection. Last year was crummy and this year has been so far as well. It's not that cool and cloudy bothers us, it's that we've been waiting for nice weather for two years and still don't have it.


This is truth.

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I will still take this over the summer before last. It got up to 100 degrees here for days and it was 107 in my house with no AC, and I work from home! lol


That was the week I had my daughter. We don't know how high it was inside because we thermostat didn't go that high. I was inside (hotter than outside) with a newborn. My first three were all winter babies; I didn't know how to handle a summer baby and nearly overheated her. Her body temp went down from sweating so I kept bundling her more trying to get her body temp up to where it was suppose to be. It didn't go back up until I figured it out and unbundled her. Poor kid.


Rosy, lets not talk about rain...okay? I postponed a planned (outdoor) party for over a month hoping for nice weather and the forecast for Saturday is rain.

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So, while you all are melting in the heat, us here in the Seattle area are crossing our fingers and hoping that we'll at least get a couple of days of summer before school starts in the Fall.


Ah well, at least it's not one of those summers I walk around shivering in July chanting, "I will NOT turn on the heat in July, I will NOT turn on the heat in July,...." It's been rather pleasant so far this summer. Not hot, but not cold! ;)

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Completely jealous. Now wishing I lived in the Seattle area. We're absolutely melting here this week. And in January, it will be 20 below. :tongue_smilie: Feeling like a prisoner in my own house right now with a couple pathetic window AC units. Any pool or indoor family friendly AC place will be packed right now.

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yyeeeeeerrrgghhh it is sssooo hootttttt.


Our heat index is 109 today and people further south are even worse off (poor Oklahoma!)


We haven't been outside in ages


This. The extreme heat is keeping us inside, just like the rain and colder temps keep you inside. Either way, it's not good.

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Joann--yup. I just cancelled our swimming party that was scheduled for Friday. 69 is too cold for a glacier-fed lake.


YLVD--maybe time heals all wounds?? I only remember 3-4 really bad days that summer, and I was able to find A/C for all but one. I will agree that I'm not a fan of 90+ weather.


For the rest of you with extreme heat, do you have A/C? Are you able to get out in the spring and fall? I'm assuming you have a stretch of 65-85 degree weather before and after summer. We are supposed to be in our 65-85 stretch right now...still waiting...

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That was the week I had my daughter. We don't know how high it was inside because we thermostat didn't go that high. I was inside (hotter than outside) with a newborn. My first three were all winter babies; I didn't know how to handle a summer baby and nearly overheated her. Her body temp went down from sweating so I kept bundling her more trying to get her body temp up to where it was suppose to be. It didn't go back up until I figured it out and unbundled her. Poor kid.


Rosy, lets not talk about rain...okay? I postponed a planned (outdoor) party for over a month hoping for nice weather and the forecast for Saturday is rain.


OMG, you poor thing, and your poor baby!! That would have been rough!

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Yep. The other day it was 90 degrees, but the humidity was 79%, making the heat index 111 degrees. :tongue_smilie:


I don't ever even look at a weather report here because it says the same thing.... 90 degrees, 90% humidity... Every day of the year. Being a TV weatherman has to be the easiest job ever here.


Of course I love the heat so it doesn't bother me. If I lived in Seattle I would be suicidal so I feel for all of you who are missing summer.

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Well, if you run out at your place, please feel free to get all of mine for her to play with! I chucked about 30 of them out of my garden the other day, and there were many, many more creeping their way toward my nice veggies.


Off on a tangent, are you anywhere near enumclaw [please forgive any mispellings]?

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Jealous, sooooo jealous!!! :tongue_smilie:


I love the temp. I can work and not sweat like a horse. We have no chiggers. With a little research you can even get the type of tomato that grows in our weather. I've not had to run the A/C at all. I love that I can fall asleep with a light blanket on and a cool breeze.

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Off on a tangent, are you anywhere near enumclaw [please forgive any mispellings]?


I'll let Natalieclare answer for herself but I grew up in the town next to Enumclaw (you spelled it exactly right), Buckley. Do you know someone there or have you been there?

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Off on a tangent, are you anywhere near enumclaw [please forgive any mispellings]?


Dearheart, I am near enough to Enumclaw, that if you are in it, I will come! On the other hand, say if you were trekking from your in-laws' house to Enumclaw, you would have to pass right by me...meaning COME ON OVER! Dare I get my hopes up?????

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Dearheart, I am near enough to Enumclaw, that if you are in it, I will come! On the other hand, say if you were trekking from your in-laws' house to Enumclaw, you would have to pass right by me...meaning COME ON OVER! Dare I get my hopes up?????


Well . . . dh is working Creation this week and we were toying with driving up Friday. So . . . maybe? :D

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Well . . . dh is working Creation this week and we were toying with driving up Friday. So . . . maybe? :D



Do you need a place to stay? Would you like to stay at Chateau Eclare?

Herm...Friday evening I and my 4 youngest will have free, but Saturday I have 2 daughters in a wedding of close friends of ours. So, it is a day pretty much consumed with the wedding. Sunday morning is good. Tell you what, do you still have my number? Let's take this off line!

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Do you need a place to stay? Would you like to stay at Chateau Eclare?

Herm...Friday evening I and my 4 youngest will have free, but Saturday I have 2 daughters in a wedding of close friends of ours. So, it is a day pretty much consumed with the wedding. Sunday morning is good. Tell you what, do you still have my number? Let's take this off line!


Yes let's. :D You could also fb me.

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You've no idea now happy this post makes me. It's currently 82 here (at 11pm) and hasn't rained in about a year. We're visiting Seattle in a few weeks and we will love every minute of it. We were up there a few years ago and were amazed at all the houses without ac. The idea that you could live without hadn't even crossed out minds. Lol.

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You've no idea now happy this post makes me. It's currently 82 here (at 11pm) and hasn't rained in about a year. We're visiting Seattle in a few weeks and we will love every minute of it. We were up there a few years ago and were amazed at all the houses without ac. The idea that you could live without hadn't even crossed out minds. Lol.


This is funny. Naturally, we have no AC (although a friend of mine down the street does). I actually entertained the idea of turning the heat on this morning. It's chilly in here! I'm typing this with a blanket on my legs.


I'm trying not to complain about our fake summer because I really feel for those of you sweltering in the midwest, but the PNW gloom does get gloomy. Gloomy gloom in July is too much like the gloom we had from October through, well, July.

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It's rained a lot this summer. Very unusual. I like the low temps. as long as it doesn't rain. Walking on a wooded trail in the 70s in a mist is nice though. We did have to cancel a trip to the water park due to the weather.


Another great thing about this weather is low electric bills. :)

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I'm trying not to complain about our fake summer because I really feel for those of you sweltering in the midwest, but the PNW gloom does get gloomy. Gloomy gloom in July is too much like the gloom we had from October through, well, July.



:iagree: I don't mind the cooler temps so much but after the rain and the gloom of the rest of the year I do like to see the sun in the summertime.

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Um, the birch tree in my backyard thinks it is fall. The leaves are turning brown. The heavy fog this morning confirmed it.


The fog yesterday is what confused me! This has been the longest November in history!


I'm one of those people that loves rain. I love cool weather and being able to wear layers and smother myself in blankets. However, the lack of sun does me in. I'm an avid gardener and I only have lettuce this year. Even my sugar snap peas are stunted and they normally love cool weather.

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