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So...Anthony Weiner....

If AW was your favorite politician instead, would you vote for him again  

  1. 1. If AW was your favorite politician instead, would you vote for him again

    • No, I would not - he's an irresponsible schmuck, shame on him
    • Yes, I would - people make mistakes, he sounds sorry
    • Other

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This is not meant to stir the pot, but I have to know....


Is what Weiner did worse/the same/not as bad as what Clinton did?


Or should this be another thread?

It comes nowhere near the level of evil sleaze that Clinton managed, but it's so breathtakingly idiotic that it boggles the mind.

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I thought you were an ascii artist and I hadn't adjusted my screen correctly. :001_smile:


The gorilla in the room as far as I am concerned is gender. The day female politicians send pics of their nether parts to men I will eat my shoe. And I am not eating any shoes. Ever. This will be the most offensive thing I have ever said, ready....men are inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid. Statistically, they commit violent crime at a rate that boggles the mind. If you saw what I see every da*n day in this office you would loathe them as well. I promise. Generally speaking and this is not husband bashing, it is gender realism, they suck.


Wow. just wow.




I'm glad my husband isn't reading over my shoulder :001_huh:


Wow :001_huh:

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What about John Ensign? Where is the multi page thread on him? People are often stupid when it comes to their libido. When one is in the spot-light, more of us get to see your shortcomings.



Really? There were multiple threads about Arnold. There is a long list of reprehensible politicians. Both sides. I don't think anyone in this thread doubts that.

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What about John Ensign? Where is the multi page thread on him? People are often stupid when it comes to their libido. When one is in the spot-light, more of us get to see your shortcomings.


I *liked* Weiner.


I am not all up in arms (sulky) about John Ensign beause I did not really like him :lol:

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This is not meant to stir the pot, but I have to know....


Is what Weiner did worse/the same/not as bad as what Clinton did?


Or should this be another thread?


What Clinton did was reprehensible to be sure. And he sucks. But affairs happen all the time. Not that I'm condoning them, my goodness :001_huh:! There is treatment for that sort of thing and it may or may not work.


The thing with Weiner is that his indiscretions (to be polite) don't even rely on a living breathing person - it kind of comes down to a perversion of reality. Someone earlier, or possibly a link someone posted, or just something I read maybe (I don't know anymore) touched on it a bit - there seems to be some trouble being able to fend off the easy access to secretive indulgences with the internet being so very available. Possibly it is a newly emerging mental illness. But these people who have so little regard for themselves or for their families...an affair is supposed to be secret (stupid, but secret). Sending pics of yourself in your undies on the internet? Not so secret. And how was it useful to either party? And this person is representing America. You. Me. Us. But, he does this stupid, thoughtless, indulgent thing?


I don't know exactly how to say what I'm trying to say!!:001_huh:


ETA - and Clinton didn't blame it on someone else (I don't think - did he?), possibly ruining that person's career. A liar is a liar, a cheat is a cheat, but I think this guy has some other very, very serious issues going on that need some serious treatment.

Edited by LauraGB
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This is not meant to stir the pot, but I have to know....


Is what Weiner did worse/the same/not as bad as what Clinton did?


Or should this be another thread?



Clinton lied under oath in addition to his oval office escapades with a young lady. And Newt harped on it and he was doing the same thing - the affair - not sure about lying under oath.


Wiener accused someone of illegal activity before finally confessing he did it himself.


I don't care what party they are from - I will not vote for someone who cheats on their spouse. If they can lie to the person they took vows with then it's nothing for them to lie to me - the voter.


These days if a politician of any stripe told me it was raining outside I'd look myself before believing them. I think unless we hold people who hold office to a higher standard we're going to wind up with what we have now - a bunch of people out for themselves and whatever they can get for themselves - money, power, sex, etc....


It takes two to cheat - the women these men are cheating with hold some responsibility as well. I'm the mother of three boys and married to a fine man who does not deserve to be lumped in with people like these. I worked at a police department and saw women do horrible things as well as men. Men have hardly cornered the market on being selfish and stupid.


My sons know that cheating is never acceptable. They are being raised to respect others. It makes me very sad that someone would consider them evil because they were born male.

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Clinton lied under oath in addition to his oval office escapades with a young lady. And Newt harped on it and he was doing the same thing - the affair - not sure about lying under oath.


Wiener accused someone of illegal activity before finally confessing he did it himself.


I don't care what party they are from - I will not vote for someone who cheats on their spouse. If they can lie to the person they took vows with then it's nothing for them to lie to me - the voter.


These days if a politician of any stripe told me it was raining outside I'd look myself before believing them. I think unless we hold people who hold office to a higher standard we're going to wind up with what we have now - a bunch of people out for themselves and whatever they can get for themselves - money, power, sex, etc....


It takes two to cheat - the women these men are cheating with hold some responsibility as well. I'm the mother of three boys and married to a fine man who does not deserve to be lumped in with people like these. I worked at a police department and saw women do horrible things as well as men. Men have hardly cornered the market on being selfish and stupid.


My sons know that cheating is never acceptable. They are being raised to respect others. It makes me very sad that someone would consider them evil because they were born male.



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The gorilla in the room as far as I am concerned is gender. The day female politicians send pics of their nether parts to men I will eat my shoe. And I am not eating any shoes. Ever. This will be the most offensive thing I have ever said, ready....men are inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid. Statistically, they commit violent crime at a rate that boggles the mind. If you saw what I see every da*n day in this office you would loathe them as well. I promise. Generally speaking and this is not husband bashing, it is gender realism, they suck.



Misandry at its best.

Edited by pqr
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Ugh. His poor wife. I really hope she bails on him because she deserves better than that.


running off with a time-traveling alien the night before my wedding in a police box


Sidenote: Doctor - if you happen to be reading this from the TARDIS then Mrs Mungo only speaks for herself. I would give some serious consideration to running off with you. :001_smile: A few of us here might, especially if you could get us back before our husbands got home from work or before the kids decided to come in from playing outside.

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One of my favourite shows is Absolutely Fabulous. It has not a single redeemable character, but the dynamic between the generations is complex and fascinating, and speaks to a larger truth. Seriously. It's also hilarious, sometimes uncomfortable, and occasionally painful. I can laugh at the mother's neuroticism and drug and alcohol use; at her leech-like best friend's hedonism and complete lack of sobriety (not to mention her failed sex change or the time she sold the daughter into slavery); at the daughter's psychological abuse and her puritanism and bitterness in the face of and as reaction to her mother's lifestyle; and, at the grandmother's complete and long-standing obliviousness (she never touched her children as babies without oven mitts or tongs). The men in the show are completely irrelevant except how they momentarily affect one of the women (a delightful twist on the status quo of women on the sidelines). I can laugh without approving of any of them.


No, but it makes it difficult to blame our culture on behavior that is far from unique to our times. *This* is why we shouldn't whitewash history, so we don't forget just how little people (as opposed to society or ideas) have changed.


Your gorilla of hypocrisy is my pink porpoise of perpetual patriarchal abuse of power. (Can you tell I've been watching My Drunk Kitchen... thanks Elizabeth.)


nmoira, I like your transparency. I like how you respectfully reply to my posts even when you disagree.


Yes, there's nothing new under the sun, that's for sure.


As far as "patriarchal abuse of power" . . . you mean like Charlie Sheen? He would never act like that IRL :glare: [Disclaimer: although I've never watched more than 5 minutes of 2.5 Men (stomach/conscience won't allow), I've watched long enough to see how he treats women worse than grease rags]. But I digress . . .

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Well, I understand what Elizabeth is saying. I don't particularly LIKE it but she does have a point. I may be raising the world's greatest son ( :glare: ) and have a pretty good DH (I'm mad at him right now. I can't type "world's greatest" at this particular moment) but I do see her point. Locally, we've got cops molesting teenage girls AND boys. We've got another dead cop who was killed by his wife after YEARS of sexual violence so extreme even I don't get it and my tolerance for the weird is pretty darn high. Oh, and everyone in the department knew about it. For YEARS. :( We've got a former dentist who was diddling around with his elderly patients while they were unconscious. All men.


Every registered sex offender within a 50 mile radius of my home is male.


No one has ever gotten Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Palin's boob Twittered to them. Maybe they send them to their spouses/partners but apparently, they like it and don't go public with it.


And you know it's summer when the headlines are full of missing nurses and college girls. You know in every single one of those cases, we'll find out that they are dead by the hand of an ex-boyfriend or the sleazy recently paroled sex offender that lived across the street. Every.single.time. It's never going to be some SAHM who picked up a drunken college kid and murdered her for the sheer fun of it. We'd get the kid home, clean her up, and tuck her into bed and then call her parents so everyone knew she was ok!!!


Yes, women commit crimes too but their violent and/or sexual crimes are titilating because they are so aberrant.


I actually think that the wives of these politicians are doing a disservice to women everywhere when they tacitly approve or do that vapid eye blink thing instead of just turning around to these jack%%sses and scream, "You $%!$# IDIOT!!! NOT acceptable!!!"


We've got men in every darn party acting this way. I did think Cinton should have resigned. Again, flaming liberal here. I also think Newt was a giant JERK for spearheading the campaign while doing the same thing himself at the exact same time. And for thinking he could come back?? Ew. I don't want to read about my president's bodily fluids EVER. If I did, I'd be Italian for crying out loud.


I'm sick of conservative politicians denying gays the right to be married on moral grounds but then getting caught in a bathroom stall with another man. I'm sick of liberal politicians saying they give a rat's butt about women's issues but then turn around and Tweet their bulges to college KIDS. Yep. I get it . Legally an adult. In reality? Nope. Otherwise, we'd have heard about Weiner's weiner long before now because those kids would have come forward with a giant, "Gross!!!" And hey, isn't Weiner's wife a woman? Did he ever for one darn second think to himself, "Hey, this could really humiliate my wife if I get caught?" And the prostitute thing? NO. You cannot be "pro-women" and visit hookers. Just like you can't be "pro-life" and have a coat hanger between your legs. It simply doesn't work that way.


Someone needs to hand these morons a playbook once they become elected. It needs to say things like, "Hey. We have this tool called the internet now. And everything in the world is on it. Oh, and you will be followed by a press willing to pay any amount of money to find out your secrets so you might want to keep your uh-huh in your pants until your term is over. And hey, don't steal from us. And don't think you'll get out of a drunk driving ticket because of your license plate. Don't try to get out of paying taxes. Etc. etc. etc."


There should be a 6 hour seminar or something. Maybe Newt and Eliot Spitzer and Weiner should do an introductory walk of shame through Congress every two years for the newbies? Because I really do think that part of the reason Americans are so ANGRY about the system and with each other is we are electing complete morons to our government.


I think we should make a panel with 50 conservative homeschooling SAHMS and 50 liberal homeschooling SAHMS (Oh, and we want Bill too) and vet every single Congressman and jurist in the system right now. Because we'd find the jerks and kick their butts to the curb. We know unfettered BS. We know excuses. We know outright lies. We've seen it and heard it and done it with our kids every darn day. And odds are, we know a little something about history. It's a whole lot harder to pull the wool over the eyes of the average homeschooling mama, than it is the press and the general population obviously.


There. I've solved American politics today. I guess I'll go start breakfast. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Jennifer3141
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Well, I understand what Elizabeth is saying. I don't particularly LIKE it but she does have a point. I may be raising the world's greatest son ( :glare: ) and have a pretty good DH (I'm mad at him right now. I can't type "world's greatest" at this particular moment) but I do see her point. Locally, we've got cops molesting teenage girls AND boys. We've got another dead cop who was killed by his wife after YEARS of sexual violence so extreme even I don't get it and my tolerance for the weird is pretty darn high. Oh, and everyone in the department knew about it. For YEARS. :( We've got a former dentist who was diddling around with his elderly patients while they were unconscious. All men.


Every registered sex offender within a 50 mile radius of my home is male.


No one has ever gotten Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Palin's boob Twittered to them. Maybe they send them to their spouses/partners but apparently, they like it and don't go public with it.


And you know it's summer when the headlines are full of missing nurses and college girls. You know in every single one of those cases, we'll find out that they are dead by the hand of an ex-boyfriend or the sleazy recently paroled sex offender that lived across the street. Every.single.time. It's never going to be some SAHM who picked up a drunken college kid and murdered her for the sheer fun of it. We'd get the kid home, clean her up, and tuck her into bed and then call her parents so everyone knew she was ok!!!


Yes, women commit crimes too but their violent and/or sexual crimes are titilating because they are so aberrant.


I actually think that the wives of these politicians are doing a disservice to women everywhere when they tacitly approve or do that vapid eye blink thing instead of just turning around to these jack%%sses and scream, "You $%!$# IDIOT!!! NOT acceptable!!!"


We've got men in every darn party acting this way. I did think Cinton should have resigned. Again, flaming liberal here. I also think Newt was a giant JERK for spearheading the campaign while doing the same thing himself at the exact same time. And for thinking he could come back?? Ew. I don't want to read about my president's bodily fluids EVER. If I did, I'd be Italian for crying out loud.


I'm sick of conservative politicians denying gays the right to be married on moral grounds but then getting caught in a bathroom stall with another man. I'm sick of liberal politicians saying they give a rat's butt about women's issues but then turn around and Tweet their bulges to college KIDS. Yep. I get it . Legally an adult. In reality? Nope. Otherwise, we'd have heard about Weiner's weiner long before now because those kids would have come forward with a giant, "Gross!!!" And hey, isn't Weiner's wife a woman? Did he ever for one darn second think to himself, "Hey, this could really humiliate my wife if I get caught?" And the prostitute thing? NO. You cannot be "pro-women" and visit hookers. Just like you can't be "pro-life" and have a coat hanger between your legs. It simply doesn't work that way.


Someone needs to hand these morons a playbook once they become elected. It needs to say things like, "Hey. We have this tool called the internet now. And everything in the world is on it. Oh, and you will be followed by a press willing to pay any amount of money to find out your secrets so you might want to keep your uh-huh in your pants until your term is over. And hey, don't steal from us. And don't think you'll get out of a drunk driving ticket because of your license plate. Don't try to get out of paying taxes. Etc. etc. etc."


There should be a 6 hour seminar or something. Maybe Newt and Eliot Spitzer and Weiner should do an introductory walk of shame through Congress every two years for the newbies? Because I really do think that part of the reason Americans are so ANGRY about the system and with each other is we are electing complete morons to our government.


I think we should make a panel with 50 conservative homeschooling SAHMS and 50 liberal homeschooling SAHMS (Oh, and we want Bill too) and vet every single Congressman and jurist in the system right now. Because we'd find the jerks and kick their butts to the curb. We know unfettered BS. We know excuses. We know outright lies. We've seen it and heard it and done it with our kids every darn day. And odds are, we know a little something about history. It's a whole lot harder to pull the wool over the eyes of the average homeschooling mama, than it is the press and the general population obviously.


There. I've solved American politics today. I guess I'll go start breakfast. :tongue_smilie:


I wish there were more flaming liberals like you!

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Well, I understand what Elizabeth is saying. I don't particularly LIKE it but she does have a point. I may be raising the world's greatest son ( :glare: ) and have a pretty good DH (I'm mad at him right now. I can't type "world's greatest" at this particular moment) but I do see her point. Locally, we've got cops molesting teenage girls AND boys. We've got another dead cop who was killed by his wife after YEARS of sexual violence so extreme even I don't get it and my tolerance for the weird is pretty darn high. Oh, and everyone in the department knew about it. For YEARS. :( We've got a former dentist who was diddling around with his elderly patients while they were unconscious. All men.


Every registered sex offender within a 50 mile radius of my home is male.


No one has ever gotten Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Palin's boob Twittered to them. Maybe they send them to their spouses/partners but apparently, they like it and don't go public with it.


And you know it's summer when the headlines are full of missing nurses and college girls. You know in every single one of those cases, we'll find out that they are dead by the hand of an ex-boyfriend or the sleazy recently paroled sex offender that lived across the street. Every.single.time. It's never going to be some SAHM who picked up a drunken college kid and murdered her for the sheer fun of it. We'd get the kid home, clean her up, and tuck her into bed and then call her parents so everyone knew she was ok!!!


Yes, women commit crimes too but their violent and/or sexual crimes are titilating because they are so aberrant.


I actually think that the wives of these politicians are doing a disservice to women everywhere when they tacitly approve or do that vapid eye blink thing instead of just turning around to these jack%%sses and scream, "You $%!$# IDIOT!!! NOT acceptable!!!"


We've got men in every darn party acting this way. I did think Cinton should have resigned. Again, flaming liberal here. I also think Newt was a giant JERK for spearheading the campaign while doing the same thing himself at the exact same time. And for thinking he could come back?? Ew. I don't want to read about my president's bodily fluids EVER. If I did, I'd be Italian for crying out loud.


I'm sick of conservative politicians denying gays the right to be married on moral grounds but then getting caught in a bathroom stall with another man. I'm sick of liberal politicians saying they give a rat's butt about women's issues but then turn around and Tweet their bulges to college KIDS. Yep. I get it . Legally an adult. In reality? Nope. Otherwise, we'd have heard about Weiner's weiner long before now because those kids would have come forward with a giant, "Gross!!!" And hey, isn't Weiner's wife a woman? Did he ever for one darn second think to himself, "Hey, this could really humiliate my wife if I get caught?" And the prostitute thing? NO. You cannot be "pro-women" and visit hookers. Just like you can't be "pro-life" and have a coat hanger between your legs. It simply doesn't work that way.


Someone needs to hand these morons a playbook once they become elected. It needs to say things like, "Hey. We have this tool called the internet now. And everything in the world is on it. Oh, and you will be followed by a press willing to pay any amount of money to find out your secrets so you might want to keep your uh-huh in your pants until your term is over. And hey, don't steal from us. And don't think you'll get out of a drunk driving ticket because of your license plate. Don't try to get out of paying taxes. Etc. etc. etc."


There should be a 6 hour seminar or something. Maybe Newt and Eliot Spitzer and Weiner should do an introductory walk of shame through Congress every two years for the newbies? Because I really do think that part of the reason Americans are so ANGRY about the system and with each other is we are electing complete morons to our government.


I think we should make a panel with 50 conservative homeschooling SAHMS and 50 liberal homeschooling SAHMS (Oh, and we want Bill too) and vet every single Congressman and jurist in the system right now. Because we'd find the jerks and kick their butts to the curb. We know unfettered BS. We know excuses. We know outright lies. We've seen it and heard it and done it with our kids every darn day. And odds are, we know a little something about history. It's a whole lot harder to pull the wool over the eyes of the average homeschooling mama, than it is the press and the general population obviously.


There. I've solved American politics today. I guess I'll go start breakfast. :tongue_smilie:




I just wish these guys would just be who they really are. If you want to be a man-tramp, just be a man-tramp. Don't marry a powerful, well-connected woman just for political gain. Just be a skeeze. And if you want to be with another man, just be with another man. Don't rally against gay marriage then feed me a line about your "wide stance". Just be gay. It's not a big deal. You know, gay people can have ethics too;). And if you want to get a bj in your office, first ask your wife. If you bypass your wife, just own up to it. Seriously.

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As far as "patriarchal abuse of power" . . . you mean like Charlie Sheen? He would never act like that IRL :glare: [Disclaimer: although I've never watched more than 5 minutes of 2.5 Men (stomach/conscience won't allow), I've watched long enough to see how he treats women worse than grease rags]. But I digress . . .


Do you see this behavior as typical among middle class families? How about working class families? No. It's only semi-typical among the rich and powerful. There are too few people to tell them no. There are too few people who have any influence in their lives. Did you ever see Danny Bonaduce's reality show? My dh thought he needed someone to follow him around and beat the crap out of him every time he did something stupid. There just aren't enough consequences for these guys. Even guys like Clinton or Gingrich.


We've got men in every darn party acting this way. I did think Cinton should have resigned. Again, flaming liberal here. I also think Newt was a giant JERK for spearheading the campaign while doing the same thing himself at the exact same time. And for thinking he could come back?? Ew. I don't want to read about my president's bodily fluids EVER. If I did, I'd be Italian for crying out loud.


There should be a 6 hour seminar or something. Maybe Newt and Eliot Spitzer and Weiner should do an introductory walk of shame through Congress every two years for the newbies? Because I really do think that part of the reason Americans are so ANGRY about the system and with each other is we are electing complete morons to our government.


This is what I'm talking about I don't think Gingrich and Spitzer think they need to talk a walk of shame. They are like four years olds who scream "I said I was sorry!" They have both been on tv this past week talking about Congressman Weiner's escapades. WHY are they still on tv? There are not enough consequences. How do we get rid of them?


I think we should make a panel with 50 conservative homeschooling SAHMS and 50 liberal homeschooling SAHMS (Oh, and we want Bill too) and vet every single Congressman and jurist in the system right now. Because we'd find the jerks and kick their butts to the curb. We know unfettered BS. We know excuses. We know outright lies. We've seen it and heard it and done it with our kids every darn day. And odds are, we know a little something about history. It's a whole lot harder to pull the wool over the eyes of the average homeschooling mama, than it is the press and the general population obviously.


I agree with you. But, can we start with a grassroots bipartisan campaign to get the ones we *know* are jerks out of office and off of tv?

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Do you see this behavior as typical among middle class families? To be honest, I really don't know. I'm too busy HSing and caretaking. However, I do see folks post on social media how certain shows are "so, so wrong, but so very funny". As if laughing were the be all and end all of our existence. I just do not get it when people laugh like crazy when Charlie does/says immoral things on tv, and then they cry foul when he does the same (or worse) things IRL! How about working class families? No. It's only semi-typical among the rich and powerful. There are too few people to tell them no. There are too few people who have any influence in their lives. Did you ever see Danny Bonaduce's reality show? My dh thought he needed someone to follow him around and beat the crap out of him every time he did something stupid. There just aren't enough consequences for these guys. Even guys like Clinton or Gingrich. I don't do reality tv. But I agree. There are not enough consequences. In fact, we PAY THESE PEOPLE a ton of money while they're doing it (Hollywood/Washington) We re-elect them; hand them an Oscar :glare:.


This is what I'm talking about I don't think Gingrich and Spitzer think they need to talk a walk of shame. They are like four years olds who scream "I said I was sorry!" They have both been on tv this past week talking about Congressman Weiner's escapades. WHY are they still on tv? There are not enough consequences. How do we get rid of them? Stop watching, laughing and voting for them. Get some men/women in office who don't need the playbook to begin with. Yes, they're getting hard to find. (But I still think the playbook is a good idea!)



I agree with you. But, can we start with a grassroots bipartisan campaign to get the ones we *know* are jerks out of office and off of tv? Money talks.[/QUOTE]



Edited by dmmosher
Sorry I don't know how to quote correctly like you pros.
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You state this as if you believe this is intrinsic to their gender.


Surely I am misunderstanding you.


I am not sure how to respond if I am not.


I cannot imagine condemning half the human race as intrinsically horrible.


I see humankind as created with incredible potential... when we choose to use it wisely and well human beings can be so amazing. When we choose the opposite, we can unimaginably evil.


I have seven children. 5 girls and 2 boys. In their early years I am with them almost constantly, and I can tell you that although each of my kids is so dramatically his/her own person, I have not seen one be more selfish, less intelligent... and certainly no gender based distinction of character.


My sons are sweet and loving. My 14 year old son is so tender with his baby brother, so affectionate with me, so spiritual, so aware of beauty in the world. He is very much a teenage boy - it makes me laugh sometimes how very boyish he is... and how much like his father as a young teen... I can see gender differences between him and his teenage sisters, but they are not better/worse differences.. they are just *different*.


My husband is so much better a person than I am, so completely incapable of selfishness, so giving and loving, so brilliant and insightful, but always respectful of other people and their viewpoints.


I do not know a man in my community, or my extended family, on either side, who would harm a fellow human being in anything other than self-defense. ... not one who is not kind and decent.


I have met a few men in my life who do not meet those descriptions, but they are so dramatically the exception.





What are we doing wrong as a society that makes this true?


I agree that men, in general, have different weaknesses than women do, and that certain types of violence are one of them.


Is this because there is something intrinsically wrong with men?


I don't think that follows.


The same physical, emotional, and hormonal traits that make many men more vulnerable to certain failings gives them a corresponding positive potential.


Our job as parents, as community members, as part of society is to teach our sons, teach our young men how to use their drives and passions and strengths for good, I would say for G-d.





Oh, honey.


I can't begin to imagine some of the horrors you have seen... and I admire you so much for being there enduring the sights and stories you do so you can fight for a measure of justice. We need more people like you.


But I'm afraid all the horror you have seen has distorted your vision, and left you not seeing what ordinary men are like... and, I fear, perhaps missing completely what extraordinary men can be.


((Elizabeth)) I hope you can find healing and be able to see how much there is to admire and cherish in men and maleness.




In behalf of my dh and ds, I thank you for your post.

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nmoira, I like your transparency. I like how you respectfully reply to my posts even when you disagree.


Yes, there's nothing new under the sun, that's for sure.


As far as "patriarchal abuse of power" . . . you mean like Charlie Sheen? He would never act like that IRL :glare: [Disclaimer: although I've never watched more than 5 minutes of 2.5 Men (stomach/conscience won't allow), I've watched long enough to see how he treats women worse than grease rags]. But I digress . . .

I think Charlie Sheen is mentally ill and will meet no good end; but yes, his name and wealth have allowed him to get away with behavior most people wouldn't. However, my comment did not refer to the entertainment industry; I was talking more about formalized hierarchal power structure, a phrase which would have messed up my alliteration. :tongue_smilie:
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I just wish these guys would just be who they really are. If you want to be a man-tramp, just be a man-tramp. Don't marry a powerful, well-connected woman just for political gain. Just be a skeeze. And if you want to be with another man, just be with another man. Don't rally against gay marriage then feed me a line about your "wide stance". Just be gay. It's not a big deal. You know, gay people can have ethics too;). And if you want to get a bj in your office, first ask your wife. If you bypass your wife, just own up to it. Seriously.


I think, "Just be a man-tramp!" will be my new catchphrase. You're awesome, Wendi! :D

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Sidenote: Doctor - if you happen to be reading this from the TARDIS then Mrs Mungo only speaks for herself. I would give some serious consideration to running off with you. :001_smile: A few of us here might, especially if you could get us back before our husbands got home from work or before the kids decided to come in from playing outside.


I know, right? I think that might have been one of the few times I disagreed with what Mrs. Mungo had to say. :lol:

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The gorilla in the room as far as I am concerned is gender. The day female politicians send pics of their nether parts to men I will eat my shoe. And I am not eating any shoes. Ever. This will be the most offensive thing I have ever said, ready....men are inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid. Statistically, they commit violent crime at a rate that boggles the mind. If you saw what I see every da*n day in this office you would loathe them as well. I promise. Generally speaking and this is not husband bashing, it is gender realism, they suck.


The fact that this statement remains here, unedited, undeleted and virtually unchallenged for over 16 hours, leads me to conclude that this libel expresses a prevailing sentiment among the members here.


I've seen outrageous posts here critiqued, refuted, flamed and dissembled for 10+ pages, but except for a few, in this case all I here are crickets.


If it is going to be first assumed that because I'm a man, I'm inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid, then I'm obviously not welcome here.


Have fun. :glare:

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The fact that this statement remains here, unedited, undeleted and virtually unchallenged for over 16 hours, leads me to conclude that this libel expresses a prevailing sentiment among the members here.


I've seen outrageous posts here critiqued, refuted, flamed and dissembled for 10+ pages, but except for a few, in this case all I here are crickets.


If it is going to be first assumed that because I'm a man, I'm inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid, then I'm obviously not welcome here.


Have fun. :glare:


Huh. Then you obviously haven't read much beyond that single post. So if you want to do a big dramatic huff, go for it. You just look a little silly.

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Huh. Then you obviously haven't read much beyond that single post. So if you want to do a big dramatic huff, go for it. You just look a little silly.




I doubt that many people here agree with the statement, but apparently that poster sees rather a lot in her work (I don't know what it is) and has experiences most of us don't have.


I have a cop buddy who has a lot of that kind of experience. After a while it becomes difficult to think well of people, because you see so much of the bad stuff.

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I doubt that many people here agree with the statement, but apparently that poster sees rather a lot in her work (I don't know what it is) and has experiences most of us don't have.


I have a cop buddy who has a lot of that kind of experience. After a while it becomes difficult to think well of people, because you see so much of the bad stuff.


I feel pretty certain that is the case. She deals with a lot of ick and likely she just majorly vented.


I'm sorry if you were offended Barry. Please don't feel unwelcome. I don't think her post really was directed at you or any of the upstanding men in the world. When irresponsible messes like this are everywhere we look on tv, on the radio, in the news paper, and then in real life with people we know, and combined with her job, the whole thing gets pervasive and overwhelming. She's a smart lady - I'm sure she didn't mean to offend all men.

Edited by LauraGB
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I have a cop buddy who has a lot of that kind of experience. After a while it becomes difficult to think well of people, because you see so much of the bad stuff.

Sure, and I've known, for example, cops who think all (say) black people are criminals because nearly everyone they deal with is a criminal, so they don't see normal people very often. I don't think that sentiment is helpful either. But just painting all men as awful means that we can never expect anything better, because boys will be boys, so this is no longer even worth noting. I disagree.

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I doubt that many people here agree with the statement, but apparently that poster sees rather a lot in her work (I don't know what it is) and has experiences most of us don't have.


I have a cop buddy who has a lot of that kind of experience. After a while it becomes difficult to think well of people, because you see so much of the bad stuff.


Sorry. I worked in a police department and animal control for close to a decade and purposefully avoid painting people with a broad brush based on those I had to constantly interact with. I don't think there is an excuse for condemning a sex just because you see the worst of it every day. Been there, done that.


If this were about race the whole place would be furious. Male bashing never gets called out. My mother preached to me that men were evil my entire life. She was wrong. I refuse to hate my sons and my husband and the gentle kind men I know because I had to deal with a bunch of scumbags where I used to work.


It might be a reason for such an opinion but I reject it as an excuse. It is the type of thing that should be guarded against IMO.

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Huh. Then you obviously haven't read much beyond that single post. So if you want to do a big dramatic huff, go for it. You just look a little silly.


He was insulted in very strong terms. It isn't silly to be upset. Or wouldn't you find it insulting if the same had been said about you?

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Well, I understand what Elizabeth is saying. I don't particularly LIKE it but she does have a point. I may be raising the world's greatest son ( :glare: ) and have a pretty good DH (I'm mad at him right now. I can't type "world's greatest" at this particular moment) but I do see her point. Locally, we've got cops molesting teenage girls AND boys. We've got another dead cop who was killed by his wife after YEARS of sexual violence so extreme even I don't get it and my tolerance for the weird is pretty darn high. Oh, and everyone in the department knew about it. For YEARS. :( We've got a former dentist who was diddling around with his elderly patients while they were unconscious. All men.


Every registered sex offender within a 50 mile radius of my home is male.


No one has ever gotten Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Palin's boob Twittered to them. Maybe they send them to their spouses/partners but apparently, they like it and don't go public with it.


And you know it's summer when the headlines are full of missing nurses and college girls. You know in every single one of those cases, we'll find out that they are dead by the hand of an ex-boyfriend or the sleazy recently paroled sex offender that lived across the street. Every.single.time. It's never going to be some SAHM who picked up a drunken college kid and murdered her for the sheer fun of it. We'd get the kid home, clean her up, and tuck her into bed and then call her parents so everyone knew she was ok!!!


Yes, women commit crimes too but their violent and/or sexual crimes are titilating because they are so aberrant.


I actually think that the wives of these politicians are doing a disservice to women everywhere when they tacitly approve or do that vapid eye blink thing instead of just turning around to these jack%%sses and scream, "You $%!$# IDIOT!!! NOT acceptable!!!"


We've got men in every darn party acting this way. I did think Cinton should have resigned. Again, flaming liberal here. I also think Newt was a giant JERK for spearheading the campaign while doing the same thing himself at the exact same time. And for thinking he could come back?? Ew. I don't want to read about my president's bodily fluids EVER. If I did, I'd be Italian for crying out loud.


I'm sick of conservative politicians denying gays the right to be married on moral grounds but then getting caught in a bathroom stall with another man. I'm sick of liberal politicians saying they give a rat's butt about women's issues but then turn around and Tweet their bulges to college KIDS. Yep. I get it . Legally an adult. In reality? Nope. Otherwise, we'd have heard about Weiner's weiner long before now because those kids would have come forward with a giant, "Gross!!!" And hey, isn't Weiner's wife a woman? Did he ever for one darn second think to himself, "Hey, this could really humiliate my wife if I get caught?" And the prostitute thing? NO. You cannot be "pro-women" and visit hookers. Just like you can't be "pro-life" and have a coat hanger between your legs. It simply doesn't work that way.


Someone needs to hand these morons a playbook once they become elected. It needs to say things like, "Hey. We have this tool called the internet now. And everything in the world is on it. Oh, and you will be followed by a press willing to pay any amount of money to find out your secrets so you might want to keep your uh-huh in your pants until your term is over. And hey, don't steal from us. And don't think you'll get out of a drunk driving ticket because of your license plate. Don't try to get out of paying taxes. Etc. etc. etc."


There should be a 6 hour seminar or something. Maybe Newt and Eliot Spitzer and Weiner should do an introductory walk of shame through Congress every two years for the newbies? Because I really do think that part of the reason Americans are so ANGRY about the system and with each other is we are electing complete morons to our government.


I think we should make a panel with 50 conservative homeschooling SAHMS and 50 liberal homeschooling SAHMS (Oh, and we want Bill too) and vet every single Congressman and jurist in the system right now. Because we'd find the jerks and kick their butts to the curb. We know unfettered BS. We know excuses. We know outright lies. We've seen it and heard it and done it with our kids every darn day. And odds are, we know a little something about history. It's a whole lot harder to pull the wool over the eyes of the average homeschooling mama, than it is the press and the general population obviously.


There. I've solved American politics today. I guess I'll go start breakfast. :tongue_smilie:


That's what I'm talking about. Thank you for explaining the real world to those who are lucky enough to be shielded from it. This is exactly the kind of thing many of us have to deal with on a daily basis. Thank you for providing factual information as my outrage prevented me from doing. You are amazing .

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I'm a flaming liberal proudly but this guy is an IDIOT. And as I've said a hundred times before, I'll help elect his wife when she goes on TV and kicks his stupid butt from one side of the camera to the other. What worries me is that we're catching soo many of these jerks nowadays. What the heck could still be hiding out there??


:iagree: ROFL. So many of our politicians are narcissists and it doesn't discriminate by party at all. I don't know married people in the real world who do this crap and if I did, I'd think they were certifiable. He should resign or get pushed out. And I'm also definitely left of center.





I just wish these guys would just be who they really are. If you want to be a man-tramp, just be a man-tramp. Don't marry a powerful, well-connected woman just for political gain. Just be a skeeze. And if you want to be with another man, just be with another man. Don't rally against gay marriage then feed me a line about your "wide stance". Just be gay. It's not a big deal. You know, gay people can have ethics too;). And if you want to get a bj in your office, first ask your wife. If you bypass your wife, just own up to it. Seriously.


Amen! :party:

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I doubt that many people here agree with the statement, but apparently that poster sees rather a lot in her work (I don't know what it is) and has experiences most of us don't have.


I have a cop buddy who has a lot of that kind of experience. After a while it becomes difficult to think well of people, because you see so much of the bad stuff.


Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt as to what experiences might lead to such a statement. I really, truly see every single day examples of atrocities , not only in the practice of law but also international abuse and degradation of women and children. As for male posters here and my own noble husband, of course there are exceptions, but generally raping, burning , pillaging, and stabbing are right around the corner from where I live and practice. Not one of the perps is of my gender . I find it interesting that no one has commented on the fact that my avatar is a man. A brave, outspoken critic of moral weakness and decay that he saw destroying his own people.

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Well, I understand what Elizabeth is saying. I don't particularly LIKE it but she does have a point.
Thank you for posting this. I attempted more than one response, but couldn't find the right words to use in this forum; I prefer a discussion of this sort in a more casual setting and with a bottle of wine as I often find it difficult to read "tone," much less convey my own.
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The gorilla in the room as far as I am concerned is gender. The day female politicians send pics of their nether parts to men I will eat my shoe. And I am not eating any shoes. Ever. This will be the most offensive thing I have ever said, ready....men are inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid. Statistically, they commit violent crime at a rate that boggles the mind. If you saw what I see every da*n day in this office you would loathe them as well. I promise. Generally speaking and this is not husband bashing, it is gender realism, they suck.


I used to work catching shoplifters. Most of them were of Mexican descent. So therefore, all Mexicans are shoplifters, right? That's my experience, so it must be true! (I'm being sarcastic here, don't flame me).


This is the logic you are using against men, and I think it's flawed. Just because all the criminals you see are men, does not make all men criminals (or selfish jerks). If most women who drown their babies are white, does that make all white women baby-drowners? If you work, live, in a certain sector, yes, you may get a skewed perspective of a certain population, but that doesn't mean you can apply your frustration and prejudice to the entire population. (Well, you can, but it doesn't make you right.)


If you substitute a race, religion, or social group into your rant, you would be considered a dangerous fanatic by most reasonable thinkers. Now, I don't know you and I'm sure you have your issues, but your words are inaccurate and offensive.

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The fact that this statement remains here, unedited, undeleted and virtually unchallenged for over 16 hours, leads me to conclude that this libel expresses a prevailing sentiment among the members here.


I've seen outrageous posts here critiqued, refuted, flamed and dissembled for 10+ pages, but except for a few, in this case all I here are crickets.

Have at it, but you might not like the statistics that get thrown back if you're going to make an argument for "man" as a class rather than an individual. Of course there are good men, and evil women. But we're shocked by the Karla Homolka's in a way we're not by the Paul Bernardo's. Why is that?


FWIW, I don't see that Elizabeth's post was unchallenged.


If it is going to be first assumed that because I'm a man, I'm inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid, then I'm obviously not welcome here.


Have fun. :glare:

I wouldn't make any assumptions about you as an individual be you male, female, or any variation thereof.
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It is a fact that men molest and rape at higher rates -- much higher rates -- than women.


I think the issue is that Weiner / Clinton / TigerWoods (as opposed to Strauss-Kahn) is more about infidelity than abuse, and I am not sure that there's so much evidence that men cheat at outrageously higher rates than women, and since these were not gay affairs, there was some shady behavior on the part of the women involved, as they knew the man was married and may have been attracted to his fame. I have known women who prefer married men. I know happily married men who've been chased by women who know they are married and like it that way.


Maybe there are more famous men having sordid affairs than famous women, but in the general population, I think it's a different kettle of fish than child molestation and rapes.

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Have at it, but you might not like the statistics that get thrown back if you're going to make an argument for "man" as a class rather than an individual. Of course there are good men, and evil women. But we're shocked by the Karla Homolka's in a way we're not by the Paul Bernardo's. Why is that?


FWIW, I don't see that Elizabeth's post was unchallenged.


I wouldn't make any assumptions about you as an individual be you male, female, or any variation thereof.


I don't think he wanted it challenged. Perhaps removed? Looks like it was self-erased IDK.


Last week I called a movie dung and got sent to the corner like a dunce. Labeled judmental, holier than thou, etc.


I'm glad a few of you ladies spoke up. Maybe everyone else is poolside?


If this is the Junior High I missed, I'm glad I did :auto: Off to the the K-8 Board

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If you substitute a race, religion, or social group into your rant, you would be considered a dangerous fanatic by most reasonable thinkers. Now, I don't know you and I'm sure you have your issues, but your words are inaccurate and offensive.



I was thinking of a response but here it is in a nutshell. For some reason people will see injustice in such a rant if the rant is based on religion or race or even socio-economic group but ranting about men is ok? What happened to rants of such a nature just plain being offensive no matter who they are about? You can't call for an end to injustice and equal treatment and such and then say except for...

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The gorilla in the room as far as I am concerned is gender. The day female politicians send pics of their nether parts to men I will eat my shoe. And I am not eating any shoes. Ever. This will be the most offensive thing I have ever said, ready....men are inexcusably selfish, ignorant, sexist and stupid. Statistically, they commit violent crime at a rate that boggles the mind. If you saw what I see every da*n day in this office you would loathe them as well. I promise. Generally speaking and this is not husband bashing, it is gender realism, they suck.


Your comments about men use language straight out of Europe in the 1930s or some small glade where men in white are burning crosses....and yes the language and arguments are the same! The only difference is the group that you attack. I defy anybody to replace the word "men" in your comments with another group, say Jew, and not shudder at the cultural memories that that brings forth. I have seen these words before, I have read this language and it is outrageous.

Edited by pqr
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Seems your chosen avatar-man held the same disdain for women as you apparently do for men. Interesting.


He did change his mind, though:


...in every country you go to, usually the degree of progress can never be separated from the woman. If you’re in a country that’s progressive, the woman is progressive. If you’re in a country that reflects the consciousness toward the importance of education, it’s because the woman is aware of the importance of education.


But in every backward country you’ll find the women are backward, and in every country where education is not stressed it’s because the women don’t have education. So one of the things I became thoroughly convinced of in my recent travels is the importance of giving freedom to the women, giving her education, and giving her the incentive to get out there and put the same spirit and understanding in her children. And I am frankly proud of the contributions that our women have made in the struggle for freedom and I’m one person who’s for giving them all the leeway possible because they’ve made a greater contribution than many of us men.

Edited by stripe
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He did change his mind, though:


...in every country you go to, usually the degree of progress can never be separated from the woman. If youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re in a country thatĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s progressive, the woman is progressive. If youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re in a country that reflects the consciousness toward the importance of education, itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s because the woman is aware of the importance of education.


But in every backward country youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll find the women are backward, and in every country where education is not stressed itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s because the women donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t have education. So one of the things I became thoroughly convinced of in my recent travels is the importance of giving freedom to the women, giving her education, and giving her the incentive to get out there and put the same spirit and understanding in her children. And I am frankly proud of the contributions that our women have made in the struggle for freedom and IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m one person whoĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s for giving them all the leeway possible because theyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve made a greater contribution than many of us men.


Malcolm X did change many of his views and stated so in the last chapters of his autobiography....but....how does the quote you gave offer a renunciation of the views he held of a woman's character. It does not say that they are not "tricky, deceitful, untrustworthy flesh" it does not say that they do not "cackle" it says that they performed great service and need be given leeway but it is not a renunciation of his earlier words.


I am no expert on all of his works and would be interested in seeing if he ever renounced his words.

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Just to bring this back to Mr. Weiner....his wife is reportedly pregnant.




LauraGB, I think your use of schmuck was just fine. :glare:

Oh, how sad. Yes, every child is a blessing, but I feel so sad for his wife. This should be a joyful time, and she is dealing with her husband's betrayal and embarrassment. I'm so angry for her!

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Malcolm X did change many of his views and stated so in the last chapters of his autobiography....but....how does the quote you gave offer a renunciation of the views he held of a woman's character. It does not say that they are not "tricky, deceitful, untrustworthy flesh" it does not say that they do not "cackle" it says that they performed great service and need be given leeway but it is not a renunciation of his earlier words.


I am no expert on all of his works and would be interested in seeing if he ever renounced his words.


My impression when I read the book (many years ago, so forgive me if I am forgetting) is that he felt this way when he was younger...Lots of people have had bad experiences with women and men, and it has affected their thinking to some degree...While I do not agree that all women are that way, some are...He was simply being honest about how he felt at a certain point in his life...And I agree that the worst thing a man could have is the wrong woman...


I doubt if he ever renounced his words...He was simply speaking about the past...He went on to marry and remained married until he died, so something must have changed...


Malcom X changed greatly throughout his life...

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I used to work catching shoplifters. Most of them were of Mexican descent. So therefore, all Mexicans are shoplifters, right? That's my experience, so it must be true! (I'm being sarcastic here, don't flame me).


This is the logic you are using against men, and I think it's flawed. Just because all the criminals you see are men, does not make all men criminals (or selfish jerks)


Again, Elizabeth did NOT say that all men are rapists. Unless she's got a streak of some pretty intense kink, then I doubt she'd be married to a man as she has so often posted.


However, she is correct that it is the MEN out there raping and killing in a far higher percentage than women. How many Rwandan women were raped as a matter of war again? And exactly how many of those rapes were committed by women? I don't have the first statistic but I can tell you the second one is ZERO. Lacy Peterson didn't kill Scott. That's not the usual way it works.


So yeah, it is the men. And you know what, it's the MOTHERS (and fathers) raising them. I wondering if so many are reacting so violently to Elizabeth because of how incredibly uncomfortable it is to look at our sons as rapists/murderers.


Something else that has always fascinated me as a minor criminal interest is that there has NEVER in all of our history been a documented case of a female serial killer who did not come from an utterly heinous upbringing. The same is not true for men. Sometimes, we just get a bad man that cannot be fixed or socialized. Jeffery Dahmer bonked his head and that's all we've been able to figure out to explain him. So far, we've never caught a woman like that. Perhaps the women are just smarter than men (ahem) or perhaps there's just something about being a woman that prevents us from growing up and EATING another human being. That's another thing... cannibal women? Nope. Cannibal serial killing men? Yep. We've got people out there who have to study them so they can catch them. But when I took criminal justice in college in the 90s, one of the ways police/government/whatever was able to profile out the involvement of a woman was well, cannibalism. that might have changed although I WAS in college two years ago. I swear it. :D


So in some ways, men flat out suck. Luckily for the entire world, most of them don't. However, if you're one of those unlucky people out there who has to pick up the pieces after a violent attack from a man (and statistically, it WILL be a man committing the violence) then yeah, men suck in general with specific exceptions. If we were all sitting in Rwanda 5 years ago, I can guarantee the number of women who agree with Elizabeth would very horribly be higher. :(


And for those who say, well what about black people or Mexicans or whatever... well, there ARE areas where black on black crime is higher or Mexican crime or whatever. Statistics bear that out. It's only racism if you use that argument to prove that's acceptable and all we should expect from those groups.


Are men capable of greatness? Of course. We all are. But are men also more capable of great evil (or in Weiner's case, abject stupidity)? Apparently so, because there's never been an entire country destroyed by roving bands of raping militia WOMEN and again, I've never seen either Nancy Pelosi's or Sarah Palin's naughty bits. Frankly, I've NEVER heard of any CongressWOMAN involved in a sex scandal. Anyone?


I also read that Weiner's wife is pregnant. Yeah. There goes his entire political career. As it should be, as far as I'm concerned.

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