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Yes, I am a fuddy duddy. But seriously - the vulgarity. I'm tired of it.

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I'm not a fuddy duddy either. I don't even have concerns about my child viewing nudity or scantily clad people. The problem I have is when it's all overly sexualized. I feel like I can't even watch American Idol with my 6 year old with scantily clad dancing that mimics sex and crotch shots. I don't know how to resolve this because I don't want my son to think that I believe sex is bad...it just seems like America's Funniest Home Videos is the only tv program that I have found that I feel comfortable watching with my son. I remember growing up with Disney family movies that taught lessons about life and love and family, and Little House on the Prairie, etc.

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I'm pretty darn relaxed about this sort of thing, but was SHOCKED to inadvertently get a glimpse of some teenagers...ehhh...doing the deed at the movie theater last weekend. The theater was nearly deserted, my children and I, and two couples...apparently together, but seated separately. The movie was PG...the teenagers? Not so much.

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Being a military wife and moving around the country (and out of the country too), I have to say that this bombardment really, really depends on where you are. Here in my DC suburb area, I don't see this. Why? The area I live in is filled with like minded people and the kids and adults don't wear such shirts. They tend to wear shirts of places they visited, schools they attended or want to attend, and other innocuous material. The DC area has very little in the way of billboards and non like those ones mentioned.


Now I have lived in areas where this was different. In Florida, on the beaches and areas where tourists went, there were plenty of offensive tshirts. Again, not in my neighborhood, which was residential and again more community minded rather than scandal minded, but it was there. Also there were billboards in certain areas. In Albuquerque NM, there were giant billboards with blinking lights for some establishmentss. In Europe, there was more toplessness for commercials (which we rarely saw since we tended t watch AFN and got educational commercials). BUt the shirts were not around, except for very vulgar shirts by Brits on drunk holidays. (That is what I called them anyway= some British men would take a Ryan Air or similar low price airline flight to somewhere and proceed to spend the weekend drinking themselves to oblivion night after night, I am not sure why they traveled to do this since that seemed to be their only activity but maybe the booze and hotel rooms were cheaper to make it worthwhile).


We are moving again and now I wonder if it will be a problem again. I just don't like it and really hate to drive by such places.

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Television in this country used to have minimum standards of decency until a guy who'd made billions around the world off tawdry tabloids featuring nude girls on Page 3 launched a network with no class. One that ran the most vulgar fare ever seen on American television. He of course made money and the corporate owners of the other broadcast networks followed his lead and moved their content toward the highly sexualized.


But we can thank Rupert Murdoch and FOX for much of the coarsening of American culture. The hypocrisy of this man posing as a "conservative" while acting as a smut-monger is staggering.



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Television in this country used to have minimum standards of decency until a guy who'd made billions around the world off tawdry tabloids featuring nude girls on Page 3 launched a network with no class. One that ran the most vulgar fare ever seen on American television. He of course made money and the corporate owners of the other broadcast networks followed his lead and moved their content toward the highly sexualized.


But we can thank Rupert Murdoch and FOX for much of the coarsening of American culture. The hypocrisy of this man posing as a "conservative" while acting as a smut-monger is staggering.




I've always been amused by the fact that Fox News seems to be the "conservative" news voice, when the Fox I grew up with was the network airing things that wouldn't get screen time on any other broadcast networks. I love the Simpsons, but that was risque television when I was a kid...

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I'm pretty darn relaxed about this sort of thing, but was SHOCKED to inadvertently get a glimpse of some teenagers...ehhh...doing the deed at the movie theater last weekend. The theater was nearly deserted, my children and I, and two couples...apparently together, but seated separately. The movie was PG...the teenagers? Not so much.

I don't know that I could be quiet. "Hey, look at those people over there! What are they doing? Is he hurting her? Someone get the management."

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I have to say, I'm sick of it too.


On Nat. Geo Channel now, they are running a commercial on "mating" but instead they are using the word "S*X" on the commercial in big white letters over and over again throughout the commercial (to get your attention I guess) and using suggestive music for the background. My son saw the it once, and now he's all over the house saying this word for no good reason.


NOW COME ON!!! we can't even watch NAT GEO anymore without this?!?


I'm sick of it too. Really SICK OF IT!

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I must be way too busy paying attention to the road to see all these horrid bumper stickers, that or Atlanta must not be a hot-bed of bumper sticker/dom~ :D


I also fail to notice all these folks in x-rate t-shirts. Billboards... again I'm watching the road. Maybe that's why so many in getting into auto accidents?


Learn to turn the other cheek, move on, life is way too short to get all hot about what makes others happy or not.



I have to say that I agree. I can't read bumper stickers. lol I wear glasses to drive, but OY! it's all I can do to read road signs. I must also not live in Sex T -Shirt area, and my kids don't swear. BUT!! I really hate the SEX! WE BARE ALL billboards! They are HUGE!

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I am sure someone from MA might call me out on something I haven't seen, but I agree. It's not common here. The kids at our town high school cannot wear suggestive clothing -- no bellies showing, no tanks on girls or boys, or swears on shirts. They are sent home, and people take that seriously. My son won't even wear jeans that are frayed or ripped.


In fact, the shortest skirts are on the Catholic High School girls. I think they look adorable and tidy. However, I do know they hike them up at their waists after school. lol ;)


Being a military wife and moving around the country (and out of the country too), I have to say that this bombardment really, really depends on where you are. Here in my DC suburb area, I don't see this. Why? The area I live in is filled with like minded people and the kids and adults don't wear such shirts. They tend to wear shirts of places they visited, schools they attended or want to attend, and other innocuous material. The DC area has very little in the way of billboards and non like those ones mentioned.


Now I have lived in areas where this was different. In Florida, on the beaches and areas where tourists went, there were plenty of offensive tshirts. Again, not in my neighborhood, which was residential and again more community minded rather than scandal minded, but it was there. Also there were billboards in certain areas. In Albuquerque NM, there were giant billboards with blinking lights for some establishmentss. In Europe, there was more toplessness for commercials (which we rarely saw since we tended t watch AFN and got educational commercials). BUt the shirts were not around, except for very vulgar shirts by Brits on drunk holidays. (That is what I called them anyway= some British men would take a Ryan Air or similar low price airline flight to somewhere and proceed to spend the weekend drinking themselves to oblivion night after night, I am not sure why they traveled to do this since that seemed to be their only activity but maybe the booze and hotel rooms were cheaper to make it worthwhile).


We are moving again and now I wonder if it will be a problem again. I just don't like it and really hate to drive by such places.

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I'm not a fuddy duddy either. I don't even have concerns about my child viewing nudity or scantily clad people. The problem I have is when it's all overly sexualized. I feel like I can't even watch American Idol with my 6 year old with scantily clad dancing that mimics sex and crotch shots. I don't know how to resolve this because I don't want my son to think that I believe sex is bad...it just seems like America's Funniest Home Videos is the only tv program that I have found that I feel comfortable watching with my son. I remember growing up with Disney family movies that taught lessons about life and love and family, and Little House on the Prairie, etc.


:iagree:Amen:D The sexualization of just about everything makes me mad.


I think we are sexual beings and that loving sex, ideally in the context of marriage, is a good thing but this over sexualization of clothes, shows, music, etc. irks me. I think it is degrading IMO. Of course, people want to look good but there is no reason to let it all hang out so to speak. I think Audrey Hepburn dressed classy. Why do young girls feel that it is necessary to dress like a scantily clad sex goddess to be appealing:(

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I usually don't make big deals of things, but I refuse to go to Jack-in-the-Box! All their commercials have some sort of s*xualish content. Seriously? For fast food? And it's stuff that just doesn't have to be there. I also don't like Jack's snarky attitude. So that's my out of character stand that I am making that may make no difference other than I feel better not supporting them if they're playing to that audience.


Last night we were watching a baseball game and the commercial that came on was almost x-rated! I was really surprised, I'd never seen that before! Wait a minute. Isn't Baseball supposed to be a family thing?


I know it bothers some of you that it bothers some of us when there is so much of this stuff around. But I'm in the camp that sees/hears too much of it and I wish it wasn't that way!

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I also fail to notice all these folks in x-rate t-shirts. Billboards... again I'm watching the road. Maybe that's why so many in getting into auto accidents?

Watching the road won't help you around here. Bumper stickers? Pfffff. We got truck nutz. Got stuck behind one of these on a pickup just the other day. That'll teach me to venture out past the county line into redstate territory.:D

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Television in this country used to have minimum standards of decency until a guy who'd made billions around the world off tawdry tabloids featuring nude girls on Page 3 launched a network with no class. One that ran the most vulgar fare ever seen on American television. He of course made money and the corporate owners of the other broadcast networks followed his lead and moved their content toward the highly sexualized.


But we can thank Rupert Murdoch and FOX for much of the coarsening of American culture. The hypocrisy of this man posing as a "conservative" while acting as a smut-monger is staggering.





You work/worked in Hollywood don't/didn't you?


The hypocrisy of an individual arguing for morality while working in Hollywood is staggering.


Really, someone who works in that industry should keep their heads down when speaking of smut-mongering as most of that trash is made by the industry for which you work/ed in the state that you live. Selective in your attacks aren't you? Where is the railing against MTV against the likes of Polaski, against the "stars" for whose behavior cheapens the meaning of marriage and denigrates the idea of commitment?


Ahh the hubris....but what should be expected from the Hollywood crowd?


Your constant attacks on Fox are tedious and so selective as to be pointless.

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You work/worked in Hollywood don't/didn't you?


The hypocrisy of an individual arguing for morality while working in Hollywood is staggering.


Really? Because I've worked on Academy Awarded Documentaries and many other projects that I'm quite proud of. I don't/won't work on smut, which leaves out working for FOX.


Really, someone who works in that industry should keep their heads down when speaking of smut-mongering as most of that trash is made by the industry for which you work/ed in the state that you live.


I can't control everything done in the state of California, nor in the film and television industry. Just like you can't control everything done in Romania, or wherever you are.


Where is that again?



Selective in your attacks aren't you? Where is the railing against MTV against the likes of Polaski, against the "stars" for whose behavior cheapens the meaning of marriage and denigrates the idea of commitment?


We don't get cable, I don't like MTV, Arnold is a low-life, Polanski did a very bad thing.


Your constant attacks on Fox tedious and so selective as to be pointless.


What is actually tedious is that you NEVER post on educational topics, but love to stir the pot with links to FOX "News" that are designed to stir up bigotry and bile. It gets really old.



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You work/worked in Hollywood don't/didn't you?


The hypocrisy of an individual arguing for morality while working in Hollywood is staggering.

Sounds mightily like an ad hominem attack.


Really, someone who works in that industry should keep their heads down when speaking of smut-mongering as most of that trash is made by the industry for which you work/ed in the state that you live. Selective in your attacks aren't you?
Some people in Hollywood participate in the making of trashy product. Bill has worked in Hollywood. Therefore...


Hmmmm. Nope. Doesn't work.


Where is the railing against MTV against the likes of Polaski, against the "stars" for whose behavior cheapens the meaning of marriage and denigrates the idea of commitment?
That's what we have you for?


Ahh the hubris....but what should be expected from the Hollywood crowd?
Guilt by potential geographic association?


Your constant attacks on Fox are tedious and so selective as to be pointless.
As are yours on logic. :tongue_smilie:
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Polanski did a very bad thing.




That is what you call it??? "A very bad thing"? How about a heinous act deserving of the maximum punishment allowable by law, how about more than a bad thing? Stealing is a very bad thing, what Polanski did was unbelieveble, unconscionable, depraved.




What is actually tedious is that you NEVER post on educational topics, but love to stir the pot with links to FOX "News" that are designed to stir up bigotry and bile. It gets really old.




Really I might differ, if you actually look at what I have posted on you may change your views. Of course I do not rail against posters because of the books they use nor call editors and demand that they change their text. I also understand historical perspective.



As to posting on educational topics.

In the last few weeks I have posted on read aloud books, museums in DC, the discovery of lost pyramids, Shakespeare, more books for boys, and challenged your understanding of Kipling.


I suppose I will wait in vain for you to retract you demonstrably false accusation.


I also actually help my wife homeschool my children, do you hs yours?


By the way specifically which link to Fox did I post for the sole purpose of stirring up "bigotry and bile". Specifically!

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Really I might differ, if you actually look at what I have posted on you may change your views. Of course I do not rail against posters because of the books they use nor call editors and demand that they change their text. I also understand historical perspective.



As to posting on educational topics.

In the last few weeks I have posted on read aloud books, museums in DC, the discovery of lost pyramids, Shakespeare, more books for boys, and challenged your understanding of Kipling.


I suppose I will wait in vain for you to retract you demonstrably false accusation.


I also actually help my wife homeschool my children, do you hs yours?


By the way specifically which link to Fox did I post for the sole purpose of stirring up "bigotry and bile". Specifically!


I've seen what you've posted. Your "contributions" to the Curriculum board consist mainly of promoting the patently racist novels of G A Henty as good books for character building in boys, and defending the use of a very racist the almost 90 year old history text This Country of Ours that is popular in some quarters.


Quite a contribution :blink:



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For what it's worth, I am actually curious about pqr's math

program but he told me his wife's in charge.

They must occasionally speak.
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I've seen what you've posted. Your "contributions" to the Curriculum board consist mainly of promoting the patently racist novels of G A Henty as good books your character building in boys, and defending the use of a very racist the almost 90 year old history text This Country of Ours that is popular in some quarters.


Quite a contribution :blink:





Here we go again, if one does not agree with Bill, one is by definition a racist bigot. Is this what your father tought you about dealing with people with whom you disagree? Is this the level of your discourse?


Numerous posters on this board use Henty; are we all racists? Are those who use TCO bigots?


I also promote Kipling, Shakespeare, Dickens and others. I speak to history, archaeology, the classics etc. Racist bigotry?


I promote parental choice, historical context and "great books."


By the way I am still waiting for your retraction.

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Here we go again, if one does not agree with Bill, one is by definition a racist bigot. Is this what your father tought you about dealing with people with whom you disagree? Is this the level of your discourse?


Numerous posters on this board use Henty; are we all racists? Are those who use TCO bigots?


I also promote Kipling, Shakespeare, Dickens and others. I speak to history, archaeology, the classics etc. Racist bigotry?


I promote parental choice, historical context and "great books."


By the way I am still waiting for your retraction.


The only books you have ever promoted on this forum are ones with charged racist content. My father raised me to abhor racism. Yours?



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The only books you have ever promoted on this forum are ones with charged racist content. My father raised me to abhor racism. Yours?











Another demonstrably false accusation you are making. Don't you get tired of it?



Have you actually read any Henty?


Well at least our Fathers agree and we do as well on that topic even thought you like to imply that those who disagree with you are racists and bigots.

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The only books you have ever promoted on this forum are ones with charged racist content. My father raised me to abhor racism. Yours?




Oh, c'mon Bill! I hate it when you're banned. I might need some Miquon input. Just ignore pqr-his first post in this thread toward you was clearly inappropriate. Now he's just baiting you.

Hey pqr, do you like kilts? :001_smile:

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Have you actually read any Henty?



I certainly have. That is why I'm quite well aware of the contents.


Are you going to deny his novels are filled with bigoted and racist characterizations of Africans, Indians, Muslims, Arabs, etc?



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Oh, c'mon Bill! I hate it when you're banned. I might need some Miquon input. Just ignore pqr-his first post in this thread toward you was clearly inappropriate. Now he's just baiting you.

Hey pqr, do you like kilts? :001_smile:


On Scots...sure. Why not?

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I certainly have. That is why I'm quite well aware of the contents.


Are you going to deny his novels are filled with bigoted and racist characterizations of Africans, Indians, Muslims, Arabs, etc?





Historical context, historical context. Twain has racist characterizations too, as does Kipling who I believe you admit you read to your son.


I can and do use characterizations in period books to explain the evil of racism.

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Yes, and it's migrating even to health PSAs. I'm Sick. To. Death. of it.


I saw in our local paper this week:


"Bikes for Boobies"--motorcycle event for breast cancer. Sigh.


"What's up your butt?"--billboard campaign on the importance of colonoscopies. This was approved for our area but recently overturned due to public outrage (thank God!)


:001_huh: Wow, I must be evil for wanting this and a car magnet that says the same.

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Historical context, historical context. Twain has racist characterizations too as does Kipling who I believe you admit you read to your son.


I can and do use characterizations in period books to explain the evil of racism.


Neither Twain (who lampooned racists and racism) or Kipling (who had complex attitudes towards empire and "race") are remotely comparable to Henty.


You skirted the question with a dodge.



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Kipling who had complex attitudes towards empire and "race"



Kipling was a hard core Imperialist. To argue otherwise demonstrates poor understanding of Kipling. Need I reference "White Man's Burden"?


Yes there are racist characterizations in Henty but there are also books that laud other races. Look to Cat of Bubastes.


Your question is akin to "Have you stopped beating your wife, yes or no" and you well know it.

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Oh, c'mon Bill! I hate it when you're banned. I might need some Miquon input. Just ignore pqr-his first post in this thread toward you was clearly inappropriate. Now he's just baiting you.

Hey pqr, do you like kilts? :001_smile:


Kilts solve everything. If you're Scottish. Must research dh's UK-area genealogy.... ;)

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Oh, c'mon Bill! I hate it when you're banned. I might need some Miquon input. Just ignore pqr-his first post in this thread toward you was clearly inappropriate. Now he's just baiting you.

Hey pqr, do you like kilts? :001_smile:


Agreed. Hey, seeing this thread is about random vulgarity, would it be appropriate to say it looks like someone walked in here looking for a p!ssing contest?

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A couple years ago there was an adult store not far from where we lived, and it had a huge advertisement on the side of a building that featured a scantily clad woman down on all fours, with the caption "slip into something comfortable". Gag. Thankfully they painted over it with a beautiful community mural.

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Last night we were watching a baseball game and the commercial that came on was almost x-rated! I was really surprised, I'd never seen that before! Wait a minute. Isn't Baseball supposed to be a family thing?



Oh, don't get me started on that! ED commercials are all over every game I watch, no matter the time, day, or channel. :glare: I'm with you - shouldn't we be able to watch this with our kids?


Now back to our regularly scheduled programming... :lurk5:

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The one that gets me is the massive billboards with advertising for impotence help. Most of the advertisement is taken up with the word S*X in capitals, or Erection problems?. I mean, come on. I don't need my 6 year old asking about that, although i would answer matter of factly. I am just surprised the councils allow it nowadays.


I think these things, however, have more to do with a sexually repressive society than one that is relaxed and natural about its sexuality. It has to come out somehow- its a powerful force of nature. If there is too much morality around it in a way that perverts the natural expression, the expression becomes unnatural and icky.

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