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"Must-watch" "adult" movies

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First time I have done the double quotes like that. I pictured air quotes in my mind.

"Must-watch" in quotes, because really, there isn't anything one has to watch.

"Adult" in quotes, because I don't mean that kind of adult! I mean movies that we wouldn't necessarily let young children watch.


For me, the following movies are "must-see" for adults and older/mature children:


Schindler's List

American History X

Saving Private Ryan

The Patriot




How about you?

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We're pretty liberal with what we allow ds to watch. He's watched a few you had listed. Some I'm choosing to hold off because of theme, but some we've watched and spent time discussing.




Hotel Rwanda - I did let ds watch this.


Blood Diamond - the violence may be over the top for some, but it's very thought provoking.


Moon - watched this for a 2nd time with dh last night. The point of the film is too subtle for ds to fully appreciate. Will do a study on this film in a few years.


Agree on LOTR, and we've let ds watch them all too.

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What do other parents find opposable about it?


They are PG-13 for a reason. There are some very scary parts, and lots of violence. My 5yo doesn't need to watch people's severed head being catapulted. My policy is that they need to read the books before they can watch these particular movies.

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They are PG-13 for a reason. There are some very scary parts, and lots of violence. My 5yo doesn't need to watch people's severed head being catapulted. My policy is that they need to read the books before they can watch these particular movies.


Well sure, but what about a teenager?

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We Were Soldiers Once, and Young

The Stoning of Soraya M

Sophie Scholl

The Passion of the Christ

Mugabe and the White African

Million Dollar Baby

The Lion in Winter (1968 version)

Lawrence of Arabia

The Pianist


Paths of Glory

Hanoi Hilton

Tale of Two Cities (1958 version)

Henry V

Julius Caesar (1970 version)

Titus Andronicus

Richard III


The kids do watch some of these, but many are for the older age group.

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My favorite movie of all time!



I think you will like A Very Long Engagement if you like Amelie. Same director, and both star Audrey Tautou.


My kids watch LOTR. They know it's fantasy, so they don't care about the violence. They've also all read the books or listened to it on CD, so none of the violence was surprising.

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Well, off the top of my head:

Ganz's Napoleon

City Lights

12 Angry Men


Seven Samurai

Lawrence of Arabia

Apu Trilogy

Wages of Fear

Thin Blue Line

Some Like it Hot

7 Up, 14 Up, 21 Up, etc

The Shining

Singing in the Rain

Rear Window

Triumph of the Will

Paths of Glory


Brief Encounter

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser


Loneliness of a Long-Distance Runner

The Lady Killers (1959)

Mean Streets

Blood Wedding (the dance one)

Blood Simple

Dr. Strangelove

Truly, Madly, Deeply

All of Chaplin, Errol Morris, Hitchcock, and Mike Leigh

The Front Page,

and in honor of my father's favourite movie: It Happened One Night

Edited by kalanamak
forgot hitchcock
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I love these types of threads... I always get such good movie rec's from them, lol!


A few that I haven't seen yet that make my list:

V for Vendetta

Chronicles of Riddick (probably weird, but DH and I love this one for the conversations it starts on perceptions!)


PS I Love You

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we watched the movie "the changeling" last night and it was incredible. For one, its a TRUE story, (and its one of those that you'd never consider believable if it wasn't!!!) and it really paints an interesting picture of the 1920s. An incredible film.

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Okay, posting quick with no time to look up the titles but I will add two by description:


The one with Robin Williams playing.... Wait, I remember, Jacov the Liar.


The one about the elderly man who cannot drive so takes his tractor cross country to see his dying brother.... Long something???




The Ghost and the Darkness

Patch Adams

The Big Chill


So many great titles already listed! Forget about your funny quotation marks, great thread!

Edited by AuntieM
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Apocalypse Now- My favorite film.

Ran-Kurosawa-Japanese version of King Lear

The Godfather

Mr Smith Goes to Washington

Dr Strangelove

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Life is Beautiful

Midnight Cowboy

And the Band Played On

My Left Foot-deserved to win every Oscar award possible. The story of Christy Brown. If you have not seen this you should.

Lawrence of Arabia

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Mississippi Burning

The Pawnbroker

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Thought of some more:


The Deer Hunter

Ordinary People

Cinderella Man


A Beautiful Mind

The Elephant Man

Slumdog Millionaire


Blade Runner

Night of the Hunter

The Cider House Rules

Rain Man

Edited by Mejane
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I love these types of threads... I always get such good movie rec's from them, lol!


PS I Love You


This is probably the saddest movie ever....my eyes were so swollen from crying so much!


Last of the Mohicans/with Daniel Day Lewis

Legends of the Fall/with Brad Pitt

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The only one I haven't seen already listed is:




The one available on DVD is R-rated; it's a director's cut that has a nudity scene that none of us saw when we were in college. The scene actually helps explain something that didn't make a lot of sense in the original release.


And since it seems the lists aren't just including movies that are "must-see" because they're Important, but also "must-see" because they're Fun, I'll also add:


Up in the Air

A History of Violence

Jerry Maguire


I love those movies but wouldn't want my teens to see them. :)

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We don't do a lot of tv here. I am over the top strict on what my kids are allowed to watch.


Movies that I love though (sorry if some are mentioned already)


How to make an American Quilt

Inventing the Abbots

Fargo (though it was a bit to dark for me it was still pretty good)

Fireproof (I did let my 12 year old watch this)

Dead Man walking

Left behind (thought I did let my 12 & 9 year olds watch this)

Good Will Hunting

With Honors

10 commandments (I let all my dd's watch this)

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They are PG-13 for a reason. There are some very scary parts, and lots of violence. My 5yo doesn't need to watch people's severed head being catapulted. My policy is that they need to read the books before they can watch these particular movies.


You know the scariest part for my kids is the scene with Sheila. A battle scene is one thing, but having Frodo tracked by a giant spider is something else.

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