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Is the board moving realllllly....

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Even to just hit "reply" it takes forever for the window to appear! UGGHH! I actually have time to sit here and veg at the computer for once, and it's frustrating! :confused: I was worried that I was back to my previous troubles logging in, and would have to find yet ANOTHER screen name. I guess it's not me, but a problem with the board. It seems to happen with some frequency on this board.


Oh....and p.s......I never recieved any kind of reply from TPTB when I initially asked for help with my "molly's mom" login. Shrug. I guess I don't rate. ;)

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Yes!!!!!!!!!! I hope that's why the conversations are a little slow, too! ;)


I mean, it takes so long to post a thread or a reply, it's hardly worth it. Unless you're waiting on dc to finish. their. math. already. That's slow, too. Wonder if I can fix *their* "connection"? :lol:

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It wasn't slow for me last night, but was this morning. I don't usually get on in the mornings, and I know that's a high traffic time, so maybe that had something to do with it.


It's better now, but isn't late afternoon a high traffic time, too? Maybe that has nothing to do with it. :confused:

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It seems better for me. I wonder if it is all these new members! Will WTM Forum have to get a bigger server? It seems like the board has grown so much just since I joined a few months ago. I love seeing all these homeschoolers!

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