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If you could have been a teen-woman in any time period, which would it be??

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For me, the 50's!! I would have loved to been 15-16 in the 50's. Starting out my teens and dating with big puffy skirts, cute pony tails and sweaters. The cars, the music, the innocence... :blush: Found a nice, solid 50's guy that still had morals and respect. Raised my kids in a home where fathers were more then an accessory pillow in front of a TV or computer :glare: Complete with apron, and dress :D

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The freedom my teens have to be themselves is awesome.

I think most people today still have morals and respect, and I think fathers are generally more involved now than they were in the 50s, from what I can see. In the 50s men didnt attend their children's births, didnt change nappies, and didnt do much childcare. Gender roles were much more rigid.

I know many people like to hark back to previous times but I honestly think things are far better now- especially for women.


For me though, if I was to pick a time, I would have liked to have been a flower power child in the 60s :) I told me mum when I was a teenager that I was born a generation too late- I really should have been a hippy.

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I don't know, I quite enjoyed being a teen in the late 80's! :D

Ditto with the 80's... I rocked those years as a young adult with a wild pouffy Aqua Net do. Can't do that in the 1500s or 1913. LOL ;) Plus, what would I do without TV and a microwave? God help me. Heheheee.

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I don't know, I quite enjoyed being a teen in the late 80's! :D


Amen. Class of '88. Decade of decadence. Big hair, eye shadow, lip gloss, and shoulder pads. Best movies and music of ALL TIME. All the fun we had before the world found out that fun could kill you. What a bummer the 90s were after that.


Here's one for you... I did my student teaching at a high school in 1993. I remember being absolutely MORTIFIED and how AWFUL the kids looked. It was the "pearl-jam-grunge" era. They all looked filthy and homeless (and this was in an upscale neighborhood). It was cool to look grubby back then. It was such a shock to me since when we were in high school we got up early to have enough time to curl, rat and hair spray our hair and put on all our make-up. School was a fashion show for us! :lol:

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The freedom my teens have to be themselves is awesome.

I think most people today still have morals and respect, and I think fathers are generally more involved now than they were in the 50s, from what I can see. In the 50s men didnt attend their children's births, didnt change nappies, and didnt do much childcare. Gender roles were much more rigid.

I know many people like to hark back to previous times but I honestly think things are far better now- especially for women.


I completely agree with this.


I was definitely a non-conformist teen. I think it would have been hard for me in the 50's when conformity was so important.


I would have liked to grow up off the beaten track at any time in history, though- American Frontier or Native American in my tribe. Would have been a difficult life, but it wouldn't have been boring!

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Amen. Class of '88. Decade of decadence. Big hair, eye shadow, lip gloss, and shoulder pads. Best movies and music of ALL TIME. All the fun we had before the world found out that fun could kill you. What a bummer the 90s were after that.


Here's one for you... I did my student teaching at a high school in 1993. I remember being absolutely MORTIFIED and how AWFUL the kids looked. It was the "pearl-jam-grunge" era. They all looked filthy and homeless (and this was in an upscale neighborhood). It was cool to look grubby back then. It was such a shock to me since when we were in high school we got up early to have enough time to curl, rat and hair spray our hair and put on all our make-up. School was a fashion show for us! :lol:



LOL. Not me! I was also class of 88, and I was totally into new wave and black clothes... Siouxsie and the Banshees...Bauhaus. I would have died to be seen in shoulder pads:lol:



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My mom and dad were teenagers in the 50s, definitely not what their life was like. My mom had to work and live on her own for the last two years of high school, because she grew up in the country and her parents basically told her if you want to finish school you have to find your own way to do it. So she had to move to town. No, Beaver Cleaver there.


It's like saying everyone who grew up in the 80s lived like Footloose, although I would pick the 80s (1985 graduate). We did have a few Footloose type moments.


I think there are ideals of every generation that are appealing, but when you get through the ideal there was good and bad. I think pioneer times had to be beautiful, wagon trains rolling west, untouched lands. But that's the romantic part. :lol:


I would have loved to live during the times when there were real knights and maidens and castle life was the norm. Although I'd probably have ended up as a serf plowing through the mud.


Way more info that you wanted, I'm sure. So I'll just go with the 80s and keep my totally awesome(!) memories.

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Here's one for you... I did my student teaching at a high school in 1993. I remember being absolutely MORTIFIED and how AWFUL the kids looked. It was the "pearl-jam-grunge" era. They all looked filthy and homeless (and this was in an upscale neighborhood). It was cool to look grubby back then. It was such a shock to me since when we were in high school we got up early to have enough time to curl, rat and hair spray our hair and put on all our make-up. School was a fashion show for us! :lol:


This made me smile. I was class of '94. I definitely did follow this fashion trend, but I do remember finding it funny sometimes. I remember watching my girlfriends finish "getting ready" to go somewhere: obsessively tying and retying the flannel around their waist to get it to look just right. "Just right" was, of course, looking like they didn't care. It was all about who had the "perfect" thrift store flannel. Brand new store bought just wasn't legit. The holes and strings in your jeans had to be just right, too. We all cared very much about not looking like we cared. I'm sure it wasn't apparent, but there was method to the madness! My sister (class of '83) used to joke that youth always looks good; only the very young could get away with making themselves look so bad.


Whenever I try to place myself in a different time period I start thinking of the other things I would be giving up. Freedom of expression, antibiotics, indoor plumbing, etc. When I was younger, I thought the 60's would be fun, but not when I consider how much worse race relations were then. Also, my parents were hippies and in talking to my mom, all that free love and open-mindedness could easily work against you. Because of course, you HAD to have an open mind about EVERYTHING, which was at times very STIFLING. What if you go to a love in, and you don't wanna with the person making advances? What about when you decide you don't want an open marriage anymore? Within that culture, you are the odd duck, and what is wrong with you?


I always end up over-thinking it. I don't know what other time period I would choose.

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I always end up over-thinking it. I don't know what other time period I would choose.


LOL This is me. I don't know what period I would choose either. I think every period has its pros and cons. The pros may look great and I think *maybe* but then the cons are :eek: :svengo: :ack2: or :mad:


I was born in 1971 and my parents were kinda sorta hippies and I just remember how strange it was for me as a child. I have these memories of vivid colors and strange images that just didn't make any sense to me. I did love (and still do love) the music however. To me personally the best era in music was 70's rock, but that's just me. :D The rampant drug use/abuse was awful though. It seemed like it was everywhere when I was a kid and the wreckage that it caused was truly frightening.

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I have always wanted to be Indianette Jones, so I guess to be a young adult in the '40s, I'd have to be a teen in the '30s. Tough times. But to be a part of the Greatest Generation? To possibly be in on exciting discoveries, or to perhaps serve my country as a WAC or the like? To raise my own children in the '50s? Yeah, that's what I'd choose.

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I would have loved to live during the times when there were real knights and maidens and castle life was the norm.


This! :D


With the Victorian age running a close second. :)


Okay where are the other people who would pick something not in this last century?? I keep seeing 80s, 50s, 60s... a few 20/30s....



come on... ANY TIME PERIOD....and you're choosing six cans of hairspray, blue eyeshadow, and stirrup pants? :p

Edited by LidiyaDawn
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Okay where are the other people who would pick something not in this last century?? I keep seeing 80s, 50s, 60s... a few 20/30s....



come on... ANY TIME PERIOD....and you're choosing six cans of hairspray, blue eyeshadow, and stirrup pants? :p


Could have something to do with indoor plumbing.:001_smile:

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I have these memories of vivid colors and strange images that just didn't make any sense to me.


That made me chuckle, even though I understand it maybe wasn't meant to.

I could share stories I've heard from my older sister, certainly not all good... but I don't have any business posting her stories online.


Maybe if I had to pick an era, it would be the 20's. Girls cutting their hair short (the audacity!) and all that. If I had really awesome breasts, I'd have to pick the Minoans.

Edited by Flux
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That made me chuckle, even though I understand it maybe wasn't meant to.


LOL No, it was what it was. I can't say it was good or bad. My young mind just kind of struggled to make sense of it is all. The psychadelic colors, body painting and the dark tans and nude colored lipsticks. :confused: Compared to myself who didn't wear any of that because I was just a child it just all kind of seemed strange and maybe a little mystic somehow? :confused:

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it just all kind of seemed strange and maybe a little mystic somehow? :confused:


You were just raised with a touch of Waldorf;)


Disclaimer: And with that, I run away to go annoy the kids. I do not mean to offend any Waldorf lovers. I like some things about Waldorf, too. Ooh, my sense of humor must be getting out of line. I've had too much coffee this morning!

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You were just raised with a touch of Waldorf;)


Disclaimer: And with that, I run away to go annoy the kids. I do not mean to offend any Waldorf lovers. I like some things about Waldorf, too. Ooh, my sense of humor must be getting out of line. I've had too much coffee this morning!


Ay, I'm ignorant. You'll have to explain the Waldorf reference to me. :D hehe

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The 80s, no question! I was born in 1980, so I saw my older cousins doing the acid-washed denim, big hair thing and I wanted in so badly! To have stood front row at a Bon Jovi concert and seen them rocking out in all of their hairy-chested glory...it's the stuff my dreams are made of! *Sigh*




Those were the days. Me in my acid wash or two tone jeans, a Motley Crue or Bon Jovi teeshirt, my blue eyeshadow and big hair courtesy of my industrial sized bottle of Aqua Net, my two different colored pair of "slouch socks" (one of which had to match my shirt color and the other of which was probably black or white), calling my friend (via the phone attached to the wall with a cord of course) to see if she wanted to go to the roller rink where we'd beg the DJ to play "Jump" and we meant by Van Halen but he'd be a wise*** and play the Pointer Sisters instead and we'd all groan and we'd get our slurpees and buy garbage pail kid stickers out of the vending machines when we got tired of roller skating and we'd ogle the long haired boys in their tight jeans...Friday night videos on MTV.... I could go on and on. I wouldn't have changed it for the world haha.

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Those were the days. Me in my acid wash or two tone jeans, a Motley Crue or Bon Jovi teeshirt, my blue eyeshadow and big hair courtesy of my industrial sized bottle of Aqua Net, my two different colored pair of "slouch socks" (one of which had to match my shirt color and the other of which was probably black or white), calling my friend (via the phone attached to the wall with a cord of course) to see if she wanted to go to the roller rink where we'd beg the DJ to play "Jump" and we meant by Van Halen but he'd be a wise*** and play the Pointer Sisters instead and we'd all groan and we'd get our slurpees and buy garbage pail kid stickers out of the vending machines when we got tired of roller skating and we'd ogle the long haired boys in their tight jeans...Friday night videos on MTV.... I could go on and on. I wouldn't have changed it for the world haha.


I believe I just experienced my first ever flashback. Wow! Did we go to school together or was it just the 80's? :)

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LOL. Not me! I was also class of 88, and I was totally into new wave and black clothes... Siouxsie and the Banshees...Bauhaus. I would have died to be seen in shoulder pads:lol:



I remember the guy in our class of '86 who wore the Bauhaus t-shirt (the one with the Dr. Caligari scene on it) and listened to new wave. He ended up as a corporate lawyer. :D


To answer the OP question: Alexandrian Egypt. Specifically, Cleopatra.

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What if you go to a love in, and you don't wanna with the person making advances? What about when you decide you don't want an open marriage anymore? Within that culture, you are the odd duck, and what is wrong with you?


Wow, what a thought? Yeah, I couldn't have any of that kinky stuff... LOL


I was Class of `92 :hurray: I guess I left just before grunge became cool. Cause all I remember were big sweaters, pegged jeans, stirrup pants and looooong sweaters, tucked tees and rolled sleeves, tight jeans, big belts, off the shoulder shirts, cardigans and turtlenecks, short skirts, ruffled skirts, strapless dresses with the sweetheart necklines, and denim- denim jackets, skirts... you name it.


I LOVED the 80's!! I graduated 8th grade in `88 to Forever Young by Alphaville. But because already did that thing, I think it would be neat to see how another generation did it, ya know??


My husband was a true 80's generation. he graduated in '86 or '87. This year for Valentines I asked him to make me a mix-CD of songs he would have put on a tape for me "back in the day"... it'll be interesting to see what he picks ;)

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Funny story for all you Aqua Net fans.


One day I was getting ready for work. Got out of the shower, blow-dried my hair (straight up into the air, y'know, it was 1985), grabbed the hair spray can and lacquered it on. Brushed my teeth, looked in the mirror, hair fallen, reapply spray.


Go get dressed. Come back to apply makeup. Hair fallen. Apply additional hair spray.


Blue shadow complete. Hair, fallen again. I should be helmet head by now, what's up?!! Say a few choice words, as I am late for work. Spray spray spray spray spray. Cuss cuss cuss. Hair falling, falling, falling...


I look over at the end of the counter, where I see, sitting undisturbed, my huge spray can of Aqua Net. Look at the can in my hand....




Lysol. Some new spring air fragrance brought into the house by my roommate. Good thing she wasn't home at that moment. She would never have seen graduation day.


I was definitely late for work.

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Funny story for all you Aqua Net fans.


One day I was getting ready for work. Got out of the shower, blow-dried my hair (straight up into the air, y'know, it was 1985), grabbed the hair spray can and lacquered it on. Brushed my teeth, looked in the mirror, hair fallen, reapply spray.


Go get dressed. Come back to apply makeup. Hair fallen. Apply additional hair spray.


Blue shadow complete. Hair, fallen again. I should be helmet head by now, what's up?!! Say a few choice words, as I am late for work. Spray spray spray spray spray. Cuss cuss cuss. Hair falling, falling, falling...


I look over at the end of the counter, where I see, sitting undisturbed, my huge spray can of Aqua Net. Look at the can in my hand....




Lysol. Some new spring air fragrance brought into the house by my roommate. Good thing she wasn't home at that moment. She would never have seen graduation day.


I was definitely late for work.


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