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I will die before I set foot in an ER

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I think, and I could be wrong, that some of the negativity is probably coming from the fact that you are currently "uninsured," regardless of your ability to pay.


I took my ds3 into a pediatric urgent care a couple of months ago because he was vomiting blood. My husband had just gotten a new job, but we didn't have coverage yet. When I said I had no credit card to give them (I had brought $600 cash with me for him to be treated) and that I had no insurance they refused to see him. They said maybe I could take him over to the hospital ER and they could apply for medicaid for me. I took him home because I figured he would at least be comfortable there and must not be too sick if they felt it was appropriate to deny us care.


And based on that, even though we are now insured I will never use a Pediatric After Hours clinic again. I'll drive the 45 minutes to the children's hospital if the situation seems that dire and my pediatrician is off the clock.

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They were very condescending. They took me to do an internal exam & made me undress from the waist down. No gown, nothing. Just stand there & wait while the bed. gets. made.


When I wasn't thrilled w/ that, I was asked if I'd ever had an internal exam, was this my first baby. Very condescending. That's when the mw & birthcenter came up. Apparently, if you have any shred of inhibition, you're an uneducated IDIOT.


At that point, w/out tmi, there was *significant* evidence of a problem. I was told nothing about the exam except that I would now be released. Even I forgot about the IV under those conditions.


I managed not to cry until I checked out, found out the "down payment" for the services, and was literally told to leave.


Ils came to stay w/ the kids but had to leave around 1 or 2 AM, so by the time I got back to the dr, I was alone. I had to leave the hospital in a t-shirt & jeans in the wee morning hours of a 45 degree night in downtown FW to wait for dh. At that point, I cried.


There was some kind of gang issue while I was in the waiting room. They all came flooding into the area where I was sitting, to hide from the police & discuss who had killed who & cuss ea other out over cigarettes.


Oh my word, Aubrey, that's just... it's beyond unacceptable. I'm just so so SO very sorry. If you get no help from the ombudsman or Patient Advocacy, I'd start calling the media, personally. That's just... oh my goodness. :crying:


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Aubrey, I am very disturbed by this. Please call your primary care provider right away. If you don't have one, call the hospital and ask for the ombudsman or the patient rights advocate and explain the situation.


Common causes of bleeding in the second trimester include:


placenta previa (placenta blocking the cervix)

placental detachment

cervical infection or growths


pre-term labor


Some of these are treatable, but not if the doctor screws around and refuses to treat you. Please see someone today, no matter what you have to do. Kick and scream. Bring someone with you to kick and scream for you. Please keep us updated.


ETA that I just saw your last post, and the things they did could easily get someone fired. I don't know where the heck they are, that they can be so sheltered as to never have seen a second-tri woman without prenatal care who isn't on vitamins, but boo-freaking-hoo. They still have to do their jobs, and they can advocate for care, but they have no business acting the way they acted. Get the patients' rights advocate, ombudsman, EAP or someone involved right away, so they can't do this to anyone else. To figure out anything major, your mw is going to need their resources. I predict you need to go through the L&D/Obstetrics department, not the ER at all. When I had complications with my third, I went straight to them (I used lay midwives.)




Aubrey, I'm horrified. If I lived in Texas, I'd go storm the ER myself on your behalf.


Please, please go see your midwife.


And please, write a detailed letter asap about your treatment.

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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?


:scared: OMG, that's horrible :( I would be writing as many nasty letters to as many different people as I could. :grouphug:

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Aubrey, I'm horrified. If I lived in Texas, I'd go storm the ER myself on your behalf.




Even never having met you, Audrey, if I lived near you I'd be finding a sitter right now so I could take you back over there. It's not just their blatantly humiliating tactics, it's the fact that you still haven't received proper care. That needs to get dealt with before anything else.

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Fight this also.


And I have also never heard of having a patient stand there, half nude, and never a gown provided. The more I hear, the more I'm thinking that this place is trying to get away with providing as little care as possible (I've known ER's like this and they should be shut down or overhauled!).



The two times I took my *infant* to the ER, I actually had to argue with them about *not* wanting to put him in an itty bitty hospital gown, and 3.5 week olds and 2 month olds aren't even known for their modesty. To not be offered one as an adult? Nuh uh.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

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Even never having met you, Audrey, if I lived near you I'd be finding a sitter right now so I could take you back over there. It's not just their blatantly humiliating tactics, it's the fact that you still haven't received proper care. That needs to get dealt with before anything else.


:iagree: My scalp is literally twitching, I'm so enraged on your behalf. The others had good advice. I am so sorry!

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Aubrey, I agree with the others. Their treatment of you was humiliating and borderline abusive.


Your first priority must be your health and the baby's as well. Once you've received proper care and figured out what's happening with the baby, then I'd start contacting patient advocates.


But, I just want to validate that what they did was horribly horribly wrong. While you're waiting to see real, humane medical professionals, rest: lie down on your left side, and drink lots of water. You want to avoid preterm labor. Preterm labor is No Joke.


Nor is it imaginary.



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Your first priority must be your health and the baby's as well. Once you've received proper care and figured out what's happening with the baby, then I'd start contacting patient advocates.


RegularMom, I think the if the patient advocate gets involved, she will get immediate care.

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Susan in TX


OMG, where are you living, Timbuktu. I would have left after two hrs., and no ultrasound, for goodness sake you can get one at a ob/gyn office anymore.


Do you have insurance, can you find someone to give you an ultrasound. I know how you feel w/emergency, I have been left for dead before. I am so worried about you.

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Seriously - call the Patient Advocacy rep.


For what it's worth, I am also in FW and have visited our local ER many times for my children, husband, and self and have NEVER been treated like that. My visits have always resulted in good care and respectful treatment.


What you experienced is NOT normal and it is NOT okay. Someone needs to hold the ER staff accountable for the horrendous treatment.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry this happened to you. My DH is a doctor, we know tons of doctors, and the common thread among all the specialties is a huge desire to help people. That's why they became physicians in the first place.


Stories like this make me wonder why in the world those people are even working there. I just can't even imagine it. I would've been livid. I'm usually feeling pretty vulnerable when I'm pregnant, so they're behavior would've made me even more emotional. Definitely report all of it, in detail, to the patient advocate at the hospital. Send a copy to the administrative head of the place, if you want to. He or she has a right to know what happened.


Hospitals really do have review boards and procedures to follow when someone makes a complaint.

:grouphug: Congratulations on the baby!

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Did they do an ultrasound or check your urine?


My mom, who had health problems by the gazillions, went to Podunk East for double vision once. They didn't check her BP. Then, she passed out one time at Kohls. They took her to Podunk North, as a heart patient, etc. Oh, she's diabetic, she just needs some OJ. I flat out askt he Dr. if he should check her heart, since she's a heart patient. She's looking much better since the OJ, she'll be fine. And no, he didn't do a finger stick to check her sugar levels.


Oh, and these hospitals are connected. I didn't just insert Podunk for fun. Same facility, just East and North facilities.

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Aubrey I am praying fervently for you.:grouphug: I am pleading for you.


you need to go through the L&D/Obstetrics department, not the ER at all.
I have to speak up for sweet Aubrey here. I am very angry at us here on this board for saying this over and over in this thread instead of saying it yesterday when it may have helped her.
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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?


:eek: Seriously? I seriously hope you report the behavior of this dr. Please. I've had so many horrendous things happen to me in my lifetime and I was stupid not to report the doctors who were abusive. Please don't let this rest.


How the heck are you going to get the IV out?

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:CONGRATULATIONS!!! Did they tell you why you were bleeding?

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Aubrey I am praying fervently for you.:grouphug: I am pleading for you.


I have to speak up for sweet Aubrey here. I am very angry at us here on this board for saying this over and over in this thread instead of saying it yesterday when it may have helped her.

Here, the only way to get to OB is via the ER, at least before 36 wks.

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OMG, where are you living, Timbuktu. I would have left after two hrs., and no ultrasound, for goodness sake you can get one at a ob/gyn office anymore.


Do you have insurance, can you find someone to give you an ultrasound. I know how you feel w/emergency, I have been left for dead before. I am so worried about you.


She would have gotten better care in Timbuktu...at least they would have heard of midwives and had some respect!

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by the way, a therapist we took ds to (if you've followed the concussions/behavior issues/CD thread), one of several "professionals" we tried to get help from (including his pediatrician, a neurologist, and another therapist) was an IDIOT. She was going to perform his neuropsyche testing to see if perhaps the behaviors were caused from a brain lesion. When we spoke of recent (new) behaviors with her, she said, "What a mess. I don't even know if I want to get involved with this." And we were desperate for help.


We took ds to a big hospital for an evaluation and the dr. there told us yesterday that she is "going after" this other doctor for treating us this way. :party:

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:eek: Seriously? I seriously hope you report the behavior of this dr. Please. I've had so many horrendous things happen to me in my lifetime and I was stupid not to report the doctors who were abusive. Please don't let this rest.


How the heck are you going to get the IV out?

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:CONGRATULATIONS!!! Did they tell you why you were bleeding?


The IV: I pulled it out. The sucker had a 2" tube inside my arm. Then I threw up. I have a *serious* aversion to needles.


Yes. Bleeding can sometimes occur. That's the reason.

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They were very condescending. They took me to do an internal exam & made me undress from the waist down. No gown, nothing. Just stand there & wait while the bed. gets. made.


When I wasn't thrilled w/ that, I was asked if I'd ever had an internal exam, was this my first baby. Very condescending. That's when the mw & birthcenter came up. Apparently, if you have any shred of inhibition, you're an uneducated IDIOT.


At that point, w/out tmi, there was *significant* evidence of a problem. I was told nothing about the exam except that I would now be released. Even I forgot about the IV under those conditions.


I managed not to cry until I checked out, found out the "down payment" for the services, and was literally told to leave.


Ils came to stay w/ the kids but had to leave around 1 or 2 AM, so by the time I got back to the dr, I was alone. I had to leave the hospital in a t-shirt & jeans in the wee morning hours of a 45 degree night in downtown FW to wait for dh. At that point, I cried.


There was some kind of gang issue while I was in the waiting room. They all came flooding into the area where I was sitting, to hide from the police & discuss who had killed who & cuss ea other out over cigarettes.


:svengo: Aubrey, I'm SO SORRY you had such a MISERABLE and HUMILIATING experience! DEFINITELY fight those charges!!! If you got NO help from them, fight those charges!!!:grouphug:

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I am just sick about this. I told you to go and then this . . .


Please let me call them. I am not nice when my mama bear radar is up and believe me it.is.up!!!!!


Please listen to the others. I am not litigious. You should at the very least call the patient advocacy lines, but I would still consider a lawyer as well.


Is there anywhere else you can be evaluated? Oh and I would be demanding my records from the hospital.


I am so, so, so, so sorry about this.

:grouphug: Praying for your wee one and you.

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Here, the only way to get to OB is via the ER, at least before 36 wks.



That's how it is at my local hospital; when I had issues a few weeks ago, I had to go through the ER to get to L&D. My OB had called ahead, so my time in ER was short.


I hope Aubrey gets the help she needs SOON. And that ER is in need of some looking into--SOON.

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Hey Audrey, have you ever wanted to own a hospital? This might be your opportunity....MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!


I told dd. She's muttering in the hallway and I can't hear her, but I'm pretty sure it's paramedic code for "a**hole places I don't want to transport my patients to!" I wish you lived near here. She has pull with three different ER attendings who all think she is the sun-moon-and stars of field trauma care. She's got three ER's she could walk you into and say, "Hey, I want her to have an ultra-sound and be treated like a queen." Things would happen!


So, so, sorry. Hey Denise, it's raining here and I am in a foul mood...wants I should pop that stupid neuro for yas? :D :auto:



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Aubrey I am praying fervently for you.:grouphug: I am pleading for you.


I have to speak up for sweet Aubrey here. I am very angry at us here on this board for saying this over and over in this thread instead of saying it yesterday when it may have helped her.


Well, some of us did mention that the ER would likely be unhelpful....but she had already left. You can't just show up at OB. You have to be sent by your doctor or the ER. She really didn't have a good option in the absence of a regular care provider (which is why she posted in the first place).


Anyways, this ER went beyond even what I have ever experienced. Who could have known they would make her stand naked and bleeding and then verbally abuse her? Who could have known they would leave a flippin IV in her arm? There is absolutely no excuse for it under any circumstances.

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I have to speak up for sweet Aubrey here. I am very angry at us here on this board for saying this over and over in this thread instead of saying it yesterday when it may have helped her.


I hope I am not communicating any sort of blame. And I absolutely would have said this yesterday, had I been online. It was my youngest's fifth birthday, and I wasn't on the boards at all. I'm so sorry I missed the original thread.


Aubrey, have you gotten ahold of the midwife? What does she say?

Edited by Saille
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Well' date=' some of us did mention that the ER would likely be unhelpful....but she had already left. You can't just show up at OB. You have to be sent by your doctor or the ER. She really didn't have a good option in the absence of a regular care provider (which is why she posted in the first place).


Anyways, this ER went beyond even what I have ever experienced. Who could have known they would make her stand naked and bleeding and then verbally abuse her? Who could have known they would leave a flippin IV in her arm? There is absolutely no excuse for it under any circumstances.[/quote']


Don't be defensive--it means a lot to me that L2D said this. Do you know what it was like to sit at my desk in shell-shock at 5 this morning & read the rest of the replies that said the ER might be unhelpful? The worst was the one that described my symptoms & my ER treatment w/ the conclusion that she then "delivered baby in toilet." *Not* what I wanted to hear.


Unless I'd had a computer at the ER, lol, then it would have been like going in w/ a virtual army. I knew I was sunk when dh had to leave.

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Well' date=' some of us did mention that the ER would likely be unhelpful....but she had already left. You can't just show up at OB. You have to be sent by your doctor or the ER. She really didn't have a good option in the absence of a regular care provider (which is why she posted in the first place).


Anyways, this ER went beyond even what I have ever experienced. Who could have known they would make her stand naked and bleeding and then verbally abuse her? Who could have known they would leave a flippin IV in her arm? There is absolutely no excuse for it under any circumstances.[/quote']


While any visit to the ER is never pleasant, even the one where I was told my baby had died in the womb was not like this. As someone who has experience many, many losses, and many trips to many different ERs, I have never seen, nor experienced anything like this. Unfortunately, most urgent care places are not equipped to assess a pregnant woman experiencing potential problems and if you are not insured, or do not have a dr, the ER is all that is left.


I have lived on both sides of the country and have not heard of places like this. My advice was based on my experience, [which as I stated above is extensive] Not having a whole lot of other options, I don't know what else she could have done.


So while I am so incredibly saddened and beyond outraged, [looking at airline tickets to Texas right now] I have to stand by my original assessment. 2nd trimester situations need to be addressed by a professional. Sadly, in this particular ER, no professionals were to be found.


Again, Aubrey, I am so sorry this happened to you. I do hope you are getting the care and reassurances you need.

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Don't be defensive--it means a lot to me that L2D said this. Do you know what it was like to sit at my desk in shell-shock at 5 this morning & read the rest of the replies that said the ER might be unhelpful? The worst was the one that described my symptoms & my ER treatment w/ the conclusion that she then "delivered baby in toilet." *Not* what I wanted to hear.


Unless I'd had a computer at the ER, lol, then it would have been like going in w/ a virtual army. I knew I was sunk when dh had to leave.



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They had to do paperwork, right? Maybe a call to the PRA would be enough to get you the information from the report, without you actually having to go back. Ultrasounds are too expensive for them not to do paperwork, plus there's the obvious liability issue. They must have written down what they saw somewhere.

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Originally Posted by Lovedtodeath

I have to speak up for sweet Aubrey here. I am very angry at us here on this board for saying this over and over in this thread instead of saying it yesterday when it may have helped her.



I was one that had a horrible ER experience. But my OB told me to go there. So, I wrote and erased several posts before she went. I think that, on a message board, one has to be VERY careful when telling someone NOT to seek treatment. Yes, she had a bad experience. What if she DIDN'T go based off of advice here, and something happened?


Aubrey, I just really hope and pray that everything is fine and you find someone that can help you.

Edited by snickelfritz
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Well' date=' some of us did mention that the ER would likely be unhelpful....but she had already left. You can't just show up at OB. You have to be sent by your doctor or the ER. She really didn't have a good option in the absence of a regular care provider (which is why she posted in the first place).


Anyways, this ER went beyond even what I have ever experienced. Who could have known they would make her stand naked and bleeding and then verbally abuse her? Who could have known they would leave a flippin IV in her arm? There is absolutely no excuse for it under any circumstances.[/quote']


None of us here could have possibly predicted such inhumane treatment by the medical staff at Aubrey's ER. I am completely dumbfounded by the experience myself. Here you cannot just walk into L&D; they will send you down to the ER.


Aubrey :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I am so, so sorry that this happened to you.

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I am so sorry.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: This was beyond negligent, and enters into the malicious realm. I do hope you contact the Patient Advocate when you are able, and perhaps an attorney. Nobody should ever go through that kind of nightmare.



Keeping prayers for you & your baby.

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ever again. I'm not sure if I can say more than that now, I'm shaking & crying so bad.


I'm "very pregnant." That's the diagnosis. They sent me home w/ the IV in my arm a few min ago--after 10 hours waiting.


That's the good part. And the baby's probably fine. Because, you know, it's in there.


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Don't be defensive--it means a lot to me that L2D said this. Do you know what it was like to sit at my desk in shell-shock at 5 this morning & read the rest of the replies that said the ER might be unhelpful? The worst was the one that described my symptoms & my ER treatment w/ the conclusion that she then "delivered baby in toilet." *Not* what I wanted to hear.


Unless I'd had a computer at the ER, lol, then it would have been like going in w/ a virtual army. I knew I was sunk when dh had to leave.



I am sorry for your experience. No ER in the US should be this bad. I would file a complaint at the minimum. I have been to a couple of different ERs and had wonderful experiences. Quick, kind service from caring doctor's and nurses. I also use a CNM for my babies, fwiw.

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Because they were so busy yelling at me for not having prenatal care before now, ridiculing the fact that I've used a mw, gaping at the gross error of not taking prenatal vitamins, telling me NEVER to come back there again because they wouldn't help me. Who has time to pull out an iv?

That makes me so mad!


Do they forget...WE are the customer!

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Seriously - call the Patient Advocacy rep.


For what it's worth, I am also in FW and have visited our local ER many times for my children, husband, and self and have NEVER been treated like that. My visits have always resulted in good care and respectful treatment.


What you experienced is NOT normal and it is NOT okay. Someone needs to hold the ER staff accountable for the horrendous treatment.



Agreeing. I would go out on a limb and say *most* ERs are pretty decent.

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Aubrey, I am very concerned about your situation. I also know that you are not fond of Dr.s and hospitals in the first place and that an experience like this is only going to make the situation worse. I am not terribly impressed with your MW response either. I would recommend that you contact The Birth Center in downtown Dallas. I know that it is a long way but the people there are good. Explain what has happened so far and see if they can help you. If they can't help you, ask them for a recommendation of someone who can.


Second of all, is there anyone in her area that can help her? Get her in where ever she needs to go? Be an advocate on her part to help her get in touch with a PA at the hospital and get the results of the work that was already done there (labs, u/s, etc.)? She needs a bulldog right now and short of that at least someone who can help her get in to get the care she needs NOW.

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Second of all, is there anyone in her area that can help her? Get her in where ever she needs to go? Be an advocate on her part to help her get in touch with a PA at the hospital and get the results of the work that was already done there (labs, u/s, etc.)? She needs a bulldog right now and short of that at least someone who can help her get in to get the care she needs NOW.


This bears repeating. Maybe it should be its own thread. I wish I was nearby.




(((Aubrey))) (((Aubrey's baby)))

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She should in NO WAY pay that bill.


I am on the east coast now. My neighbor was miscarrying. She went to the local hospital (a no no) because she was scared she couldn't make it to her hospital an hour away (we are in a small town). It was a horrible experience. The next day her dh took her to their hospital, and it was the difference between night and day.


I have a theory.... go to a church based hospital in these situations. They actually are there to help.

Edited by Susan C.
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How horrible and bizarre. It makes me thankful to live close to so many ERs. I have never had any experience close to that.


I would advise you, though, to get a doctor or midwife that can be reached in times of distress. Many doctors reduce rates if you don't have insurance, and in those cases you would be paying as much as you would pay if you had insurance. It beats the ER every time.


It helps immensely if there is communication between hospitals and doctors. I'm not excusing the ER treatment of you, in fact it really has nothing to do with the ER experience.

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