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How's your Father's Day going?

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It's not even 9am here, but we are having fun. We got DH a Nerf Gun so he can go up against the kids. The big kids have these. The four year old has this one because he can't cock the big kids' guns. DH has a huge advantage now!


Anyway, while he was pulling it out of the box and loading it, the kids went upstairs to plan. Shortly thereafter, the four year old came down and announced the plan, "I'm the decoy. I'm supposed to get shot."


Then DH tested out the rapid fire on DD, because she was provoking him. Upon seeing that, DS9 exclaims, "I want to be on YOUR side!"


And, DS4 now has a bunch of red marks all over his belly, which he thinks is funny.

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We've got two big dogs (a fat Boxer and a Boerboel Mastiff) running the around the house, playing and slobbering all over us, sausage and pancakes on the stove, Jack and the Beanstalk being read by DS6, a sleepy daddy still in bed and a cool morning breeze blowing in..... I'd say it's going pretty well so far!


After church, we're heading off to the Weiner Dog Races and then home for a big family dinner of stuffed porkchops (DH's request) and roasted red "flower" potatoes (gorgeous to look at and even better tasting). We'll cap it off with some dessert and a board game.


Happy Father's Day to all!!!!

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We bought dh a Wii and this morning my Dad came over for breakfast. Afterwards, he and my dd played Wii golf and baseball. We got a kick out of watching my 82 year old Dad play Wii. He's actually very good at golf and baseball. Dh and dd are now watching a movie from Netflix. The main reason we got him the Wii was so that he can watch Netflix through it on the TV. Dd and I are really enjoying the Wii system, though. Dh, not that much. :lol: He does like the Netflix.

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Dh is still asleep (10:00 a.m. here). So is DSS19. The littles and I have made cards for DH and FIL. We bought both of them some multi-function tool thing that they wanted but the kids don't remember where they hid them so there is that.... I plan is to take DH and the kids to the comic book/game store this afternoon so the kids can help DH pick out a few new D&D things and then maybe go see a movie if there is something appropriate for all.

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Wolf got his cards and gifts this am. Then I made him breakfast.


He's out at the park with the kids right now, while I contemplate a nap. I'll probably bribe the kids into quiet time so Mommy AND Daddy can have a nap this afternoon. ;)

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I slept in a bit, dh did work he brought home from the office. Ds16 was at church this morning, dd12 slept until noon, dd4 has been running around the house.


They are all headed to his father's house this afternoon to visit some relatives that are in from out of town (5hr drive). I can't make the drive due to my back, but honestly I really didn't want to go anyways (dh knows) because I am just burned out and stressed in general with life right now, and a day off will do me some good. :)


We will celebrate next weekend.


My father has been gone for 10 yrs.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Good and not so good. Just church as usual, then a super-early dinner b/c ds21 had to go to work for 5--we ate steak, corn on the cob, salad, and baked potatoes, Dh's fav meal.

Ds19 came home after a week away (had an argument and left last Sunday)--thought it might be good to have him here, but he didn't come down to dinner and is not participating in any way.


Dh's dad was abusive and left the family when dh was 8--his stepdad was an abuser of dh's sisters--not a really good day for Dh.


I did get to talk to my dad--gotta say I'm blessed with both him and Dh.

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I woke up ds10 before I took our exchange student to the airport ( :crying: ), and he made dh coffee and toast, and set up a tray with the breakfast and newspaper to take to dh in bed. I came home to a father-son Monopoly game, and fixed scones and eggs and berries for everyone. They played Monopoly while they ate.


Then dh and the boys golfed the short course, and I walked around with them and took pictures. Dh is off golfing on his own right now. Soon the boys will wrap his present (golf socks and a framed picture of dh and boys on the golf course today) and make his dessert, strawberry shortcake. Yum. :)


Dh even got to see our oldest daughter. She is at MIL's house, so we stopped to see her before they leave on a trip.


I called my dad, but he's still on the road, traveling home with his girlfriend. I'll try again tonight.


Good day.



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Dh got up at 4:30 AM and went to work. (Like every other stinkin' weekend for months and months. :sad:)


He'll be home @ 7:30 though and then the kids will have a card for him + we'll be having lasagna (his favorite) with homemade brownies and ice cream for dessert.

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This was the first Fathers Day in the last 3 years that dh was home. I dont even remember if he was home the other two years we have been back in the US. I made him orange/strawberry slushee for breakfast then a tiny sandwich for lunch with pickle and now he has had steak, fries, mushrooms, tomato cucumber salad (I am not supposed to eat lettuce or other green leafy things), and he will get a fruit salad for dessert. He enjoyed church and Sunday school this morning, played tennis against both daughters, and now is playing one of his new Wii games he got from the kids with th one daughter who is finished sorting and cleaning her room (we are moving in less than a month and all the kids were given the task to clear their rooms of trash, unwanted items, and make it ready for packers by tonight since if my health is not improved I may be being hospitalized tomorrow or Tuesday). He also got a collection of John Wayne movies from the youngest, a big collection of Sci Fi classics from our son, and the middle one who did all the shopping (and was the first one done with cleaning) got him fabric squares for his suits. I gave him one thing today- I spent over two hours trying and finally succeeding in getting two different hotel reservations (many hotels booked up or don;t take pets or have roaches or whatever). I am on 40mg 0f prednisone to help me breathe and so I have been up since 3:30am since it gives me early waking insomnia. It also boosted my energy level so much that I am not tired at all. His main present from me wont be ordered until we arrive in Huntsville. Our house there will have two kitchens and the small one on the ground floor will be used for the pool area so I will be getting non breakable dishes and glasses for that use. I found really cool ones at Bealls Florida since I knew they sold these type of things because before Dc area, we lived in Space Coast, FL and also had a pool. The best present for him will be if the doctor declares my lungs to be okay tomorrow but since I had more breathing problems, I am sort of doubting that. I amtrying not to worry and am trying to relaz listening to Party Channel music on my cable tv. I really hope that I get grat music channels on my next cable service.

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Church did something neat. The kids decorated bags last month which the church filled with two steaks, two potatoes, and a jar of homemade bbq sauce. The kids also filled a small gift bag with candy that they delivered during service.


Then DH bought himself a new laptop. Well, that's not really father's day related. His business laptop died this morning, and he can't wait weeks for his preferred laptop (a custom-built Lenovo) so he went to Best Buy and bought an HP without their warranty added.

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It sucks - my Dad is dead and my ex-husband is too lazy to be part of DD's life. I hate this day with a passion.



My day has been a mix of emotions. Church sermon talking about the importance of the father in the family and the home brought tears.


I was so thankful that my husband asked to spend time with the kids today - even if it was only two hours, they haven't seen him in 3 weeks. Yesterday they were ready to go shopping for him for today. My kids are awesome - they decided to buy him a goldfish, so he doesn't get lonely. I was glad they didn't find out today that he's not so lonely, as I didn't want that to overshadow this holiday for them.


My dad is enjoying a wonderful weekend with my brother and his family, and I will talk to him later tonight. I spoke to my mom briefly, who knew today would be hard for me.


I had a hard time leading up to this holiday this year, and I'm sure I'll get a comment from the other grandparents.:glare:


Tonight the kids and I have a reading date to snuggle and read before they go to bed. It's always a great way to end the day.

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