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Which stall do you gravitate towards?

Which stalls do you gravitate towards?  

  1. 1. Which stalls do you gravitate towards?

    • Stalls closer to the entrance door
    • Stalls anywhere in the middle of the row of stalls
    • Stalls further from the entrance door
    • Other: wheelchair stall because {fill in the blank}
    • Other: Um, public restrooms? No thanks, I'll hold it

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The scene: a public restroom

The set-up: a long row of toilets along one wall

The situation: you're the only one present, all stalls are equally clean and aroma-free


The question: which stalls do you gravitate towards, and do you do so habitually?


LOL! Usually one of the end stalls, b/c I somehow think they are least used, thus fewer germs :D I hope you get a lot of responses so I can learn whether I've been right or wrong in my assumptions.


ETA: I'll be choosing the middle stalls from now on! LOL

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Imagine the handicap stall at the end. Not the one directly before it, but the one before that. I like to have a one-stall space whenever possible, and that generally creates the best possibility for that to happen if someone else comes in. ;)


ETA: If I have one or more children in tow, we head to the wheelchair stall.

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My first choice is the one farthest from the door. I hate the stalls that have small doors and therefore HUGE gaps between the frame and the door!


If some stalls are occupied, I try to get into one that has 1 empty stall between us.


I also hate going into a stall that someone has just vacated. I walk in picturing them sitting on it just before me. ugh


But if I can, I would rather wait until I get home.

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I usually head for the first stall. I saw a statistic once that said it's tend to be the least used stall because people assume it's the most used, so most people head toward the back.


I do try to avoid public restrooms at all costs, though.

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I usually head for the first stall. I saw a statistic once that said it's tend to be the least used stall because people assume it's the most used, so most people head toward the back.


I do try to avoid public restrooms at all costs, though.


That's exactly what I was going to say....


I wonder how many people started using the first stall though after reading the same thing ;)

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How about an answer choice for OCD people? LOL I chose one furthest from the entrance in the poll, but if I *can*, I choose the THIRD stall down the row. That is usually closer to the end of the row in most restrooms I visit, but can obviously be closer the beginning in others. LOL If not the third stall, I might choose the fifth. :D

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Imagine the handicap stall at the end. Not the one directly before it, but the one before that. I like to have a one-stall space whenever possible, and that generally creates the best possibility for that to happen if someone else comes in. ;)


ETA: If I have one or more children in tow, we head to the wheelchair stall.


That's usually the one I choose, too LOL.


For one of my sociology classes I wrote a paper on personal space. My experiment was on the bus system, sitting next to people when there were plenty of open seats NOT right next to them. It would have been interesting to do with bathroom stalls :) I always wonder why people pick the one right next to me when there are plenty of available ones NOT right next to me!


My first choice is the one farthest from the door. I hate the stalls that have small doors and therefore HUGE gaps between the frame and the door!


If some stalls are occupied, I try to get into one that has 1 empty stall between us.


I also hate going into a stall that someone has just vacated. I walk in picturing them sitting on it just before me. ugh


But if I can, I would rather wait until I get home.


I hate those, too! I'm always glad to have a sweater or jacket on me if the hook is right there because it gives a teeny bit more privacy. I know a woman from work who stuffs toilet paper in the door gap LOL.


I hate waiting in line for the Next Available stall because of the same mental picture you get. Unfortunately I have a bladder the size of a pinhead, so if the urge strikes I just have to get over it. Darn genetics.

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I usually head for the first stall. I saw a statistic once that said it's tend to be the least used stall because people assume it's the most used, so most people head toward the back.




:iagree: I try to avoid the second one because I read that it's the most used. Since people think the first one is most used, they head for the one next to it.

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I usually head for the first stall. I saw a statistic once that said it's tend to be the least used stall because people assume it's the most used, so most people head toward the back.


I do try to avoid public restrooms at all costs, though.



This is my same answer for the exact same reason, but after looking at this poll, I guess many use the first stall...I guess lots of people saw that statistic :tongue_smilie:

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If it's just me, I grab the first empty, clean stall. If with the kids, I make sure dd gets a stall and either put ds5 in his own stall or grab the biggest one we can. Ideally, one of the older boys takes ds5 into the boys room, but situations are never ideal, are they?

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I usually head for the first stall. I saw a statistic once that said it's tend to be the least used stall because people assume it's the most used, so most people head toward the back.


Me too. Hmm...seems like a lot of people saw this statistic. Could it be that we should now head toward the other end??

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I voted wheelchair stall, since it is usually me and 2 dds in the restroom and we'd never fit in a regular stall without touching something nasty.

(Seriously...I'm not a germaphobe or anything but it seems that no one in a public restroom can keep it in the toilet, if you get my meaning.)

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