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I would like some Christian perspective on Wizards of Waverly Place...

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Do you allow it or not? This can be about any Disney shows. Please feel free to list scripture references. If you have stopped allowing your dc to watch some things, how did you explain it to them? I didn't realize my dd was watching this on the computer. I've watched it a little and did not like what I saw. On one hand, I remember being exposed to magic and spells through children's literature. On the other hand, this seems different. Maybe it's just the rotten kids attidude. I don't know. Sometimes, I feel like the only mom in the world who limits her childs viewing.

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I have to admit, I like this show. I do let my older kids watch it. I was worried about the attitude too. But, in this show, the parents are very involved and there are consequences for bad behavior. And, when push comes to shove, their family comes first.


Maybe I shouldn't let them watch. I don't know. The boys and I have talked a LOT about why I was/am worried about it. We watch it together. It's been a great conversation starter!

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As far as the magic goes...I don't care. The kids know it's pretend. I don't like the attitude, but WoW is one the kids do watch from time to time. It was actually by accident. They started watching it because my sister (she just turned 12) watches it. I watch it with them most of the time. The only other disney show they watch is Phineas and Ferb and I admit I like that one :). I do limit shows though. Wizards pushes my boundaries as far as I'm comfortable going.

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I refuse to let the kids watch most Disney shows. Too many of them have smart mouthed kids and clueless parents.


:iagree: I also don't let them watch Disney because of the way they exploit the kids on there. DH and I were just talking about the girl from another show who had a breakdown during the Jonas Brother's tour. She just got out of rehab. It seems like every star they have on there comes away with some serious issues. So, we don't support Disney because of that.

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We do not allow that show and it isn't because of the magic or whatever they do. It is because those kids are so nasty to each other and smart-mouthed and disrespectful. I don't have a problem with harmless fantasy and my kids know that kind of thing is make believe, but I do have a problem with attitude and snarky comments and just plain mean-spirited nastiness to siblings and others.

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Disney shows grate my nerves too. My biggest issue is all of the dating. It drives me crazy. Zack & Cody are like 9 or 10 years old lusting after girls. It's so stupid and I hate the message it sends, having a strong emphasis on love relationships so young. Wizards is the same way imho.




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Disney shows grate my nerves too. My biggest issue is all of the dating. It drives me crazy. Zack & Cody are like 9 or 10 years old lusting after girls. It's so stupid and I hate the message it sends, having a strong emphasis on love relationships so young. Wizards is the same way imho.







We don't allow any of the Disney shows geared toward tweens b/c of this reason.

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I have to admit, I like this show. I do let my older kids watch it. I was worried about the attitude too. But, in this show, the parents are very involved and there are consequences for bad behavior. And, when push comes to shove, their family comes first.


Maybe I shouldn't let them watch. I don't know. The boys and I have talked a LOT about why I was/am worried about it. We watch it together. It's been a great conversation starter!



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We have not allowed any of the disney or nick tween type shows either for the same reasons as others listed: the attitudes, disrespect, and the boy/girl pairing up focus. Plus, I think once the kids are hooked on the show's character then it leads that kid to follow that character's career. I know some young girls that were all about Hannah Montana and have followed her into her music career and then the moms got upset with some of her latest stuff. Brittany Spears and Lindsay Lohan are other examples of this. Strangely enough though we let dd watch Star Trek (& some of the variations), an adult show. I prefer a number of the adult shows to the tweeny shows.

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I let my kid watch a lot. We are pretty loose. But I don't let him watch most things on Disney. My biggest answer is "because it's crap" and I can find him something better to watch.


I don't like the attitudes. I don't like the messages. I don't like the Disney machine. And we've had a number of talks about the 'machine' and how they promote/use child stars and singers.

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We don't do cable at all for many reasons. However they have watched WOW at my Aunts house while she was babysitting for me. dd12 told me after the fact and I used this as a great teaching moment so I did a bit of scripture research so I could biblically back up my feelings about it. I found SEVERAL but the ones that stuck with me the most where these...


Ephesians 6:11-12 (King James Version)




11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.





Deuteronomy 18:9-12 (King James Version)




9When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

10There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

11Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.





you can

2 Kings 21:6; Micah 5:12; Isaiah 47:12; Ezekiel 13:18, 20; Acts 8:11-24; Leviticus 20:27; Exodus 7:11; Revelation 9:21; 22:15 to namea few.

I try not to be to uptight about things that are "make believe" but I do choose to gaurd them from things that I have personal convictions about. I know they get sick of me saying "we are IN the world not OF the world" but there are plenty of other quality shows or books we can watch and read. It's really hard sometimes to be the "bad guy" here but I think they will thank me for it later in life (I hope)

dd12 has been begging me to let her read twilight and I just haven't been able to give her the go-ahead (it being about vampires and all) but I am considering doing my homework a bit here and seeing what I come up with because she just will.not.drop.it. ugh!

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:iagree: Most Nick shows are just plain corny/stupid, and Disney is way too snarky, generally parents are portrayed as idiots. My kids take spells watching it though, but THEY get tired of all the re-runs and they turn it off. But I can tell when they are watching Disney, I get more attitude, back talk, and sassy mouth.


BUT, in our house we LOVE Phineas and Ferb! Perry the Platypus RULES!...any platypus for that matter!

Edited by Cornerstone Classical
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We don't do WoW because of the supernatural aspect.


I am fine with fairy-tale magic, since it is usually made very clear that those things take place in another made-up world where the rules are different. However, I'm not comfortable with stories or shows that portray magic very directly as people in this world drawing on supernatural powers. To me that comes too close to what the Bible condemns as the practice of spiritism. It may seem like splitting hairs, but to me there is a difference.


It sounds like though, if I ever did let the supernatural aspect pass, I probably wouldn't like the kids' behavior anyway!

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Wow! Lots of different opinions. I knew there would be. I haven't made my decision yet, but I'm leaning towards "no". Dd is quite impressionable and will parrot what she hears on tv. I also have issues w/ the supernatural aspect of it. I will probably watch some more of the show. I don't believe "magic" is fake though. I believe that there are very real dark powers at work in the world.

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I let the kids watch WoW and the shows on the regular Disney channel. But many shows on Disney XD, and on Nick, are just not something I want my kids watching. Most especially my 7 year old DS, as he picks up bad/snarky attitude from these shows.


Many shows I have a lock on, so any time it comes on, the cable box locks it up and requires a pin to watch it. Some of the shows are iCarly, Zeke and Luther, Kick Buttowski, and many others. I'm pretty lenient about shows, such as I will let my kids watch SpongeBob. But something about these other shows is just not appropriate for my kids. Especially the 7th year old.

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I just asked my kids if they watch it and they said, "No Mom, remember, you told us not to." :lol:


I think it had to do with walking in and seeing a dating/kissing reference as well as them being rude to each other.


The magic part doesn't bother me, although I admit I haven't seen it on that show.


I hate Zach and Cody, but I do let them watch it, I just talk to them a lot about it. My youngest son loves that show.


My older 2 boys really don't watch TV and don't care to. They are more into gaming/computer/Wii stuff.



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I actually tried to read the Twilight book. I couldn't do it! It seemed like a lot of drivel, teen angst, and Emo "woe is me" attitude over and over throughout the book. That alone was about to drive me over the edge. I am certainly NOT their target audience!


However, if you are really concerned, I would read it yourself first and then allow her to read it.


I have allowed my kids to read Harry Potter and really haven't had too much of an issue with it, although it sounds like you are more conservative than I am.




We don't do cable at all for many reasons. However they have watched WOW at my Aunts house while she was babysitting for me. dd12 told me after the fact and I used this as a great teaching moment so I did a bit of scripture research so I could biblically back up my feelings about it. I found SEVERAL but the ones that stuck with me the most where these...






you can

2 Kings 21:6; Micah 5:12; Isaiah 47:12; Ezekiel 13:18, 20; Acts 8:11-24; Leviticus 20:27; Exodus 7:11; Revelation 9:21; 22:15 to namea few.

I try not to be to uptight about things that are "make believe" but I do choose to gaurd them from things that I have personal convictions about. I know they get sick of me saying "we are IN the world not OF the world" but there are plenty of other quality shows or books we can watch and read. It's really hard sometimes to be the "bad guy" here but I think they will thank me for it later in life (I hope)

dd12 has been begging me to let her read twilight and I just haven't been able to give her the go-ahead (it being about vampires and all) but I am considering doing my homework a bit here and seeing what I come up with because she just will.not.drop.it. ugh!

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dd12 has been begging me to let her read twilight and I just haven't been able to give her the go-ahead (it being about vampires and all) but I am considering doing my homework a bit here and seeing what I come up with because she just will.not.drop.it. ugh!


As a reader of Twilight...I would NOT let my dd12 read it. There is just so much 'ilk' and the relationship between Bella and Edward is NOT healthy. I love the books...love love love them. However, there is no way I'd let my young daughter read them. I would encourage you to read them ALL before making the decision. JMO. :001_smile:




Okay, messed that quote up...this is for MichelleC

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A few years back I read What's a Christian to Do with Harry Potter by Connie Neal. If you can find a copy, it might be helpful for thinking through where you will draw the line for your family.


The gist of the book is that stories involving fantasy, magic, etc are similar to meat sacrificed to idols. An absolute stumbling block to some and a non-issue to others. It being fine/forbidden for one doesn't make it so for everyone and Christians should refrain from beating each other up about which choice applies. (I'm assuming that the actors in the show are not claiming to be actual witches in real life.)


But the book also goes on from HP to discuss other books like The Wizard of Oz and Narnia. So I think that you might find it useful to think through if this particular show is a non-starter, if any book or show with magic is, or if there are shades of graduation of what you will tolerate.


NB: The book was published in 2001, so the author did have to speculate on where the series would end up.


Update: I haven't read this book: Wizards, Wardrobes and Wookiees. It is by the same author and is more recent. It sounds like it is a little more general and might be even more helpful to thinking through the issues that the title I mentioned above.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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I refuse to let the kids watch most Disney shows. Too many of them have smart mouthed kids and clueless parents.


We do not allow that show and it isn't because of the magic or whatever they do. It is because those kids are so nasty to each other and smart-mouthed and disrespectful. I don't have a problem with harmless fantasy and my kids know that kind of thing is make believe, but I do have a problem with attitude and snarky comments and just plain mean-spirited nastiness to siblings and others.




I had no problem with Hannah Montana and That's so Raven. The parents in those shows are involved, not stupid, and the kids ALWAYS get caught and are dealt with. Selena Gomez is the epitome of "mean girl" in WoW, and I don't understand why her "parents" allow it. She reminds me of Darlene on Rosanne. As a parent, I don't think kids should be allowed to act that way, and it bothers me that Disney thinks that's "normal."

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Disney shows grate my nerves too. My biggest issue is all of the dating. It drives me crazy. Zack & Cody are like 9 or 10 years old lusting after girls. It's so stupid and I hate the message it sends, having a strong emphasis on love relationships so young. Wizards is the same way imho.






:iagree: and I agree with many other pps concerning behaviors and attitudes portrayed on these shows.

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