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Share your laugh for the week here...outta the mouths of babes

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So dd was ready to grab her literature for this week and asked me if I'd seen her book about "that stinky wolf". "What?" I say...not clear on which book she was talking about exactly. "You know," she continued. "That book about B.O. Wolf. The stinky one!"








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I told DS we were going to the library and I needed him to listen to mommy and not pull the books off of shelves. Then I asked him, "Are you going to listen to mommy at the library and keep your hands to yourself if she tells you to?"

He gave me the biggest smile with his eyes just sparkling and he was clearly just a happy guy and said, "Nooooo."


He hasn't been to the library in a few months and he ended up doing just fine and got very excited to see all the books he could reach. He only pulled one to the floor though!

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My ds12 was getting sugar for his cereal and noticed a couple ants had gotten in (we have major ant problems here. ugh). The following conversation ensued:


ds12: Mom, there are ants in the sugar!

Mom: Really? I sure hope there weren't any in there last night when we made chocolate chip cookies!

ds12: (deer in headlights look b/c we had EATEN those cookies) WHAT? Oh well. At least they were cooked.

Mom: So baked ants are better than raw ants?

ds12: Yeah!

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The six of us were sitting at the table eating dinner. My two year old asked to be excused. I told him that he needed to take a few bites of chicken first. He immediately grabbed the sides of his booster and exclaimed, "Brothers, it's a trap! It's a trap I say! Run! Run for your lives."


We all busted out laughing and I have no idea if he ever ate the chicken.

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My dd3 has been sick for a few days now with fever and congestion. Last night she came to stand by me at the dinner table after she finished eating. Well, picking, she didn't eat much. She was being snuggly and huggy.


Yep, then she vomited all over me and my lap. After the initial shock we tried to be calm and cool but then she says, "Oh, cool. I don't feel sick any more. I need more chips please."

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Glad to see others posting things from their olders! Here's mine:


This morning, we got a rare Alabama snowfall. After the kids came inside, my ds14 came out with his Bible:


Ds: "Mom, listen to this! Proverbs 31:21 says "she is not afraid of snow for her household. . . "


Me: "Yeah. . . . . . "


Ds: "Well, that means that I need to find a wife who's not afraid of snow. Where'm I going to find one of those down HERE?"



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So dd was ready to grab her literature for this week and asked me if I'd seen her book about "that stinky wolf". "What?" I say...not clear on which book she was talking about exactly. "You know," she continued. "That book about B.O. Wolf. The stinky one!"








:lol::lol::lol::lol: Love it!

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Glad to see others posting things from their olders! Here's mine:


This morning, we got a rare Alabama snowfall. After the kids came inside, my ds14 came out with his Bible:


Ds: "Mom, listen to this! Proverbs 31:21 says "she is not afraid of snow for her household. . . "


Me: "Yeah. . . . . . "


Ds: "Well, that means that I need to find a wife who's not afraid of snow. Where'm I going to find one of those down HERE?"




:lol::lol::lol:That is so awesome! I know what you mean being a lifelong southerner myself.

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We have been listening to the Westminster Shorter Catechism on CD. Some wonderful lady set them all to music making it quite easy and painless to learn. For the past week every time we get in the car my 3yo screams out that she wants to listen to "The Cheese End of Man."













...instead of the chief end of man.

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So my 5 yo son and 3 yo daughter are fighting over who is going to sit on the stool. :boxing_smiley:


I say, "Son, are you acting like a gentleman?"


He says, "Actually the question is, Is she acting like a lady? I don't have to be a gentleman for just a girl."




And then he says, "Yesterday while we were in the car I acted like a gentleman to her. But you were too busy driving to see it."


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Well my newly 8 year old struggles with reading. We have been making progress recently so I ordered some CLE LA light units. I was showing them to my son and asking him if he thought they looked like something he could do now that he is starting to read. I was surprised when he told me " I think I would have an easier time building a time machine than doing those pages." :)



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The last time we had snow, there was about 6 inches. the kids had a blast. But this morning there was only a dusting....My youngest, 4, wakes up, looks out the window and say, "Man it snowed again!! But there isn't even enough to make a snow ball!!!! That's not fair?? Why would it do that to me?! I love snow, what a tease!!!" I told him I was sorry, but I was glad it didn't snow like the last time, he told me I wasn't right!! LOL! I told him he was probably right! :)

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I have more than one :)


14DSS: I am so glad that Uncle is safe from missiles in Iraq.

Me: How is he safe from missiles?

DS (with a "how stupid are you" look): You know. The big, dome forcefield that protects him.

Me (while trying not to laugh at him): Where in the world did you hear that from?

(Meanwhile I notice that my 10 yo twins are literally falling off their chairs laughing in the kitchen.)

DS: The twins said that his base has a forcefield, you know like in Star Wars.

Me: Umm no honey. They don't have forcefields in real life.


DS10: I have 20/20 hearing Mama, that means its really good and I can hear the lowest sound at the doctors. (BTW he doesn't even have 20/20 eyesight lol)


Me: What did you do at church today?

DS10:We sang "Sing, Sing, Sing" and a song that was unknown.

Me: Unknown to who? The composer was unknown?

DS10: No Mama, unknown to me.


Sorry so many! Obviously I think my own kids are adorable lol

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I was explaining to DS (4.5 years) old something about responsibility, and how as he gets older, the more things he can take care of by himself.


He turns to me and says, "And Sara doesn't need to do anything because she's an infinity".


Me: Excuse me?


DS: An infinity.. how do you say it.. she's a baby.


Me (Smiling): Oh, you mean an infant!

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Dd5 is in her regular quiet time right now. She just hollered at me to come & take AWAY the ABC Bunny, because she couldn't read the words. I told her to just put it down & she could bring it out when quiet time was done. She responded that the book was "hurting my feelings" just by being in the same room when she couldn't read it. Even out of sight in her room wasn't good enough for such an offensive book. :lol::lol: Now I know why she refused to read for 6 months when she hit a post-CVC wall, lol.

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my 4 1/2 year old just a few days ago came into the kitchen and announced that his leg was telling him to watch a pg-13 movie with blood in it. i told him to tell his leg that he would get in trouble along with the rest of his body if he did that. he then proceeded to yell at his leg and said "leg-you're going to get me in trouble if we watcha pg 13 movie with blood" he then informed me that his leg was fine now and didn't want to watch a pg 13 movie with blood anymore and walked away...


apparently that pg 13 movie part with blood was very important!!



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DH and I were snuggling with our youngest for awhile this morning. This was our conversation:


DH: Who do you look like--Daddy or Mommy?

DS: Not Daddy or Mommy, I look like me!

Me: You look like me? (joking, point to self)

DS: No, I look like myself!

Me: Do you look similar to Daddy or Mommy? (since he is learning the difference between identical and similar)

DS: No! We have different colored fur!

DH: What fur? (thinking he is talking about hair color)

DS: You know, this fur (points to his arm)

DH: Oh, you mean skin!

Me: Animals have fur, people have skin :D

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Dd10 is recovering from a cold. It's been going on for about a week but Monday and Tuesday was the worst of it. On Wednesday, dd16 woke up with it and dd10 was on the upswing. I called my mom and the conversation went something like this...


Me: A has had a cold and S woke up with it this morning and is feeling horrible.

Granny: Is A feeling better?

Me: Yes, A is feeling better. But S is miserable.

A (piping up indignantly from her spot on the floor): I am NOT feeling better!!!!


Dd16 had a sick day yesterday and today, whereas Dd10 was able to do some work this week. The 16yo told me that when I went to the grocery store this afternoon that the 10yo was going on about what a horrible day it was and how "she" didn't get a sick day today and "she" was still sick. The ironic part is that dd10 didn't do any school today at all. I guess that didn't count since it wasn't an "official" sick day. :001_rolleyes: The 16 yo said it was the principal of the thing :lol:

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When my girls were learning the first books of the Bible, one would say:

"Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Dude-erific..."


My other said:

"Mike, Judges, Ruth"


DH had taught them: "Dude, Joshua judges Ruth!" to memorize it, and apparently their aunt's BILs (Josh and Mike) got mixed up in their heads. :D

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So my 5 yo son and 3 yo daughter are fighting over who is going to sit on the stool. :boxing_smiley:


I say, "Son, are you acting like a gentleman?"


He says, "Actually the question is, Is she acting like a lady? I don't have to be a gentleman for just a girl."




And then he says, "Yesterday while we were in the car I acted like a gentleman to her. But you were too busy driving to see it."



ROFL!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


What a knee slapper! LOVE IT!!!!!




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Well, if you'll allow me... I'll share what my dd's fiancee just shared that has me laughing until I am crying... (you'll know just what dd, too!)


I hear my newborn grandson crying and crying and crying. I almost get up to go see if I can help. I make myself not go, to let her handle it. It gets quiet.


And in comes baby's dad. He stands near the edge of the couch, slowly shaking his head side to side and I ask if everything is okay.


He says, "Yeah... I was just changing the baby. And just as I get him cleaned and start to roll up the dirty diaper, he starts to pee. So, I remember what the nurse told me and I took a wipe and held it over his ----- and reached for another wipe and then just as I am taking the dirty diaper away, he begins to poop!"


The look on his face as he is telling the story makes it all the much funnier. Welcome to parenthood!!

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The look on his face as he is telling the story makes it all the much funnier. Welcome to parenthood!!


:lol::lol::lol: Me thinks "the look" was something akin to shell shock. :D


My husband said something funny tonight. He went on FB to check his page after not having checked it for several days and there was nothing new on his wall. Dh turns to me and says, "I hate Facebook! Everybody is so self-absorbed! Why don't they post something on MY wall?" :lol: :lol: I started laughing at his lament and he looked and me and said, "what? What's so funny?" I just smiled and said, "you are dear." :D

Edited by Ibbygirl
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My almost 2yo is going through a major growth spurt (she just went from 2t to 3t clothes in 2 weeks) and is nursing constantly. I was really touched out last night and must have looked it because my DD4 came over to me, looked me straight in the eyes, and said, "don't worry, Mommy, when I grow up I will nurse Pookie so you don't always have to." I almost broke down in tears because 1) it was so sweet, and 2) I'm fairly sure, if she has her way, DD1 will still be nursing when DD4 is a grown up and I may have to take her up on the offer.

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