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Firefly/Serenity ??

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Someone will be more sure about this than I am....but I believe there's an episode called Serenity that's the pilot. You should watch that first. Then there's a movie called Serenity that comes at the end. Don't watch that first!

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Don't forget Toy Story!


I also love Dr. Horrible, and we enjoy Castle.


One day, I had 2 random people say I looked like Nathan Fillion...that was strange. I thought they were messing with me, but not so.


He is pro-Patriot Act. He seems to be supportive of the firearms amendment that Senator Paul tried attaching though.

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ooh Dr Horrible is that Nathan Fillian, too??


He is Dr. Horrible's nemesis, Captain Hammer :D



He is pro-Patriot Act.


:crying: Oh well. I still love him even if he doesn't agree with me politically. :lol:


Dude. I just typed "she" talking about the guy who plays Jayne. "Jayne is a girl's name." :lol:

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My favorite! My ds9 has heard us talk about it and really wants to see it but sadly we decided we should wait a bit before letting him watch. I hate graphic novels but I think I am going to buy the ones available now (for me, not ds).

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Firefly does a great job of developing the characters over time making them far more dimensional than Serenity has time to do. The whole tone of the series is very different than the movie.


I say watch the series first. There are mature themes-preview things if you are considering letting the kids watch.

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Word of warning-you need to pre-watch episodes before viewing with kids. A lot of them are fine for kids, but some (especially toward the end of the series) are not. Only my eldest has seen the movie.


I wouldn't let the kids watch, no. I've shown them Shindig but that's it. (It's a party!) And part of Jaynesville, but not the ending. Teenagers, sure.

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At what age are kids able to understand Inara's profession? I mean, it's Biblical, but I don't know when that should be introduced, especially how it is viewed as a positive.


I wouldn't put it as a positive, but rather as a reality. The entire series relates somewhat to the "wild west". Though Inara can be related a little more towards a geisha.

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I wouldn't put it as a positive, but rather as a reality. The entire series relates somewhat to the "wild west". Though Inara can be related a little more towards a geisha.


It's always a little odd seeing it as a religious practice. Ceremonies, rituals, respect, and Inara formerly being on track to be "House priestess"--so different. It's a really interesting presentation.

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DH and I stayed up til 3:30 watching Firefly last night. How on earth did I miss this??? I love it!


You missed it because Fox is *unprintable,* didn't advertise it well (at all from what I hear), and played episodes at differing times, out of order, so even people who found it & liked it couldn't watch it regularly on-air. :tongue_smilie:

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It's always a little odd seeing it as a religious practice. Ceremonies, rituals, respect, and Inara formerly being on track to be "House priestess"--so different. It's a really interesting presentation.


How did I miss all of that when watching the series???

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Serenity the movies had a great ending.:D


Firefly does a great job of developing the characters over time making them far more dimensional than Serenity has time to do. The whole tone of the series is very different than the movie.


I say watch the series first. There are mature themes-preview things if you are considering letting the kids watch.

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It just means you need to watch it at least three times over like *cough* some of us obsessive people, lol.


Oh I so agree! We got the series on DVD several years ago. We watched them with giddy anticipation and loved it. My husband and I were so disappointed when we finished all the episodes. We just wanted more! (Big Sigh!) We enjoy watching them over and over. It will be along time though before we let our kids watch. They are 7 and 10. Quite a bit too mature for them right now.


I watch Castle because I am charmed by Nathan Fillion's sense of humor. :)

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Oh I so agree! We got the series on DVD several years ago. We watched them with giddy anticipation and loved it. My husband and I were so disappointed when we finished all the episodes. We just wanted more! (Big Sigh!) We enjoy watching them over and over. It will be along time though before we let our kids watch. They are 7 and 10. Quite a bit too mature for them right now.


I watch Castle because I am charmed by Nathan Fillion's sense of humor. :)


And because the smart folks at Castle toss us Firefly fans quotes and images from FF from time to time. We are always on 'Firefly alert' while watching Castle.

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