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Momzilla writes a nasty note to her soon to be DIL

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You know though, the future MIL does have some valid points regarding manners, like starting to eat before others or complaining that you don't have enough food on your plate. I also agree that making negative comments in public about your future family is not the wisest thing.


I agree that she went about it in a non-mannered way though.

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I read that it's HORRIBLE!! The world was not there so we don't know what really happened, the soon to be mil sounds crazy but, I would really be put out by a guest who "told" me what she was going to eat. I wouldn't put up with that from my younger kids let alone my adult childs friends.

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You know though, the future MIL does have some valid points regarding manners, like starting to eat before others or complaining that you don't have enough food on your plate. I also agree that making negative comments in public about your future family is not the wisest thing.


I agree that she went about it in a non-mannered way though.


:iagree:Some of the things the MIL complained about seemed rather bad but she went about it the worst way possible.

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You know, I was with the mil until she started going off about the "lower class" of the dil and her parents. That was just unnecessary. I don't think mil will be the world's worst mil, but she sure does com across as difficult to please.

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The comments about the couple's choice of venue are some of the tackiest comments I have ever seen. Incredibly rude. I hope the future DIL is extremely forgiving or this MIL may have her time with her son and future grandkids limited.


eta: I'm really not sure about the food comments. We don't know what it is she said she wouldn't eat. Maybe she's a vegetarian and was just letting them know, "hey, I don't eat meat." That is sort of what the comments imply to me. If you didn't offer anything a vegetarian could eat and it was more than a day long visit, then I could see mentioning it. Yeah, there are times one should keep one's mouth shut as a guest, but one should be reasonably accommodating to one's guests.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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It's so hard to tell - without knowing these people and with how the media spins things to get the most from them, MIL *could* be an exasperated, frustrated woman at the end of her rope because potential DIL is rude, selfish and ignorant.


On the other hand, MIL *could* be a screaming b****, and DIL might just be young and needs to gather wisdom.


My guess is that it's somewhere in between. I find it incredible that this made the "news"!

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There were some things that I agreed with her on (certain comments should not be made). There were other things that she could have assumed the worst and made a mountain out of a molehill (maybe the girl is a vegetarian or has sensitivities). Then there were things that were just ungracious and should never have been said nor attacked (her parents should have saved for her wedding? Many cannot do that in this economy. I do agree with being modest and having a wedding that one can actually afford, but does this woman know that they can or can't?).

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I read in the comments section that the future dil is a diabetic. That seems like a valid reason to have concerns about what foods she eats. I think the main thing is that the email betrayed the mil's lack of kindness. Yes, it's possible the bride-to-be lacked manners and is self-centered, but most young people have these same faults. As the older of the two, the mil could've have gently pointed out these things in a kind one-on-one conversation. Also, as far as being a guest in someone's house - I think it goes both ways but I think most of the responsibility lies with the host/hostess to make the guest feels welcome. The mil obviously wouldn't be happy with any young lady her son chose.


Anyone have a link to the full text of the email?

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Ah. So mil is dissing dil for being diabetic. Klassy:glare:. So dil was open about what foods she could and could not eat. The nerve of her:001_rolleyes:. Mil is a snob.

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Whoa. I think you are right - it is a lot worse than the excerpt. :001_huh:

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Oooh, the American press didn't pick up on the rudeness of this bit, "an ideal candidate for the Ladette to Lady television series." I'm sure most Americans don't know what a Ladette is.


And, OH! She is diabetic! That makes a world of difference as to what you can/cannot eat and that you *must* eat enough. It's not a matter of discomfort, it can be a matter of life and death.

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Oooh, the American press didn't pick up on the rudeness of this bit, "an ideal candidate for the Ladette to Lady television series." I'm sure most Americans don't know what a Ladette is.


And, OH! She is diabetic! That makes a world of difference as to what you can/cannot eat and that you *must* eat enough. It's not a matter of discomfort, it can be a matter of life and death.


I don't. It sounds derogatory though. Can you explain?

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Ah. So mil is dissing dil for being diabetic. Klassy:glare:. So dil was open about what foods she could and could not eat.


And that she might need more food, to keep up with her standard insulin dose! Guess MIL would have thought it rude if she managed a coma on their weekend visit.


Lots of "kids" these days are tacky, and I don't thrill to people who sleep in and hold everyone else up, but maybe, just maybe, dear step-son is looking for a woman different from Mum. Whether he rues it or not, later, remains to be seen.

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Hahaha I love this comment from the second article.


"Here`s a tip for Heidi next time she visits that awful woman in Devon . To get off on a better footing make discreet enquiries beforehand on whether you are expected to curtsey or to kiss her outstretched hand !"


I'm assuming that the food problem was due to her diabetes, too. How dare a diabetic not want to eat things that will make her sick! Yikes. That woman is going to be a bear of a MIL.

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You know though, the future MIL does have some valid points regarding manners, like starting to eat before others or complaining that you don't have enough food on your plate. I also agree that making negative comments in public about your future family is not the wisest thing.


I agree that she went about it in a non-mannered way though.




ETA: I didn't understand from the first link that the DIL is diabetic. That makes a big difference.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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The comments about the couple's choice of venue are some of the tackiest comments I have ever seen. Incredibly rude. I hope the future DIL is extremely forgiving or this MIL may have her time with her son and future grandkids limited.


I just noticed this in the other article:

"Carolyn Bourne, 60, wrote the message after her stepson Freddie took Heidi Withers to meet his family in Devon - and made it clear they had not got off on the right foot."


Maybe limiting time with her husband's family is part of her goal?

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:blink::blink::blink: Wow, yeah the full email is A LOT worse than the excerpt.

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If DIL-to-be has some issues with self-centeredness and such--as lots of young people do--MIL has far eclipsed her in rudeness by writing that email. Wow, that is just astonishingly rude. One of the central rules of good manners is that you don't call people out on their bad manners; you cope graciously or, as appropriate, cut them. (er. Not with a shiv. :D)


I can think of several hundred better ways to cope with a prospective DIL you're not thrilled about.

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Oooh, the American press didn't pick up on the rudeness of this bit, "an ideal candidate for the Ladette to Lady television series." I'm sure most Americans don't know what a Ladette is.



I saw this too. Even if the MIL had valid points saying this would pretty much ensure they wouldn't be taken seriously.


I've seen clips of this show from watching the Soup and the women on it are shown barely dressed, falling down drunk, foul mouthed, rude, and not all that intelligent.

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If I weren't Catholic, I would have gotten married in a castle! I think that would be really cool!


Oh, wait...that must mean I'm a vulgar American... :lol:


I know, right? I believe some castles are earning money for upkeep by renting for such occasions (?) Good grief, she's helping the economy and maintaining a piece of history ;)

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You know though, the future MIL does have some valid points regarding manners, like starting to eat before others or complaining that you don't have enough food on your plate. I also agree that making negative comments in public about your future family is not the wisest thing.


I agree that she went about it in a non-mannered way though.


:iagree: Totally

The MIL shouldn't have went about it that way, but the woman shouldn't behave that way if what the email says is true...

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If I weren't Catholic, I would have gotten married in a castle! I think that would be really cool!


Oh, wait...that must mean I'm a vulgar American... :lol:


My friend got married in the chapel of the castle here in Heidelberg. She's Catholic and he's Jewish, so they had a Catholic/Jewish ceremony in the Catholic chapel. They had cocktails and receiving line on the terrace that overlooks the city and then a majordomo came out (in period dress) and rang a big bell a few times announcing dinner was served in the great hall. It was the most awesome wedding I've ever been to. Not tacky at all.


As to the email...eh. I'd have to know both sides to really comment. Maybe the girl really is horrible. Maybe the foods she won't eat have nothing to do with her diabetes. I know a lot of people who simply proclaim they won't eat this or that just because it's trendy not to. I don't eat meat, but I don't "declare" I "won't" eat it. If we're at someone's house, I let them know before we come over that they don't need to accommodate me, but not to be offended if I don't eat something. I have texture issues, which is why I don't eat meat.


Does anyone wonder why the girl forwarded the message on? I might have shown it to a friend or two in person, but I would NEVER have forwarded it. You can't control what someone else will do with it.

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Oooh, the American press didn't pick up on the rudeness of this bit, "an ideal candidate for the Ladette to Lady television series." I'm sure most Americans don't know what a Ladette is.


And, OH! She is diabetic! That makes a world of difference as to what you can/cannot eat and that you *must* eat enough. It's not a matter of discomfort, it can be a matter of life and death.


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You know, I can completely see MIL saying most of this when dh and I got engaged.

She didn't like me.

I wasn't good enough for their family. Every time I did something socially incorrect, she would stand there wringing her hands with her eyebrows creased in the most horrible way. She encouraged one of dh's ex-girlfriends to keep writing him because she was sure "this wouldn't last". I was reamed up one side and down the other because I didn't get the thank you notes from the wedding shower out as fast as she wanted them done.


Now - almost 16 years later, we get along. We are still very, very different, but she loves me and I love her. I think if I had acknowledged to her the pain she caused, it would have given her more power. Instead, I just cried to dh and faked it with her. Now we're friends of a fashion.

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Does anyone wonder why the girl forwarded the message on? I might have shown it to a friend or two in person, but I would NEVER have forwarded it. You can't control what someone else will do with it.


All that forwarding that email accomplished was to cause pain. If she had issues with future MIL that MUST be addressed - talk to MIL. Sorry, I'm just not feeling the love for this girl.

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ETA: I didn't understand from the first link that the DIL is diabetic. That makes a big difference.


Right! Why in the world would they edit out the explanatory parts of the email? Makes it hard to sit here and judge, IMO :lol:. (I'm making fun since I'm the one who posted it in the first place :tongue_smilie:)

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Sorry, I'm siding with the DIL. Even if she's being a bit self centered (as many people are leading up to their wedding) the whole tone of that email is nasty and hateful. Besides, the complaints that the woman has are ridiculous. Don't talk about being diabetic? Don't sleep in late? Don't pay for your own wedding if your parents can't pay for it? Give me a break. Perhaps it shouldn't have been forwarded on, but I can't think of a more poetic justice than for a person's rudeness to be made very very public.

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Does anyone wonder why the girl forwarded the message on? I might have shown it to a friend or two in person, but I would NEVER have forwarded it. You can't control what someone else will do with it.

That wasn't terribly good judgment, but I can see her forwarding it to a few friends without expecting one of them to leak it like that. However, the lesson is that you should never send anything in email that you don't want the world to see.
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That wasn't terribly good judgment, but I can see her forwarding it to a few friends without expecting one of them to leak it like that. However, the lesson is that you should never send anything in email that you don't want the world to see.

Or, as I tell Diva, don't say/do something that you wouldn't want those you respect most to find out about. If you'd be ashamed of it, that's a good indication to NOT do it in the first place!

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What about the friend who forwarded this to the media? I think that's breach of trust. How can a friend do that without the DIL's consent. It's one thing to vent to my friends, it's quite another to have family fights splashed across the globe. It raises a lot of questions..

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You know, I can completely see MIL saying most of this when dh and I got engaged.

She didn't like me.

I wasn't good enough for their family. Every time I did something socially incorrect, she would stand there wringing her hands with her eyebrows creased in the most horrible way. She encouraged one of dh's ex-girlfriends to keep writing him because she was sure "this wouldn't last". I was reamed up one side and down the other because I didn't get the thank you notes from the wedding shower out as fast as she wanted them done.


Now - almost 16 years later, we get along. We are still very, very different, but she loves me and I love her. I think if I had acknowledged to her the pain she caused, it would have given her more power. Instead, I just cried to dh and faked it with her. Now we're friends of a fashion.

This is what it sounds like from the e-mail. The stepmother feels that they are a family that are above (socially, financially, politically) the bride to be. The groom is being treated as though, because he's male, he's just an idiot that only thinks with his little brain, not his big one...so he can be excused. But you know, women should know what is what and how dare the DIL even think she's good enough for the family; surely she's a gold digger. :glare:

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My friend got married in the chapel of the castle here in Heidelberg. She's Catholic and he's Jewish, so they had a Catholic/Jewish ceremony in the Catholic chapel. They had cocktails and receiving line on the terrace that overlooks the city and then a majordomo came out (in period dress) and rang a big bell a few times announcing dinner was served in the great hall. It was the most awesome wedding I've ever been to. Not tacky at all.




Sounds like it was beautiful!

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Another one who is not feeling the love for the bride.


Forwarding private messages to third parties without a darn good reason to do so (think abuse, security issues, etc.) is a HUGE, HUGE faux pas and I am afraid that it only proves the MIL's point - that the bride's adherence to certain tacit societal norms is significantly less than ideal. In my view it is a MUCH more serious thing than any kind of personal frustration email her MIL might have send and that should have been met with eye rolling and private giggling between the young couple, and then blissfully ignored, if one is so positive that there is no merit whatsoever in any comment received.


I would actually, I were in the groom's shoes, rethink if I want to marry somebody whose self-control regarding involving third parties in family issues is so obviously so low that it is really debatable whether they could be trusted in some situations which matter a lot more than "who is being more rude and why" type of questions which arise now. These little everyday reactions show a lot about a person. It is an incredible lack of class to consciously bring about a situation which is going to create a media spectacle of a family member for something so silly, especially if it is about the family you are being married into. Airing the family's dirty lundry in public is a NO, NO, NO, under any circumstances which are not legally problematic (and those that are legally problematic should also be solved by other means and in private first), and involving your friends into it if they cannot be trusted is another huge NO, and even when they can be trusted, forwarding messages is just... NO.

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That wasn't terribly good judgment, but I can see her forwarding it to a few friends without expecting one of them to leak it like that. However, the lesson is that you should never send anything in email that you don't want the world to see.


If I was the DIL, I would be furious with the friend(s) who leaked it. I would feel that my privacy was violated.

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I don't know that I'd assume the groom was unaware of the forwarding of the emails.

Agreed, but even in a case that the whole idea was his, she should have refused to do so (from her email, which should have remained the only destination of the email). Family issues like this should stay within family. Not that I am excusing MIL's email (though I can think of worse ways to handle that, too), but I think the bride significantly "outperformed" her here.

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We see family issues talked about all of the time here. My MIL did this, she is crazy. Can you believe this crazy situation with my ex? Wow, wait until you hear what my SIL did, how would you react?


I've vented to and/or asked advice from friends on *many* family matters. I would not consider that making it public fodder. Her friends who passed on the email did that. And yes, I would be incredibly upset at those friends.

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