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Opinions on 2 story house vs. ranch

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I'm going to be asking lot's of house opinions since we are searching for a new home closer to DH's work.


We currently have a ranch, but are going to view a 2 story this weekend. All bedrooms, including master, are upstairs and the laundry is on the main level. One of my requirements when starting our search was no 2nd floor master and laundry had to be on main level. The house has so many other great features, including 3.5 acres and is in the area we want to live. I have never had this type of floor plan so I was wondering if those that do, regret it and wish they had a ranch or story and a half.


Another reason I'm only considering looking at it is it's in foreclosure and we could get a really good deal on it.

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I love a two-story house, mostly because I did grow up with that style. I also like it because it keeps the bedrooms private from the public areas of the home--living in a Rectory, I need a little privacy! I also like having the sleeping area up and away from the noise on the main level. I even like it because, when I mount the stairs to go to bed, I physically leave behind the day--little physical routines like that are helpful to my mental state! lol


The one concern I have with stairs is, will I be able to stay in a house with stairs as I age--hopefully I'll be in good enough condition when I'm 80 to climb them. But it's not a consideration for me now.


So, I say continue to consider the house!

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I have always lived and currently live in a 2 story house.


My next house will be a ranch.


I need a knee replacement (which won't be happening anytime soon) and their are many nights it is too hard to climb the stairs upstairs.


All of my parents friends (65+) have either moved to apartments (one floor) or a ranch style house.

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I have always lived in 2-stories until just recently. I will never go back! I LOVE not having stairs, esp. for laundry-carrying. I thought I would miss the privacy of bedrooms upstairs, but it has not been an issue. The bedrooms are way down the hall and guests do not go there. I also find it *quieter* b/c there are no thumps overhead when kids are playing loudly, and it is easier to clean (for some reason).


That said, if it's a good deal, I'd at least go see it! There is something nice about going upstairs to bed. :)

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If you love the house and property, and have no forseen medical issues with climbing stairs, go for it!


We had to comprimise a bit with our current house and I'm so glad we did. We didn't want a 2 story at all because of my dh's knee problems. But we ended up buying a 2 story that has two bedrooms up and 2 down. We love this house!


Also, even though people like having a laundry on the 2nd floor, I have always preferred it on the 1st. Having a washer hose bust is a nightmare on a 2nd floor.

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Two stories are generally less expensive because it is cheaper to build up instead of out.


I have lived in both and prefer two stories because I like feeling like I have two separate spaces (the upstairs and the downstairs).

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We sold our ranch and bought a two-story. I love, love, love having a two-story. All the bedrooms are on the second floor. The laundry is on the main. I love having the bedrooms private and the increased living space on the main floor. We have a full bath and a bedroom (office) on the main floor, but we would either install a stair lift or move if we get too old for stairs.

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I love 2 stories with upstairs master bedroom. The stairs are my exercise program -- seriously, when we had a main level master I started to get heftier because I wasn't moving as much. Also, I know it's hilghly unlikely anyone will peep in my bedroom window or try to get in it.


Dh has severe knee problems, and is still okay with it. We have a landing midway up the stairway, which helps. Also, the kids and I are happy to zip up and down for little things left on another level. He keeps a toothbrush in the main level bathroom. This is a guy who lifts weights (in our basement) and rides a bike (also in the basement) several times per week, so he sees the value of an active lifestyle which includes building challenges into your day.


My parents moved to a retirement center, and spend part of every day walking the halls and climbing the staircases for exercise. I guess it's a family trait.:001_smile: On the other hand, MIL knee's are bad and she generally doesn't like to move around much, so she doesn't like to stay in our guest room when she visits -- she gets a hotel room. Which, if you knew my MIL you'd know is a bonus ;). Overall, this small family sampling leads me to believe that it's better to move around as much as possible, including running up and down stairs, NOW when we're young so we can be more mobil later.

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We lived in a 2-story, moved out of state into a 1.5 story (main-floor master), and just moved to a ranch. By the time I was in my early 40s, I was very concerned about falling down the stairs. I have no balance problems or anything else that would make me susceptible to falling, just paranoia. My dh has MS; stairs can be a chore for him. When we moved from the 2-story, I insisted on main floor master bedroom. But so much of our square footage was upstairs in the kids' rooms/bathroom that it was like living in an apt. on the main floor with four people. When we moved this time, dh was open to a 2-story, but I believed that was wishful thinking (okay, denial) on his part, and we moved into a ranch.


Our kids actually like this set up and appreciate being closer to us. Go figure. I sometimes would prefer a tad more privacy, but I also like that they are close by; they spend more time in their bedrooms now because they don't feel alone there. (Is that funny to say, considering their ages?!) We don't have that much more time with all four of us living in the same house; I'm grateful for the floor plan that will be easier to accommodate dh's mobility in the future, if that becomes a factor.


We have two different neighbors, both with two story homes up for sale, who are moving because the husband/wife is no longer able to safely/easily manage the stairs.


I don't plan to move again. Ever.:001_smile:

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I have always lived in 2-stories until just recently. I will never go back! I LOVE not having stairs, esp. for laundry-carrying. I thought I would miss the privacy of bedrooms upstairs, but it has not been an issue. The bedrooms are way down the hall and guests do not go there. I also find it *quieter* b/c there are no thumps overhead when kids are playing loudly, and it is easier to clean (for some reason).

I have to carry laundry up and down the basement stairs, so if I find a 2 story place with first floor laundry, it'll be the same amount of stairs. But I'd probably get more laundry done if it's on the first floor.


Also, even though people like having a laundry on the 2nd floor, I have always preferred it on the 1st. Having a washer hose bust is a nightmare on a 2nd floor.

My in-laws have a 2nd floor laundry in their new house. In their last house, they had a bathroom pipe leak (frozen pipes maybe? can't remember) and the water came down through their dining room. So why they did 2nd floor laundry is beyond me.

Edited by gardening momma
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I don't like 2 stories, but if I had kids of "fetching" age it wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. If my kids were old enough to be able to run up/down to get stuff for themselves (or me!), and I wasn't hefting them up and down throughout the day then I'd at least consider the house.


A few things I like better about our ranch homes were money-related. Our utility bills were usually less, especially in summertime. All bedrooms upstairs can get pricey in summer here in the armpit of America, where we live. In an established neighborhood, shade trees also helped keep bills lower in summer.

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We live in a two-story house. All our bedrooms are on the second floor, and I like having our master bedroom on the same level as our kids. I like the separation of the living areas from the more private areas of the house.


There are some things I wish we could change, and I would do differently if we ever move to another 2-story. Right now I have a basement laundry room, and I hate having to lug laundry down two flights of stairs. I would prefer to have the laundry room on the first floor. Also, I wish we had zoned heating and cooling. It's very difficult to regulate the temperature consistently between the first and second stories.


I honestly don't know if we would move into another two-story house or if we would prefer a ranch. Right now, we actually have three levels with our basement, and it's a little much to keep up with sometimes. On the other hand, it does allow for more area to spread out, especially when we have our extended (large!) family visiting.

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We live in a two story and while I am grateful for our home and love many of its features, my dream house is a single story. Our master is downstairs which is nice for privacy from the children, but my little guy only recently started sleeping in his bedroom because he was afraid to be upstairs when we weren't up there.


The stairs are a PITB to vacuum because they are two tier with two landings. Also the stairwell needs painting because stairs are irresistible to little boys who think they are Spider Man! The entry foyer ceiling is 18 feet and the chandelier up there has NEVER been cleaned because we can't reach it.:glare:


I detest laundry - the laundry room is convenient to the master bedroom, but the bulk of the laundry is from the kids, who live upstairs! I make them bring their laundry up, but then it doesn't always get put away. I can't tell you how many times the laundry has come down and I have found folded clean pieces of clothing with dirty laundry! Because I don't like going upstairs I don't inspect what I expect, often enough.


Additionally, the game room has been neglected for 6 years and has become the catch all room with c**p piled up on the pool table. My husband is smack in the middle of redoing the room in an effort to remedy that situation.


Lastly, cleaning the outside of the upstairs windows is a pain and putting Christmas lights up is life threatening.


I vote for single story.

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... I also like it because it keeps the bedrooms private from the public areas of the home--living in a Rectory, I need a little privacy! I also like having the sleeping area up and away from the noise on the main level. I even like it because, when I mount the stairs to go to bed, I physically leave behind the day--little physical routines like that are helpful to my mental state!


I also like separate floors for this reason. When we were house hunting in 2009, I discovered that my preference was split levels. It allows for separate living levels without full flights of stairs.

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We have a two story with a full basement and I love it. Bedrooms are upstairs, living/dining/kitchen/laundry on the main level, and playroom/schoolroom in the basement. OUr previous house was a ranch with a full basement. All bedrooms were on the main level (laundry, guest room, and playroom were in the basement). I didn't like it. I felt like there wasn't room to spread out.


The stairs don't bother me at all. I'm up and down them several times a day--mostly the basement set because of the school room--and figure they're additional exercise. The boys often help with running the laundry up to put away. Dh has a mild arthritis in his back, and I have an autoimmune disorder that causes joint pain, I think moving more is good :001_smile:. The only time they bother me is when my lower back is giving me trouble and I need to vacuum them.


My parents built a 2 story house when I was in 4th grade, and they chose a floorplan with the master on the first floor. My mom (lower 60s, very overweight, dealing with chronic foot & knee issues and other health issues) recently told me she regretted the floor plan because she actually climbs the stairs more because the rec. room and office (where her crafts, activities, and small business are) is upstairs. If they'd put the bedroom up there she would only have to climb the stairs two times a day. I thought that was interesting.

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but I'm thankful we wound up with ranch homes.

My grandmother used to be stranded downstairs all day until her dd/sil helped her up to her bedroom at night in the years she lived with them.

My mother was in a wheelchair during her hospice care.

My 13 yo dd had to have back surgery (scoliosis) and her recovery took 6 weeks.

My 26 yo brother had to have hip replacement surgery -- one at a time.

I would not only consider my own current health situation, but also think about what will happen if we are called on to care for family members.

Our dear elderly friends are in a ranch home that has one step down in the living room, and she is terrified that he will get confused during the night and fall on that step.

Maintenance on a ranch is much easier and cheaper since you can do it yourself.

I appreciate the positives of a two-story, but I find a ranch much more practical.

Edited by BamaTanya
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I grew up in a ranch, now live in two-story. I would have preferred a ranch when the kids were small, but here most houses big enough to hold us here are two-story. Both have pros/cons. You get more house with less land with a 2-story (so bigger yard if lots are the same) and if the stairs squeak you can catch kids sneaking downstairs at night ;) but it is easier to roller skate or play tag in a ranch. :D

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I love a two-story house, mostly because I did grow up with that style. I also like it because it keeps the bedrooms private from the public areas of the home--living in a Rectory, I need a little privacy! I also like having the sleeping area up and away from the noise on the main level. I even like it because, when I mount the stairs to go to bed, I physically leave behind the day--little physical routines like that are helpful to my mental state! lol


The one concern I have with stairs is, will I be able to stay in a house with stairs as I age--hopefully I'll be in good enough condition when I'm 80 to climb them. But it's not a consideration for me now.


So, I say continue to consider the house!


I would vote for a ranch. Most well-designed ranch homes have the bedrooms far enough away from the living areas that it is very private. FIL's house is a ranch and the bedrooms are much more quiet than our previous 2-story. We heard the TV, doorbell, kitchen noises upstairs. We never hear anything in the bedrooms of FIL's house. I know it is popular, but many newer ranch styles have the master on the opposite side of the house as the rest of the bedrooms. We could never do that with young children. Now that I have teens, I wouldn't mind that ;).

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