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Life is changing BIG time---do I need any more stress?

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In the past 2 weeks we have had some major things happen.


1. My best friend tells me that she is moving to Alaska---way up in the actric circle in Barrow. Not an easy commute from Michigan.


2. My 15dd has yet another seizure/spell and loses some of her speech fluency and cognitive functioning. Heading to Detroit Monday for a specialist to see if we can figure this out at all.


3. Dh has a heart attack Saturday monring and had 2 stents put in. He is also now on a special diet and 2 forms of insulin each day.


4. The day we came home from the hospital with dh we got a call from MDOT that they are coming next month to meet with us about our house and then in May we will have an offer and 90 days to move so they can put a new highway here.


5. Along with this, my fil fell and broke his hip last Thursday and needed surgery and today transferred to a nursing home/rehab facility for 1-2 weeks.


I told my husband that Sunday afternoon I WAS taking a nap, a VERY long nap. Yesterday I took 1 hour out for myself to go to a water aerobics class at the Y and came out to 5 missed calls on the cell phone and 4 messages........

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Oh wow, that is too much! It sounds like you've got a handle on everything but wow. You're in my prayers! And about the house...be sure you know your rights. :grouphug: And couldn't your friend wait 6 months to move? This isn't the best time of year in Barrow.

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what a very tough time. i'm glad you are remembering to try to keep yourself sane and take some time for you.



sending virtual tea and chocolate.


(stressed is desserts spelled backwards. coincidence? i think not!)




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Oh wow, that is too much! It sounds like you've got a handle on everything but wow. You're in my prayers! And about the house...be sure you know your rights. :grouphug: And couldn't your friend wait 6 months to move? This isn't the best time of year in Barrow.


She actually was going to wait until September to move but decided to move Feb. 17. Her husband works up there and she has been here for the past 4 years. Now that their daughter is out of highschool and maturing, she wants to be back up there with her husband full time. They were missionaries in Wainwright Alaska--about 80 miles from Barrow--for 15 years so she well knows what she is getting into.


Now I just need to save my sheckles for a plane ticket for me to Anchorage or Fairbanks and here from Barrow there to meet me:D Little far for a road trip though:auto:

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She actually was going to wait until September to move but decided to move Feb. 17. Her husband works up there and she has been here for the past 4 years. Now that their daughter is out of highschool and maturing, she wants to be back up there with her husband full time. They were missionaries in Wainwright Alaska--about 80 miles from Barrow--for 15 years so she well knows what she is getting into.


Now I just need to save my sheckles for a plane ticket for me to Anchorage or Fairbanks and here from Barrow there to meet me:D Little far for a road trip though:auto:


Just remember that there are old bush pilots and bold bush pilots but no old, bold bush pilots. :lol:

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In the past 2 weeks we have had some major things happen.


1. My best friend tells me that she is moving to Alaska---way up in the actric circle in Barrow. Not an easy commute from Michigan.


2. My 15dd has yet another seizure/spell and loses some of her speech fluency and cognitive functioning. Heading to Detroit Monday for a specialist to see if we can figure this out at all.


3. Dh has a heart attack Saturday monring and had 2 stents put in. He is also now on a special diet and 2 forms of insulin each day.


4. The day we came home from the hospital with dh we got a call from MDOT that they are coming next month to meet with us about our house and then in May we will have an offer and 90 days to move so they can put a new highway here.


5. Along with this, my fil fell and broke his hip last Thursday and needed surgery and today transferred to a nursing home/rehab facility for 1-2 weeks.


I told my husband that Sunday afternoon I WAS taking a nap, a VERY long nap. Yesterday I took 1 hour out for myself to go to a water aerobics class at the Y and came out to 5 missed calls on the cell phone and 4 messages........



I am praying for you and your family. I am sorry things are so rough. I can really relate. You are not alone



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That's so much to deal with. I've been feeling so stressed this week. We got a ton of snow yesterday, my DD 4's sensory issues are on OVERLOAD right now, my house was full all day of heating/AC people who can't figure out what's wrong with our geothermal system and spent the day carrying out large garbage bags of insulation,:001_huh:, tonight I went to my Lightroom class, and when I turned on my computer, all of my folders were gone. They're still on my hard drive, but gone from Lightroom.


Your stress is WAY bigger than mine. Take care of yourself.:grouphug:

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Holy cow! I can't believe you're so chipper about it!


I don't know if I am so chipper or not. I was really disappointed last week when I couldn't go get the horse that I am really wanting to buy. That worked out well though as I dont' think I could handle a new horse, lots of snow and then all of this.


I still plan on getting a new horse in March though which will really help my stress level. I enjoy my time in the barn and with the horses.


Don't worry, I have crashed and cried with my friend and then you just go on. Given that my friend has her phone, cell phone, texting, and internet it won't be as bad as it could be. She will also be coming back to Michigan every 6-8 weeks for a visit.

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The rest of the year has got to be uphill from here, right?


I hope so. On the way home from cardiac rehab today my dash went out partially in the mini van. I had no speedometer, only 1/2 of the odemeter reading, no gas gauge and my shift indicator didn't work. Not sure what that all means, but likely not the best news. Thankfully we have another vehicle I can drive---am older gas guzzling suburban, but at least a vehicle.

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Just a quick update.


Dh is doing VERY VERY well right now. His blood sugars while still not ideal, are the best they have been since we went in to the hospital---and likely the best they have been in years. He is still adjusting to having to check his sugars 3-4 times a day and give himself 5 shots but he is doing well. The blood sugar thing is a bigger issue than the heart right now.


He starts cardiac rehab on Monday and sees the cardiologist on Tuesday. He will most likely head back to work on Thursday.


My father in law is at a rehab place and that is good. He can gain strength and they will take him back and forth to dialysis.


My friend is still moving but honestly, right now we do most of our communicating through phone calls and texts so we will survive.


We are going 3 1/2 hours to Detroit Children's hospital on Monday to see if that doctor there has any more input on my dd. If not, we will head to Cleveland Clinic.


I looked at one house today and it was a great house but the property while beautiful isnt' quite enough room and set up for our horses. It would also require my kids to change to another district for their special needs programming. I am going to go see 3-4 more houses on Tuesday. So far we are seeing ones that have a nice location OR a nice house OR nice property OR a nice price.......now we just need to get them all in one property.


My van is still running. We are having record cold so dh has not been out to work on it and see what might be wrong. I won't take it on long trips but around here it should be OK for a while.

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UPDATE---dh saw the cardiologist today. He said he has no restrictions can go to work, etc. He started cardiac rehab but the doctor didn't see the need to continue with that but rather dh can just work out at the YMCA on his own. That means no missing work for rehab which is GOOD.


My van ended up with a dead battery but now seems just fine.


Father in Law is gaining strength and walking more and more each day.


Our trip to Detroit was not a great thing----we were gone for 15 1/2 hours to see the doctor for about 15 minutes :-( We had blood work done as well but the doctor was running several HOURS late for the appointment. We also had terrible roads on the way there but made it safely.


The plan is for 15dd to have a PET scan and a DTI MRA (suped up MRI) and 14dd to have a PET scan. That means 1-3 more trips to Detroit (depending on if they can schedule them at the same time). He also mentioned a ketogenic diet for my 15dd but right now that is more than I can handle and there isn't clear human research in that area.


On the housing thing--we saw 2 yesterday. One was great but ended up not having enough land for our horses/barn, etc. If it had, I would have signed on the dotted line. No way to buy more either as it is land locked. THe 2nd house we saw was gorgeous but ended up losing 3 of its 7.5 acres to the highway--and we don't want to be that close.


I will see more houses next Tuesday.

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