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Help me find a Biblical/Hebrew name for a girl

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I always cringe when I hear of little girls named "Dorcas."


Do you hear this a lot? You know, in all my 42 years I've never met anyone named Dorcas. (I've met a few named Doris though.) I think Dorcas sort of sounds like a boys name in a way.


Anyway, I vote for Miriam. No matter what it means, I still think it sounds really, really pretty. :)

Edited by Swirl
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Thank you all! My husband and I agree: It will be Aholibamah!




















No, really! It's been helpful! Lovely suggestions, but some have already been picked by VERY near family members or close friends. Our list expanded from 'just' Miriam, to:


Miriam - Not sure about the 6 letters, it might look odd when I write down all our names. Or maybe it's just me being strange.

Julia - Very cute

Rebekah - I know, a 'B', but it is cute. I'm just worried people might think we have a 'theme' going on with all the B's...or is it again me being strange?

Leah - Love the name, don't like the meaning one bit.

Joannah - Very nice!

Lydia - Love it!


So it's down to six names.

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Do you hear this a lot? You know, in all my 42 years I've never met anyone named Dorcas. (I've met a few named Doris though.) I think Dorcas sort of sounds like a boys name in a way.


Anyway, I vote for Miriam. No matter what it means, I still think it sounds really, really pretty. :)


I've known several. I always chalked it up to the fact that I'm in New England, and I think of "Dorcas" as an old, Puritanical, New England-type name. I also know someone in our dog club who formed some sort of a non-profit relief organization called "Dorcas' Aprons" or somesuch. I don't know much about it, other than the name, which always grates on me. ;)


One "Dorcas" I knew was a 7th grade girl, overweight and kind of a lost soul, who was so embarrassed by her name that she refused to answer to it. Sad.



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What do you all think of Dorcas? I know it's 6 letters...


I have never liked that name because I remember kids calling the "not so cool" kids "Dorkus!" Meaning - dork. I think it is just the sound of the name that makes me think it would be setting a kid up for ridicule.


The names I love are:



Rebecca ('cause it is my name :)) or Rebekah

Ariel (my friend's dh is named Ariel and it is pronounced R-E-L...he is Jewish)




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Weighing in late, but I think I need to thank you for the timely post. :iagree:


We just found out this one is a girl and finding a biblical and/or Hebrew name with good meaning for a little girl is getting harder & harder. Lots of good suggestions.


Our favorites (in order of our daughters, oldest to youngest)


Ana (Anna) though ours is actually Briana



Rebecca (Rebekah)



Daniella - a variation of Daniel.


My DD would like to add that no one mentioned:


Tzipporah (Zipporah, anglicized) - one of her favorite names.


Now I can forward my new list on to DH. :D








And we all liked Jerusha, but I just know DH won't go for that one.


I also like Mikaiah - a feminine form of Michael.

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Thank you all! My husband and I agree: It will be Aholibamah!



:lol: :lol: :lol:


Poor Aholibamah! (which could legitimately be transliterated as "Oholivama" or "Oholivamah" and thereby avoiding the dreaded "B" :tongue_smilie:).


Even she was forced to change her name to "Judith."


I think Oholivamah is a sweet name. You could call her "Olive", which (I think we can all agree) is a better nick-name than "Dork."


Just saying :lol:



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Also, I love Engedi.


My beloved is unto me a cluster of henna-flowers In the vineyards of Engedi.


From Song of Solomon.


Even though there are many springs around the Dead Sea, most of them have a high salt content. En Gedi is one of only two fresh water springs located on the western shore of the Dead Sea and, because of the greater availability of land for agriculture at En Gedi, it is the best spring by which to settle.



Josephus praised En Gedi for its palm trees and balsam, and the writer of Ecclesiasticus spoke of wisdom that was exalted like a palm tree in En Gedi" (24:14). One day, the prophet Ezekiel predicted, fishermen would line the shores of the Dead Sea by En Gedi (47:10).






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I'm registering a protest vote against naming girls Ari. There are enough good girl names already; please leave the boy names alone! ;)

Well, I know one teen whose parents named her Ariel and her nickname is Ari. Most likely due to the Disney movie, The Little Mermaid. Or Ariel Sharon, who knows? :D


P.S. Another variation of Ariel is Arielle -- much more feminine!

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Well, I know one teen whose parents named her Ariel and her nickname is Ari. Most likely due to the Disney movie, The Little Mermaid. Or Ariel Sharon, who knows? :D


Yeah, I've run into girl Aris more than once (mostly Ariannas, though, I think); I just don't like it! Same with girls named August. Once a name starts to be used for girls, it usually becomes an almost exclusively girl name in pretty short order.

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I've known several. I always chalked it up to the fact that I'm in New England, and I think of "Dorcas" as an old, Puritanical, New England-type name. I also know someone in our dog club who formed some sort of a non-profit relief organization called "Dorcas' Aprons" or somesuch. I don't know much about it, other than the name, which always grates on me. ;)


I have a bichon who at this moment is rolling on the floor trying to lick her own ears. I might just rename her Dorcas. :D

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I'm sorry, but I always picture a "Dorcas" as a frumpy, slovenly, middle-aged woman. It's one of those "Bertha" names, KWIM?


I like Hadassah, Jemima, Johanna, Judith, Kezia, Leah, Lydia, Naomi, Rachel, Ruth, Sapphira, Sela, Shoshannah, Tabitha, and Zillah.


I knew a Dorcas once. She brought great shame to her family and others by her less-than-honorable-behavior. I won't go into more detail here, but suffice it to say, I wouldn't name my dog Dorcas.


I forgot to add my name suggestions:




Dina (pronounced Deena)


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It doesn't fit your criteria, but I wanted to chime in.


I loved the name Jael (Ya'el), and would have wanted to name one of my children that if it had gone well with our last name.


I just love her story. :)




Oh, but my personal favorite of your top 6 is Lydia. I think it's just an elegant and classy sounding name. I know several Lydias, but I don't think it's overused.

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Hmm... I still like Dorcas :tongue_smilie:But I always pronounced it like Dor-cas, so I didn't have that association with it. Good to read many people DO have that, so it's only suitable as a middle name.


Oholivamah Dorcas Terwilliger.




Bill (who is obviously having a hard time letting it go :D)

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