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Gilmore Girls?

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I used to watch it in Middle School (or maybe early high school), with a friend of mine. Watching 1 a week, I like it. But then I made the mistake of trying to have a marathon and now all of Lorilei's neurotic traits driving me up a wall! :001_smile:

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I liked it up to the point Rory slept with Dean.




Although, I must say, I *loved* Lorelai's response to that!


I own the first few seasons (up until Rory graduates from high school) and enjoy them. But the show really went downhill once Rory went to college, and I refuse to mention that final season. (shudder)

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I used to love this show, but it's been years. Best I can narrow down, my oldest was a newborn/toddler. That's the point where I watched reruns during the day. Gilmore Girls, Judging Amy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and a doctor show that took place in a clinic. It had the mom from Home Improvement, and...I think....Dana Delaney....hmmmm


Anyway, I digress......

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The first time I saw this show I knew that somewhere in the world I have a soulmate, because I and Loreli Gilmore are the same person, lol, and only someone like me could have written her. I even work in a hotel. I do not spend as much money on clothes as she does, however. I do not care for the turn the show took after Rory went to college and I never watched the last season with the new writers. The writing was the point of the show for me.

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Love it! Own all the seasons on DVD and pull them out whenever I have time to myself.



I want all of the seasons on DVD!! I started watching the reruns, and got hooked. I like it for a lot of reasons-the quirky characters, the humor, the fact that even though it is funny, it's not "stupid funny" like most shows-but, the main reason I love it is the mother/daughter relationship. I'm an only child, and my dad worked all of the time when I was little, and my mom had me young, so we are very close. She is basically my best friend. I am hoping to have just as close of a relationship with my dd.


Okay, probably not what the OP was looking for, but I had to get all sentimental!:001_smile:

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I'm confused. I thought Dean was her boyfriend, not a married man. :001_huh:

They broke up, and he got married to another girl. They immediately had problems, and he and Rory slept together, which ended the marriage.

I love the show, too, although I like the earlier ones better. I'd love to live in Stars Hollow. :)

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I own all the seasons and have hooked at least three other people (that I know of) on it :D. It's definitely not something I would share with a young daughter, but I could see it being good girl-bonding/discussion material with an older teen someday.


I'm a really fast talker myself so I love the snappy dialogue! Hardly anyone in real life can keep up my pace!


My dh and dad have really enjoyed the episodes I've shown them as well, and I caught dh's friends surreptitiously peeking around the corner to watch a few times when I was pregnant and crashing on the couch watching it.

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Who else likes this show? I introduced my wife to it when we were dating. I liked it up to the point Rory slept with Dean.


My dd17 and I spent about a year+ watching the entire show. I loved it. I honestly don't have a problem with the Rory-sleeping-with-Dean thing because it ends up ruining Dean's marriage ... a pretty good message about what can happen when you behave irresponsibly.


I thought the dialogue was witty, and I liked that the show reinforced the idea that mothers and daughters can be close.



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That's been on my to watch list for a while, and my library has the dvd's. So reading about how everyone hated it at the end, where should I stop? Would you fans recommend sticking it out to the end just because, or stopping at some point? And if I stop, where do I stop?

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Jess is hotter! My dd prefers Logan. :D




Ugh, I hated Jess! Hated him. When DH started watching Heroes, I was afraid he would ruin the show for me, but I actually loved the actor on Heroes. I like Logan too :tongue_smilie:


I didn't mind the Rory/Dean thing either, because Rory also realized what a horrible thing she'd done and what a mistake it was, and yes, I also think it showed the outcome of irresponsible behavior.


I missed the last few seasons after DD8 was born. She's a September baby, so I missed so much fall TV that year. Then I couldn't get caught up, and thought I'd somehow manage to catch up later...and never did. You guys have made me want to get the DVDs from the library again though--it would be the perfect diversion for while I'm on the treadmill, and each episode is just about the right length :D Off to the library website :auto:


ETA: Hooray, they had the first season! I'm so excited, it's been so long since I've watched the show!

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LOVE Gilmore Girls!! I have Seasons 1-6 on DVD and have watched each of them many times. Season 7 felt like someone sucked the life out of it. I don't think I've seen a show so well-written since.


I hated the Rory/Dean affair, plus Dean from about Season 2 on made me want to claw my eyes out every time I saw him...I can't stand jealous, co-dependent high school boys. I also couldn't stand when the Luke/Lorelei relationship imploded. But I love the townspeople of Stars Hollow and I love the pop culture/literature/history references...and find that I understand more of them the more I homeschool. :)


Well, for one thing, Lorelei sang "I Will Always Love You".

I know, that was painful to watch.

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