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Question From A Dad

Guest Englishman

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Guest Englishman

Hi All,


My wife has just been complaining that I am far too soft with our daughter. She said she is fed up always having to play the bad guy. I know a few of her friends feel the same way and think daughters can wrap dads round their little finger. Does that ring true with your family? Are all dads easy on daughters? Maybe its just a UK thing!






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nope. my dh is harder on my kids than I am. I have to step up to be fair, since noone wants to be the bad guy all the time. I don;'t think it is good for kids to think of one parent all the time as the "heavy" and to think the other is a pushover.


I keep in mind that the way I relate to my kids will influence the way they interact with their spouses as well.

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I wouldn't say my girls have their dad wrapped around their finger.


But he is definitely easier and softer on them than the boys.


I tend to pull him aside and point it out bc he really is oblivious to it.


But if I say something, he usually stops or at least tries to back me up.

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My dh is a softie. It is a source of friction for us because I do feel I have to be the bad guy all of the time.... and I am not a strong personality. My dad was very strict. You definitely don't want that. I truly feared him. But I do know your wife would greatly appreciate help and/or input with the discipline of your daughter. I watched dh's uncle, who is soft spoken like dh, discipline one of his granddaughters. He never raised his voice but definitely meant the command he was giving, she looked up and listened. He had taken the time necessary to establish his authority and it didn't violate his kind temperament either. And it didn't hurt their relationship.

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Dh melts when his girls turn on the waterworks, whereas I'm mostly unfazed by them (well, my 8 y.o. can still get some sympathy from me.)


So, yes, dh is definitely softer on the girls than the boys in our family.



it;s funny. my dh gets annoyed by tears, even with me. He feels a woman is attempting to manipulate by tears. (sometimes this is true) He tells them to "stop that silly blubbering and discuss this intelligently." :)

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Does that ring true with your family? Are all dads easy on daughters?



Having six daughters, I think it IS a personality thing... DH is pretty soft ;), but he also knows when to support me. It would really be hard to have my other half always dump being the responsible parent on me. :( It would mean less opportunities to enjoy my kids and some pretty hard feelings towards him... Especially if he shrugged it off as it just being a "dad/daughter" thing.


I'm too soft on the two oldest DD & oldest DS - but let's face it, they're awesome. :D

DH is WAY too soft on Sarah (2) and Tim (5)!


He says I'm MUCH too soft on DD (15) and I spoil the baby. :)

I KNOW he's too soft on my nemesis - Tim.


Truth? Tim & DH are just a great match. And DD & I have personalities that mesh together. Plus, I'm home all day to see how much the big kids do in terms of juggling chores, schoolwork, etc., so I absolutely let them slack at night and on weekends. DH misses most of what his "darling" DS does to aggravate the family dynamic all day long so he has more patience in the evening for him than I do!

Edited by BlsdMama
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It's true in this house. My husband treats our daughter like she's made of spun sugar and is harder on our son. I know my daughter better than he does, or perhaps I should say I see her more clearly. I know if she's being manipulative, for instance, when he does not. I don't let her get away with anything. Yes, it does often feel like good cop/bad cop. Of course, dh would tell you I'm far too easy on our son. Maybe, but after all he is my baby boy. ;)

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DH isn't hard on our older kids. at. all.. In fact, he won't even ask the kids to do a basic chore......even if it is one of their assigned chores. LOL The only have about 2hours per week of chores, so it isn't much.


I think his parents were overly harsh on chores when he was growing up, so he is rebelling against that..... a wee bit late LOL




My girls definitely don't have him wrapped around their finger. They don't ask for much, so there isn't really anything to spoil them with.

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Hi All,


My wife has just been complaining that I am far too soft with our daughter. She said she is fed up always having to play the bad guy. I know a few of her friends feel the same way and think daughters can wrap dads round their little finger. Does that ring true with your family? Are all dads easy on daughters? Maybe its just a UK thing!







Maybe. I wrapped my dad around my finger growing up, and that did make it very hard on my mom. I wish I wouldn't have done that now, of course. :glare:


With my dd I guess my dh really does make her tow the mark. Sometimes more, sometimes less than I would like.


BTW, I have a very good friend from England....they homeschool and live in our neighborhood just around the block. They have 2 boys aged 15 and almost 12. She told me today, in essence, that her younger son has her wrapped around his finger. FWIW! :confused:


Sheryl <><

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I only have boys, but their dad's instinct is to be softer with them than I would be. He normally follows my rules, as I'm the more full-time parent. He sometimes suggests a softer way though, and I usually go along with him when he does - he is very loyal to my decisions in general, so I listen to him if he suggests another way.



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My dad is pretty soft on me unless it has to do with boys. I cannot date until I am 18, but my mom steps in on that a little, but all in all he is soft on me. My mom says it's because I am the first-born daughter, but he is soft on all my sisters and harder on the boys.


If he wants to be hard on us, he can be.

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