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Westboro Baptist Church on NPR.

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I simply cannot understand how these people sleep at night.


This quote from the "church" spokeswoman ...


"Our job is laid out," she says, in comments sprinkled with biblical references. "We are supposed to blind their eyes, stop up their ears and harden their hearts so that they cannot see, hear or understand, and be converted and receive salvation."


But then, according to a writer for the Tulsa World:


"They have a very well-respected law firm in Topeka," Sherman says. "People in town said, 'Well, we don't like them, but if we want to win a case, we'll go to them."


Why would the people of Topeka use them if they know their fees are paying these people to picket funerals for the purpose of causing people to reject God and go to h***?


But here's my favorite quote from the article:


"Westboro Baptist Church is an organization that essentially has no friends whatsoever on the far right, the far left or anyplace in between," Potok says


Amen to that!

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I simply cannot understand how these people sleep at night.


This quote from the "church" spokeswoman ...


"Our job is laid out," she says, in comments sprinkled with biblical references. "We are supposed to blind their eyes, stop up their ears and harden their hearts so that they cannot see, hear or understand, and be converted and receive salvation."



Can you give a link to this? This goes against pretty much every traditional Christian teaching across the denominations. That is not our job, that is God's job. We are to share the Gospel, not toss condemnation and block their way by causing ANYONE to stumble.

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Can you give a link to this? This goes against pretty much every traditional Christian teaching across the denominations. That is not our job, that is God's job. We are to share the Gospel, not toss condemnation and block their way by causing ANYONE to stumble.


Yep. Here's the link: http://www.npr.org/2011/03/02/134198937/a-peek-inside-the-westboro-baptist-church?ps=cprs


I heard it on NPR last night and this morning too. I was thankful that they made it clear that these people have NO friends - on the right, or the left.

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I cannot tell you how much seeing these nutcases sa funerals breaks my heart. Their logic is so flawed I am amazed so many follow such quacks, but the pain they cause to military families......

I understand free speech - but to me this crosses the line to hate speech, and only because of political correctness (and the military famlies being left to fend for themselves) is this not stopped. If this was happening at the funeral of a muslim or a person with an alternative lifestyle they would have already been stopped. And - I am opposed to this at funerals for ANY reason.

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I cannot tell you how much seeing these nutcases sa funerals breaks my heart. Their logic is so flawed I am amazed so many follow such quacks, but the pain they cause to military families......

I understand free speech - but to me this crosses the line to hate speech, and only because of political correctness (and the military famlies being left to fend for themselves) is this not stopped. If this was happening at the funeral of a muslim or a person with an alternative lifestyle they would have already been stopped. And - I am opposed to this at funerals for ANY reason.


I was so sad for the father of the Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder who was killed in Iraq. He sued the group for intentional infliction of emotional distress. A jury awarded him $5 million, but the Supreme Court set aside the verdict. Justice Samuel Alito was the lone dissenter.


I understand the absolute need to uphold the First Amendment, but I think this crosses a line.


Here's the link for that story: http://www.npr.org/2011/03/02/134194491/high-court-rules-for-military-funeral-protesters?ps=rs

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" They picket funerals to make people angry, she says: They want people to reject God and be condemned to hell. "


What the @*($*&????? I do not understand. I don't get it. If you're going to use scripture as justification at least have some clue about the scriptures before you start. Does God want people condemned to hell? Nope - that would be the other guy - hello??


More than anything I hate it that they actually get attention for this.

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Maybe if we just ignore them, they will go away. Maybe if the media refuse to cover their protests and interview them, they will go away.


like I said in the Supreme Court ruling thread, when we (collective we) quit watching, the media will quit covering.


That's the thing..sensationalism sells advertising dollars, which still directs our main stream media. Why do you think so much coverage has been given to Charlie Sheen lately?

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I am convinced Fred Phelps is a closeted homosexual. Because of this, his life's mission is to prove that he is not a homosexual by relating everything in the world with evil homosexuality (hence the name of his website, "godhatesf...).


His "klan" will protest anything and everything under the sun with the most twisted logic. Before they got the idea to protest military funerals (I believe the Phelps' logic behind this is that America is sinful and accepts homosexuality and thus, its military is evil), they would protest things like a play starring a Canadian actor because Canada permits gay marriage. I am not kidding. And they start the indoctrination very early. They have no problem with toddlers holding up their hateful signs.


I can understand the disappointment behind the court's ruling but I can understand why they made that ruling. Plus, this allows for the possibility of people going to Freddy's funeral and celebrating. I mean, if they wanted to. (Although I believe that really the best thing to do is ignore them and not feed into their attention-whore ways). But wouldn't it be nice to give them a taste of their own medicine? If only that wouldn't make them feel even more like martyrs.

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They are sick individuals who have been blinded, deafened, and their hearts have been hardened to believe that they are doing God's work. They are instruments of darkness. It's just sad.




Maybe if we just ignore them, they will go away. Maybe if the media refuse to cover their protests and interview them, they will go away.



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I am convinced Fred Phelps is a closeted homosexual. Because of this, his life's mission is to prove that he is not a homosexual by relating everything in the world with evil homosexuality (hence the name of his website, "godhatesf...).




If not gay, certainly someone who is so fallen he must focus his gaze elsewhere for fear of taking a good look in the mirror. He's certainly in good company with Bakker, Swaggart, Haggard and others of that ilk. :glare:

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I don't understand how they can afford to picket. It's a small church, or so I think. Surely they have jobs. How do they afford the gas and hotel rooms. Do you think they are getting donations from others, or what?


They are a family of attorneys that make their living suing other people. Since they are a "church", I'm sure there are tax breaks and such as well.

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I don't understand how they can afford to picket. It's a small church, or so I think. Surely they have jobs. How do they afford the gas and hotel rooms. Do you think they are getting donations from others, or what?


Here's a quote from the article I linked earlier.


"They have a very well-respected law firm in Topeka," Sherman says. "People in town said, 'Well, we don't like them, but if we want to win a case, we'll go to them.' "


Church spokeswoman Phelps-Roper says their booming employment and family law practice pays the bills for their travels across the country, when they shout their anti-gay message. They travel in vans to keep down the costs, which she says can add up to $200,000 a year.


Do they have secret contributors? Phelps-Roper is adamant they do not.


"We all work, and we all pay our own way," she says. "We don't ask for anything from anyone, and we don't take anything from anyone."


The protests are in themselves a source of some income, according to Potok. Over the years the Phelpses have filed lawsuits against communities that try to stop them from demonstrating.


"And as a general matter they have won," he says. "They know their First Amendment rights very well, and they've been very good at defending them."


When they win, they often receive tens of thousands of dollars in court fees. And their winning streak is likely to continue, now that the Supreme Court has decided that Westboro's right to free speech trumps the right of families to bury their loved ones undisturbed."


So people hire them as lawyers. And, they sue communities when the communities protest their sludge. Yuck, yuck, and triple yuck.

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Here's a quote from the article I linked earlier.


"They have a very well-respected law firm in Topeka," Sherman says. "People in town said, 'Well, we don't like them, but if we want to win a case, we'll go to them.' "


Church spokeswoman Phelps-Roper says their booming employment and family law practice pays the bills for their travels across the country, when they shout their anti-gay message. They travel in vans to keep down the costs, which she says can add up to $200,000 a year.


Do they have secret contributors? Phelps-Roper is adamant they do not.


"We all work, and we all pay our own way," she says. "We don't ask for anything from anyone, and we don't take anything from anyone."


The protests are in themselves a source of some income, according to Potok. Over the years the Phelpses have filed lawsuits against communities that try to stop them from demonstrating.


"And as a general matter they have won," he says. "They know their First Amendment rights very well, and they've been very good at defending them."


When they win, they often receive tens of thousands of dollars in court fees. And their winning streak is likely to continue, now that the Supreme Court has decided that Westboro's right to free speech trumps the right of families to bury their loved ones undisturbed."


So people hire them as lawyers. And, they sue communities when the communities protest their sludge. Yuck, yuck, and triple yuck.


They are nasty nasty con artists - shysters.... Nothing remotely christian or any recognizable religion unless its the church of selfishness and greed.

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Yep. Here's the link: http://www.npr.org/2011/03/02/134198937/a-peek-inside-the-westboro-baptist-church?ps=cprs


I heard it on NPR last night and this morning too. I was thankful that they made it clear that these people have NO friends - on the right, or the left.


You realize they probably interpret that fact to mean that they are right. They probably take that one scripture about being persecuted for His name's sake and thin they are meeting their end of the bargain?

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These people came and picketed at my church one Sunday. Their signs are disgusting!!! My dh tried to talk with them and they just kept shouting (my dh is an Episcopal priest and was wearing a cassock. They accused him of wearing a dress and called him a F#$!!) Anyway, what really got them angry was when a woman from our church stood on the steps of our church and laughed. Just laughed. I don't think they knew what to do with that!!!

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So much for personal integrity. :glare:


We don't live too far from Topeka, same regional area. The greater majority of people in that area are absolutely disgusted by their behavior. I seriously doubt "well-respected law firm" is anyway to describe how most Kansas residents think of him. If fact it's quite laughable. The quotes make it sound as if people in this area condone this type of behavior, they don't.


I hope they don't die hungry, because I've heard they don't serve breakfast in hell.

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We don't live too far from Topeka, same regional area. The greater majority of people in that area are absolutely disgusted by their behavior. I seriously doubt "well-respected law firm" is anyway to describe how most Kansas residents think of him. If fact it's quite laughable. The quotes make it sound as if people in this area condone this type of behavior, they don't.


I hope they don't die hungry, because I've heard they don't serve breakfast in hell.



Breakfast I can do without. But... if I'm wrong and there is a hell, when I go there, the first thing I'm going to do is barter with a demon for front row tickets to the Westboro comeuppance show. :D

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We don't live too far from Topeka, same regional area. The greater majority of people in that area are absolutely disgusted by their behavior. I seriously doubt "well-respected law firm" is anyway to describe how most Kansas residents think of him. If fact it's quite laughable. The quotes make it sound as if people in this area condone this type of behavior, they don't.




I'm relieved to hear that. Thanks, Paula.

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I understand free speech - but to me this crosses the line to hate speech, .


They are simply human vermin, but hate speech is free speech and it must be recognized as such.


I issue comes when the definition of hate speech is changed to the point where such a definition becomes a means of controlling what people say.


Europe and I believe Canada have started this game and the truth is that in many places in Europe the right to free speech has effectively been eliminated.


Freedom means that scum such as the Westboro adherents can spew their hatred but also means that you and I can still express our opinions,


God save us from what has happened in Europe.

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. Before they got the idea to protest military funerals (I believe the Phelps' logic behind this is that America is sinful and accepts homosexuality and thus, its military is evil), they would protest things like a play starring a Canadian actor because Canada permits gay marriage.


They used to protest at the Catholic churches in Topeka on a rotating basis, since the Catholic Church is a f@g church, you know. (They may have protested outside other sorts of churches, I don't know). We saw them once when we visited my brother-in-law's parish, and they were protesting across the street while the first communicants were lining up outside to process in. They were there on a regular basis.


They recently protested at our parish and all churches of all denominations in the same town. The reason? It was the "birthplace of the Patriot Guard."


They are equal opportunity offenders.

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Then there is this from the UK




From the article: -Judge Riddle said the ceasefire at 11am on 11 November 1918 had "huge significance" for Britain and marked the end of a "terrible war".

He added: "Against that background, interrupting the two minutes' silence by chanting 'British soldiers burn in hell', followed by the burning of poppies, is behaviour that is bound to be seen as insulting."

The court was previously told that the grandson of a World War II soldier felt "sick inside" as Muslim extremists burned replica poppies.......


......About 20 men at the demonstration joined in with shouts of: "Burn, burn, British soldiers, British soldiers, burn in hell."

The crowd continued: "British soldiers - murderers, British soldiers - rapists, British soldiers - terrorists."

Edited by pqr
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I don't understand how they can afford to picket. It's a small church, or so I think. Surely they have jobs. How do they afford the gas and hotel rooms. Do you think they are getting donations from others, or what?

This is all just so weird, and makes christianity look so bad because it is so antichristian and unbiblical, that you have to wonder who is putting up the bill to promote this. These are certainly not people who actually love God or love others. I doubt any of them have even ever read the entire Bible.

It's really to strange for words. The whole thing is insane.

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I understand free speech - but to me this crosses the line to hate speech, and only because of political correctness (and the military famlies being left to fend for themselves) is this not stopped. If this was happening at the funeral of a muslim or a person with an alternative lifestyle they would have already been stopped. And - I am opposed to this at funerals for ANY reason.

:iagree: Yes, I don't think this is about free speech. We don't have free speech for the purpose of telling people we hate them or God hates them. This should be stopped. It needs to be made illegal. The expression of ideas is one thing but interrupting someone's private event, such as a funeral, with a hateful demonstration is something else completely. They should all be arrested.

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They are simply human vermin, but hate speech is free speech and it must be recognized as such.


I issue comes when the definition of hate speech is changed to the point where such a definition becomes a means of controlling what people say.


Europe and I believe Canada have started this game and the truth is that in many places in Europe the right to free speech has effectively been eliminated.


Freedom means that scum such as the Westboro adherents can spew their hatred but also means that you and I can still express our opinions,


God save us from what has happened in Europe.

The sad thing is when a society is so stupid that they cannot across the board know the difference between "free speech" for the purpose of debating legitimate ideas and "hate". One of the problems is calling anyone with a different view, as being hateful, when they are not. That's been expressed right here on this board. If we could differentiate between the two then we could eliminate this type of thing without doing away with legitimate free speech. If only things were so simple and people were reasonable. :glare:

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I heard an interview Sunday morning and was just appalled at what their attorney was spewing. (She's the pastor's daughter.) The icing on the cake was her answer to..what's worse: American soldiers or Al Queda members? Yup, you guessed the answer. American soldiers are only fighting to uphold sin. I wanted to vomit.


This is NOT Christianity. Not biblical. Not anything remotely close to what I believe.


They have a lot to answer for.

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They are sick individuals who have been blinded, deafened, and their hearts have been hardened to believe that they are doing God's work. They are instruments of darkness. It's just sad.

That is exactly what my grandmother and I said after seeing them on the news the other night. With tears in my eyes, I just shook my head. Satan is certainly good at what he does-and yet he is clearly losing since so many out there can see them for what they are. I am just afraid that non-believers will think this is what Christians are like and be turned against our religion. It was ironic that I had read that day a scripture from Ephesians that spoke of telling the truth in love. They are so far from that mandate, it is sickening. It is true God hates homosexual acts (not homosexuals) and it is also true he loves us all and wants us all to come to him. How can they be so blind? They are not Christians.



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I heard an interview Sunday morning and was just appalled at what their attorney was spewing. (She's the pastor's daughter.) The icing on the cake was her answer to..what's worse: American soldiers or Al Queda members? Yup, you guessed the answer. American soldiers are only fighting to uphold sin. I wanted to vomit.


This is NOT Christianity. Not biblical. Not anything remotely close to what I believe.


They have a lot to answer for.

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They used to protest at the Catholic churches in Topeka on a rotating basis, since the Catholic Church is a f@g church, you know. (They may have protested outside other sorts of churches, I don't know). We saw them once when we visited my brother-in-law's parish, and they were protesting across the street while the first communicants were lining up outside to process in. They were there on a regular basis.


They recently protested at our parish and all churches of all denominations in the same town. The reason? It was the "birthplace of the Patriot Guard."


They are equal opportunity offenders.


Don't these people have jobs???? Where do they get their money? I mean, it takes a lot of money to travel all over protesting--time away from work, home, etc. Where does their support come from?

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Don't these people have jobs???? Where do they get their money? I mean, it takes a lot of money to travel all over protesting--time away from work, home, etc. Where does their support come from?


They make their money from suing people. Most of the cases are settled out of court, with WBC getting some money in the process.

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This is all just so weird, and makes christianity look so bad because it is so antichristian and unbiblical, that you have to wonder who is putting up the bill to promote this. These are certainly not people who actually love God or love others. I doubt any of them have even ever read the entire Bible.

It's really to strange for words. The whole thing is insane.


This isn't about Christianity. Their "church" is pretty much their extended family with maybe a few other bigots in addition.

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I cannot tell you how much seeing these nutcases sa funerals breaks my heart. Their logic is so flawed I am amazed so many follow such quacks, but the pain they cause to military families......

I understand free speech - but to me this crosses the line to hate speech, and only because of political correctness (and the military famlies being left to fend for themselves) is this not stopped. If this was happening at the funeral of a muslim or a person with an alternative lifestyle they would have already been stopped. And - I am opposed to this at funerals for ANY reason.


Um, their signs are all about gays, though they use a derogatory term instead. They picket at military funerals partly because of the military's former "Don't ask, don't tell" policy was too liberal for them.


It's about free speech. Society is free to pass laws giving a certain "bubble" of protection around funerals. This group abides strictly by the law.

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Um, their signs are all about gays, though they use a derogatory term instead. They picket at military funerals partly because of the military's former "Don't ask, don't tell" policy was too liberal for them.


It's about free speech. Society is free to pass laws giving a certain "bubble" of protection around funerals. This group abides strictly by the law.


Yes, totally. It all started and continues to be about homosexuality. Their website, which has been up forever (long before their idea to picket military funerals) is named "godhatesf***"

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If this was happening at the funeral of a muslim or a person with an alternative lifestyle they would have already been stopped. And - I am opposed to this at funerals for ANY reason.


Oh, I missed this before. WBC's first funeral protests were the funerals of homosexuals. They protested Coretta Scott King's funeral. They stage protests *daily* in Kansas (their home base). They protest rock concerts, football games, ComicCon, plays, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, lots of places and events. They even picketed a store that sold Swedish-made vacuum cleaners when they were upset at Sweden's government. If you doubted for one second that even the extreme-left hates these people,

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