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Where is Harold Camping now?

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Really, you have never read the horrible jokes made about Islam "Achmed the Dead Terrorist..." skit with a link or about the lovely threads where our LDS members have been told they are not Christian or the Jehovah Witness's members told the same. For that matter the endless and I might add offensive "Christian" "Passover Seders " being held in order to connect and celebrate as Jesus might have. What I am saying is that if you look to be offended there is equal offense against all believers of any stripe by the cruel or the ignorant or by those who truly misunderstand what a religious faith holds, what is doctrine, dogma, creed etc. I jumped ship on the whole mess and am delighted to say I am a former Christian with no regrets other than continuing to engage in what for me was cognitive dissonance for many, many years. There, now I am out of the closet.

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Really, you have never read the horrible jokes made about Islam "Achmed the Dead Terrorist..." skit with a link or about the lovely threads where our LDS members have been told they are not Christian or the Jehovah Witness's members told the same. For that matter the endless and I might add offensive "Christian" "Passover Seders " being held in order to connect and celebrate as Jesus might have. What I am saying is that if you look to be offended there is equal offense against all believers of any stripe by the cruel or the ignorant or by those who truly misunderstand what a religious faith holds, what is doctrine, dogma, creed etc. I jumped ship on the whole mess and am delighted to say I am a former Christian with no regrets other than continuing to engage in what for me was cognitive dissonance for many, many years. There, now I am out of the closet.
It works as a rap.



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I get an old-school Coltrane blues feel from it, myself. No offense meant to your opinion, of course. ;)
None taken. Elizabeth transcends the limitations of musical genre.
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Said in a loving way: Maybe you should wonder about what else you are missing. ;)


Loving? Nope. Smug? Yes.


Some of us don't see missing out on this type of attitude as missing out on something important. I don't see Christians as unenlightened at all. I feel that's the way Christians look at non-Christians. The quote above is a perfect example.


So basically it boils down to ... Pot. Kettle. Black. And it's one of the main reasons I don't use the label Christian anymore. When I see fights like this one, I get a picture in my head of Jesus crying. It hurts my heart.

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None taken. Elizabeth transcends the limitations of musical genre.


I love Coltrane, Bird Parker and especially have a fondness for the blues. Leadbelly, John Lee Hooker(saw him twice) and Robert Johnson. Crossroad Blues is one favorite of mine.:lol:

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I started a spinoff thread asking specifically about the idea of persecution because I just don't get it.

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These type comments are not "in-fighting". Christians disagreeing on doctrine I can handle. Non-believers using this to mock religion I can't.




I'm a Christian and though I found the comments uncomfortable and I disagreed with them I think it's too much to suggest they were mocking. It's simply the opinion of a poster. If you don't share the opinion, discuss it. Debate it.


But I'm tired of opportunities to engage and discuss being turned into retreats while waving the flag of, "I'm offended".

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Loving? Nope. Smug? Yes.


Some of us don't see missing out on this type of attitude as missing out on something important. I don't see Christians as unenlightened at all. I feel that's the way Christians look at non-Christians. The quote above is a perfect example.


So basically it boils down to ... Pot. Kettle. Black. And it's one of the main reasons I don't use the label Christian anymore. When I see fights like this one, I get a picture in my head of Jesus crying. It hurts my heart.


Well, there goes the judging. I truly did not mean that in a nasty way, but apparently, you know me better than I do!

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Well we've all been granted a reprieve. Apparently the new date is October 21st. Seriously? :thumbdown:


Are you freakin serious? Are you freakin serious? My mind is so boggled at this stupidity I can't even fathom that.


I DO feel sorry for the people who want out SO BADLY, who are so in pain that this is what they look toward, and in the same breath I want to smack them upside the head and hope some sense falls in.

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I now have a song in my head. Yes, I believe a man that received 18.3 MILLION dollars in donations in 2009 can take a little ribbing. :glare:


The I didn't get raptured blues


I may be going to Heaven,

but it won't be today.

Between now and October,

hope some some things go my way.


Feel free to add your own lyrics.

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Are you freakin serious? Are you freakin serious? My mind is so boggled at this stupidity I can't even fathom that.


I DO feel sorry for the people who want out SO BADLY, who are so in pain that this is what they look toward, and in the same breath I want to smack them upside the head and hope some sense falls in.


:iagree: I've seen the bottom. There have been days when I wished the rapture would happen so I wouldn't have to see tomorrow. There have been times where I felt God urging me to do something uncomfortable as a sign of obedience.


But to prey upon the weakness of others really chaps my hide. He says he didn't give away his stuff, and from what I've read does not accept any responsibility for his influence on those people.

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Wow! :blink: How many times does this make?


Seriously, doesn't the Bible [i know, I know, I should know the verse] say something about if what the prophet says doesn't come true then he isn't a prophet?


I love God with all my heart. I follow after Christ and I believe in the Bible as the infallible word of God.




That man has some . . .er nevermind

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He says he didn't give away his stuff, and from what I've read does not accept any responsibility for his influence on those people.

You'd think if he really believed what he's saying, he'd be getting rid of everything, etc...


I mean, c'mon. 3rd times the charm?

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I dunno, I think getting angry about any mockery is misplaced.


This is a very grave situation and IMO we should be focused on this false prophet leading people astray and misrepresenting Christianity. Just like the Phelps clan this guy refects negatively on our faith.


Getting up in arms about any mockery is really the wrong thing to be getting mad about here.


We should be angry, we should speak out against false prophets and we should have some compassion and grace for those he duped, that he is still trying to dupe.

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Well we've all been granted a reprieve. Apparently the new date is October 21st. Seriously? :thumbdown:


It's like he mentally torturing his followers at this point.


Prepare for the end, repent,....donations to spread the word can be sent to blah, blah, blah, and here's the date. Again. Just because I was "wrong" twice before is no reason not believe me now. :glare:

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Did he forget to carry a 1 or something?


It was new math.


Should have stuck with Saxon.



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Guest Dulcimeramy


Oh, good. I remember that song but didn't think of it.


I was afraid that "rem" stood for "Rapid Eye Movement" and we were all being brainwashed into a cult by reading this thread.



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Ok wait. Last week, I laughed because October 21 was supposed to be the.last.day.of.all. The good people were going to get raptured last Saturday and then the rest of us were apparently going to be in some sort of zomebie warfare/starvation/natural disaster zone until October 21 when god turns the whole thing off, right? Wasn't that how it was supposed to go?


So do we just push all that back and it starts on October 21 now? So when is god going to shut the earth off then? Or are the non-raptured going to stay in zomebie warfare mode for all eternity instead of just getting anniliated on October 21?


I'm curious because that's my 40th birthday. Am I going to be dust or do I need zombie weapons? I should know what to ask for. That's a big birthday! :D

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Ok wait. Last week, I laughed because October 21 was supposed to be the.last.day.of.all. The good people were going to get raptured last Saturday and then the rest of us were apparently going to be in some sort of zomebie warfare/starvation/natural disaster zone until October 21 when god turns the whole thing off, right? Wasn't that how it was supposed to go?


So do we just push all that back and it starts on October 21 now? So when is god going to shut the earth off then? Or are the non-raptured going to stay in zomebie warfare mode for all eternity instead of just getting anniliated on October 21?


I'm curious because that's my 40th birthday. Am I going to be dust or do I need zombie weapons? I should know what to ask for. That's a big birthday! :D



Ask for towels.

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Ask for towels.
Totally unrelated, but I just wanted you to know that there's now a goat in the yard next to mine. Someone is trying to tell me something.
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Totally unrelated, but I just wanted you to know that there's now a goat in the yard next to mine. Someone is trying to tell me something.


Maybe he/she is an early birthday present for me? I mean, the end of everything we know and all is happening on MY birthday. That's my goat! Bring me my goat! :D

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Totally unrelated, but I just wanted you to know that there's now a goat in the yard next to mine. Someone is trying to tell me something.



Pay no attention to the goat behind the fence.


The Great Aud has spoken!

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Now I am wondering about goats. Why are they considered a symbol of evil/Satan or whatever it is they are a symbol of? Does it have anything to do with the tradition of the scapegoat? I do not know this stuff very well. Please forgive me if I have completely misstated. I'm just sitting her while dh works on a computer project for me. :001_smile:

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Ok wait. Last week, I laughed because October 21 was supposed to be the.last.day.of.all. The good people were going to get raptured last Saturday and then the rest of us were apparently going to be in some sort of zomebie warfare/starvation/natural disaster zone until October 21 when god turns the whole thing off, right? Wasn't that how it was supposed to go?


So do we just push all that back and it starts on October 21 now? So when is god going to shut the earth off then? Or are the non-raptured going to stay in zomebie warfare mode for all eternity instead of just getting anniliated on October 21?


I'm curious because that's my 40th birthday. Am I going to be dust or do I need zombie weapons? I should know what to ask for. That's a big birthday! :D


Hey! That's my birthday too! Happy Birthday to us...:party:


Except I'm not turning 40. Yet. Got another year to wait for that one. ;):D

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Where do you see that his new date is Oct. 21st? Originally that was supposed to be when the earth was destroyed.


He said today that the May 21st was a spiritual event instead of a physical one, and that God spared the earth until Oct 21st, and the world has now been warned so they won't tract/advertise for the Oct 21 date.



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He said today that the May 21st was a spiritual event instead of a physical one, and that God spared the earth until Oct 21st, and the world has now been warned so they won't tract/advertise for the Oct 21 date.




Didn't he say that in '94 also?

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I'm a Christian and though I found the comments uncomfortable and I disagreed with them I think it's too much to suggest they were mocking. It's simply the opinion of a poster. If you don't share the opinion, discuss it. Debate it.


But I'm tired of opportunities to engage and discuss being turned into retreats while waving the flag of, "I'm offended".


Oh please. I can discern between seeking true discussion and bomb dropping. There is no way im going to defend my faith or try to convince one who has decided to reject religion. They've made a choice, i respect their right to do so, so whats the point. So when a comment is made that organized religion and the second coming of Christ is mind control, i dont waste my breath "debating" opinions. We all know how quickly those "debates" devolve. I simply call it what it is - bomb throwing - and move on.



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I'm curious because that's my 40th birthday. Am I going to be dust or do I need zombie weapons? I should know what to ask for. That's a big birthday! :D


Well, the CDC did recently publish a zombie preparedness guide. Maybe they know something. You might want to ask for some early birthday gifts so you can already be prepared. :D

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Oh please. I can discern between seeking true discussion and bomb dropping. There is no way im going to defend my faith or try to convince one who has decided to reject religion. They've made a choice, i respect their right to do so, so whats the point. So when a comment is made that organized religion and the second coming of Christ is mind control, i dont waste my breath "debating" opinions. We all know how quickly those "debates" devolve. I simply call it what it is - bomb throwing - and move on.



The very suggestion that I have decided to "reject" religion makes it sound that it is the TRUTH and I have decided to reject the truth and am wrong. I guess it is hard for "believers" to understand the fact that I don't feel the need to believe and feel that organized religion was created by man. I get that, I really do. But all the attack on my statement clearly shows that stating my belief is a mock to others and while saying organized religion is right is okay, but saying otherwise is an outrage. Oddly I don't feel that all the bible quoting and religious references are an attack on my beliefs. It is this type of in your face and down your throat attitude that really pushed me to stop believing in organized religion in the first place.

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